#i wanna draw baby halsin again
vampire-caprisun · 1 year
Alright I wanna do a lil backstory and intro to my Tav Inala who I havent even been able to make yet since I'm too poor to get the game, so I apologize for inaccuracies.
Tw for violence
Inala is a drow ranger who grew up on the surface.
Early life:
She was found as a baby left to die outside of the underdark by a group of bandits who she grew up with till they were mercilessly executed in a purge ordered by the city gaurd. Inala only escaped because she was able to hide in the dark and had to sit silently as she watched her familys slaughter.
She lived alone in the woods for about a year after that befriending a murder of crows who would bring her gifts for food scraps.
When she was 14 she was found by an ex assassin turned ranger named Rowan who had lost his wife and daughter. He adopted her and trained her so she could keep herself safe. Together they worked as a mercenary team.
When she was 22 they had a falling out when Inala fell for a client who later betrayed her trust, her violent tendencies came to the surface and she killed her ex and the woman her left her for. When Rowan disapproved of how she handled the situation she left.
She was once again without a family aside from her crows and decided to go into the business of being an assassin like her adopted father. She earned the name the Dread Raven (because according to her people cant tell the damn difference between crows and ravens) and she spent a decade killing people till she met a target she couldn't bring herself to go through with, an elf woman who she was to murder for her family's fortune. Inala ended up in a brief relationship with her until she found that her client took matters into his own hands and had his son do the job instead. After finding her lover dead Inala hacked the son to death with her hatchets and dumped his body in the street. She stopped taking clients after that and disappeared into the woods.
During her period of mourning she went into a spiral/identity crisis and it was during that time she was picked up by the mindflayers.
Personality: shes a bit of a gremlin, shes lived outdoors her whole life but her sense of humor and wit came from being raised by petty theives. Shes got some big time trauma and will hide in the trees at night where she feels safest.
Has violent outbursts and lashes out
Chaotic neutral slowly becoming chaotic good.
Her weapons are hatchets and a bow
She keeps a feild journal where she draws and takes notes of places shes been.
She smokes a pipe that belonged to her adoptive father
Loves her birds like family the number one rule in camp is dont fuck with Inalas crows.
She secretly loves smut books and cheesy romance novels
Feral, does not wear pants at camp and does not care if theres other people around. its the wilderness not high society
Gale gets her into fancy cheeses
Halsin is her smoke buddy
Karlach is her absolute best friend
She eventually bonds extremely hard with the party and they become her new family helping her learn to be a better person
Above all else she embraces the freedom of living without rules
She may be a small drow woman but she has an athletic build and good upper body strength due to being an archer and surviving the woods by herself for so long.
Her hair is black and braided on one side so she can shoot better
Shes a gloom stalker so shes a cottagecore goth.
Has freckles.
Astarion was first to notice she dyes her hair for the aesthetic, teases the fuck out of her for it.
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