#i say “muster the courage to ask” because I'm very socially anxious and worry about being annoying or a burden with a request like that >.<
champion-of-aurene · 1 year
Just did my first ever raid today!! :D Joined a training run with my gf that my guild was running for Wing 1 and it was a ton of fun! My gf enjoyed it as well and said that it was more fun and less rough than the WoW raids she did years ago, which was positive to hear ^^ The story that followed the raid was also pretty interesting and now I'm quite curious to continue it with Wing 2 sometime c:
I've honestly been pretty nervous about trying raiding even though I've been wanting to for quite a while but overall I'd say this was a good first experience! My only real complaints were that it was hard to figure out the right balance between the discord voice chat and the in-game voiced dialogue (I love the dialogue in this game so I wanted to be able to hear it) to be able to hear both of them well enough, and also there were a couple parts between bosses that I felt we went through a bit faster than I would've liked since I was hoping to explore a little more during the run, but I was at least able to explore after the raid and it thankfully felt like it would still make sense story-wise for my character/commander to explore/investigate mostly after the raid rather than only during. I might ask my guild if we can go a little slower during the between boss sections if we do raid training for other wings (if I can muster the courage to ask), but overall my guild was great to run with and I'm really happy I was able to join ^^
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