#i want to hear him say horribly beautiful and terrifying things to me in romanian. please please please
yootaesowlwrites · 4 years
The One Thing Chapter 22:
Chapter 22-  The One Thing series.
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AJ takes a seat on the floor in front of the couch while Carlisle sits down behind her and places his hands on her shoulders, Esme and John were on a separate sofa cuddling while Bella sat on a single chair and Edward stood behind her, the remaining family members joined AJ on the floor.
"All right, I think we're all here, and I know we're all ready!" Alice says excitedly, AJ nods her thinking for a moment.
"All right, Well, I was born in 1884 and was turned in 1903, We'll skip everything up until I was turned," AJ says.
It was late during the night, nobody was on the street due to the warnings about an animal attacked people after dark, but AJ had another fight with her step-mother and ended up leaving the house in anger, hours passed since the fight when AJ decided that she should go home, as she walks past an alleyway a piercing loud scream made her gasp and run, but she wasn't fast enough, the vampire stood in front of her in seconds causing her to stop, she takes a step back, terrified, the man was covered in blood and his eyes matched the red soaking his shirt.
"I did not see a thing!" AJ says loudly, she was trying to be brave but the vampire could hear her heart beating in her chest, she turns around to run but the vampire appeared in front of her stopping her, she looks over her shoulder seeing nobody on the street, she looks back at the vampire and lets out a scream as he wraps his hand around her neck, he drags her back into the alley and forcefully throws her against the wall causing her head to bounce off the wall before she hits the ground, she shakily reaches behind her head and feels a wet patch as blood started to flow out the wound, she looks up at the vampire as he bends down to her level showing his face to her, AJ scrambles back trying to get away from him.
"Silly human." The vampire says, he reaches out to touch her face causing her to whimper. "You will make an excellent vampire." He grabs her ankle with such force shattering it, she lets out a cry as he drags to the middle of the alley.
"Stop, please." AJ cries out, the vampire drops her ankle and grabs her wrist. "Please,"  He releases her wrist moving closer to her neck, his teeth sink into her neck making her scream in pain, he pushed her away as the venom spreads through her, her body begins shaking violently. "AH!" The piercing scream caused the vampire to flee the scene, she tries to scream for help but her body refused to make another noise, she could feel her heartbeat picking up with each second, her breathing became short and rapid, her muscles stiffen, the pain became too much.
"I died in that alley, next to his victim," AJ says. "I was terrified, it was a horrible experience." Carlisle softly rubs her shoulders. "I was changed two days before my nineteenth birthday."
"Audrianna? Audrianna? Wake up." AJ heard, but the loudest sound was a heartbeat in her ears, she shots up looking around until her eyes land on her best friend, Ace, he was sitting on his knees looking down at her, worry in his eyes. "Oh thank goodness, Are you okay?" He asks. "Hey, what's wrong with your eyes?"
"Huh?" AJ covers her mouth, her voice sounded so clear and everything around her sounded clear, she looks around her, she could see the dust falling down around them, she looks up at Ace and slowly places her hand against his cheek.
"Shit, Audrianna you are colder than ice." Ace says. "If that's even possible."
"Ace..." Aj softly says, she wanted to tell him to run.
"Your step-mother called, she asked if you were at my home, I lied and said yes." Ace says. "She wants you home." AJ could feel an annoying itch in her throat.
"Ace, run." AJ whispers, her eyes land on his neck where she could see his veins.
"What? No, I just found you, Aurdianna, I thought you were dead." Ace says. "I'm taking you to a doctor, you probably have a cold."
"No," AJ says. "No, don't touch me." Ace ignores her and begins picking her up, in a swift movement Ace was on his knees and she was pulling him closer to her, she sinks her teeth into his neck causing him to screen in pain, she covers his mouth and continued drinking until he stopped struggling, AJ pushes Ace off to the side and stood from the ground. "Oh, Ace, I'm so sorry." AJ uses the back of her hand to clean her mouth. "I'm so sorry." She begins backing up before speeding away from the alley.
"I left him there," AJ says, she looks down at her hands. "After I left, I fled from the country, I couldn't stay in Spain anymore."
"You're Spanish?" Bella asks.
"Not originally, I was born in Australia, but when my father remarried we moved to Spain to be closer to his new wife's family," AJ explains, Bella nods her head. "I ended up in Germany a couple of years later, and that's where I ran into my creator again."
AJ stood in the shadows of a building watching everyone moves around so freely and carelessly, 18 years had since the transformation from human to monster happened and she had to quickly learn that if she wanted a meal she would have to fight for it, bite marks could be seen on her shoulders, neck, arms and legs.
She had to admit, she wanted revenge, but she wasn't purposely looking for the vampire that had turned her, he just so happens to be in Germany as well, she watched as he tried to flirt with a female until his eyes landed on her, he excused himself from the woman and made his way over to AJ with a smirk on his lips, he stops in front of her.
"Would you look who it is, I see you're still alive." He says, AJ glares up at him.
"Should I be dead?" AJ asks. "Why don't we go talk? Privately, in the forest." The vampire nods his head and the two of them walks into the forest at the edge of the small town, they walk for miles until AJ stops.
"I am exceedingly glad that you are still alive." The vampire says, AJ spins around to face him.
"Was I supposed to have died? Because to me, it seemed as if your intentions were clear that night." AJ says. "You wanted to turn me."
"That was my intentions, yes, but most vampires would be dead within the first year due to their irresponsibility." The vampire says, AJ nods her head. "You turned out beautiful."
"I guess I have you to thank for it, do I not?" AJ asks, The vampire smirks and takes a step closer to her.
"Yes." He says.
"I see," AJ says, she takes a step closer to him and places her hand on his chest. "Allow me to thank you." She looks into his eyes. "You will not move a single muscle, you may ask questions." She compels him, she takes a step away from him.
"What have you done?" He demands.
"I used my power on you," AJ says.
"It did not dawn on me that you would have one." He says.
"I did not know either, I had to learn everything on my own, the vampire laws as well," AJ says. "I discovered my power when I accidentally looked into a human's eyes and told him to bite his own tongue, imagine my surprised when he actually did do it." AJ circles around the vampire. "He was just as ugly as you," The vampire hisses at him. "He was choking on his own blood, so I decided, why not put him out of his misery?"
"You should be thanking me for changing you!" He growls. "I gave you this power, I gave this gift to you and this is how you decide to repay me?"
"I am thanking you, I'm thanking you for making my life so much harder!" AJ spits out.
"Release me." He demands.
"I'm sorry, it does not work like that," AJ says, she walks towards a tree and breaks off a couple of branches and starts building a fire.
"What are you doing?" He asks, panic and fear slowly ate at him.
"I'm making sure that you do not bite anyone else," AJ says. "You ruined my life, and now I'm going to end yours." The vampire begins laughing.
"And you think you have never changed anyone? You think you haven't taken someone's life like I have?" He asks, AJ growls at him and picks up a burning branch. "You are exactly like me, a monster!"
"If I were you, I'd choose my last words carefully," AJ says.
"I kill to survive and so do you, we're both killers!" He says.
"There is a massive difference between us," AJ says. "I can change, you never will." AJ drops the branch by his feet, his body combusts with fire as he lets out a scream.
"I stayed until I was sure he was dead and not coming back," AJ says. "I don't regret killing him, he deserved to die." AJ looks up at Carlisle, he knew which part was coming next. "Some more years passed and I somehow ended up in Romania."
AJ's eyes were locked on the ground until she was pushed up against a wall face first, she hisses at the vampire and looks over her shoulders seeing two vampires.
"Let me go!" AJ demands.
"I will, only if you tell me what a beautiful vampire like yourself is doing here alone?" The vampire asks, his Romanian accent thick.
"Roaming," AJ says, the vampire steps away from her, giving her enough space to turn around and face them.
"I am Vladimir, and this is Stefan." Vladimir introduces them.
"I am Audrianna, but these days I prefer AJ," AJ says. "I shall take my leave now, I did not know this land was claimed."
"Nonsense, you will come with us," Vladimir says.
"To uh kill me?" AJ asks, Stefan and Vladimir chuckles.
"No, it would be such a shame to lose a pretty little thing like you," Stefan says.
"I agree," Vladimir says. "No, you will come and live with us."
"Excuse me? Little thing? I might be little but I am mighty." AJ says.
"All right, oh tiny mighty one," Vladimir says, AJ couldn't help but chuckle.
"So, uh where do you live?" AJ asks, the two Romanian vampires smile.
"Follow us," Vladimir says.
"And so I followed them," AJ says.
"Weren't you scared?" Bella asks.
"I was, but I followed," AJ says. "I ended up living with them for thirty years."
AJ lived with Vladimir and Stefan for thirty years and during those years Vladimir developed a liking towards AJ, he became protective of her and AJ knew that he liked her and she took advantage of that, he gave her everything and anything she desired, Stefan became like a brother to her but she couldn't stay with them any longer, she longed to see more of the world, so when she told Vladimir she was leaving, he was heartbroken.
"You can not leave now, you just got here!" Vladimir says.
"I have been living here since I arrived thirty years ago," AJ says. "You knew this day was coming, Vladimir."
"But not this soon, it is too soon," Vladimir says, he was hoping to court her before she would leave.
"I warned you years ago that I do not stay in one place for too long, it is time to go," AJ says. "I have already stayed here longer than I wanted to." Vladimir speeds up to her, he takes her hands in his.
"If you must go, do promise me one thing," Vladimir says.
"Anything," AJ says.
"Stay alive and clear of the Volturi," Vladimir says. "It would be such a loss and shame to live in a work without your existence." He places his hand on her cheek.
"I promise to stay alive," AJ says, she places her hand on top of his. "I am a survivor, and I know we will meet again, someday." Vladimir nods his head, he knew he had to let her go.
"We have an eternity to meet again," Vladimir says, AJ nods her head.
"We have forever," AJ says, he leans in to kiss but AJ speeds away before his lips could touch hers.
"He loved you that much that he made you promise him, to never go near the Volturi?" Bella asks, AJ nods her head.
"I obviously broke that promise when I went to save you," AJ says. "And Alice, and Edward."
"Did you love him?" Rosalie asks, A faint smile tugged at AJ lips.
"I did not return his feelings, I played with his feelings and I felt like a princess," AJ says. "I loved the attention, but I did not love him as he loved me." Rosalie nods her head. "Can you relax? I chose you, Carlisle." AJ could feel how tense he was.
"He's jealous, you mentioned Vladimir almost kissed you," Edward says, AJ looks up at Carlisle.
"He never kissed, I never allowed him," AJ says, he looks down at her. "You're my only kiss." Carlisle nods his head. "I left Romania and I made my way to America." Carlisle begins smiling. "And I met you."
Eighteen years passed since AJ left Romania she had managed to make her way into America, she now stood on a rooftop of an apartment building with a man next to trying to gain her attention, only a few floors below was a party being held and the man had spotted AJ when she had passed the apartment and decided to follow her, she was renting an apartment in the building and needed fresh air and a break from the loud music, the man had yet to realize the danger he was in due to his drunken state, the man grabs her arm making her turn around to face him, but he did not expect her to wrap her hand around his neck, she was annoyed.
"Oh, I see you like it rough." He slurs, AJ hisses at the man pushing him back causing him to fall, she speeds towards him and grabs his neck pulling him to his feet.
"I actually prefer you dead," AJ says, she moves his head to the side and sinks her teeth into his skin making him scream, the man struggles and fights trying to get away but failed, it didn't take long until there was no more blood left in his body, a few feet away a blond man watched AJ as she kills the drunk human with no remorse.
"There is another way," Carlisle says, AJ uses the back of her hand to clean her mouth.
"And who says I want to do it another way?" AJ asks, she tosses the body over the roof hearing it hit the ground below, Carlisle was shocked at the behaviour.
"I know you do," Carlisle says, AJ turns around to face him.
"You do not know me," AJ says.
"Do you have no remorse or regret for killing all these innocent humans?" Carlisle asks.
"Innocent? Most humans are not innocent, and I have no remorse or regret, not since I was turned into what I am." AJ says. "I am a monster and I shall live up to the name." Carlisle could see how cold and hard her eyes were. "I was once innocent as well, I did not do one thing wrong, but yet, I was punished and turned into this, so why should I feel sorry for human life when my own was stolen from me?"
"Because you are killing them," Carlisle says.
"That man was not innocent, he wants sex and if he did not get his way he would have forced it to happen," AJ says. "He deserved to die."
"But you have killed innocent human's before," Carlisle says.
"I call it surviving," AJ says.
"There is another way," Carlisle says. "I can teach you."  AJ speeds up to him.
"I did not pick this life," AJ says.
"None of us did, I did not want this either," Carlisle says, AJ looks into his eyes.
"And you are telling the truth about surviving another way?" AJ compels him.
"Yes." He answers, AJ nods her head.
"Aurdianna Jasmyn Skye, but I prefer AJ Skye." AJ introduces herself.
"I'm Carlisle Cullen," Carlisle says.
"I want you to show me this other way, Mr Cullen," AJ says.
"Dr Cullen," Carlisle says, AJ faintly smiles.
"Of course it is," AJ says. "How can you be a doctor? The smell drivers me crazy."
"Years and years of practice," Carlisle says.
"We did not exactly meet in the most romantic way," AJ says. "But I wouldn't change a thing, he saw the real me, he knew what I was capable of doing." Carlisle smiles down at her.
Carlisle walks out of the house looking for AJ, AJ stood in a tree looking down at him as he walks past the tree, she jumps down landing behind him, he turns around smiling.
"I thought you had left," Carlisle says.
"Why would you think that?" AJ asks.
"Some leave," Carlisle says.
"You changed me, Carlisle," AJ says. "I was a monstrous killer before I met you, I slaughtered people." AJ wanted to touch him, but she kept herself from doing so. "But then you came into my world and changed it, you made me a better vampire, I could never leave after that." The wind blows between them, blowing AJ's hair into her face. "I owe you my life."
"You don't owe me anything, AJ." Carlisle says, he brushes her hair out of her face." Just you being alive is enough."
"Carlisle." AJ softly says. "I had this feeling, that if I decided to leave, that both of us would miss each other to the point that it would hurt." Carlisle takes a step closer to her. "I have heard that vampires find their forever mate, you only get a few chances in this life."
"What are you saying?" Carlisle asks.
"I'm saying I compelled Alice and Jasper," AJ says, Carlisle looks at her with disappointment. "I know I'm not allowed to compel family members, but I needed to know if you felt the same way and if we were mates, But I give you my word that it will never happen again, I will never compel anyone again unless you give me your permission." She takes in an unneeded breath. "I have developed deep feelings for you, and I just needed to know if you returned them."
"I want you to be you, I don't want you to change," Carlisle says. "I want your heart and your love." AJ smiles up at him.
"You already have both, Carlisle," AJ says, Carlisle leans down.
"And he then kissed me," AJ says. "I was glad he finally did." She looks up at him.
"So uh, you never wanted to be a vampire?" Bella asks, AJ looks at Bella.
"Why would I have wanted to be one?" AJ asks. "But right now, I am glad that I'm one, otherwise I wouldn't have met Carlisle." Carlisle softly plays with the ends of AJ's hair. "That concludes storytime for the night."
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