#i think i'm always drawn to in-universe social media stuff bc of my love of outsider pov and social media is the quintessential version
screamingay · 2 years
Do you have any OCs? feel free to talk about them if you do What was the first piece of media you engaged with on the internet? Are you still interested in it? What's something you made or did that you're proud of? What's something that made you smile this month?
ooh this is so fun tysm!!!
i do have some ocs! ive been working on them on and off since high school and i still dont have an overarching story or anything for them but i'll go over the basics if anyone's interested o.o
the basic premise is a group of friends who start a band called good question, but ive always considered the main couple of this universe to be renee and pj (who i just renamed a minute ago dont worry abt it) even tho they aren't really in the band. the band is made up of alysha on lead guitar and vocals, juan on drums, and anis on bass, with meg as a roadie and sati as their social media manager (and also regular manager). calypso is the newest addition to the group, they're the youngest and im not entirely sure how they'll fit in but i think they're just gonna be a younger college student or something. ive sketched and drawn everyone in the group, some more than others, but i'm still really working on their designs and physical & personality traits and backgrounds and all that. i know that pj likes anime and sati & anis are exes and alysha is an amputee and renee is jewish and all kinds of stuff but i haven't really fleshed them out as much as i want to eventually. lmk if ur interested in hearing more abt them bc it would definitely encourage me to work on them more hehe
i dont really remember what my first internet media was, but i feel like it mostly started with youtube and stuff like charlie the unicorn. my first fandoms were book series, the hunger games and hp and the mortal instruments and all that, and im absolutely not into most of it anymore except the hunger games i still think they're brilliant
i'm definitely proud of some of the stuff ive made! i havent been working on my skills as much lately but my gf has been inspiring me bc i love drawing her body <33 so other than those drawings of her in my top posts rn and that taz comic i did a while ago i like these too
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lots of things make me smile!! getting this ask made me smile! also harper got her first tattoo and it happened to have my lucky number in it and my cat is so cute so im happy every time i get to see him and i saw the sun set on bare trees in front of dark clouds a few days ago which is one of my favorite things to take pictures of <3
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thank u again for all this!! i love sharing things abt myself and idk if this was like a chain or what but i might send it along to someone else anyway bc it's so nice ty
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Rather than dark and edgy reinterpretations, I’ll always opt for the idea that the Pokemon world is a kinder, fairer, more just and equitable world than our own....but even so, academic slapfights and social media discourse will always bring out the worst in people.
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amourology · 3 years
Okay so I have this fic idea and I’m like super psyched about it, but I’m also trying to be realistic with myself and am not sure what I should do. You’re an amazing writer and so I’m coming to you for advice if that’s okay (if not feel free to ignore this).
The idea would have to be a multi-chapter story with different OCs and stuff, which I know isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I am also very self conscious of my writing. I feel like in my head the dialogue flows naturally and I can describe and see things clearly, but when I go to put it on paper it just…doesn’t happen. I basically feel like I word vomit and feel like the dialogue doesn’t flow or isn’t natural or I spend too much time describing things and then not enough time if actual dialogue and character interactions. I am also aware that committing to a multi-chapter fic is something that may not be realistic for me. With everything going on in my life and work being how it is, I’m scared I’d start it and then drop it. And I guess I could always wait to share it until I actually finish it, so I know that it’s done and then don’t disappoint people, but then also what if people don’t like it and then I did all of that for people to hate it. And I know I shouldn’t care what other people think, but that’s easier said then done. There is also the problem of I don’t really have anyone to talk about the plot of the fic with, because none of my friends are into this stuff/the fandom for the story. So then I fear that this fic may sound cool but wouldn’t get feedback about anything and so then it’s like what if I’m writing this with stuff that doesn’t make sense in this universe.
I guess I’m honestly just asking how you do all of it? Lol I know that is a very intense question so I apologize, but if you have any advice for me I would love it.
Also good luck on your exams!
hi, love! so sorry for the late response, i've been on a mini social media break during the holidays but i'm back now and i'd love to help you with writing <3
first off, for some general stuff you can take a look at this ask i answered from my lovely 🗝️ anon :) maybe there are some tips in there that could help you as well!
second, i absolutely understand the hesitance about starting a multi-chapter fic. i'm horrendously bad with them myself because they start to feel like an assignment after a while - however, if you feel like you've got a clear story in your head and you're really committed to the idea, you should just take the shot!
and, honestly, if you start and you eventually end up dropping it bc life got in the way or simply bc you no longer feel like writing it - then that's okay. you do not owe anybody anything. unless there's an actual contract drawn up and a book deal and whatever, you do not owe anybody anything. write whenever and whatever you want.
remember, you do this for free and you do this for fun. as long as it isn't paid for, you do not owe anybody your words. and as soon as it isn't fun anymore, you do not have to continue for anybody either.
that's also the most important thing i can say to you: write for yourself. make sure you love what you're writing, and i assure you, people will follow. it's okay if your first draft is a bit messy or if the words don't flow well, bc, simply put, it's a first draft. it's not meant to be put out immediately, it's just made to put it on paper. you can always tweak some things from there and build off of that :)
also it's totally fine if you write about stuff that doesn't make sense in this universe! it doesn't have to be realistic at all. as long as you explain your idea properly, it's completely okay to write something out of this world!
i mean you can't tell me anybody ever heard about a mirror of erised before harry potter, or about a man travelling through three different types of london before a darker shade of magic, or about a girl able to summon light before shadow and bone - point is: it doesn't matter what you write, as long as you are able to explain it well.
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