#i think i might've had one of those warrior cat kid friends growing up?
Yeah, the prequels for Warriors won't make sense unless you've read the first few series. Publication order is the best order. I recommend including special editions in that—they're part of the main timeline. I wouldn't bother with the field guides, though. The information in them is redundant at best, and often contradicts the material from the main books.
There are special editions??? And field guides??? Fin emotionally I am frantically taking notes as I write all this down furiously trying to keep up. I don't know what the special editions are or where they come up in publication order but I'll try my best.
Innocent ol me figuring I'll just check out the fun cat books so many people read as a kid, turns out I've got like a dozen mutuals who woke up like sleeper agents specifically trained to meows who are now all saying so many things telling me so much information. I appreciate the guidance through this overwhelming time.
Thank you kind sir. I will read the special editions, but I will avoid the field guides unless I feel like seeing how contradictory they are. Apparently this is a keeper/warrior cats blog temporarily
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