#i squeal every time he speaks i hic and sniff every time he smiles . . .
epag88 · 7 years
Dragon Treasure Chapter:2
Summary:  Hiccup is just a little seven year old boy running away from his father’s disappointment and meets a new friend hiding in the woods. Stoick is about to learn that one man’s burden is another man’s treasure.
The Night Fury tried approaching the tiny child but the human seemed to press itself more so into the rock face as tears continued to stream down its face. He had no idea how he was going to console the human when he could not speak to it, hatchlings in general were something very foreign to him. He was always the youngest among dragons on top of being the only hatchling to come out of its egg. He would never know why his brothers and sisters didn't hatch but he would always remember being lonely because there was no else like him.
'I wonder if that is why he is lonely to' the dragon thought as he looked into its scared eyes and the Night Fury saw himself in them.
Suddenly feeling determined, the dragon puffed out his chest confident that he could win the creature’s affection. The child however had very different plans because every time the Night furry came to close it cried louder but when he stepped back the wailing would lessen.
Step forward.
*loud cry*
Step backward.
Step forward.
*loud cry*
Step backward.
Finally the Night furry sat down and huffed at the child making a very annoyed face at its lack of cooperation. He tapped his claws on the dirt trying desperately to think of a way to gain the child's trust quickly so they could both get out of the rain.
'What to do? What to do? hmm' he thought. 
Finally an idea came to him and he felt silly for not thinking of it before. Looking over at the creature it seemed distracted enough hiding its face its own chest that he could easily sneak over to it. He was about to do just that he realized he needed to seem less menacing in order to not scare it anymore then it was.
The dragon retracted his teeth into his gums and tried his best to hide his claws underneath his paws. Next he lowered his posture so he was closer to the ground before slowly and silently walking over to the hatchling. Using his wing to shield the child from the rain he watched as the human realized it was no longer being drenched, then it looked up at the wing stopping the rain from hitting it and finally at the beast in front of it.
The hatchling finally understood that the Night Fury meant it no harm and gave the dragon a watery smile. The dragon tried to return the smile but thought he looked absolutely ridiculous showing nothing but his gums.
"You are a nice dragon?" the child asked slowly pulling away from the wall behind it.
'That's right hatchling, nice dragon' the Night Fury grunted in reply as he nodded his head up and down.
The human's face was unreadable as it considered something in its mind before it held out its hand to the dragon and slowly inched it closer to his nose. The Night Fury was a bit confused at first but decided to play the human's trust game and moved his snout into the tiny hand offered in front of him and sniffed its palm.
'There is another smell here...I like it' the dragon thought as he sniffed from the child's wrist all the way up his arm until finally he was sniffing the crook of its neck.
'I smell innocence, purity and…..is that cod?'
The dragon's nostrils attacked the spot on the child where he had smelt fish causing a strange growl to come out of the hatchling.
"Dragon, that tickles!" the human said trying to push the dragon's face away from it.
When the beast pulled away he noticed the child shiver and he suddenly remembered that it was indeed still raining. Using his wing, he guided the little human towards where the cave was so they could both have shelter for the night.
When they got inside the cave the dragon watched curiously as the human began to gather little dry sticks in the cave into a pile and then took two of the sticks and began rubbing them against each other.
'What is it doing?' the dragon wondered in amusement as the child continued to rub the sticks together until smoke began to appear.
'Oh I see' he realized and then began to chuckle at the child's method of starting a fire. The hatchling noticed the beast laughing at it and quickly became annoyed.
"Hey, I don't see you starting a fire toothless dragon," the hatchling defended before sticking its tongue out at him.
The Night Fury only gave a smug grunt before he used his snout to push the child back against the wall of the cave.
'Watch and learn runt' he grunted before turning his head towards the sticks and shot a fireball at it instantly illuminating the cave.
"Show off," the human grumbled as the Night Fury smiled victoriously.
The little human turned its attention to its pouch and pulled out something. The dragon gasped as he watched the human peel off its own hide off the bottom half of its body revealing soft undercoat before the child covered it up again with new dry furs. As the human, which he knew now was a boy, was repeating the process with his upper body the Night Furry took the opportunity to sniff at the pink flesh and noticed immediately how soft it was.
'Human undercoats must be delicate to have to make their own furs' the dragon concluded.
"What's the matter with you toothless dragon? I'm just changing my clothes," the boy commented as if the dragon should already know this.
'Why does he keep calling me toothless dragon?' he thought before he remembered that his teeth were still retracted.
'Oh well, I've been called worse. When it comes from him I don't mind it but what to call him?' the dragon wondered as he looked back at the boy who was now in dry furs and sitting by the fire. He walked over to where the child was and sat beside him enjoying the comfort and the company.
"Hey dragon," the boy said suddenly surprising the Night Fury.
"Thank you for being nice to me. You are probably the closest to a friend I've ever had," he said gratefully and smiled at the dragon.
The Night Fury looked over at the sincerity and sadness in that tiny smile and wondered how could such a kind hearted, trusting soul smell so lonely and sad. Without thinking the dragon stood up and stared down at the human before he nuzzled his cheek, the top of his head, and down his neck making the child make the strange little growls again.
"Are you trying to cheer me up toothless dragon?" the boy asked as the funny little growls escaped him once more.
'Yes, little one. I do not like your lonely smell it does not suit you at all' the dragon thought as he nuzzled under the boy's arms, his sides, and belly. 
Soon not only did the boy no longer smell sad and lonely but his growls seemed to grow tenfold.
"Ah! Toothless that tickles," the boy squealed only increasing the attack.
'So those funny noises are your giggles are they? I like them' the Night Fury thought completely ignoring the fact that the boy was calling him a silly name and continued tickling him.
'What was that noise now?' wondered the dragon and looked down at the boy just in time to see him make the noise again.
"Thanks a lot Toothless, now I have hiccups," the boy said annoyed as he sat up and crossed his arms before another hiccup rose from his chest.
The dragon, now officially named Toothless, could not hold back his laughter at the noise coming from the boy who was currently giving him a glare.
"Well at least I live up to my name," the boy sighed as another hiccup escaped him.
'Hiccup? That is what the humans call him?' Toothless thought as he observed the little boy stare at the fire.
'Somehow, that name suits him' he decided.
Hiccup let out a loud yawn and rubbed his eyes indicating to the Night Fury that the boy was in need of some rest. The boy yelped in surprise when he felt himself being lifted off the ground by the back of his vest and carried over to the wall of the cave. Toothless plopped Hiccup down before lying down comfortably on his side. Reaching over for the child he was startled to see the little human was no longer where he put him and looked around until he noticed Hiccup lying on the ground curled into a little ball.
'What do you think you are doing?' he growled at the child who was looking at him confused.
Toothless gave him an annoyed look as he opened up his wings and motioned for the boy to come over to him. Hiccup hesitantly sat up looking at the irritated dragon in front of him who had once again huffed at him to get his scrawny, little butt over to the dragon.
"Are you sure it's okay?" he mumbled at his new friend and smiled when he nodded in reply.
Hiccup quickly got back onto his feet and walked over to the dragon. He yelped in surprise when Toothless shot his paws out and grabbed the child. Before he knew it Hiccup was wrapped snugly in the dragon's paws and covered by his wings.
Toothless had a smile on his face as he laid his head down. The dragon felt Hiccup squirm a little until he was comfortable and mumbled goodnight before he quickly drifted off to sleep. The dragon decided that he indeed liked this little creature and would be sad tomorrow when he would have to send his friend home to his kind.
'Who says you have to give him back?' a voice in the back of the dragon's head whispered.
'His pack is waiting for him' the Night Fury growled at it.
'You think a creature that smells that lonely was simply lost? They threw him away, silly humans don't realize what they lost. He's your treasure now, you found him' the voice said.
Toothless had no response to give to his dragon instinct that was consumed with finding things to possess. The dragon suddenly found himself troubled as he stared at the sleeping human. Taking the boy to his home and going on his own way was what was best for them both but he knew that if he did do that his heart would miss this child greatly.
The Night Fury was in the middle of his self-debate when he felt something under his chin and found that whatever this sensation was it was making him feel relaxed. Looking for the source of his happiness he found Hiccup facing Toothless' chest still fast asleep while his right arm was flopped up near his chin with his tiny fingers subconsciously scratching his scales.
'He must have felt my distress in his sleep' Toothless thought as he smiled and watched the boy cuddle closer into his chest. The dragon was in awe at how in just a few short hours this little human suddenly became his entire world and he could not imagine his life without him.
'I will do what is best for him, if he wants me to stay I will stay with him' Toothless decided as he reached down and nuzzled the sleeping child before licking his cheek.
Letting out his own yawn Toothless laid his head down to rest for the night and tightened his hold on his friend as he to drifted off to sleep.
Toothless was awoken by the cries of a creature yelling out his human's name, he looked down to see that the child was still fast asleep. The dragon had not realized how close the cries were until he looked up to see three humans standing outside his cave.
"Hiccup!" he heard the one human roar as he approached them when he saw the little boy in the dragon's grasp.
Hiccup groaned as he woke up to the sound of his name being called. He slowly opened his eyes to see Toothless' eyes had turned into slits and his hold had tightened as he growled at whatever he was staring at. Having just enough room to roll over he looked out to where the dragon was looking and was surprised at who he saw.
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