#i thought popipo would be higher
hhhhhhhappycow · 4 years
Haikyuu Game Night Part 6:
The Cats, the Owls, and the Crows (again) playing Just Dance:
Okay, so the Karasuno guys bring the games with them to camp so their friends from Nekoma and Fukurodani can also have a go.
It turns out the one way to get Kenma to dance is with video games.
Kenma and, surprisingly, Fukunaga, are the best at Rasputin, followed closely by Yaku and Komi. They have a dance off with all three liberos, and Shibayama also joins in. Yaku wins, to Noya and Komi's disgust. (Lev says he's good at it too but he sucks. Yaku points out that he got a higher score.)
Bokuto likes dancing to Don't Stop Me Now. He likes singing along with it too, even though he doesn't know the words at all in English, so he gets a lot wrong and by the end is normally a sweaty mess. (The others tell him to stop 'singing'- if you can call his yelling of random vowels singing- and concentrate on dancing but does he listen? No.)
Sarukui is the best dancer. The others know this, and they make him dance to to Hips Don't Lie. (Yes, this is based off of the stage play.) Konoha does the Sumo version with him after.
Lev  gets Yaku to dance to Moskau with him. Lev thinks the song is Russian. One of the others has to tell him it’s actually in German.
The Nekoma first years do This Is Halloween. Mainly because Inuoka wanted to be the pumpkin. Shibayama does he best. Teshiro just waved his remote around for half of it. (Yamaguchi tries to talk him out of it, as he did with Tsukishima, and the two of them recognize each other as the first year pinch servers and kind of become friends while watching everyone else play.)
Bokuto and Yukie dance to Mambo No 5 because he is 100% her hype man, even if she’s reluctant to admit it. They both love the dance because it’s fun and kind of wacky.
Kuroo dances to Old Town Road. He’s actually pretty good at it, even if Yaku and Tsukishima join forces to roast him when he starts getting tired towards the end. Lev also danced to it after, to see if he could get a higher score. He didn't.
Suga, Kageyama, Akaashi and Kenma all dance to Lean On together because some of the others suggested that their setters should compete against each other. Kageyama only dances because Suga and Akaashi are dancing and he looks up to them both a lot. (Also, he secretly wants to try beating Kenma. He doesn't, of course, but he gives a valiant effort.)
Fukunaga gets dressed in like five layers of mismatched clothes to dance to Daddy Cool for some reason. The others are all try to forget that ever happened. (Yamamoto: When I told Fukunaga to come out of his shell a bit more, this is not what I had in mind.)
Bokuto convinces Anahori and Onaga to dance to Popipo with him because neither of them have done a song yet. Anahori later called it the worst thing he had ever done.
Hinata, Lev and Inuoka dance together to Surfin’ Bird, although they don't dance so much as jump around flailing their arms and making weird noises. None of them get very many points.
Noya and Yaku smash Get Low together. (Lev said they probably had an advantage being so short, since it means they’re closer to the sensor, and got his ass doubly beat.)
Washio, Konoha and Akaashi dance to Dark Horse, and it’s hilarious. Akaahi and Washio both have poker faces when they dance and, as Kaori puts it, Konoha looks like he's in pain. Konoha is decent, but he’s always off by one beat. Washio is not a dancer: He’s very stiff in his movements. Akaashi is that one person who is actually bad at getting the moves right but he does them pretty fluidly and manages to make it look like he meant to do it the way he did, so the others all think he's good and the game is just picking it up wrong.
The Nekoma third years try dancing to Jailhouse Rock and the others lose it when they got to the part where they have to dance in pairs because Kai and Yaku are dancing together and Kuroo is just dancing by himself, pretending he has a partner. Kenma turned it into a 'forever alone' meme.
Hinata and Bokuto dance to Happy together, and the others all clap along. Bokuto does literally every move perfectly but the game doesn’t seem to register it so he loses and he sulks for the next ten minutes.
Sarukui wanted one of the girls to dance to I Like It Like That with him so he could try some salsa moves. Yukie refused because she thought he would show her up and he was too shy to ask Kiyoko or Yachi since he doesn't know them that well lmao, but Kaori agreed. She regretted it. (Sarukui keeps standing on her feet because she keeps forgetting to actually step back. He buys her ice cream to apologize after but Yukie ends up eating most of it.)
The Nekoma second years dance to Bang Bang Bang. Kenma and Yamamoto fight over who gets to be the main dancer in front. Yamamoto usually wins because Kenma realises he doesn't really care that much, as long as he gets the highest score.
Yukie and Kaori dance to Girlfriend. Again, they both mainly just jump around waving their arms since neither of them are the best dancers, but they’re having fun so they don’t really care.
Kenma and Kuroo dance to Oishii Oishii together. It's the dumbest song but Kenma still tries his hardest to win. Kuroo is actually shocked at how seriously he takes it.
Bokuto persuades Akaashi to dance to Gibberish with him. Akaashi is embarrassed and struggles to keep up but tries his best.
Hinata dances with Kenma to Professor Pumplestickle. Hinata is the pumpkin. (Kageyama: Huh, I thought you were a tangerine, but I guess pumpkins are orange as well.) All of the Nekoma guys are so confused because that's the one time Kenma actually looks like he's just mucking around and having fun rather than concentrating on winning the game.
Bokuto, Konoha, Komi and Sarukui do Prince Ali. Bokuto wanted to be Aladdin, so he could be the hero, and Konoha said he wanted to be Jafar for some reason.
Inuoka and Shibayama dance to Get Busy together because they think the dance for the chorus is cute.
Yamamoto, Tanaka and Noya dance to the extreme version of Good Feeling. Yamamoto and Tanaka collapse in a heap after. Noya is the last man standing.
Kiyoko, Yachi, Yukie and Kaori dance to Ddu Du Ddu Du. Again, they do their best. Yachi is really nervous about dancing with the other girls but they’re all really nice and basically shout encouragement at her whenever she gets a move wrong.
Lev, Inuoka and Shibayama dance to What Does The Fox Say. They ask Teshiro to join but he says he’s sitting that one out.
Komi dances to One Way or Another because he likes all the high energy pop-rock songs.
You know Bokuto and Kuroo love doing any duo song together. Their favorites (at least, the ones they take seriously) are Animals and Groove.
The ones that they love but take less seriously include Mi Mi Mi and Carmen (Overture).
Konoha, Komori and Sarukui dance to September and are actually really good. All three of them are at least fairly good at dancing and they have a lot of fun with it. The rest of Fukurodani cheer them on (although Bokuto sulks a little, because he wishes he was also dancing and being cheered).
Bokuto, Kuroo, Hinata and Lev dance to Cake By The Ocean because the dance is fun. Lev trips over Hinata.
Kuroo and Bokuto convince Akaashi and Tsukishima to dance with them to the Angry Birds song. Hinata and Lev join in in the background. Tsukishima continues to just wave the remote around and gets pissed off when he has to move. Kuroo is the green pig that they all bully. A fight nearly breaks out when Bokuto accidentally sends Tsukishima flying. Kenma films the whole thing, he loves it.
For the final song, Bokuto, Kuroo and Daichi dance to Everybody (Back street's Back). It’s the ultimate showdown. Kuroo loves all the pop songs and is 100% willing to embarrass himself. Bokuto thinks they look cool. Daichi is having too much fun to care how they look. Each of their teams collectively lose their minds cheering their captains on.
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