#i use it for every post s4 gifset at this point haha
starbuck · 3 years
was gonna wait to post some meta but actually it’s gonna be happening Right Now as soon as I whip up some tags for it.
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so since there’s a lot of hate on tumblr lately i decided to make this blog. basically this is how it works: message me something you like about another blog (try to make your message long and fluffy and cheesy as fuck bc thats cute) i will tag whoever you message me about in the post so they can see it and love you forever (◕‿◕✿)
Okay I waited a long time to do this but here it is:
I’ve been on tumblr for a while and part of a few fandoms, but never like this! The skamily truly feels like a community, and especially for me the yousana fandom has been such a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE and I’ve found some GREAT friends through it that I’m so grateful for:
Let’s start with my yousana gc buddies cause of course, carrot trash squad owns my “HORT” :P
@cheekyeven: thank you for creating this gc love, you brought us all together and even though I know you regret it everyday (you love us deep down I know it) your nooreva content gives me life and you make awesome gifs!
@sanaflowers: the latecomer but LIFE OF THE PARTY! maaaan you are the funniest and nicest girl ever, cutie with a meme face extraordinaire and I love your yousana edits so much!
@smoothyousef: SHITPOSTING GURU! lmao the popular one even tho she acts like she aint, with the most hilarious crack edits, but like you’re talented at everything? Videos, gifs, fics, text posts, like what can’t you do? Oh yeah, you can’t get Karl to DIE lol
@yossiacar: ANNA BANANA!! The sweetest of the bunch, literally looks like a DOLL (also fashion icon I LOVE HER STYLE) and pretty much no one can compare to her gif skills, the coloring, the scene selection like I will NEVER be over this  edit she made for me, it’ll be 70 years and I’ll still be reblogging that masterpiece
@iamacolor: MY YOUSANA SOULMATE! The first one I interacted with and the one who gets me the most! I love love love all your fics, and your get to know the balloon squads edit are the BEST thing ever. Also, you’re literally HAIR GOALS. basically my super pretty, kind, sometimes dead (sorry I had to!) friend
and now for my tumblr buddies:
@thesuncameout24: our initial messages used to be just caps of us screaming about the latest yousana scene and that’s like #friendship goals right there haha, but I love talking to you and all your fics are simply amazing
@rumaan: one of my absolute favorite people in the fandom and the one I’m happiest to have stumbled upon during season 4! thank you soooo much, for all the conversations, for the fanfiction that seems like you read my mind while writing them since they are exactly how I always pictured yousana and you capture that so effortlessly and for just being you
@bloosana: for your wonderful yousana gifsets! your wonderful text posts with just the right about of petty and dragging of s4 lol, and your LOVELY, LOVELY fics, seriously, never over the wedding fic aaaahhhhh!
@storiesfromtheden: we started talking after the show ended lol but still so glad, cause you’re the fix it fic we ALL NEED and doing the Lord’s work
@skampoc: FOR SAVING MY LIFE EVERYDAY BY FILLING MY DASH WITH THEIR GORGEOUS NOT WHITEWASHED POC GIFSETS. honestly one of my absolute favorite blogs here, we’re basically salt mates at this point and I would just like to say, their coloring, ideas and just the entire blog is a masterpiece
@altfordeg: I dragged you into the show and you ended up changing your url ahaha, but basically my buddy who flails over foreign shows with me, be it turkish or norwegian, and also makes GREAT EDITS and it just as salty about all the same things
@nothesc: last but definitely NOT the least. s4 would not have been as fun and wonderful without your stories love, you’re incredibly talented and truly made the yousana fandom soooo happy every time with your fics and you’re so sweet, nice and humble too. love you loads!
and so many more so thank you to everyone!
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