#i shouldn't have gotten attached when I knew it got canceled
I can’t believe it ended there. 
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bluemoondust · 3 years
Could you do Neijire and Addiction, from the prompt list, please?
Warning(s): Hints of Overstepping Boundaries, Mentions of Suffocating Behavior, Hints of Stalking, Guilt Tripping, Breaking and Entering (nothing extreme, your room door was unlocked), Setting is similar to the dorms in UA but you're all in college
Addiction - “If you want me to beg, then I’ll beg for you.”
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"Hey, hey, (y/n)? Can I come visit your dorm tonight? We can binge watch any series you'd like and eat all the snacks we want!"
Maybe it was just you, but you felt like Nejire was asking to hang out after hours more often. It wasn't something necessarily bad but you figured she had her other friends to partake in these sorts of activities. She just seems to want to spend all her time on you and maybe she has gotten attached to the time you two spent. Besides, it's nice to spend time with her since she is such a cool and peppy person to hang out with. There's never a dull moment when Nejire is around.
Though, lately you've been really busy with studies and such, so your time is mostly spent at the library or behind a computer. It's a lot to deal with but you knew that everything will be beneficial in the end. Still, it was quite exhausting and you hoped Nejire wouldn't be too upset that you would have to cancel plans. You can already picture her pouting before telling you to take care of yourself more. A chuckle escapes you imagining that.
It was a rough day, so your true goal was to head back to your dorm and plop on your bed for some good rest. Nothing else was going to prevent you from doing so as a yawn escaped you. Good thing your dorm wasn't too far away since you didn't have much energy to walk too much today.
Finally reaching your destination, you pulled out your dorm keys to let yourself inside. To your surprise, the door was unlocked. Did you forget to lock it this morning? Probably. You've either been in a rush to arrive to class early or too exhausted to even remember to lock your room door. Man, you really need to get a grip. It's good that the whole place has top notch security...
You let yourself inside and take a deep breath before looking to your bed. It only hitched as you spotted Nejire sitting atop of it, busing herself by humming and patting her knees while looking around. This confused and slightly worried you.
She caught sight of you and smiled brightly. "(y/n)! You're back! I was worried that you might have just went straight for the library!" She bounced off of the bed and made her way to you, grabbing both your hands. "I was thinking we can grab some food together when you came back since I haven't seen you in a while!"
You blinked twice to confirm what was going on before trying to muster up a smile despite how tired and on guard you are. In your thoughts however, you tell yourself that you shouldn't be like this because this is your friend Nejire for crying out loud. There has to be an explanation.
"Um, Nejire? How did you get in my room?"
"Your door was unlocked silly! I only wanted to check up on you, but it seemed that you weren't here so I decided to wait for you!" She swung her hands with yours and she swayed her head from side to side. "It was getting a little lonely..."
The slight shift in her tone made you feel a little guilty. It was not completely your fault for how occupied your time was, but a part of you still felt responsible. "I'm sorry Nejire... Maybe we can try planning something after this all blows over. I'm almost done, I promise!"
"You promise?" Nejire's eyes lit up as you said that. She immediately holds out her pinky finger. "Well, since you promise, let's make it official. Don't break it, okay~?" 
"I'll try."
And you truly did try. Every passing day the guilt just weighed on your shoulders as you remembered what you promised her. Every day she would come by as well, asking if you were free. It got to a point where she just stood right outside of your classroom, waiting for you. Admittedly it made you uneasy on how she even knew where it was; you didn't really give her your schedule or any clue on what classes you had. In some way, you felt like you shouldn't be annoyed by her constant question every single day. Since you did swear to her. But can you blame yourself for wanted her to stop? With how this was going, it seemed like she was eating up your small amounts of free time in between classes. Nejire didn't leave any moment you had alone. She managed to squeeze herself in with ease.
The worst part was, no matter how much you tried to voice this out, she wouldn't listen. Nejire would either changed the subject or flat out ignore your protests. There was no reasoning with her! What had happened? You didn't have a clue on why she would act like this and completely disregard your needs and boundaries. It was time you put a distance between the two of you. This would not be easy, but it was necessary. She needed to see how serious you were.
"Hey, hey. (y/n)? Why have you been ignoring me?"
Nejire had knocked on your door after three weeks of you avoiding her. It gave you time to clear your thoughts and figure out what to tell her should she confront you on the situation. You wouldn't let her in, but you can at least tell her.
"Look Nejire... This isn't easy to say but—"
"You haven't gotten tired of me, have you?"
That certainly took you off guard. You didn't think she'd very say that. "What? No! Of course I w—"
Her voiced wavered slightly, but it was still laced with her bubbly personality, "Then how come you've been avoiding me, huh? Huh? Is it because you broke the pinky promise? You couldn't fulfill it? That's fine! I'll still love you no matter but ghosting me is just cruel!"
Okay, now you just couldn't understand what's up with her. You needed to tell her to go back to her room so she can calm down. Then the two of you can talk this out in the morning. Most of the floor was out for the night, so it was just the two of you here. You let out a sigh; sleep was something you wanted right now.
"I'm not doing this because I hate you or anything... I just— You've gotten... Clingy lately. It was getting bad."
For the first time, Nejire was quite for a while. At first you thought something was wrong since she's always bouncing from topic to topic and always had something to talk about, so this was out of place. However, you then thought maybe she just finally gave up and left to her room. A sigh of relief escapes you, thankful that she got the hint and was thinking rationally about this. You didn't know what you'd do if she continued. Well, yes actually, you did knew. Calling someone for assistance would have been something to do in the situation, but now you're happy you didn't have to. Things would have just got messy.
The sound of your doorknob turning proved that you were wrong to assume she left. The door opened just a bit as you backed away, wondering what Nejire would do.
"If you want me to beg, then I’ll beg for you."
She pushed the door wide open to reveal that smile again. The same one that brought you ease and comfort. Now it was just strained and in pain as she closed in on you. How she even moved that fast was beyond you. Her hands gripped your shoulders; she seemed desperate. "I'll beg if that is what will keep you with me! But I know you won't... Though if you still want me to beg to prove a point, then I'll do it!" She beams in sheer glee.
"I would do anything to have you by my side. Even if it means breaking a few rules!"
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