#i shouldn't be saying these things ive got chores to do
xo8ball · 11 months
what if i was a watermelon and i was in between his thighs. and i got crushed and splattered on the floor.
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pupyuj · 10 months
ive read your yves story and it was amazing oh my god.. i wanted to ask if you could write something similar with chaeyoung? (no gp) <3
assuming this is twice chaeyoung, i think i nailed itjdjfjfnfk thanks for the ask, my brain short-circuited writing this 😭😭😭 btw i didnt know if anon wanted dom chaeyoung or sub so i kinda did what i thought was fitting??? hope thats ok!!!
[cw: smut, stepcest, brat taming, degradation, dom!reader (surprise..), fingering, overstimulation, slapping, spanking, masochism too ig]
i imagine chaeyoung would be like this annoying little sister that's somehow still very endearing that you dote on her and become snobby at her at the same time 😭😭 she's definitely a tease too and is not at all subtle with her interest in you, which becomes a problem when family members are around bcs jesus christ, she's relentless with her affection that is definitely not appropriate for someone that you call your sibling 🫣
at first, it was all just little touches and jokes about dating you if the two of you weren't family,, but then it turns into chaeyoung staring at you like she wants to pounce on you, wearing revealing clothing to rile you up, whispering things to you during family dinners, sitting on your lap not-so-innocently, and then touching you everywhere ... but unfortunately for her, you had better control of your temptations than she thought 😩 .. until you didn't??? 👀
what if you're not the nice and adorable (y/n)-unnie anymore when chaeyoung got soooo jealous of you spending too much with this one pretty friend that you had :(( chaeyoung visiting your room one night with a mission in mind while you're walking back and forth doing some chores, getting increasingly annoyed at her ranting and then she just,, disrespects your friend and you snap??? you tell her to take what she said back, but being the brat that she was, chaeyoung says no and y'know.. the classic brat thing to say, "make me."
being the big sister, you should be teaching her a lesson right??? she shouldn't be talking about your friend in front of you like that,, so you had to do something, right?? maybe sit her down and talk to her normally.. but chaeyoung keeps on talking badly about your friend and any ounce of consideration you had for her just fades away and you just,,, hit her across the face w your palm,, you wanted to apologize as soon as it happened but this fucking girl.. she looked at you in the eye and said, "...can you do that again, unnie?"
and you did, in fact, do it again! but this time chaeyoung's shorts were off and she was bent over your bed, whimpering and moaning every time your hand hits her ass. "apologize. you shouldn't talk about your unnie's friends like that." you said in her ear as you pulled her hair back, preventing her from burying her head on your sheets to muffle her sounds. chaeyoung, the little brat, grins despite the pain in her scalp and she shakes her head, "no. i don't like unnie's friends— aghh...!" she's squirming every time you hit her, desperately trying to ease the growing wetness between her thighs. she wanted you to fuck her already,,
😵‍💫 spanking chaeyoung for what seems like forever bcs she absolutely refused to apologize,, her ass so red and her cheeks stained with tears,,, she's sobbing but she wants more, this was everything she wanted from you and there was no fucking way she was going to let the opportunity pass just like that. you were silent for minutes too long, and chaeyoung thinks you might have left the room,, but then she feels her panties getting pulled down and suddenly, she was full.
you forced your middle and ring fingers inside of her without warning and immediately started pounding her at a rapid pace,,, 😩 chaeyoung not being able to hold anything back anymore and just moans loudly,,, tears starting to fall again bcs it felt so good to be fucked and put in her place by her very own older stepsister 😵‍💫😵‍💫
listening to chaeyoung letting out the dirtiest sounds, and her begging for you to go faster and harder and to make her come,,, so blinded by irritation that you start become a meanie :((
"you must be so fucking happy about this, huh?? getting railed by your unnie, just like you always wanted... you're just a good-for-nothing slut..."
"is this the only way to get you to behave? so be it, then..."
"the fuck are you crying for? this is what you were trying to achieve all this time, right? so fucking enjoy it.. because we'll be doing this until you decide to stop being a pain in the ass and apologize."
you were scaryyy,, but chaeyoung loved it.. your words only turned her on even more :(( her coming with a yelp, and then sobbing bcs you wouldn't stop,,, continuing on fingering her even when she turned into a shaking, babbling mess on your bed,, chaeyoung couldn't count how many orgasms you forced out of her that night, and that fact only made her fall in love with you even more,, nasty nasty girl 🤭
would definitely try to piss you off again <3 and again and again and agai—
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soyatenada · 3 years
hey benie <3
this isn't the most pleasant ask, but ive been going through this for a while. have you ever felt that feeling of the world around you moving so fast, while you're struggling to catch up?
cause ive been feeling somewhat the same. it's like everyone around me have grouped themselves and im left alone. but at the same time i feel i shouldn't be affected by their stuff and continue with mine (?) it's confusing.
don't know why but i also think of this as a time for myself to stop for a while and realize what i want to do and what i want in my life in general. yet again, it feels so lonely at the same time.
hey rubie <3 (sorry this got super long)
i'm sorry you're feeling this way, cause it's super exhausting :( i definitely know the feeling. i find myself sometimes stressing myself out at home, even just doing chores, simply because i feel like i'm behind in life, that i should be growing faster, i should be graduating faster, i should be doing this and that faster, i should be more, sooner. and it's like chasing something i can never catch. most of my friends are engaged or getting married right now, they're going to university, they have their friend groups and they're living their lives and i just feel so left behind, like i'm here, slow and missing out on everything. i bet that's how you feel too. for me, it makes me feel like every day is a loss, and that i didn't achieve enough today. because it feels like everyone around me is moving so much faster than me. but i really try to remember that life was never ever meant to move this fast. but with technological advancements, cultural development, millions of new opportunities... all of that stuff is being pushed on us. it feels like we have to be growing and moving forward at the same speed as the culture. but that's just not humanly possible. you know why our parents and grandparents wear clothes that are totally out of fashion? why they suck at using smartphones? why they don't know what "lmao" means? it's because they couldn't keep up. the world moves too fast. information travels at the speed of light. everything is in constant rapid motion. but we seriously just gotta be grannies, okay? we need to live at our own pace. we can keep up with everything that is necessary for our lives to function, but let's not try to chase what we can't catch. we'll be following behind the world at our own pace, and we'll slowly lag behind, and when we're old, we'll still be living in the past, just like our own grandparents are doing right now. and that's the way it should be. that's how it's been since the beginning of time. technology is just making the world advance faster and faster, which makes our generation feel like we're lagging dangerously far behind. everyone is trying to catch up with the world because they think it's the only way to survive, the only way to gain social credit, the only way to be worth something. but they can never ever reach the goal, because the world never stops moving forward. life is happening right here in this moment. and the only way for you to be happy is if you live your life at the pace where you're comfortable, and if you can accept that you will inevitably turn into a granny :) i'm 21 and i'm already far behind. and you know what, it's my life. i'm comfortable. i like me. i like the things i'm used to. human beings thrive in continuity, familiarity, and safe structure. and that's what i will create for myself. and i don't give a fuck if everyone else around me is running around in their new nike's getting master's degrees and buying mansions, getting married and keeping up with the newest memes and tv shows, if i'm happy knitting blankets and watching my childhood tv shows and writing fiction in my one-room-apartment. it's my god damn life. they'll be the ones breaking down with stress and soon they'll realize that there is no substance in their life, because they only ever invested their energy into fitting into society. i'll be the one fulfilled and content with all the meaningful things and hobbies i love around me. so fuck the social race. i'm done running. and one thing i often remind myself of is: time moves like it always has: 1 second at a time. it's a sequence, not a bomb. it's not happening all at once
i don't know if this was useful for you, but i hope so. please, try to live life on your own terms. it does feel lonely, but i think that's because you're more mature and you've realized some important things about life sooner than your friends have. you'll find your people, i promise. and your friends will one day feel just like you do. you're just early. that says something good about you
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