#i swear he's just a fancy vintage girlie
szollibisz · 6 months
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bunch of spyce owen fits
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readyforthegarden · 2 years
“I just wanted to say thank you for protecting me” for Sam? Pleaseee🥺
Here’s another cute pic of Sam 😍
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Warnings: Drinking, swearing, mentions of drug use, being accosted by a drunk, slight physical assault (being grabbed)
A/N: this is the first thing that came to me, I hope you like it!
You tapped the tips of your manicured fingers against the champagne flute you held, looking around the swanky club. This wasn’t your usual vibe. Your band has been nominated for an award, and your label had forced you to go. Then they forced you to go to one of the fancy after parties too. You’d been separated from your band mates a few hours ago, and dragged into some conversation about monetary figures and how the charts made or broke musicians.
Tossing back the last dregs of your bubbly, you excused yourself from the group, making your way towards a hallway with restroom signs. The short, sparkling, gold dress the label had sent you was tight, and you wondered if you could even hike it up far enough to pee, since there was no way you could reach the zipper. As you weaved through the crowd, a hand landed on your shoulder.
“Hey there girlie.” You turned to see an older man standing there. He was dressed in a suit, more business than formal, but there was a stain on his tie that you were sure came from the brown liquid in his tumbler that sloshed around. “My my, look at you. All golden like a true trophy. What I wouldn’t do to put you on my mantle.”
“Excuse me?” You squint at the man. He’s clearly drunk, and you shrug his hand off your shoulder. “Fuck off.” Turning to walk away, you only get a few steps before your arm is roughly grabbed and your pulled harshly around.
“I was talking to you, you little bitch.” The man was inches from your face, his breath hot, the stench of whiskey burning in your nostrils. Your body shook, nerves overcoming you as tears pricked the corners of your eyes while panic set in. Nobody at this party seemed to notice this man bothering you and as you tried to twist your arm free from his grip, you were giving up hope. Your eyes scanned around the room, trying to find one of your band mates, you drummer for sure would knock this creep out. As you desperately searched for a familiar face, a pair of brown eyes came into view. He was wearing a vintage inspired suit, tailored perfectly to his slender figure, various symbols embroidered on it. The tall young mans brows were furrowed as he regarding you.
“Help.” You mouthed and in a flash, he was moving towards you.
“Hey, what’s going on here?” he asked, looking between you and the man.
“Fuck off, kid.” The man snarled. “I’m just trying to have some fun with my new girlfriend.” The young man looked to you again.
“Are you having fun? Is he your friend?” you shook your head, still trying to yank your arm free.
“No, he just grabbed me and won’t let me go.” you answered.
“I think you should let her go.” The young man glared at the older man. “Now.”
“And what are you gonna do about it if I don’t?” The older man glared right back. Three other men came up behind the taller one, all stone faced, seething at the older man.
“Four on one seems a little unfair, doesn’t it?” The tall man smirked. The older drunk looked between all four and roughly let go of you, nearly throwing your arm away and you stumbled back from the force. The man walked off muttering as you rubbed the newly sore spot in your forearm, glaring at his back.
“Are you okay?” The tall man stepped forward, his eyes regarding you softly, concern lacing his voice. “Did he hurt you?”
“I’m okay.” you sighed, rolling back your shoulders and trying to put up your tough side again, though your body was still trembling on the inside. “I’m just going to go to the restroom. Try and find a stall where someone isn’t snorting coke and have a good cry. It’ll be fine.” The tall man snickered and nodded.
“Okay, well if that creep finds you again, we’ll kick his ass.” You laughed and nodded, then awkwardly stepped away with a small wave. Turning around, you groaned at yourself for being so awkward. After taking care of business, you dabbed your under eyes, making sure the hard work of the makeup artist from that morning didn’t go to waste. When you exited the bathroom, you tried to find your band mates again, but spotted the tall man from earlier at the bar, leaning on the counter.
“He ignoring you?” You asked. The man whipped his head around, surprise turning to a glad smile when he saw you.
“Yeah, I’ve tried flagging down the damn bartender but he keeps ignoring me.” he said. “Just want a vodka soda.”
“I got it.” You leaned over the bar, smiling and made eye contact with the bartender. He smiled and came back over.
“What can I get you?”
“Two vodka sodas, please?”
“Of course.” Within minute, the drinks were sat in front of you and you slid one to the man.
“Thank you.” He said, raising his glass toward you in salute.
“I realize I never said thank you for earlier.” you blushed. “So, I just wanted to say thank you for protecting me. And introduce myself, I’m-“
“I know who you are.” he smiled, naming your band to really drive it home. “I’m Sam.”
“Well Sam, since it’s an open bar and I can’t buy your drink, how do you feel about getting out of here and finding some real food?” He smirked. “My treat.”
“I’m in.”
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persistentarcade · 3 years
The Most Excellent Trap Part 1
This is for @ringa-starr who requested a Bill and Ted/Parent Trap type story! Enjoy! 
Fandom: Bill and Ted, Parent Trap 
Pairings: Bill/Dee 
Word Count: 1,500
Silence boomed in the isolation cabin. The girls knew the prank wars had gone on for too long or, rather, too hardcore. But who could blame them? Jaycee sat on her bed, arms crossed and eyes on the ceiling. She wasn’t much for girly or fancy things. Much like her dad, she loved rock. She didn’t care about what others thought and had a good head on her shoulders. All she needed was the sun of California, her dad, her Uncle Ted and Wyld Stallyns--the band they’d created. She looked at the pictures on the wall and glared at Sylvia. 
Now, Sylvia seemed a lot different. Oddly enough, the young girls looked alike and, if it weren’t for the different states they lived in, they would swear they were twins. Sylvia noticed that but she didn’t say much on the matter. She was just annoyed that she had to be with this loud, rude girl. Sylvia was much more into vintage style and acted so much more proper. If she had to be stuck with this girl, Sylvia decided, she could just use an escape. With her headphones, the young lady began to play some KISS. Jaycee happened to hear the music and she sat up. Sylvia noticed, rolled her eyes and took off her headphones. 
“What?” The annoyance in her voice was clear.
“You...actually listen to KISS?”
“Why wouldn’t I? They’re an incredible band.”
“Well,” Jaycee turned to Sylvia,” You just seem like you wouldn’t listen to that kind of music.”
“I may try to be proper and all of that other stuff,” Sylvia mentioned,” But I do love rock and roll.”
Jaycee had to admit that she was confused. For the first time since she got to camp, she was finding something in common with the lookalike stranger. Sylvia offered to play the music out loud. For a moment, all that could be heard was KISS. The lack of talking had been a little awkward, but there was a void filled that was there. Jaycee, however, had other questions to ask regarding music. She got up from her bed and made her way over to Sylvia, who was confused about this sudden willingness to make contact with the other camper. It was strange to say the least.
“Do you listen to other rock bands?” she asked.
“Of course! Metallica, Journey, Rolling Stones, but my favorite band is-”
“Van Halen.”
The girls said it at the same time. Initially, there was shock, but the girls were thrilled. They’d finally found another Van Halen lover! Jaycee played the air guitar, which she’d learned from her father and Uncle Ted. Sylvia did the same, though hers was a little more confused. The two began to bond over music, but it led to talks of television and what the girls did for fun. Jaycee learned about Pennsylvania and the beautiful rich neighborhoods that lie there. Sylvia learned so much about San Dimas and the beauty of California. A week of isolation was turning up as they bonded throughout the first night. Eventually, the topic of family came up. 
“It’s just my Mom and I,” Sylvia admitted,” I honestly don’t know who my Dad is. My mom won’t even talk about my Dad. I only have this little picture of my Dad…it’s ripped down the middle.”
“That’s funny,” Jaycee mentioned,” I don’t know anything about my Mom. When I ask Dad, he gets real down. I have a picture of my mom but that’s it…”
Jaycee recalled that her picture had been ripped down the middle as well. The two girls were smart, but perhaps it was getting to the best of them. For a moment, they had the thought that they were twins. Twins! It could’ve been possible, but there was no way it was true. Unless...both girls jumped to their trunks and dug for their photos. Funny enough, both Sylvia and Jaycee had always kept the pictures of their parents close at hand. It was something that had sentimental value and they could never let them go. They pulled out the pictures and promised to show each other at the count of three. One...two…. 
When the girls showed off the pictures, there was a pause. Jaycee could see her Dad in the photo. Sylvia could see her Mom. And the pictures lined perfectly with one another. The girls took a long look at each other, analyzing their features and every detail they could. It was that moment that made them realize who they truly were. All those years of feeling like there was a missing piece could finally come to a close. Jaycee and Sylvia each let out a laugh as they pulled each other into a tight hug. No moment could be greater than this as they each uttered the word they longed to use. 
The isolation was coming to a close and so was camp. However, the newfound sisters weren’t too upset. Over that week, as they truly got to know each other and their respective parent and life, Jaycee suggested that it didn’t have to be the end. That, if they could get Bill and Dee (their parents) back together, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Their plan wasn’t easy and they feared it would never work. However, switching places could be easy. They did look alike, after all. The only thing was that they needed to learn to act like one another. So, throughout that week, they practiced their wording, getting ready and performing a parent trap. When the end of camp came, the girls were nervous to part ways.
“Are you sure this is gonna work?” Sylvia asked.
“Positive. We just have to remember our plan and remember what we learned from one another,” then, without warning, she put her twin into a hug,” You’ve got this.”
The girls hugged for a while and, when they let go, they felt more than prepared. Jaycee had never been to Pennsylvania and this was an exciting moment. The house was a few hours away from the campsite, so she would soon be seeing her mother for the first time. As the chauffeur (who was named Dave) asked questions and talked on, Jaycee found that acting like her twin came naturally. They got to Sylvia’s hometown, which was gorgeous. The houses were larger than life itself and everything was so neat and so orderly. This was nothing like San Dimas.
“We’re home, Miss Sylvia,” Dave noted.
The girl stared in amazement at the towering home. The red bricks and silver walkway made Jaycee feel like a rockstar. Dave took her bags as the young girl walked to the door of ‘her’ house. Before she could knock, a dark haired young woman answered the door. This wasn’t her mom but, from what Sylvia described, this was Peyton. She was Dee’s assistant and a great guardian to Sylvia. Peyton gave a smile as she hugged Jaycee. For a moment, she felt that something was different, but she hadn’t seen Sylvia all month.
“It’s so great to have you here, Sylvia,” Peyton said.
“I missed you too,” Jaycee said,” Where’s Mom?”
Jaycee felt her heart race when she saw Dee. Her eyes and smile had the kindest shine. Her hair looked soft, bouncing with every movement she made. When Jaycee was pulled into a hug, she felt herself tearing up. She couldn’t imagine letting go of her Mom. This was real and her mother was here. Once they pulled away, Dee’s smile dimmed at the notice of her daughter’s tears. 
“What’s wrong dear?” she asked.
“I…,”Jaycee coughed, trying to get her act together,” I guess I just missed you.”
Sylvia felt awkward in the ripped jeans and band shirt. She knew the plane would be landing soon but she just wanted to see her Dad. This first experience was going to change her life. The plane soon landed and her anxiety increased. Once she got off, she found that the heat and the sea of people was more than she could take. The anxiety was increasing until…
“There she is, dude!”
The dark-haired man, whom Jaycee called Uncle Ted, was pointing to Sylvia. The girl froze when she saw Ted and a blond man--Bill, her father--rushing towards her. Sylvia forgot all about her troubles and rushed to her Dad. Bill excitedly shouted her twin’s name and pulled her into a hug. She was so happy to finally have met her Dad, even if she wasn’t being completely honest. 
“We’ve missed you, little dudette,” Bill put her down,” You look like you’ve grown in the last month.”
“And Wyld Stallyns has been practicing so much since you were gone.” 
“I can’t wait to hear your most excellent music!”
Sylvia did an air guitar. Ted found something about the way she acted strange but perhaps it was just the heat. As they left, Bill had one thing to say to Sylvia. 
“Welcome home to San Dimas, Jaycee.
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