#i think i've been mixing up 'a3! translation' and 'a3 translation'
natsu-tte-noodle · 2 years
A3! Translation - Regional Tour Instablam Posts (Autumn Troupe)
Autumn was a little easier to do than Winter was... you’ll probably see why pretty quickly lol
Also, the like count on the posts seem to be completely random.  This isn’t important to the meanings of the posts, but I think it’s really funny that I’ve gotten Kazu posts with 0 likes lol
Also you can see here that I tried to vary the way they type out their tags in terms of capitalization and stuff!  That’s a purely stylistic choice on my part; there’s not much in the Japanese that implies for it to go either way
Sendai - Zunda shake
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Sendai. A commemorative zunda.
#the fabled zunda #delicious
Sendai was fun! (≧▽≦) We all drank zunda ^^
#MANKAI Company #Sendai #We’ll come again #Zunda #Wasnt sure what station lunch to get (1)
Thanks for coming to our Sendai play run. This is sweet and delicious.
Thank you for attending our Sendai play run. Apparently this is famous.
#Sendai #Thanks #Zunda
Nagoya - Nagoya morning breakfast set
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Nagoya morning.
#coffee #as for the ogura #just looking at it made me sick
Ogura bean paste.
Morning! ( `ー ´)ノ My tummy’s been full all day~!
#MANKAI Company #Nagoya #Morning #Ogura bean paste
Active since the morning. This is healthy.
Thank you for coming to our Nagoya play run. Speaking of Nagoya, this is morning. The early bird gets the worm, after all.
#Nagoya #Morning #Accompanying an elder #Damn sleepy
Osaka - Glico Running Man in Dotonbori (2)
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Dotonbori. #THE pose #they forced me to do a pic #not posting it tho
My souvenir from Osaka was a cheesecake.
Osaka was fun! I luv it! (3) Jk (≧▽≦) I ate myself to death (4) with delicious food!
#Osaka #Surprise Kansai dialect #The hells with that (5) #Dotonbori #Variety #Ate too much #MANKAI Company
A food binge tour with everyone. When you think Osaka, you think food.
#Osaka #Thanks
Thank you for coming to our Osaka play run. As always, there were many people.
#Osaka #Good work #Dotonbori #Sightseeing
Niigata - Red snow crab
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Niigata crab.
#sea of japan #shellfish #massive
Crab! So big! Super tasty! ^^
#MANKAI Company #Crab #Niigata ftw (6) #Hype
We ate crab today. The seafood from the Sea of Japan is fresh.
Thank you for coming to our Niigata play run. Of course the crab is good too, but the rice is delicious.
#Niigata #Crab #Impressive
Fukuoka - Tonkotsu ramen
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When you go to Fukuoka you gotta have tonkotsu ramen.
#best place for it #crispy style #second noodle helping #used it up
Ramen after the show run.
Thanks Fukuoka~! And my long-awaited tonkotsu ramen ^^ I enjoyed it all the way down to the soup!
#Fukuoka fun #Hakata (7) tonkotsu #ramen #MANKAI Company
Enjoying Fukuoka. This is our last stop.
Thank you for coming to our Fukuoka play run. At the end of the run.
#Fukuoka #Tonkotsu ramen #Light oil #No overeating #No ruining your skin
1. This was 駅弁悩む (ekiben nayamu), which is literally “worry about the station bento,” but that sounded to me like he wasn’t sure if it would be good or not
2. Dotonbori is a popular tourist destination in Osaka!  Food is huge in Dotonbori, and Osaka in general, which you’ll see in a lot of the posts about it. The Running Man sign is an ad for Glico, the company responsible for Calpico/Calpis and Pocky!  The ad has been up since 1935.
3. Taichi says 好きやねん (sukiyanen) here, which is Kansai dialect for “love it”.  I normally don’t do anything funky with Kansai-ben, but if I didn’t it’d look like he was saying “I love Osaka. JK NO I DON’T” lmao so we had to do SOMETHING.  Shoutout to Moonlight for the simple suggestion!
4. Here Taichi uses the phrase 食い倒れ (kuidaore), which basically means “eat til you drop.  I had to change the TL a to “eat oneself to death” to make it sound ok, but it basically means the same thing, right? Omi’s “food binge” is also originally 食い倒れ
5. The standard tsukkomi retort in manzai as well
6. This was 新潟最高 (Niigata saikou), with 最高 basically meaning “greatest.”  I let myself have a little fun as a treat lol
7. Another name for Fukuoka
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fishyishy · 2 months
A3! Translation - Rurikawa Yuki SSR 【Shining Accomplice】 「The World's One and Only」 (3/3)
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Yuki: ....Stand up straighter
Director: L-like this?
Director: (I didn't know Yuki-kun was asking me to try things on....)
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Tenma: Ugaaaaah!?
Tenma: The hell, I thought the director was.....someone else.
Director: Sorry for barging in.
Yuki: Like I told you. I'm busy making clothes for the shop.
Yuki: I sell women's clothing, so I'm having her try it on to check for sizing and stuff.
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Tenma: Ahh.....come to think of it, I heard the sewing machine going on all day yesterday.
Tenma: This piece has a different atmosphere than usual, it's nice.
Director: Ahahaha.....thanks.
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Yuki: It's my design, so obviously it's good. It's just more like you can't tell what's specifically good about it.
Tenma: Th-that's why I said the atmosphere of it was good! I can name other things, like the collar......!
*door knocks*
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Kumon: Tenma-san, Yuki, you here~?
Kumon: Hey, it's the director!
Muku: That outfit suits you so well! It's so cute!
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Kumon: For real! It's super cute!
Director: Thanks, you two.
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Muku: Did Yuki-kun make this outfit, by any chance?
Yuki: Well, yeah.
Kumon: Awesomeeee! Yuki's awesome as always!
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Yuki: Hmmm......maybe I should shorten the length a bit. And then the overall size should be a bit more....
Director: (It's making me a bit nervous with everyone staring at me like this......)
Yuki: DIrector, do you have a sec?
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Director: Hm? What's up?
Yuki: The clothes that were ordered are finished, so I want you to try them on in my room. They're in there.
Director: So they're finished! Got it, I'll be right there.
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Yuki: .......Yup, I've got a good feeling about this.
Director: Uwaaa......! It's been tweaked a little since the last time I've tried it on, it's super cute!
Yuki: That's a given.
Director: It's even more refined than the previous design. It's amazing.......
Director: Those clothes and skirts on the hangers there are lovely as well. It's all so cute, I'm sure they're going to sell out quickly.
Yuki: .....I wonder if they will.
Director: Hmmmm.....
Yuki: What were you groaning about just now.
Director: This outfit, it's so cute, but so expensive.........
Director: Oh, on that note, your clothes have started to be sold in stores, right?
Yuki: Ahh........those, they sold out immediately.
Director: IMMEDIATELY!? A-amazing!
Director: They were truly wonderful clothes though, so of course they did. I'm glad, Yuki-kun.
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Yuki: Making those clothes was fun.....but it was definitely a lot of labor.
Yuki: But I am an actor and costume designer at MANKAI Company after all, so making clothes every once in a while like this might be fine.
Director: (Yuki-kun, your face is more positive and clearer than before)
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Yuki: And so.....I'd like to give this to you.
Director: Eh? This is the outfit I was trying on, though.....
Yuki: At first I was planning on selling it too, but before I even realized it, I had custom made it to suit you.
Yuki: I'd like for you to wear it.
Director: Thank you, Yuki-kun! This makes me super happy.
Director: As expected, it's so cute. I could wear it everyday......
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Yuki: No matter how much you like it, don't wear it everyday. Think about possibilities to mix and match it.
Director: Fufu, okaay.
prev I
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saramiah · 2 years
Markmaking #1
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Friday 23rd September 2022
Today we did mark making. An exercise that helps in opening the creativity ducts in our brain. I did quite enjoy it once I got like two not so impressive ones done and found my groove. We were given a piece of A3 paper split into 12 parts, we had a minute to fill each section using a different medium each time. It was our primary research photos, the photos taken to portray our idea of 'The story of Me’, that we are reinterpreting using a range of different mediums. The images I was interpreting were of bangles and of our ‘house sandals’ lined up in the hallway of our house. I particularly enjoyed using the charcoal and oil pastels. The harshness of the blunt charcoal against the soft, manipulative stroke of the oil pastel is a very nice contrast, the perfect subtle soft sort of mirroring of my theme: the mixing of 2 cultures at an almost minute and unrecognisable scale. I used the charcoal in harsh and bold strokes to outline the bangles and then used the oil pastel in a soft rounded sweep within the charcoal outline, this is shown quite nicely in 'compartment' number 5 and 6.
On quite a few sections on my A3 piece of paper I used negative space to my advantage. On one of them I used masking tape, ink and corrugated cardboard. First I stuck like 3 5cm long strips of masking tape together - width to width- and that gave me a good sized square piece of masking tape to make a stencil out of. I carefully cut out the shape of a pair of bamboo sandals within the masking tape - sandal stencil. I then did the same process again of getting a square piece of masking tape but this time I cut it into the shape of of the pair of bamboo sandals. I then got a piece of corrugated cardboard and filled a plastic cup with ink and found myself a flat paintbrush. I slathered on a thick layer of the ink onto the ridged side of the corrugated cardboard. I pressed this into the stencil and I got the results shown in 'squares' 8 and 9. I also included the piece of cardboard I used. I hope my labelling is clear enough. Pleas let me know if it isn't. This technique was quite fiddley I will admit but it was one of my favourite. The outcome is vague. You can't really tell if it's a pair of sandals or not, but that's the fun in it I guess. It may just seem like a bit on ink carelessly swiped across the sheet, but it means something to someone, someone has interpreted it as an object that is meaningful to them. A matter of perspective that I find most intriguing. And even if I said to the viewer "this is to be interpreted as a pair of bamboo sandals", there is still more to be discovered: what could a seemingly meaningless pair of sandals mean to this viewer? The scope of a mind is endless. I would love to explore it more.
My journey was not all smooth sailing. I struggled finding my creative flow when I was introduced to this task. It's quite well reflected in sections 1,2 and 3. I was still finding my groove. They are not my best pieces I will admit, but thankfully by section 4 I had grasped the last remaining threads of creativity before they left me and used them thoroughly. I hope this is also reflected in my other sections.
You may be wondering what the repetitive objects throughout my work mean and represent. I mentioned it before in my last post, I shall elaborate on it a little bit more. This piece of paper is comprised of the objects: bangles and a pair of bamboo sandals, translated into a range of styles and mediums. But why these objects? I am not the most cultured Bengali in England, but to me I feel as though these are things that are small but signify something more to me about my culture. I think more and more, especially recently, I've been trying to find things that signify that connection, no matter how faint. I feel more accomplished when I do or wear things that are deep rooted in my culture and have been lost or faded through migration to a country where things are done completely differently. Little things are more significant to me, because no one else can really tell I'm doing it or wearing it for that connection, it's like a secret with myself. Thank you.
Please feel free to also share your thoughts on the topic of significance of small matters or small things to you, but go unnoticed by others :)
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fishyishy · 2 months
A3! Event Translation - memory of toys (7/11)
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Toi: Ahh, that's.....
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Sakuya: Whaa!
Yuki: Oh, that person is the shop's owner.
Citron: He is a mysterious ninja. Be careful okay!
Toi: Haha, sorry for surprising you.
Toi: In the past, I used to do that. Fixing broken toys and things.
Toi: This was for anyone who had broken a toy they had bought here or had cherished up until now.
Toi: It took a lot of money in materials and effort, so it wasn't a free service.
Toi: Instead, I would work hard to fix any toy that I could.
Sakuya: So that's the toy hospital....
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Yuki: Why did you stop?
Toi: Well, it was really just a question of how many customers I was getting.
Toi: The children who always needed to have their toys repaired have grown up and no longer come here.
Toi: I thought it would be a waste to run it if nobody was going to come. so it's currently closed.
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Citron: It's too much of a shame.
Sakuya: That's right. It's a wonderful hospital where your treasured belongings and memories can stay together for a long time.
Yuki: .......Hey
Yuki: Can't we start it up again?
Toi: Eh? Well.... it's not impossible. But customers would have to be interested.
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Yuki: I wonder if I can include this in my plan.
Sakuya: Your plan?
Citron: How lovely! Lovely, nice idea!
Yuki: (Toy hospital....how can we use make use of this......)
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Citron: Yuki, I made you some cocoa. Whenever your brain works hard, you need to replenish it with animals.
Yuki: You mean with sugar. .....Thank you.
Citron: You looked enthusiastic at the toy store today, Yuki. Was there a mochi at the toy hospital?*
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Yuki: Just like always you're mixing up your words.
Yuki: Well....I just remembered something
When I was little, my parents gave me a dress-up doll for my birthday, and I loved it so much that my older sister had to give me another one as a present. The one my sister gave me had a different vibe than the doll my parents had given me, and I really liked the new doll.
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I would think about clothes and make them with my mother, and then dress the dolls in these clothes I made. If these clothes got frayed, I would mend them, and if they got dirty I would make sure to wash them carefully......
I would dress all my dolls in beautiful, cute clothes and made sure to take care of each precious doll.
But one day, I had broken the doll that my sister had given me. I could fix the clothes and make new ones as many times as I could, but I couldn't fix the doll itself alone.
".....I'm sorry, I should've treasured it more"
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I remember holding the now broken doll and crying.
Yuki: After that, my sister and parents tried buying me similar dolls, but I said that I didn't need it.
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Citron: You refused?
Yuki: Mhm. No matter how many new things came along, the days I spent together with that doll will never return.
Yuki: Back then, I wish there had been a toy hospital like that........
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Citron: ......!
Citron: Yuki, we will promote the hospital!
Yuki: Why else do you think I've been brainstorming how to do that for a while now.
Citron: Noooo, nooooo! You are thinking too hard about this. There are some things that we can never lose at.
Yuki: We can...
Citron: Even though it might be ordinary, I'm sure it can convey to lots of people how wonderful that place is.
Yuki: I see... that's such a classic and easy-to-understand way to get this conveyed isn't it.
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Yuki: Alright, let's negotiate this with that money-grubbing yakuza.
Citron: Goooo, gooo dayo!
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*the word they use for toy is "omocha" which kinda sounds like "o-mochi" which citron says haha
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