#i want to learn how to spin yarn and weave so badly
bomberqueen17 · 6 years
unicornduke replied to your post “tidying progress”
I saw your post earlier and let me tell you packing up my yarn made me realize how much yarn I have. So much. I've only lived here two years how did I get so much yarn???? I ended up with 1 giant duffel (like super huge), two large bags and a hiking backpack worth. I'm glad the timer thing is working for you. you could work on a quilt!!
This is why I have resisted ever taking up any kind of yarncrafting. It’s my sole bastion against just losing my entire house to craft materials storage.
Having two sheep fleeces in my house is kind of. Hush. I’m not admitting that. That’s accidental.
I also found my good spindle. Do I have a good spindle? I do. Why do I have a good spindle? I don’t recall. At some point I mentioned to one of my two sisters who knows how to spin that I wanted to learn to spin too, and that I’d bought a cheapo spindle on speculation so that I could learn to do so. So, one of them told my brother-in-law who makes things on lathes that he should make me a spindle, so he did, to that sister’s specifications. So I don’t actually know how to spin, but I now own both a cheapo and a carefully-handcrafted spindle. Neither of which I know how to use.
Of course I’m not getting rid of either one, I’m not insane. I’m going to learn how to spin at some point. But then I need to either give away all the yarn I then spin, or, long-term goal, learn to weave, which like, would be the most futile and time-consuming thing ever. But I want badly to do it. (Did I mention there’s a set of two antique flax hackles lying around the farm? I found the second one in the pair last time I was there. My sister had no idea what they were.)
I really ought to start on a quilt. I’m going to finish a shirt-dress instead, though. Because I have the pieces of it right here so I might as well. I’m dithering, of course, about adding another piece. I can always do it later though. I’m going to just bang this out. Once I finish my drink. Ha. 
(I also found all my silkscreening stuff in the basement, and also like four more boxes of shirts. I’m never going to make anything out of those boxes of shirts, I gotta get pickier here.)
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