#i think there's a paralelle to be drawn with q!tubbo and q!philz relationship too
backfromtwitterforw · 3 months
Coming from someone who watches q!Baghera's pov from afar, there's something really sad about her trying so hard to get into a family on one side and almost refusing the one she already has on the other.
"Almost" because ofc she's not refusing to be Dapper's mom, or anything, that's not what I mean, but when offered to live close to Pomme other parents (q!BBH and q!Aypierre), she didn't say no, but she didn't say yes either, she said she'll think about it as a second house, because she really wants to be close by the one she decided would be her father figure.
It's devastating to see how growing up parentless made her cling to someone who is not able or not willing to give her what she needs right now and overlook friendships she could have.
And sure, q!Badboyhalo was mostly offering it to make sure Dapper will have people nearby for when he'll be... you know, gone. But still there's something about her willing to rather dig a tunnel under someone's house than build near a co-parent and her other child's place.
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