#i think i'll post the fanart for the poll when i get around to finishing it though
miminmimikyu · 2 years
ok so i had a lot of pppppp crap sitting in my drafts that i didn't get around to properly writing down and i probably won't post (because i think now they're speculations on an aborted story if anything). but i didn't want to throw them away so here's a list of half-baked speculations under the cut:
Placeholder Mimin fanart for the winner of the unofficial tumblr PPPPPP fandom (<10 people can be a fandom right?? ;_;) character popularity poll I conducted last week (it was a last-minute 3-way tie between Sorachika, Mimin and Lucky)
Earrings: The sextuplet's earrings resembled parts of Gakuon's (from early chapters) -> each time Lucky got through to a sibling they changed their earrings -> Mimin left her earring, Gakuon commented that he lost one of his instruments -> the beads on his earrings represented the sextuplets (his instruments) -> as long as sextuplets wore theirs they'd be nothing but Gakuon's instruments: under his control and an extension of Gakuon's will only. (gathered quite a lot of manga caps for this but hoped we'd get one more sibling arc so i could conclude something instead of just list observations ;;)
Mr Crescendo, Gakuon's mysterious patron: Chocho wondered what made Gakuon change, why did he start obsessing over genius? I've been getting bad vibes from Mr. Crescendo every time he appears. And every time he's framed in shadow or with his face hidden. Also. the cover of chapter 24. I was sure he'd be the true last boss after Gakuon had some sense slapped into him Lucky inevitably defeated Gakuon's philosophy. Perhaps Crescendo was going to use his music software to supplant flesh and blood piano geniuses altogether... idk.
The chapter where Furusu decides to become a conductor was titled Furusu's core, but in Japanese:フルスコア (full score! her being a conductor was foreshadowed from her name!)
Mapollo3's oneshot Dadadadaan (prequel/AU to PPPPPP focused on Sadame Hino) -> contrasting Lucky/Sadame as protagonists and wondering on what could have happened if the manga had been serialized with Sadame as a main character.
Shikato's attachment to Gakuon: I thought Shikato was going to turn out to be the closest and most codependent to Gakuon -> how they were always depicted clinging to Gakuon and not caring much about Lucky or Chocho.
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lovifie · 6 months
A little update for everybody for my current and future updates 🩷: (please read it ❤️)
Her Royal Highness: Hiatus. Trust me, I am the saddest about it. It is the first thing I wrote and what made me want to start the blog, but I have kind of lost the vision I had for it and I can't write anything without hating it. Don't worry too much about it because I am really dramatic and might just keep it going on a month 🩷.
Lift me off my feet: Around 4 chapters left. It would make it a 13 chapter series, taking in consideration I started because of a fanart I'm quite impressed with. Still, the little plot that it has is starting to run out and I feel like it is just unnecessarily stretching it, especially since there are other series I want to work on and I can't until this one is finished. I wanted to ask, would you rather have me finish this one “fast” or alternate it with other posts? Fast would be as in focusing on writing only this fic until I finished, and I believe I could have it done next week most likely.
Switch Bodies: Plot wise, around 2 chapters. After that, it would just be random scenarios that I would think of or that you could want me to write. Still, this one doesn't really have a schedule as it is mostly jokes so I can't tell when I'll update.
Spidey: This one will have a slower than usual post schedule since it is going to be interactive and I'll need to leave time between chapters to let everyone vote their favorites. So I'll be a bit more relaxed rhythm of updates.
Poll Fic: Whichever wins the poll (I can't see the results until Monday unless I vote and I'm edging myself like a moron), I won't probably write anything until I finish Lift Me Off My Feet, plus I want to organize a bit the plot so the thing that happens with Her Royal Highness doesn't happens again and I have something to support myself on to finish it. So I'll be a bit of time still.
Those are the series, I'm also working on oneshots and just silly stuff that genuinely I'll post randomly.
Aswell, I wanted to let people know that the on taglist form I removed the option to choose on which fic to me tagged because I was getting everyone mixed and it was becoming too chaotic so now there will be one single taglist. I hope you guys don't mind too much and thank you for understanding. If you would prefer me to remove you from it you can also tell me on the taglist form without a problem. 🩷🩷
There are going to be a couple of days without updates because I'm going to work on tidying everything up a bit so it is easier to navigate the blog. And I'm also going to slow down a bit as well, because I don't understand why I have pressured myself into uploading as soon as possible to the point I'm burning myself out instead of enjoying writing like I should.
That being said, I'm done rambling and complaining. I'd love any kind of feedback, as comments, asks or DM, I always love to read you guys opinion and ideas so feel free to do so ❤️❤️
Sorry for the disappointment of this not being an update let me know what you would rather have happening on the Lift me off my feet fic 🩷
Back to Masterlist - Taglist Form
TagList (1): @1-800-choke-that-ho @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @anirok2 @arbesa-mind @avaleigh16 @blckbrrybasket @bunnysdaydreams @cassiecasluciluce @cheomain @cmbghost @cod-z @coldpaperwonderland @contractedcriteria @cringeycookies @crinoid90 @darkangel4121 @dilara-del @dontworryboutitokie @dukeofjjune @dumb12bvtch1212 @dumybitch @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @evolutionarry @fraserbraw @ghostlythots @ghosts-hoe @glocuseguardian3rd @grenkiesworld @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @hatterripper31 @herefor-tojis-tits @howlove @itsberrydreemurstuff @jaguarthecat @jupiternighties @justyourfriendlyneighbourhood1 @kayden666 @keiraslayz @keiva1000 @kristalhi @l0velifehatey0u @ladyxtiger @lilliumrorum @lolliepopsicle @lolly145 @lotionlamp @lunamoonbby @lunari0 @marymustdie @missmidnight-writes
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Important Announcement
This is going to be a long one, sorry in advance.
First, I want to apologize for my lack of activity in terms of anything other than random updates here and there. I promised consistent polls and community engagement. I haven't made good on that progress for these past months. I'll get back to this topic in a bit though.
For now, the other important topic is Mod Honami. She has decided to step down from being a part of this blog. Her time here was short, but she will be missed regardless. I hope you will all wish her the best going forward.
Now for the future of this blog...
The original idea for this blog was to see the general community opinion of every ship combination. When I made this blog, poly ships and NPCs weren't really part of the equation. I planned to include the unit poly ships, but didn't think any other poly ships would be requested that much or even very popular. My original estimate of how long this blog would last was around 6 months. As it stands, there are only 47 player character mono ships out of around 175. For now, I'm only going to be posting these ships. At noon central time on September 2nd, the final stretch of polls will begin going up. Once those polls are finished running, I will post some final statistics and will then begin operating this account much differently.
Once the final statistics go up, I will only be posting ships if people DM this account directly with an edited picture/fanart to use for the image. I apologize to all of the people who have sent ships into the ask box and waited incredibly patiently for the polls to go up, but it just isn't something I can do right now.
Now, back to the first point, my constant inactivity. This is a bit personal, so I'm going to put it under Read More. If you've read up to this point thank you so much and thank you all for your incredible support. I know I haven't handled this blog as best as I could have but thank you for all of your patience and kind words regardless.
Thank you all, and I'm sorry.
I've just started my junior year of college, and I haven't handled it very well so far. I've failed or withdrawn from at least one class a semester, with all of my other classes usually falling down to a D, and I've considered dropping out more times than I can count. I'm at my third college and second switched major so far and really want to succeed which has led me to the unfortunate realization that, if I want to succeed in school, having hobbies, especially time-consuming ones like running this blog, isn't really an option for me. Even just a week into the school year, I've spent most of my time doing homework or working on things for the future, only taking breaks to eat or occasionally exercise. This realization has been a long time coming and is incredibly frustrating. I know my limitations as a person, but I still feel I've let you all down because of them. I want to keep running this blog and interacting with all of you and this community, but it just isn't possible right now.
For those of you who have stuck around, I can't thank you enough, and for those who have unfollowed or stopped engaging with the polls, I completely understand and am sorry for not fulfilling what I promised to you all.
Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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minevn · 1 year
I'm 20 away from 100 followers and have had so many idea's for milestones like this! Every 100 followers I want to do these events! There's two events that I've been thinking about doing for the 100 followers milestone, but I'm not sure which one to do, so lets do a poll!
1st option would be that I take offers for 50 Mine sketches. It could be a scenario in your head that you want to see me draw, or you could request a character(or multiple) with your oc/s! It wont have line art or shading and I'm still debating on color, but I'm pretty sure I'll at least do color!(Doing line art and shading kind of make me lose motivation sorry, it'll take months before I finish that) Also if you're requesting a drawing with your oc and a Mine character, please dm me a ref if you haven't already posted them to the Minevn tag! (Also no nsfw drawing requests this time around anyways)
2nd option would be doing this challenge
Tumblr media
I'll probably do about 3-4(of the templates, not the individual rectangles) of them, just cause they'll be in the Mine style with line art and shading. I'd also prefer if it was vn characters :3
Both of these options have no time limits, once these events start, they don't stop until I complete them! Also for anyone who comes after the event, don't worry about not getting a spot, I'll do repeats of these events. In the beginning I'd prefer if everyone gave me only one request for both so it gives a lot of people a chance to ask, but after a certain time period or when requests start dwindling, you'll be allowed to ask for another!
Please don't request anything from me until the event starts though!
If you have any questions about this, lemme know! I'll be happy to answer!
Thank you everyone for you continued support of Mine, I really appreciate it! <33333333
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