#i wake up to this genius and this isn't even the weirdest ask I've got
teammagi · 7 years
How about "Arba*(Hakuryuu+Aladdin)"? I am thinking of Arba harassing Hakuryu dressed as Solomon and Aladdin dressed as Sheba.
Wtf you on about?
But since I signed up for this….
Let’s see. I’m a fan of Arba harassing anyone, especially the kids she takes care of. I already have a headcanon Judar wears women’s clothes because Arba made him believe he was a girl since he was a baby, for shits and giggles. By the time he reached teen years, and realized he was not one, the damage was irreversible: He absolutely ADORED himself wearing crop tops and ancient Indian women’s clothes.So, yes. Arba would most DEFINITELY dress Hakuryuu as Solomon and Aladdin as Sheba, and then have them play out the wedding she’ve always wanted.
(Never forget Arba was the Cupid who made SoloShe happen. IT’S HER SHIP, OKAY.)
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Overall: 10/10, this ship is so good I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, I want this all to myself.
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thenigotthisfamily · 3 years
I love your fics so much, dude~!! And I have a bunch of ideas for ya! >:) We'll just start with one, though.
1. Can you do one where Natasha is actually the genius that Tony is, and Yelena is the teenager that Peter is and they have their whole dynamic throughout Infinty-War and Endgme? Like, when Tony and Peter go onto the ship and Lena gets blipped and comes back in Endgame...?? /:)
i don't know...
Hi, thanks so much for this request! Sorry it took me so long to get to it. This idea got me imagining if Yelena had been in those movies which isn't something I had considered much until now. But I liked it so this is a reimagined version of those movies if Yelena had been there. I kept the sister's dynamic relatively the same, only because Yelena and Natasha are so different from Peter and Tony, but I did try to make their relationship as comparable as possible to Peter and Tony's while keeping them in character. Hope you like it!
Also, I've watched basically all marvel movies many times, but I've only seen Infinity War twice and Endgame once since I was so sad Nat died. So please bear with my recollection of events here. 😂😂
Word Count: 3,271
When Natasha gets the call she’s been dreading for 10 years, she’s watching Yelena throw grapes off the wall of their apartment trying to catch them in her mouth.
Natasha picks up the phone warily, Yelena staring at her intensely. They both knew who it was.
“Nat. They’re here.”
Natasha doesn’t need to ask who. They never really knew who or when it would be, but they always knew something bigger was coming for them ever since the battle of New York. Tony wasn’t the only one that had premonitions and nightmares about it.
Natasha glances at her sister and the look on Yelena’s face indicates Yelena knows what the call is about too.
“Okay. I’ll meet you at Wanda’s in 2 hours, they’re going to need help.” Natasha says robotically, trying to keep the level of anxiety in the room to a minimum.
“Right. See you then.” The line goes dead.
Normally Natasha would destroy her phone at that point, but she supposes her time on the run will be coming to a close since the potential end of the world was imminent.
Yelena moves to get up. “I’m coming with you.”
“No! You’re not.” Natasha says firmly.
“You can’t stop me!”
Natasha grimaces.
Yelena realizes a second too late what is about to happen as Natasha hits her with a full blast of a widow bite. The younger sister is slammed back against the wall and Natasha catches her before she falls. She carries Yelena over to the couch and rests her there, kissing the blonde’s forehead. She then grabs her gear and scribbles a note for Yelena.
I’m sorry little one.
I can’t lose you.
Please don’t come after me.
She doubts the note will work and Yelena will likely be very pissed when she wakes up. But Natasha had to try.
Natasha is in Scotland exactly 2 hours later, saving Wanda and Vision from more aliens. They’re stronger than chitauri, but she’s stronger than she was 10 years ago too. She ends up killing one before the aliens are beamed back into space.
The Black Widow can’t even say it ranks in her top 10 weirdest days.
The next day, she’s talking to Ross and Rhodey for the first time in over 2 years. She sees Bruce for the first time in 3. It’s awkward, she won’t lie about that. But it was good to see everyone despite the drama of their past.
She arrives with Steve and the others in Wakanda, a place that was a hidden legend just a few months ago, by nightfall. They only get a few minutes in to discussion what to do with Vision when Okoye interrupts.
“There’s an unknown aircraft trying to enter the energy field.”
Natasha tenses, she hadn’t expected Yelena to find her so fast. Okoye looks at her, “The pilot says she’s your sister. Should we shoot them out of the sky?”
“Nat doesn’t have a-“ Steve starts.
“Let her land.”
They all look at her in bewilderment, but Okoye nods and orders the jet to be allowed in.
A few minutes later Yelena is entering the lab with a furious look on her face. Natasha winces. This wasn’t going to be good.
The blonde stalks past everyone staring at her and grabs Natasha roughly. The spy lets her sister slam her into the closest wall, fully expecting the anger. She was actually surprised Yelena hadn’t punched her.
Everyone reacts suddenly, raising their weapons, but Natasha motions for them to stand down. Yelena glares at her and Natasha just holds her gaze until eventually Yelena softens.
“Cука.” Yelena mutters, pushing Natasha once more before letting her go.
“Mне жаль[1].” Natasha says.
“I know.”
Steve then clears his throat and Nat resists the urge to roll her eyes. She hadn’t planned on her sister meeting the others like this.
“Um, who is this Nat?”
“My sister.” Natasha doesn’t mince her words. She figures they may as well speak plainly if the universe is about to end.
Steve just looks thoroughly confused. “Right…”
Yelena laughs, “Don’t hurt yourself trying to figure it out Starry Man.”
Steve just looks offended but the others in the room chuckle a bit, Yelena’s humor breaking some of the tension in the room.
“I like her.” Okoye declares. Yelena grins back in salute.
“Pardon me, but from the news feeds I’m getting, it seems Thanos will be here any minute.” Vision interrupts.
“Right, Vision we need to start getting that stone out of your head.” Steve declares.
“Sir, it would be better if Ms. Maximoff destroyed it-“
“Vision get your ass back on that table.” Natasha says in an argument-ending tone. The android almost looks a bit chastised and lays down on the table.
“We couldn’t figure out how to get the connections completely right,” Bruce says as Shuri examines Vision.
“Why didn’t you just program the synapses-“ Shuri starts.
“To work collectively.” Natasha finishes. Bruce and Steve look at her wide-eyed while Shuri grins.
“Where did that come from Nat?”
Yelena scoffs next to them, “You guys know Natasha is an actual certified genius, right?”
Steve looks confused at Natasha who just shrugs. “I mean, we know she’s very intelligent yes…” Cap says, trying to be diplomatic.
Yelena rolls her eyes, “Seriously, you never told them?” Natasha shrugs again.
“Told us what?” Bruce says.
“That Natasha could give Tony Stark a run for his money on his best day.” Yelena grins proudly at her sister. Steve and Bruce just continue to look at Natasha strangely.
Nat sighs, “I was selected for the Red Room because of my genetic potential. That just happens to be part of that potential I guess.”
“You told me you only acted like you knew everything.” Steve grumbles.
Nat rolls her eyes, “Being intelligent and knowing everything aren’t the same thing genius.”
“You mean this whole time you could’ve been helping Tony and I build all of those gadgets?” Bruce interjects. “Helped us build Ultron properly?”
Natasha sighs again, “Well if I had known how the Ultron fiasco was going to go I would’ve. But I really didn’t feel like spending my days in the lab listening to you guys argue.”
Bruce supposes that was fair.
“And your sister here, is she a genius too?” Bruce asks.
Natasha smirks, “Definitely.” Yelena blushes a bit at that.
“Ah this is cute. You’re like Romanoff’s protégé. Like that spider kid is Tony’s.” Sam grins.
“I’m not a kid.” Yelena growls, and Natasha grabs her just before Yelena is about to tackle Sam.
��Woah! I didn’t mean any offense. The spider kid is cool! Cooler than his mentor by far. And by the looks of it, you are too.”
Yelena is still annoyed at the idea of being Natasha’s protégé, but she’s pleased enough with the mention that she was cooler than Natasha that she allows it.
Meanwhile Natasha is just rolling her eyes. Yesterday wasn’t in her top 10 list of weirdest days, but this day was sure shaping up to be.
“Alright, I think we’ve wasted enough time talking about this.” Nat gives Steve a pointed look. The soldier still seems very thrown off by everything. He thought he knew Natasha better than everyone but Clint, but he was now finding that he really didn’t know her at all.
T’Challa begins to issue battle orders and people go off to get prepared to fight Thanos. Natasha and Yelena silently help each other put on their widow gear, both having a sinking feeling it would be the last time they ever did. When they’re done, Natasha pulls Yelena into a tight embrace to which the blonde responds immediately.
“I’m glad you’re here little one.” She really hadn’t wanted Yelena to come, it was her job to protect her sister. But now that she was here, Natasha couldn’t help but feel comforted by the blonde’s presence.
Yelena smirks, “Couldn’t get rid of me that easily poser.”
Natasha’s heart clenches with dread at the words but she smiles tightly. “I know.”
When the two get back to the debrief room, Steve and T’Challa have already issued a battle plan for most of the units. Steve nods at Nat when they enter, holding up holograms of the imaging of Thanos’ army that is approaching.
“They have these tanks and giants. If they’re even called that.”
Nat turns to Yelena, “Any ideas Rooskaya?”
Yelena studies the giants for a minute. “Anyone seen the Empire’s Strikes Back?”
“What is with the protégés referencing that movie?” Sam asks, remembering how Peter had the same idea during the Avenger’s Civil War.
Yelena glares at the nickname but shrugs nonetheless. “I watched a bunch of old movies when I got out of the Red Room to see what I missed.”
“I can relate to that.” Steve says. Yelena gives him a weird look but nods anyway.
“Well, if it’s good enough for the protégés it’s good enough for me,” Sam says with a shrug.
“Let’s go.” Natasha declares before Yelena can get in a fight with Sam.
They all head off to the front lines. Soon after, Thanos’ army is pouring through, and all hell breaks loose. Natasha tries to keep her eyes on Yelena, but it’s nearly impossible.
When the giants come through, Yelena grins. “You ready bird boy?” Yelena asks Sam over comms.
“I don’t appreciate the nickname protégé, but yes I am.”
Sam dives toward a giant, wrapping a thick wire around its legs to eventually make it fall over. Yelena then comes in after to finish it off, having to stab the giant repeatedly with a vibranium spear to get it to die.
“Nice job protégé.”
“It would have been easier with a lightsaber.” Yelena grumbles.
“Maybe you and your sis could make one since you guys are apparently hidden geniuses.”
Yelena isn’t listening though, distracted by Thor having just entered Wakanda. She smugly notes that his blonde locks are chopped off. That meant Natasha couldn’t tease her about Thor having better hair anymore.
“Took you long enough.” Yelena hears Natasha mutter over the coms.
“Natasha! My apologies for being late. I was being burnt alive by a star.”
If Natasha is confused by the statement, Yelena doesn’t hear it as there is only the sound of the battle over the comms. Yelena continues to fight, looking around for her sister that she got separated from. She finally finds her across the field next to Okoye but her eyes widen in horror as a giant tank heads right for Natasha. She screams for her sister, but the spy is too far away from her for Yelena to be able to do anything. It’s only at the last second that Wanda dives in and destroys the tanks that Yelena feels herself be able to breathe again.
Meanwhile Natasha ends up in a ditch fighting Proxima Midnight with Okoye. During the fight, she keeps looking around for Yelena, trying to make sure the blonde is okay. The distraction causes Natasha to fall and Proxima’s blade is inches from her neck in a heartbeat.
She hears a wild scream and looks up, seeing a flash of blonde flying into the ditch. Proxima looks up too late and is impaled by Yelena’s spear in one motion. Yelena turns back to her sister, slight aggravation in her eyes that Natasha had put herself in such danger.
“And I just told people you were a genius,” Yelena mutters in annoyance, helping Natasha up.
Natasha just shrugs sheepishly, kissing Yelena’s brow. “Thanks little one.”
The two sisters share a meaningful gaze for a second when they hear a terrible noise in the distance. Thanos had arrived.
Natasha grabs her sister with panic. “Yelena…please leave. Please.” Natasha begs her sister at this point.
Yelena just shakes her head, pressing her forehead to Natasha’s. “No! No I won’t. You guys are the Avengers, don’t you always win?”
Natasha smiles sadly at that. If Thanos was there, that meant Tony had already lost.
“I guess we’ll see little one.”
“Nat I need your help up here!” Steve yells over comms. Nat sees him bolting up the hillside toward Vision.
“Need a ride Romanoff?”
Natasha looks up as Sam comes swooping in. She looks at Yelena one more time, seeing the fear in the blonde’s eyes that she wishes she could vanquish.
“Be careful poser.” Yelena whispers. Natasha nods and squeezes Yelena’s hand before Sam dives and raises Natasha in the air.
Natasha doesn’t even get to Thanos, becoming trapped by the stones. Steve had already lost. All she can do is struggle desperately and watch as Wanda kills Vision, only for Thanos to bring him back and kill him again. She then watches as Thor flies in like lightning, feeling slight hope in her chest as he embeds his axe in Thanos’ chest.
But her face pales at the titan’s words. “You should have gone for the head.”
As soon as Thanos raises his hand, time slows for Natasha. She just manages to get herself free to stand up. She then locks eyes with Yelena who Sam had just flown in a second before.
She hears the snap while her eyes are fixed on her sister.
Yelena stumbles forward and Natasha catches her.
The blonde blinks, looking up at her sister. “Natashka?”
Natasha grabs Yelena’s hand. “Hey, hey, it’s okay.”
The blonde just shakes her head.
Natasha sobs. “No, no, no, no Yelena, please.”
Yelena raises her hand to Natasha’s cheek and Natasha can see deep sadness in her eyes. “I don’t want to go.”
Natasha only cries harder at that, grabbing her sister's hand. "Lena, please-"
“I don’t want to leave you.” Yelena cries. "I love you."
The Black Widow screams in anguish as she watches her sister turn to dust. She feels ash brushing her cheek where Yelena’s hand had been and she knows the feeling will be burned in her memory forever.
Natasha sobs more than she had her whole life. She stays there for days, desperately grasping at the pile of dirt that was once her favorite person in the world.
—————————5 years later—————————
Natasha groans from under the pile of rubble Thanos knocked her into. She looks around and sees Steve, Tony, and Thor, also all on the ground. Steve is barely dragging himself to his feet, his shield snapped in half.
So I came all the way back from the dead just for us to lose again, Natasha thinks.
Bruce had been able to bring her back from Vormir when he snapped his fingers. She had appeared immediately before them, the original six united one last time.
But so far no one else had come back. And all the hope that Natasha had tried to maintain the last 5 years was disappearing. She had only soldiered on to get to that moment. The moment where they could bring everyone back. And then Bruce did. Or at least tried to. And yet they were still alone. Natasha was still alone. Haunted by the ghost of the sister she hadn’t seen in 5 years.
“On your left.”
Natasha’s eyes widen as she recognizes Sam’s voice. She watches in awe as slowly but surely hundreds of others that were snapped away appear in front of them.
Natasha scans the crowd wildly, looking for blonde hair and hazel eyes. There’s so many people that it’s hard to see. But Yelena had to be there, right? Natasha’s heart pounds as she continues to search. What if Yelena wasn’t there? What if not everyone had been brought back?
Natasha trudges forward, tripping on rubble as she continues to look behind Steve to see the others. She still lands gracefully on one knee as she searches the crowd.
“Such a poser.”
The hair on Natasha’s neck stands straight up as she hears the voice behind her. Her mouth goes dry and her heart starts pounding as she begins to dare to hope again. Was it real? Everyone else came out of the portals behind Steve. If this was some trick…
A whistle.
Finally Natasha turns and finds herself staring into eyes she hadn’t seen in 5 years. Eyes that had haunted her dreams every night since then. Eyes that, last she saw, turned to dust in her arms. Eyes that belonged to the person she loved most in the world that died before she could tell her.
“Are you just gonna keep standing there or-“
Natasha crashes into Yelena and the two sisters fall to the ground in the rubble of the Avengers compound. Both hold each other tightly, sobbing.
Natasha vaguely thinks she can hear Steve saying something about the Avengers assembling in her ear, but she could care less at that point about the Avengers. She knew they’d win now. All she cared about was holding her sister.
“Yelena…” Natasha sobs against her sister’s neck. “I love you. I love you so much. I’m sorry I never told you.”
Yelena cries harder at that but strokes her sister’s hair comfortingly. “Shhh I know. You never had to say it. I always knew. I love you too Sestra.”
Natasha would stay like that for days if she could, but there’s still a battle going on around them and they need to participate, or at least be on guard, so she pulls back. She doesn’t let go of Yelena’s hand though.
“5 years huh?” Yelena whispers.
Natasha nods, sniffling heavily. Yelena’s heart clenches. She can’t imagine what her sister felt. The blonde missed Natasha as soon as she was snapped back, and to Yelena, she had just seen Natasha seconds before. So 5 years sounded worse than hell.
Yelena leans in again, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m sorry I left you so long.” Yelena sniffles.
Natasha just chuckles through her tears and shakes her head, wrapping up her sister again. “How did you even get here?”
Yelena shrugs, “When I was snapped back, this weird wizard dude was yelling at everyone saying it’s been 5 years and we need to hurry and help. I locked eyes with him and he must’ve known who I was because I ended up going through this portal behind you and not the ones everyone else went through.”
Natasha shakes her head, holding Yelena close, still not really believing they had brought her back.
“I see you’re in between hair colors.” Yelena examines Natasha’s braid of red and blonde hair.
Natasha shrugs, “I continued to dye blonde for a bit after you were snapped away because it reminded me of you.” Natasha’s eyes glaze over in pain as she remembers the last 5 years and Yelena’s heart clenches at the sight. Natasha shakes her head and smiles at Yelena though.
“Then I remembered you said you liked my red hair better so I stopped dyeing it in case you ever came back.”
Yelena sniffles, pressing her head against Natasha’s. “You never gave up on me.”
“Never little one.”
Yelena smirks, "I knew you dyed your hair blonde because of me."
Natasha just rolls her eyes fondly, still wiping at her lingering tears of joy.
“Nat where are you?” The sisters hear Steve’s voice in their ears.
Natasha rolls her eyes and Yelena groans, “How is he still the boss?”
“I heard that.” Steve mutters as the two sisters dive into the fight.
“If it makes you happier, after this, your sister can be the boss. She did already die for the cause anyway.” Steve says in between punches, not really thinking.
Natasha winces.
“Yeah, Natasha would be a way better – WAIT, WHAT??”
[1] I’m sorry.
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