#i think i slightly misquoted this quote too but its TOO LATE i think it was just one word whatever i am blind i cannot see
sooibian · 4 years
Twist of Fate
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image credits: @/exoxoxoid (twitter)
Pairing: Criminal Psychologist Kyungsoo x Crime Reporter OC (Miss Jung) ft. Minseok, Jongin
Description: Much against your wishes, you are back in your hometown to write about the murders of two young women - your only ticket out is the criminal psychologist who has been assisting Superintendent Kim Minseok with offender profiling.
Inspired by: Sharp Objects, The Fall and this moodboard by @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt​ 
Tags/Warnings: Serial killer AU - angst, grief, loss, murders, descriptions of anxiety, reactive and attentive immobility, asphyxiation, indicative of humiliation, explicit and graphic situations. Please do not read onward if any of this triggers or upsets you!!!!
Word count: +3.7k
A/N: ...i need to stop watching crime dramas. 
@leewalberg​ @his-mochi-cheeks​ @changshapatrol​ 
When you left Cheongsong, you’d left for good. Or so you’d thought.
Ten years later what brought you back was not your family, for you had none left, but the murders of two young women that had left the quaint little town, surrounded by hills artistically contoured by apple orchards, shaken and distraught.
Everyone knew each other in Cheongsong which should have made Superintendent Kim Minseok’s job easier, but he was caught in an ugly snare of emotions which seemed to have clouded his critical thinking faculties. These were people he knew closely, people he’d grown up with. For him, pointing fingers at any of them meant carving permanent cracks in relationships that were stronger than most familial ties.
“Off the record, then”, you shoved your scratchpad back into your purse, turned off the recorder with a click and looked at Minseok square in the eyes, only to find the amiable, portly, catlike footballer you went to school with hidden in their farthest, darkest depths - reduced to a mere whimsy. The memories of the man who sat before you, now seemed abysmally distorted by the colossal burden of the unknown.
“It never is.” He chuckled darkly, took a measured sip of his bourbon and rolled it around his tongue before swallowing. “Never thought I’d see you here again.”
“That makes two of us. Write about killings in your hometown...it makes an impact because it’s personal, my boss says. We’re to...exploit the fact that nobody substantial is covering this.” You recited, eyes trained on the sliver of grime on the coaster.
Minseok clicked his tongue in disapproval and enquired, “Where have you been staying?” 
“A guest house by the Country Club.”
“So, not the Mansion”, he remarked callously.
Wounds that had barely healed came undone at the mention of your family home. Your throat tightened and you felt as if you had been shanked with a broken bottle in the stomach. The ill fated house reeked of misfortune, grief and loss. Its inhabitants had fallen one by one like lined up dominoes. This curse had forced you out to start a new life in Seoul.
“It’s still quite well kept, you know.” Minseok stated matter-of-factly.
Taking a deep swig of your bourbon, you explained earnestly as the burn of the liquid blazed down your throat, “Minseok, I want nothing more than to get out of here. So, please, give me something. A nugget.” 
“I don’t want to be quoted on this. Or misquoted. This is all new to me as well. Two bodies in three months? Can you imagine?” Overcome with emotion, he ran a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut.
You put a comforting hand on his and offered in a voice laced with empathy, “Listen, from where I stand, all you need is a new line of inquiry and linking these two murders would give you one. I’ve seen the pictures.” 
You swiped through images of two dark haired women on your phone - Park Soojin and Seo Jinri. Both of them were in their late twenties. They lay in their own beds as if soundly asleep, modesty protected only by sheer white blankets, crimson tinted lips parted ever so slightly, freshly painted nails shining in dim lighting. And roses. There were a couple of red roses placed by their side as if in condolence. The blood curdling strangulation marks around their necks made them look like dreadfully divine paintings. 
“They could be sisters”, you observed with moist eyes, voice hushed to a whisper.
Contemplating on the images with pursed lips, Minseok responded with a tight nod and waved a 50,000 bill in the waitress’ general direction.
“Where’d you find these?” He asked in a threateningly calm voice, averting his eyes from your apparently disagreeable gaze.
“You know that’s confidential”, you replied, half-shrugging, nonchalant.
“I’ll drop you home”, he muttered, and shoved his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans. 
With a defeated sigh you grabbed your purse and phone and proceeded to follow Minseok out of the only bar in Cheongsong, “No, it’s fine. I could use a walk.”
Suddenly, he turned around, searched your eyes for a fleeting second before admitting begrudgingly, “Kim Jongin. He’s the prime suspect in the first case. The murder of Park Soojin.”  
Your legs froze. “What?! Why?”
You knew Kim Jongin, like you knew everyone else in this town. His family owned one of the biggest apple orchards in Cheongsong but Kim Jongin never manifested that in his behaviour. He was known to be friendly, kind, sensitive. Almost too sensitive some would say.
“That’s it. That’s your nugget. Here.” He handed you a business card bearing the name ‘Dr. Doh Kyungsoo’. “He’s been informally assisting with offender profiling. He’ll talk to you. Seems like he’ll talk to anyone, really. Now get in the car, it’s freezing out here.” 
“Dr. Doh, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.”
Dr. Doh Kyungsoo’s home office was a detached unit with a separate entrance, distanced from his main residence. It was exactly the way you’d imagined a psychologist’s office to be - light coloured walls, comfortable chairs, soft pillows, insipid artwork. Neat and clean, fostering a sense of comfort for visitors. 
The Doh family had moved into Cheongsong shortly after you’d left for Seoul. Coming from old money in search of some peace and quiet, they invested in agricultural distribution, Cheongyang Pepper farms and assumed one of the more significant estates to live in while their only son, Doh Kyungsoo, was sent abroad to pursue higher education.   
“Please, call me Kyungsoo.” He took your hand in his, gave it a good, firm shake and gestured you to take the chair opposite his.
“I think ‘Dr. Doh’ should be fine”, you stated plainly and he acknowledged with a curt nod.
“What brings you here?” Asked Kyungsoo, holding your gaze, hands folded in his lap as he leaned back into his chair with a soft sigh. 
Grimacing, you waved your recorder at him, “They say you’re my ticket out of this godforsaken place.”
Minseok had helped you set up the meeting so you thought it proper to waive cumbersome introductions and niceties and Kyungsoo seemed very much in sync with your line of thought. 
He smiled, “I’m merely a bystander, Miss Jung, with slightly more informed opinions, maybe.”
“Informed opinions are what I’m here for, Dr. Doh.” You smiled back, “Superintendent Kim Minseok doesn’t seem to like you very much.”
“He’s a man shackled by bureaucracy and I’m a constant reminder of his team’s staggering incompetence, If I were him, I wouldn’t like me very much either.”
“Do you think there’s a link between the two murders?” 
He nods. “I’m fairly certain there is.” 
“But the police won’t look into it? Why is that?”
“Nobody likes a serial, Miss Jung. Besides, there’s no way the team could cope with the increased workload of linked inquiries. There are over a hundred statements, documents, officers’ reports waiting to be read and actioned. And the case of Park Soojin is a peculiar one.”
“Kim Jongin’s girlfriend? How so?”
“She was the ex-wife of a member of the parliament. This case does absolutely no favours to his image so he needs it solved immediately.” 
The word solved was treated to air quotes.
“So, they’ve ruled him out as a suspect?”
“His alibi checks out. They suspect Kim Jongin.”
“Why? Just because Kim Jongin fled immediately after her body was found? How did the police react to that?”
“Because Jongin fled, his brother was asked to provide DNA which turned out to be a familial match to the DNA gathered at the crime scene. But that does not necessarily mean it’s the killer’s DNA. Miss Park was in a relationship with him. There’s no surprise his semen was found in her esophagus.”
“Do you rule him out as a suspect then?”
“I prefer to reserve my comment.”
“Why do you think he fled?”
“Grief drives us to do irrational things, Miss Jung. Maybe he just needed a breather from everything that was going on here. Can’t say for sure.”
“You’re certain the perpetrator is male?”
“Yes, I am. The perpetrator is male and an athletic one at that. Probably in his late twenties or early thirties. While the strangulation marks may be different, the pathologists reports suggest petechial haemorrhage in both cases which means he strangled and released and then strangled again, over and over. He’s either a sadist, or his hand lacks strength. You try it, grab my wrist.”
He extended his arm towards you and you politely declined. So he wrapped his right hand over his left wrist and held firmly for a few moments. 
“Forty seconds. It’s amazing how quickly the hand tires!” He exclaimed as if awestruck. It was the maximum emotion the inscrutable Dr. Doh had displayed during the course of this interview.
“Victims of strangulation are known to make a mess of themselves. They defecate and / or urinate..”
“That is correct. The bodies were both found posed and clean. Which means he spent hours after, washing them and cleaning the sheets, even. There could be a religious angle to this. Washing away their sins...maybe his own, considering he probably gets into the bath with them.”
He pushed a cup of long gone cold tea towards you, but you shook your head. As a crime reporter, you thought you’d seen it all but the possibility of this being the work of a serial killer was a first for you. Also the fact that it was happening in the place you grew up in was starting to gnaw at you a little more aggressively than you’d liked. 
“I’m not going to lie, Dr. Doh, this gives me pause for concern. Do you think there is a sexual angle to these killings? As far as I know, the victims have shown no signs of any such abuse.”
Kyungsoo sipped on his tea and worried at his lower lip briefly before responding. “I believe he’s the kind to take pictures, momentos from the scene. They sustain him between killings.”
“And the roses? There were..”
“Three next to Park Soojin’s corpse and two next to Seo Jinri’s.”
“Does it indicate -”
“- a countdown? Perhaps.” He studied your face intently and offered you tea again. This time you complied and then proceeded with the interview.
“There was no sign of forced entry in either cases. The police think the perpetrator was known to the victims.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. You see, Miss Jung, the problem is that these cases were treated as self solvers from the get go and that’s where it all went wrong.”
His smile at the end of that sentence was one of finality, somehow indicative that you’d overstayed your welcome. To be able to milk him for all he was worth, you were going to let him loose for the time being.
Clicking your recorder off, you tilted your head to the side, smiled politely, “Well, thank you for your time, Dr. Doh.”
“It’s been a pleasure.” 
While he was walking you to the front door, you couldn’t help but ask, “Dr. Doh, if I may, were the victims known to each other? Were they friends? Acquaintances?”
“That’s for the police to investigate. They were both in their late twenties, highly qualified -  one was a solicitor the other a botanist, both tan with double eyelids, a little over 5 feet”, He took a step closer to you, instinctively you took an uncomfortable step back but found yourself trapped between him and the front door. His burgundy turtleneck smelt like warm, sweet gingerbread mixed with the contrastive redolence of something woody. He put his hand on the clip that held your hair in a bun, an elusive smile dancing on his lips as he allowed your hair to freely ripple down to your waist. “...and they both had dark, waist length hair”, he whispered into your ear, sending a frisson of fear down your spine.
You looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights as he slowly retracted. Eyes locked with yours and face contorted in a fierce frown, he concluded grimly, “You fit his profile.”
Unable to sleep well that night, you went for an early morning run the next day and took a detour to Minseok’s residence. After discussing your findings with him, he offered you a close protection officer who’d moonlight to provide you security just until they’d made an arrest. Which meant you’d have one uniformed officer standing guard outside your guest house all day. You knew that they wouldn’t have done this for you if your family name wasn’t Jung.
“Kim Jongin’s back in town.” Relief seemed to have smoothened the lines on Minseok’s forehead and there was a boost of confidence in his voice when he broke the news to you.
“Are you planning to take him in?” you asked, sipping on coffee in Minseok’s kitchen while he made you some eggs.
He looked victorious and his brows shot up to his hairline as he explained animatedly, “We have enough evidence to put him on trial. I’ll get the warrant in two days.” 
“Hand to your heart, do you think he did it?”
“Yah, I’d never be able to make an arrest like that. If you promise not to quote me, I will say that -” 
He peered at you questioningly and you eased him with a reassuring nod, “Go on.”
“This looks like the work of an outsider.”
Later that evening, you found Jongin seated alone at a table in the bar. Beaten, as if overcome with exhaustion he was crouched over a glass of scotch, a silent tear sliding down his cheek. You sat next to him and ordered him another drink.
“I killed her.” He stated simply, eyes trained on the empty glass in front of him. To see a man whose taste buds didn’t even agree with coffee back in the day downing hard liquor effortlessly, broke your heart.
“What?” you enquired, sparing no effort to lay the edge off of your voice.
“That evening, we’d had a huge argument. She- she’d been wanting to move out of here for the longest time and I never agreed. It was as if she knew!” Burying his face in his hands, he broke into full blown sobs. It was a while before he composed himself and spoke again, “Here, you have your story. Following a trivial spat, a small town chaebol kills his girlfriend.”
Shaking your head furiously in disagreement, you held him tightly by his shoulders, “This is your chance, Jongin. Speak your truth. Tell them that you didn’t do it. They’ll need to hear it from you!”
Jongin looked you in the eyes, his own brimming with tears, “I was twelve when my puppy died and I couldn’t seem to get over it. My mother gave me this book which said the only way men can get over grief is by showing indifference, I tried that with Soojin.”
Brows furrowed, you asked, “And?”
“It worked for an hour.” He chuckled darkly, “I loved her and I always will. At this point I just don’t care. I should’ve listened to her. Maybe I even deserve this. I see the way people look at me, I- I feel written off, ostracized. A goddamn parliamentarian wants me in. My truth won’t survive their might.” 
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you started to talk him out of potential suicide, “Jongin -” 
But he raised his forefinger to silence you. Trembling, he asked, “I just find myself wondering, can you die from a broken heart?”
Kim Jongin had turned himself in.
Acquiescent to the slow wheels of justice, moderately satisfied with the first draft of your article, and concerned about your safety, your boss agreed to call you back to the Seoul office, at least until there were further developments in the case.
During the course of your stay in Cheongsong, you drove past the little street leading up to the Mansion several times but not once did you glance in its direction. Before your flight the next morning, you decided to pay the house a little visit to say a final goodbye. The first snow had laid a fleecy white blanket on the ceramic roof that gleamed from the light of the astral light of the night sky. You were flooded with memories of chasing butterflies in spring, climbing the only mango tree in town which still stood proud in your backyard, the stories of monsters and ghosts your parents would read to you in the blanket forts you’d build together… blissfully unaware that in a not so far future this was all your life would entail - monsters and ghosts.
The great oakwood front door turned on its hinges and a familiar aroma of caramel apple hotteok invited you in. They say every house has a peculiar smell and yours smelt of caramel apple hotteok, even after all this time. Your lips curled upward at the strangeness of your sentiments. The demons you tried so hard to escape all your life seemed like bad dreams and what was left of this place within you was just the good. The pure, unadulterated joy that was once your childhood. 
You proceeded to the kitchen to fetch yourself a cup of hot water, and that’s when you heard a knock on the front door. You ignored it at first thinking it was just the wind but the knock came again. Louder, this time. You left the kitchen to answer the door.
“Dr. Doh!” you exclaimed, utterly surprised to see him here at this hour.
“Miss Jung”, he smiled sheepishly, “I went by the guest house but the guard said you were at the Mansion. I just wanted to say goodbye, I’m leaving for Gyeonggi in the a.m.”
“Oh, yes, of course. Uh - I’m sorry, please, come in.” 
He followed you to the kitchen and said apologetically, “I hope I’m not imposing.”
“No, not at all! Never quite realised just how massive this house actually is - It was starting to eat me up. Gyeonggi, you say?”
“Oh, it’s a cursed life as an independent consultant, Miss Jung. I’m mostly living out of a suitcase..”
“I wish I could say differently. So your presence here was requested by Minseok’s team?” You asked as he took a seat at the kitchen table.
“No, I arrived just about a month before the first murder. My parents passed in a car crash three years ago. So I decided to sell the estate and the pepper farms.” He explained, taking a seat at the kitchen table.
“Would you like some tea? I brought some tea bags with me. I don’t know which tea it is, though.” You offered, mindlessly pouring hot water into two cups. 
“Sure” , he nodded.
“So did you?”
“Manage to sell everything? And I’m sorry - uh about your parents.” 
You didn’t feel sorry. What you felt was an inexplicable weight in your chest rendering you breathless. Your heart started pounding erratically and your mind clouded over with a sense of impending doom as you went about the mundane task of making tea. 
“You seem a little out of it, Miss Jung. Is something bothering you?” He got off his chair and guided you to yours as your legs threatened to give away.
You sipped on some warm tea to steady yourself and said to Kyungsoo, “Oh, no it’s … It’s just this house. Maybe you were right, Dr. Doh. This isn’t a good time. I’m sorry but I might have to ask you to leave.”
Kyungsoo didn’t react. At all. He stood still, eyes fixed on your trembling frame.
“Park Soojin wasn’t his first kill”, he whispered.
“What?” you asked feebly, still trying to get a hold of yourself.
Kyungsoo sauntered over to the kitchen counter and brought you a glass of water. “Pay attention, Miss Jung. Park Soojin wasn’t his first kill. He was sloppy with the first one and it was only by a stroke of luck that he managed to get away. So he planned better with Soojin. Got even better with Jinri.”
Startled, you looked him in the eyes and he gave you a smile that raised goosebumps on your skin. 
Unperturbed Kyungsoo continued, pacing leisurely in the kitchen, a spine-chilling hint of exhilaration in his voice. “His criminal sophistication indicates that he understands criminology and knows police work. Unfortunately, Miss Jung,”, his voice dropped and you suddenly felt shackled to your seat. Squirming, but unable to make any big movement like reaching out for something that was heavy or sharp or both, “The tragedy is that he’s always believed he’s inferior to these women. But -” 
Kyungsoo levelled his face with yours and grinned with a glimmer of victory in his eyes, “for every tragedy, there is a happy ending.”
It took all you could muster to hold it together and dash for your purse to retrieve your cell phone. But you didn’t find it in there. 
“Is this what you’re looking for?” asked Kyungsoo, teasing as he pulled your phone from the inside pocket of his overcoat and handed it to you. 
You tried to turn it on to no avail. Voice as steady as could be, you said to him, “Please, please just leave!”
He took two easy steps towards you and you found yourself encased between his body and the wall. “Well then you shouldn’t have let me in! Tell me something, how could the close protection officer have given me your whereabouts if you dismissed him immediately after Jongin’s arrest? Haven’t you learnt since you were a little girl - always keep your guard up. Think before you speak. Did you think you were invincible?”
He took your hand in his and guided you back to the kitchen table. Eyes brimming tears, body trembling, and mind overcome with dread you followed him as if he were the pied piper. The familiar scent of gingerbread wafted up your nostrils making you nauseous.
As soon as you took a seat at the table, he put on his gloves, and lay a bottle of red nail polish and a red rose before you.
“Just think about how you can be with them again, Miss Jung. And don’t worry...I’ll be gentle.”
A/N: YES! you’re absolutely right! i just wanted to write turtleneck murderer Soo -_-
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agent-hayley · 7 years
tagged in a thing by @buckybarnesandbowties
coke or pepsi: neither if i can help it but coke
disney or dreamworks: dreamworks
coffee or tea: both, maybe more coffee of late
books or movies: movies only because its been ages since i read a book
windows or mac: windows
dc or marvel: marvel
xbox or playstation: playstation
dragon age or mass effect: i’ve never played dragon age but i’m ME trash haha
night owl or early riser: night owl
cards or chess: i’m better at chess so both
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
vans or converse: neither my feet needs better soles (well said bucky)
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: i’m not familiar with this
fluff or angst: angst- but only if there’s fluff
beach or forest: i live at the beach and like anikain i don’t like the sand because it gets everywhere. i’m finding it in my sheets at this moment. so forest
dogs or cats: cats
clear skies or rain: rain
cooking or eating out: eating out cause i can expect the food quality is better than mine ahaha
spicy food or mild food: i like spicy food but i hate that it makes my nose run
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: either flight or super speed
animation or live action: live action
paragon or renegade: paragon- i just can’t play the characters as bad guys
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: team cap?
fantasy or sci-fi: oooh maybe slightly more sci-fi inclinded but i like both
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: yikes idk i have too many but the one that always sticks to me is “a drop of ink makes a million people think”. that could be a misquote slightly but it was from lord byron
youtube or netflix: i don’t have netflix so youtube
harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter
when did you feel accomplished: more recently was finishing this big test today that i’d been studying for during the past week
star wars or star trek: star wars
paperback books or hardback books: i don’t really have a preference. maybe hardcover because they’re better protected
horror or rom-com: rom-com
tv shows or movies: oooh um idk they both have their pros and cons
favorite animal: frogs. idk how this came to be but i decided they were when i was young. i wasn’t one of those typical horse loving kids hahah i’m a bit more eccentric
favorite genre of music: a mish-mash of pop and electro?
least favorite book: how the heck do i answer this?? um well generally any of the books i’ve read i’ve really enjoyed so idk that i have one
favourite season: winter
sparkly or shiny: shiney
favorite character in a tv series: i can’t have just one so leo fitz, jemma simmons, peggy carter, rose tyler... british characters are obviously the best
do you have/want any tattoos and if you do, what are they? i have a tardis tattoo on my inner forearm with the words “show me the stars”  (clara oswald quote )written underneath. i also have a lotus bud on my hip. i feel i need to do something with it cause it doesn’t look quite right but i do have plans to get more. i’m not sure what yet but i do like flowers and elephants and the moon. i’m terrible at deciding
adding to this i’m tagging @hemnalini @jemmamaximoff @ughfitz @inksplotchesandstardust @inevitablies @whatlighttasteslike @leggypeggys @leopoldfitzsimmons
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