#i still hate rain and flood right now but I'll surely love a rainy day chapter focusing on loiyor 🤩😍
marchtooctober · 9 months
It's been long since i last posted! Since we still have another two weeks before the next chapter, here's a one-shot to keep us company. Enjoy 😉
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It had been raining the whole afternoon, something that was missed off by the weather forcast. The ever-ready Loid marched the road to the subway with his umbrella.
"I guess I have no choice..." He quietly mumbled as he decided to go by one of his shortcuts to cut off his time of travel.
With quick but careful steps, he walked through isolated alleyways. Nothing seems to be out of ordinary until he passed by the old closed-down shop.
By rare instance, he ran into Yor who was taking shelter from the rain.
"You're taking shelter here?"
"Yes. I didn't bring an umbrella. I didn't know it will be raining this afternoon." Yor replied.
Loid thought that Yor would be home by now that's why it surprised him to see her. He wondered how she ended up there.
"My work at the hospital ended later than usual so I got off just now. How about you? How long have you been stranded? How did you ended up here?"
"Actually, I wanted to borrow some books from the library so I went there but it was already closed. And then it started to rain before I could make it to the station."
"Maybe we should get going. Anya is probably home by now. We have to go home quick and prepare dinner. Let's hurry so we can still catch the train." Loid said with a glance on his watch.
"But I don't have an umbrella."
"We can share mine."
Yor stared at Loid with widened eyes.
"Share? But..." Her voice trailed off.
She thought if by agreeing to it would mean intrusion of Loid's personal space. Is the umbrella even big enough to cover them in the first place?
Loid must have noticed her hesitation.
"Don't worry, it's big enough for us." He said in reassurance.
"W-Well then..."
And so the two of them stepped out of the shelter and carefully walked the drenched street. Loid held the umbrella while Yor held his briefcase. At first they were able walk just fine but Yor is slowly walking out of pace.
It finally dawned on her that their closeness under the umbrella is making her uneasy.
She knew that there's nothing wrong with sharing an umbrella together. But she wondered if it is a mandatory thing for couples to always share an umbrella, despite only doing this for the first time. They are a couple, though a fake one at that. Yor told herself that she ought to get used to having to share and doing things together. That this is also part of a married couple's normalcy.
While Yor thought of all these things, Loid tried to keep up with her walking pace. In doing so, he could not avoid brushing against her shoulder. He did not think too much of it but he thinks that he is still fine with this proximity. So far, he's been able to match up with Yor. But when they reached the end of block, Yor suddenly took a wrong footing on the cracked pavement and almost tripped. In a flash, Loid's hand grabbed Yor by the shoulder and pulled her close.
"Oops! That was close! Be careful on your steps."
"T-Thank you, Loid. And I-I'm sorry!"
The sudden gesture certainly saved Yor from being hurt and drenched but it did no good to her current state of mind. She was about to combust from anxiety and embarrassment. She could feel the pressure of Loid's hand despite her thick coat. Loid again noticed her reaction.
"Are you o-"
Loid was cut off by a low rumble. Then came a sudden gust that blew the rain against them. The rain poured stronger.
"Let's stop there for a while."
They hurried to the turn of the street where they stopped outside the nearby establishment. They were barely sheltered but it was better than walking in the strong downpour. Loid kept his umbrella open to add protection from the rain. Then he turned to Yor.
"How are you, Yor? Are you alright? You look feverish."
The man didn't know that Yor's feverish countenance had nothing to do with fever at all. The few minutes they spent close together under the umbrella felt longer and Yor was relieved to be freed from the queasy feeling she had to endure.
"No, no, it's nothing! I'm fine... How about you? You've been holding the umbrella for me. Aren't you drenched?" Yor tried diverting the question.
"I'm okay. I'm not that wet."
"It seems like we're stuck again... How about if I go home first? I can just run all the way-"
"No, Yor! You can't risk getting sick. It will be safer to wait for a little while." Loid protested and thought for a moment if Yor really meant to run all the way home.
"But no one is with Anya."
"Anya is with Bond. They are probably having fun together watching cartoons. Besides, she can be more independent than you might imagine." Loid reasoned, trying to convince himself too at the same time.
"I hope so."
After that, silence ensued and only the rain can be heard. The rain is giving no sign of faltering. Loid and Yor start to feel the dampness through their coats. The both of them are rather confident on their own that they won't get sick even if they dashed out in the rain. But so as to not worry the other, they opted to stay put.
Quickly, more and more people took shelter with them. And as the place became more crowded, Loid and Yor had to adjust closer until they're practically stuck together. Yor felt the agitation coming back again and Loid also realized his own uneasiness.
What felt like an hour was only a mere span of fifteen minutes. It's been only fifteen minutes since Loid and Yor walked through the rain under the same umbrella.
It was only a short time. But they both knew that it will take more than a strong downpour to wash the memory away.
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channieismyboy · 1 year
rainy days - b.c
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{bang chan x gn!reader}
genre: comfort, angst and fluff at the end - masterlist
synopsis: chan surprises you on a rainy day, but he never expected to find you crying in your bed alone. wc: 0.6k
warnings: mentions of anxiety and crying, reader is going through a hard time, chan comforts the reader gently, the reason of why the ready is crying isn't specified.
an: this a bit self-indulgent. with everything that has been going on, i needed an escape. i hope this helps you have some reassurance as well, stay safe
you don't want to leave your bed. you physically cannot handle leaving your current position; curled up on your right side, and staring at the gray sky beyond your window. you haven't moved since the morning, the rain has woken you up, and the storm is still going strong. every now and then, flashes of lighting and crashing sounds of thunder gain your attention. there are days where you can't leave your room, choosing to deal with your emotions by yourself. it is however, these moments when you need someone, you need chan.
chan is worried. he's staring at the unread messages he sent you. with each passing hour of you not answering, his concerns deepen. after hours of being on delivered, he decides enough is enough, he's going to check up on you, to see if you're okay.
he rushes to get ready as quickly as possible, turning off his computer with his latest demo, making sure to save the beginnings of his work fast. he runs out in the rain, gets in his car, and speeds towards your apartment. his mind is filling up with various thoughts of what may be going on. he calls you non stop on the road, yet it always leads to voicemail.
chan arrives at your apartment, and unlocks your door with your shared keys. "y/n! where are you?"
you hear your loving boyfriend's cries, but you don't answer. you're focused on something else. chan sees that you're not in the living room, you must be in the bedroom then. he opens the door to your room, and he's met with your curled up form. you're shaking and muffled cries leave your form, you glance back at him. you meet his eyes, and see how distressed your poor and caring boyfriend is.
the moment chan sees your pained face, his heart feels like it's shattering into pieces. "oh baby, why are you crying?" he says, his voice is small, and full of concern.
it's always that simple question that makes the tears flood. you sit up, you try to explain your sadness, yet you fail to do so. chan knows that you won't be able to explain. so he sits beside you, and takes you into his arms. his hand grazes your back gently.
"it's going to be okay. i'm here now y/n, there's no need to worry sweetheart." chan says, now his hand is caressing your hair.
he continues his thoughts, "when you're ready to tell me what's wrong, i'll be right here. that's what i'm here for, so please don't hold back. i hate to see your gorgeous face in such sadness."
you lay in his grasp for the next few minutes, as you quietly sob into his hoodie. after the passing minutes go by, you focus on the senses around you. the warmth of chan's body, the gentle head pats he's giving you, the faint smell of cologne, and the sounds of rainfall in the background; you begin to feel at peace. your cries swell down, and you look at chan directly.
he looks into your face, you see him staring into your swollen eyes. he lets out a laugh under his breath, "your eyes are puffy,".
seeing a smile on his face is contagious, since you find yourself smiling back at the loving man in front of you. "shut up, i know."
"it's adorable, don’t stop"
please do not repost, translate, or upload any of my works and posts on other websites and accounts without my permission, and any credit given to me.
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 08 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
Word count: 2.2K
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (07)
Next part (09) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Something In The Woods...
To say you're pissed is an understatement. A storm is passing by, which brought a heavy summer rain over Hawkins. And since the pool is closed when it's raining, you called Billy, inviting him over for lunch. But minutes later Monica called you to say that the manager wants to make a training session on first aid with all the lifeguards. As if you didn't know. You, as did everyone, had to go through a test before getting the job.
It's impressing to know that you wouldn't be so mad if you didn't have plans with Billy. So you make sure to close the meeting room door with a loud thud when you get in, muttering good morning to everyone before sitting beside Billy in the back.
“So much for that lunch date.” He says.
“It wasn't a date,” you tell him. “I just wanted to make a lasagna and since my aunt had to go to the clinic, I thought you'd like to join me.” Shrugging your shoulders, you give him a sassy look. Of course you wanted to spend time with him, and this rainy day would make it perfect...
“Doesn't Diane get tired of driving all the way to Indianapolis? It's a two-hour drive.”
“Diane loves driving. And she owns the clinic so she can pretty much make her own schedules.” You feel when your leg touches his. “Why do we have to do this training thing? As if we didn't know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.”
“Anthony is a dick.” He mumbles as the manager starts talking. But you don't plan to pay attention. Billy suddenly pulls your chair closer, so it's glued to his. He then puts an arm around your shoulders. “Better.”
Rolling your eyes, you pretend to listen to the long speech Anthony gives. It goes on for two hours, and you can't help but make funny comments with Billy, as he holds back the laughs, what makes the manager give you both angry stares. When the training is done, Anthony says that those who were supposed to be working today will have to stay. Which is great because it means you.
“I swear to God I'll report Anthony,” Monica complains, sitting beside you and Billy by the pool, your legs on the water. The rain stopped, but the heavy clouds are promising that more is to come. “May I sit here or will you guys make out?”
“I'm down for it if she is,” Billy smirks.
“Of course you can sit here, Mon.” You elbow him, rolling your eyes. “How's Christopher?” You decide to change the subject and tease her instead.
“He gave me this.” She shows her hand, which has a ring on it. “It's nothing but... It means something to us.”
The sweet smile on her lips brings joy to your heart. It's no doubt they're in love with each other. You wonder if you'll be attending to their weeding someday.
Your hand comes to the necklace Billy made you, which you've been wearing every day. As you feel Monica's ring has a secret meaning, known only by her and Christopher, this necklace has a secret meaning too. You give Billy a quick glance, just to check if he's wearing his. And you smile to see he is. Your stomach burns when your eyes meet, and you look away.
“You look very good together,” Mon says, gesturing at you and Billy.
“I know,” Billy says, and you can hear the cocky smile through his voice.
You elbow him again, a little harder, and you laugh at the exaggerated groan he makes. “I–” You're cut off because you're suddenly lifted and thrown in the water. You sink right before pushing yourself up again. “You idiot!” You throw water at him, and Monica moves away
“Oh, he got ya,” Mon yells in between her laughs.
“I hate you!” Using both his knees as a support, you push yourself up, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him into the water too. You're aware he actually pushed himself because you wouldn't be able to pull him all by yourself. But you ignore it, slapping him lightly and throwing water on him.
He does the same, but soon enough he starts pulling you close. You're a breathless mess, trying to swim away from him. But, obviously, you slowly surrender, allowing him to hold you. “We should get out. Anthony won't like it.”
“As you wish, princess.” He won't push you. That much is clear.
At the end of the day, you're walking to your cars under light rain. You invited Billy for dinner since lunch was ruined by Anthony and all the small amount of power he let get to his head being the manager. He gives you a glance when you part ways. “What?”
“Come in my car.”
“But I have to drive this baby home.” You gesture at your car, walking backwards.
“Why don't you let me pick you up and drive you home from now on? Save up some gas.” It's so stupid how his smile makes you blush even from afar.
“What about your gas, Hargrove?” You ask as you get into the car. “Let's get going. That lasagna won't make itself.” Winking at him, you speed away, determined to get to your place before he does.
He does make a mess on the road since he was quick to follow that you were trying to outrun him. The dark clouds are making the night crawl in faster, and it's getting dark soon. Eventually, you both get stuck on the same red light, and you take a look at him through the review mirror. You're growing closer, way too close, but you're trying not to think about it too much. You're enjoying it, taking in all the moments you share.
You still can't force yourself to kiss him... It would make you go way too deep in this, head first, and you think you need some more time. But it doesn't mean it's not torture when he stands too close. It's a freaking war against yourself to step away. That's the big decision you've been avoiding.
Taking a deep breath, you look at your right, at the woods. This road is one of your favorites because it cuts through the forest, and you have the trees surrounding you from both sides. It looks beautiful, even through the darkness. You would certainly get lost in there. Guess you'll still need some time for that too, to get used and learn your way through Hawkins woods. A smile comes to your lips when you see something moving, among the trees. A deer, maybe. You know there are deers here. Squinting your eyes, you try to see it better, to find out what it really is. Most of its body is hidden behind a thick tree, and when it moves, slowly, you can see the head. You're suddenly taken aback because that's not a deer. It bolts away, further into the woods. A strange sensation builds up in your core. But you push it down. There must be several wild animals here, and that must be one of them... It looks more like a dog, a strange dog because its skin looked weird, naked. Sticky, even.
You're dragged out of your thoughts when Billy's speeds pass you, blasting the horns. Rolling your eyes, you set in motion too.
Billy gets to your house first, waiting by the front door with a smirk on his face. “You won the battle, Hargrove, not the war,” you say, unlocking the door and stepping in. “I saw something in the woods back there, by the way.”
“Another squirrel?”
“No, it was bigger.” You move to the kitchen and he follows you. “I thought it could be a deer but the head was shaped differently. And it looked like the fur was ripped off.”
As you start getting what you'll need for the lasagna, you wait for him to say anything. But he doesn't, so you turn to look at him. Billy is frozen, by the table, his eyes with a blank expression, suddenly glued to the floor. You've never seen him like this, worried as if there was an imminent danger around you right now. “Billy? Are you ok?” You walk over him, taking his hand. He takes a deep breath before looking at you, his eyes softening.
“Yes, I just remembered the accident. Not a very pleasant memory.”
“Well, try to relax.” You pull the chair and gestures for him to sit down, and when he does, you start trying to massage his shoulders. By what he told you, Billy had a rough life, and you hate to see how sad he gets when a bad memory hits. You like him, so very much, that you just want to make him feel better. “I suck at this, hope I'm not hurting you.”
“Uhm...” He grabs your arms and pulls you suddenly, making you bend over until both your arms are around his neck, your face is next to his. “But this is much better.”
“Jerk,” you mutter, standing back up and going to the kitchen counter. “Now come help me.”
“Immediately, ma'am.”
“So... You kept your promise,” you say, avoiding his eyes. “You've been wearing your piece.” You gesture at the earring.
“I told you I would.” He moves closer, a hand taking the earring that's around your neck. “I'm glad to see you're using your piece to, princess.”
“Stop calling me that, Billy,” you say in a low voice. The name makes you so damn nervous, and the tone he uses only makes it worse. It's low, calming... And it feels like it burns right through you.
“Why? I know you like it.”
“I–” You're interrupted by the front door being open, and Diane's light voice greeting you.
The night goes on pretty nicely. Your aunt gives you some space, only joining you for dinner. When Billy goes home, it's almost eleven. But in the next three days, the summer storm keeps the pool closed, and lucky for you, one of the days was your day off. So you went to his place, spend all day there, doing literally nothing, just laying on the couch and talking.
All the time you spend with him is never enough. You always have to go back home, and when you do, you're missing him already. You usually wake up holding the pillow and imagining how it would feel like to lay on his chest and fall asleep beside him...
Today, the storm finally was blown away, and it looks like the sun is angry for being hid for days because it's so damn hot. You've never seen the pool so crowded, and you've been walking around all day, looking out for the kids. You're drained out after lunch, and despite trying to stay on your chair, you can't. A five years old kid slipped and fell into the water, and you had to pick him up. Thankfully, he was well and resumed playing in seconds. But the sun is being rough on you today, and the heat is so much worse. Even in the shadow, you feel it like you're in a damn oven.
“(Y/N). Drink some water.” Billy hands you a bottle and you take a sip. “Have more. You're a little pale today.”
“Yeah, this place is overflowing. Half of Hawkins is here.” You tell him, eyes still scanning through the sea of people. “I need you to go back to your chair, please. The kids are crazy today, Billy, help me out.” You touch his shoulder, using his body as a support for a few seconds. “If you yell, they'll obey.”
“Alright, but drink some water every once in a while, ok?”
“Alright.” You let go of him, offering a small smile when he worriedly looks down at you.
You start pacing around again, warning the kids over and over again not to run. Your head is killing you, like the sun is hitting you with a freaking hammer. And you're so damn tired already, but the people just keep coming, diving and yelling. You're usually happy to see them having fun, but today you're beaten up as if you were hit by a car this morning. The ground bellows your feet starts moving, and you have to use the wall to regain your balance. Your throat is dry, but the cafeteria is on the other side of the pools and you're way too exhausted to walk all the way there. You decide to just head back to the chair to rest a bit.
You see white dots on your sight as you walk, struggling to move on a straight line, using one of your hands blocking the sun from your eyes. When you finally reach your chair, you breathe out in relief. You're about to push yourself up when you lose your strength, lowering your body until you're sitting on the ground.
“Are you ok?” Someone asks, and you see her figure kneeling by your side.
You nod, trying to get back up, but your body doesn't seem to work. You close your eyes shut when everything spins around, and then it just goes black.
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts
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