#i think ateez are the only group where i'll edit every member
maximura · 1 year
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eatyourchancletas · 3 years
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SUMMARY |  y/n l/n; the trauma surgeon who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken hostage by the terrifying mafia known as ateez. despite their situations, love arises between the doctor and san; but when an enemy comes in between the group, breaking trust and belief between the members, what will san choose to save; his newfound love or his brothers?
PAIRING | choi san x male reader
INFO/CATEGORY | mafia au, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS | violence, injuries, weapon usage/mention, foul language, lower case writing
[chapter index] [playlist] [previous chapter]
AUTHOR’S NOTE | chapter 5 brought to you by kingdom’s legendary war playlist. written by monnie, edited by alex uwu feedback appreciated!
WORD COUNT | 1.59k
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TAG LIST :; @jonghoshoe​ , @kpopidolsarehumanstoo​ , if you’d like to be added to the list please say so in our inbox/ask box!
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y/n heaved while changsik threw him against the wall. changsik's punches came to a halt once his name was called and y/n simply slid down from the wall to the floor, his body on fire.
"what. i'm busy." changsik glared at the uninvited coworker that walked in. 
"someone was looking for you," there was a teasing tone to the coworker’s words; changsik raised a brow, "and actually, we have an extra person looking for a beating." 
only then did changsik notice the other boy. his coworker pushed the boy in front of him, clearly beaten nicely to where he can only stumble. he stepped closer to him, gripping his face and angling it to inspect who it could be.
"jung wooyoung." he grinned, "trying to play hero and save the doc, huh? thought you'd have a better plan. but now that you're here, why don't you join him. unless you'd be oh so kind to give me the info i'm looking for." 
"like hell i will." wooyoung spit at changsik's face, grinning gently when the man flinched in disgust. 
changsik grunted, "fine." he turned to his coworker, "take care of these two, bring some buddies if you want. if you get anything out of them, report to me." he received an affirmative nod before walking away. 
as he made his way through the hideout, thinking lightly on what he should do with this visitor of his. he's probably not even worth much…
"heeseung, correct?" he watched the boy jump, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you." 
heeseung shook his head, "it's fine. is…" he looked around, a small frown lingering on his features. "y/n really here?" 
"why? are you doubting?" changsik laughed as sincerely as he could. "he's here, i assure you. come on, i'll take you to him so you can see you’re worrying for nothing." 
he started walking the opposite direction of where y/n is, heeseung following tentatively. 
"how much do you know of y/n?" changsik asked while thinking of which room to use for his little execution.  
"i would say a lot, but lately it's felt like i know nothing…" 
"i see…" changsik nodded to himself. yep, definitely useless. "well just walk in here and y/n will arrive…" he gestured to the shorter, who walked in uncritically. "but in your next life, probably." 
heeseung paused, confused at what changsik said. he turned around to verbally question him, only to be met with the end of a gun. 
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"alright, so what have you got?" 
"nothing really, sir. they're not talking." 
changsik frowned, walking up to wooyoung who was tied to a pillar. "not talking, eh? you really prefer getting every bone in your body broken over spilling a few sentences?" 
wooyoung grunted in pain when changsik kicked him in the stomach. he could barely curl up in pain and changsik enjoyed his frantic struggling. 
"i'll give you about ten minutes to carefully reconsider. it's not treason if you're doing it to survive." changsik crouched down, patting wooyoung's cheek and laughing as the boy flinched. 
by now, y/n's blindfold was off. it was bothersome to see the state wooyoung was in… but who knew how bad his own was? for sure he looked worse than the younger. 
as soon as changsik and the other three left, y/n directed something to wooyoung. 
"what are you playing at here." 
wooyoung looked at him through heavy eyes, it felt more like a glare. "what do you mean?" 
"from what i've seen these past weeks, ateez decides as a group. you guys work as a group. you're pretty stupid to come out here alone, you know. and that makes me assume something’s up." 
wooyoung sighed, resting his head against the pillar. he winced, squeezing his eyes shut as his head throbbed. “fine, you’re right. i’m stupid for wanting to make my best friend happy again with no plan whatsoever. and for ditching my team. the day jongho came back claiming you ran away, san denied it saying you would never do that.” his lips quivered as he tried to ignore the pain.
"they went back and forth, fighting every chance they got. the team’s falling apart with the accusations— and they’re mostly from san’s part. no one’s getting why you’re so special to him…” wooyoung opened his eyes and locked them with y/n’s curious ones, “except me, because san tells me everything.”
y/n’s heart picked up in pace at the sound of wooyoung’s tone. he was almost afraid to know what he meant; “what... do you mean by that.”
“he likes you.” wooyoung smiled gently, ignoring the pain in his busted lip. “as in, he likes likes you.” he took in y/n’s flustered face, “and he’s going crazy not knowing where you are. but he’s impatient, stubborn and that’s driving the others mad.”
“...but what do they want from you?”
“dongwoo?” wooyoung glanced at the door, “in ranks, ateez is first, dongwoo’s group is second. the one time we try to work together they try to pull something which failed on them, but either way, they’re still trying. i can only guess that they want to know how to push us under.”
just as he finished explaining, changsik and his buddies came walking through the door again. this time, with weapons. y/n felt bad for the sigh of relief he almost let out when they approached wooyoung. 
“now, while our boss is informing yours about a few things, we’re going to have some fun beating the shit out of you two.”changsik untied wooyoung’s ropes, watching the boy fall to the floor, barely catching himself. “unless, you know, you tell us where your hideout is, what businesses you’re running and where and give us access to your database.”
“the answer’s still no-” wooyoung cried out in pain as changsik shot a bullet at his thigh. 
“well then,” changsik crouched down next to him, “we’ll be here for a while.”
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“don’t make that face.” hongjoong threw san a glare.
they had finally finished the details of the plan, having gone over them so no one missed a detail. yeosang was to stay at the hq incase dongwoo’s men were ordered to try anything if they found it, along with hongjoong. the others were to go bring wooyoung and y/n back, while san was also to stay behind. 
“i’m practically useless in this plan!” san argued, while pointing aggressively at the mapped out plan on the paper hongjoong drew. 
“you’re injured, of course you are.” jongho commented while rolling his eyes. 
san glared at the younger, ready to start yet another fight, but seonghwa intervened. “that’s enough.” he glared softly at san, “what exactly do you want to do then.”
“let me go with you.” before they started arguing with him, he continued. “i’ll stay in the van.”
yunho laughed, shaking his head. “of course you will.”
hongjoong sighed, “fine. now go get ready, i want you to leave as soon as possible.”
they all nodded, excusing themselves. hongjoong grabbed seonghwa’s hand before the older left. seonghwa eyed him worrily. 
“what’s wrong-”
“i need you back here… alive.”
seonghwa smiled smugly, “you doubting my skills, kim?”
hongjoong rolled his eyes, “hwa.”
“fine fine, but what makes you think i’ll leave you?” 
"i'm just telling you i want back here alive. i'm not willing to give you a funeral so soon. i don't have the funds for it." 
"funny." now it was seonghwa who rolled his eyes, he intertwined his fingers with hongjoong's while continuing. "of course i'll come back alive, you guys would starve to death if not from food poisoning by trying to cook." he laughed softly when hongjoong made a face of agreement, "plus, if i die it better be with you." 
"how touching." hongjoong grinned, pulling seonghwa down a bit. "see you later then." he kissed seonghwa gently, the older one returning it with a smile. 
their moment was disturbed when san's voice came through their ear piece. "seonghwa-hyung~ can i get some snacks for the road~? you know what, i'll decide for you. so, yes."
after seonghwa excused himself with a heavy sigh, they began to prepare for their journey. although the province dongwoo was in only took an hour or so to get there, it felt like very little time to mentally prepare.
"alright you guys." hongjoong watched mingi close the trunk. "your mission is to get y/n and wooyoung, i don't care how you do it as long as police do not get involved. even if they do, yeosang can take care of it, but you know it's safer to keep things under control. as long as you have each other, everything will go great. don't doubt yourselves unless the others doubt you as well. so go out there and show dongwoo and his men ateez will and can never be brought down." 
"also," yeosang locked eyes with san. "dongwoo said once he gets info out of the two he'll make a move. assuming they're loyal, they'll withstand any torture. so although we've seen some nasty injuries, be prepared for something you might have never seen. and i'm sure all of dongwoo's men, including dongwoo himself, will be in one place, so do what you seem fit."
"got it!" 
they waved farewells before flooding inside the van.  as they drove, san focused his sight out the window. his only hope was to have y/n back alive—as long as the older is breathing, that's all that will matter.
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