#i waaaannnnt
leofwines · 8 months
i dont waaaannnnt to take my GED test ughhhhh im not emotionally or intellectually prepared for this ughhhhhhhhh but i have to further my liiiife so i can get out of this shithole townnnnn. ugh
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What do you think about Salma and Eman's birthday, After Rajwa, Hussain, and Hashem's photo
I am positive of another group photo for Rajwa, iman, Salma, and ofc Hussain..
Especially with the rumors that Rajwa and Hssain’s sisters not getting along with each other.
And what do you think about this rumor?
I think they do get along. Salma's reaction to Rajwa at the Henna was so cute. Also, Iman was so friendly to Rajwa's mom! And yes I waaaannnnt a pic of them together R+H+S+I and I want a pic of salma and Iman alone! Hahaha I am too greedy! 😂
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bunnyrabbit-the-kid · 4 years
i stayed up all niiighhtttt and then went for a walk when the sun rooosee but im sleeeppyyyyy and hungyyyyyy what have i dooooneeee
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st-riley-the-brave · 7 years
[ (( Okay but a Star Wars dual-Verse in which Riley is stuck in their galaxy and both Poe Dameron and Kylo Ren take a bit of an interest to her and she can't even decide between the two and in the main verse she joins the Resistance with Poe and in the AU she gives in to the Dark Side of the Force joining Kylo. )) ]
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hyvee · 2 years
I waaaannnnt more items to collect nd more outfitsssss
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uvindi · 4 years
things that ran thru my head in my 3am delirious state:
The shadows can't get me, the power of chicken wing protects me
Wow I really do just condone murder
I want some nachos bitches
Why is it called a body man??
Is this idiot still up????? At this hour????
I waaaannnnt a caaaaat ugh
I probably should go to therapy
Klaus did not start a cult. Nothing about it is cult-ish in the slightest!! The bad thing about cults is that they (mentally) abuse members, bribe people into joining, blackmail if they try to leave, pressure and make them unhappy if they do so. Klaus does none of these things!!!! All of his followers are living their best life!!!
Dolores and Five is still a better love story than twilight
Do??? Movie directors??? Not??? Watch??? Constructive??? Criticism???? Videos????
If the shadows ate me, it would be v sad because I wouldn't be able to eat my chicken wing and reheated tea
Marriage should be something people only do if they want to why the fuck are we pushing this on innocent people what the fuck
??? Hello ???? Her name is Barbara bitch ????
who the fuck are you
Diego Deserves Better.
I fucking love the colour of the sky
Memes are silent comedy and thus memes are mimes.
Five for the love of god please just go & sleep.
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spacemantheo · 7 years
  bombarisen  Mass Reposter on Instagram i have...
Gurl. This gurl. If you don’t want trouble, THEN DON’T POST STUFF THAT ISN’T YOURS.//
But realizing that you can’t do what you want with other people’s things is haaarrddd and they like the image so much so being respectful to the people that made it isn’t really that important and why can’t they just let me do what I waaaannnnt. 
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memm-uh · 7 years
me when i go out with my friends: i am grumpy & i don't want to be here
me when i go out with my friends (& stay an hour longer than i should have): I doOoNNnntT waAAAnNNnt To bEee HHerRRre!!!
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melanineverything · 7 years
Is you comin home? Is you out with hiiiimmm? I don't care long as you here by 10:30. No later then. Drop them draws, give me what I waaaannnnt
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carrierapaportpkp · 8 years
I looove Scooootland! (Part Two)
The next morning was rainy. I soon learned that rain, mist, and colder temperatures are pretty much standard for Scotland, even in the thick of summer.
I jumped onto a tour van that had 17 other passengers, as well as our tour guide, Marty, who peppered our entire trip with anecdotes and tips about the sites we visited.
First up: The William Wallace Monument.
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There was an overlook that allowed you to see down into the vast valley of Abbey Craig. This is what you were supposed to see:
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This is what we actually DID see:
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Gotta love that Scottish fog. 
We enjoyed watching a re-enactment of an English soldier skirmishing with a Scottish guard, who explained the backstory of William Wallace and the monument itself. A bit cheesy, but tons of fun.
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It was at this point that a group of us - Anand from India, Maeve from France, and Jody from Canada and Nastja from Russia: a married couple living in Germany - teamed up. From that point, we became fast friends, and were inseparable for the rest of the tour.
We headed through Scotland to Glencoe, home of the “Three Sisters.”
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I look right at home, no?
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We headed over to Trossachs Woollen Mill in Kilmahog, Perthshire for lunch. No, I did not have haggis again. But, AFTER lunch, we were allowed to pet and feed the “hairy coos” (hairy cows), including “Hamish”, the most famous one in Scotland.
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Feeding Honey and Hamish
We traveled to the Glenfinnan Waterduct, where they filmed a scene in the first “Harry Potter” film!
Finally, we ended up in Fort MacWilliam, where I had secured a smaller hostel room, and was able to get wifi and sit in front of the fire for a bit.
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The next morning, I woke up a bit early, so I could walk around the town for a bit.
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QUICK! 5 quid to anyone who can pronounce these towns correctly on the first try!!!
First up, we headed to Eilean Donan Castle - The “HIGHLANDER” CASTLE!
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“Who waaaannnnts...to liiiiiiive...foreverrrrrrrrrrrr?”
Maeve and I quickly paired off and explored. Lots of cool things to see! I even made a new friend!
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I got a little caught up in the moment, I admit.
We drove on, and saw the famous Loch Ness! No monster sightings this time - Marty told us we JUST MISSED it! Maybe next trip..
We rocked lunch, and had such an amazing time chatting and getting to know each other that we lost track of time, and the tour bus almost left without us.
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Next, we headed to Bruer Falls, where the water was so rich in iron and minerals, it looked like it was made from ale:
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YAY! New friends representing five countries and three continents!
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Ahhh, good times.
But, soon, it was time to head into Edinburgh. We all had agreed beforehand to find a pub to watch the World Cup Final between France and Portugal, and we split up from there.
Edinburgh is much hillier than Glasgow, but much more picturesque, IMHO.
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I could happily get lost here.
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After taking a shower and changing, I headed over to The Bow, where we were all supposed to meet. Uhhhh...no one was there. I ducked down a few buildings, and finally came to a packed pub where hundreds of football supporters were watching the Cup. Suddenly, who do I see, but Maeve! YAYYY!!! Maeve is awesome, and is a French biochemist now living in Pennsylvania - my home state!
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We’ve agreed to meet up again in PA, when I return for the holidays!
That night, I crammed in a writing exercise for my Journalism class, before hitting the sack at 2am. Hostels are cheap, but be prepared for them to be noisy. It’s not like I had a flight at 6am or anything...DERP.
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