#i was also thinking about opening comissions i'm working on the announcement post
guidingthulite · 2 months
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i have to make a point to mention ena's shoujo mangas otherwise is it really a chapter of my fic
#I WROTE 3000 WORDS TODAY#WHICH IS GOOD. BECAUSE I WROTE#AND IT'S ALSO BAD. BECAUSE I NEED TO WAKE UP EARLY AND IT'S CURRENTLY 5 AM#seems like i either write at ass o clock or i don't write#you guys don't probably know this but everytime i spend like a lot without writing#and then i start writing again#i start by writing some extra info and / or flashback that has nothing to do with the current plot#'but alma guidingthulite what's this chapter about' yeah <3#i was also thinking about opening comissions i'm working on the announcement post#my words now cost money baybeeee#i also wrote a tiny bit of my parunverse fic which i have mentioned like once or twice in my sideblog#inspiration struck today for some reason. jpseka tiering probably#i'm top 3000 currently which ouch bc i'm normally top 3000 effortlessly on global jebrgjr#but whatever. sometimes you need some humbling. i guess#also i'm never writing rui again he plays a (kind of) big part in the bit i just wrote and i think he's super ooc auguaghaughugua#rui i love you and all but i'm sorry. i'm so sorry#the bit this quote is from is based on real events except instead of ena it's me. you'll understand when you read it in like#a year <3#i've been annoying my brother about these shoujo mangas i've been reading. sadly he's not interested#BUT HE'S A SUPER SAPPY GUY. HIS FAVORITE ANIME IS KOMI CAN'T COMMUNICATE.#HE JUST WON'T TAKE MY RECS BECAUSE HE'S THAT KIND OF GUY. HE THEN WATCHES THEM AND LIKES IT BUT IT'S NEVER BECAUSE I REC THEM TO HIM#homophobia (he's actually bi)
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
Braiding (Bryce & Eleanor)
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I comissioned the amazingly talented @misadrawss​​​  to bring to art one of the cutest scenes in my series When You're Ready (One of my favorite and I know it's a fave in some of my beautiful readers too ❤️❤️❤️)
Misa, thank you so much for the dedication and love you gave to make this piece happen. I'm beyond grateful and happy with your work. The cuteness of my babies is just 😍😍😍😍😍
This takes place the evening when Eleanor gets out of the quarantine room, and Bryce pampers her by helping her getting a shower and get dressed.  As if it wasn't enough, he also braids her hair.
Under the cut there's a little rewrite of that scene in chapter 18 only with more details than the original scene.
Taglist @utterlyinevitable​​    @starrystarrytrouble​​ @lahellacute​​ @lucy-268​​  @cinnamonspongecake​​ @romewritingshop​​ @freckles-spangledvampire​​ ​@mercury84choices​​ ​  @curiousconch​​ ​ @thegreentwin @openheartfanart​​​
Eventually, Eleanor gave up her dream of remaining as a koala forever and returned to her feet.
Bryce took the shampoo and massaged her scalp softly and dedicatedly, his fingers tracing small circles all over her head in the most soothing way. She couldn’t help but moan at the relaxing sensation. His hands were magical in so many ways.
After she rinsed the shampoo, he helped her clean some parts of her body she couldn’t reach, like her back, her calves, and toes, as she wasn’t feeling strong enough to balance herself to do it. He didn���t waste an opportunity to tease her, of course, both playfully and invitingly: tickling her at the bottom of her feet, massaging her breasts or cupping her bum, until she was all cleaned.  
Once he dried himself up and put his clothes on, he helped Eleanor getting out of the shower and took her back to the room.
At first, she tried to dress up by herself, but the shower had relaxed her so much, that Eleanor finally gave up, letting Bryce taking care of her as he wanted.
Even if she was feeling a little sleepy, that didn’t stop her from feeling amazed with his dedication and the tenderness with whom he was pampering her.
First, he dried her skin delicately, and then helped her to put on her underwear. Then, his soft hands started spreading ever so softly body lotion over her arms and legs, and then massaged her back so exquisitely, that after a while she wondered if she was actually dead and that was heaven.  
Once she was all moisturized and dressed in a mint green pajama, he took the towel wrapped around her head and began combing her hair delicately, careful of not pull out her hair too harshly while he was untangling her brown, wavy locks.
“Gosh, you could be a stylist or a massagist, and you’d do it wonderfully,” Eleanor moaned, a few minutes later, while his fingers were combing her hair as Bryce was directing the hairdryer to the nape of her head.
"Of course, I’d be wonderful in anything I pursue, especially with these magic hands.”
After five minutes, her hair was completely dry, “Ponytail or braid?” he asked, stroking her hair.
“Braid.” Eleanor responded.
She was about to lift her hands to make herself a braid when Bryce added, “French or normal?”
“Frenc-” she turned around with her mouth agape, “Wait, besides all your many talents, you also know how to braid?”
“Yeah, you didn’t know?" he asked, looking at her with a smirk on his face before sitting behind her on the bed, his feet at both side of her hips.
"No! When did you learn?”
“When Keiki was like… four?” Bryce replied as he was dividing her hair into three sections with his pinky finger. "She’s always been bossy, you know? And one day after a day at the beach her braid was a mess, so she said: Bryze, fixit! You’re a grown-up, you shud know how to braid hair...” he couldn't help but laugh at the memory, shaking his head in amusement, "And of course, she was right! How incompetent of me not knowing how to braid hair, right? Especially since I had a little sister with very long hair.”
Meanwhile, Bryce was moving his hands and fingers with assured movements, bringing small pieces of her hair to the main three sections of the braid, always with the help of his pinky fingers.
“Awww, love, this is so cute! Little Keiki asking for a braid. I’m melting.”
“Yes. She loved when I braided her hair. At first it was just the normal, lower braid, but then, she stopped asking mom or the lady who worked as maid in our house to braid her hair and started to go directly to me, mostly during vacations or weekends, so I had to learn the French way. More elegant and beach resistant.”
“And you know more styles?”
“No. Just that two, but maybe I could try the Dutch, that it’s just reversed French, I think.”
“Well, the fact that you know more styles says a lot. A real connoisseur.”
“Just the basics, but I’m open to try new styles if you ask me to.”
Eleanor giggled as a little kid, “Deal”
A couple of minutes later, Bryce took the hair bun from his wrist and used it to secure the end of the braid, “There, my princess. All done,” he announced, kissing the crown of her head.
Eleanor brought a hand to her head and felt how her hair was strongly sewed in a braid pattern from her head to the end of her brown hair, and turned to him "This is perfect.”
“Why the tone of surprise?” he inquired, with feigned seriousness, “Of course it’s perfect! I don’t do anything that’s below perfection.”
“I know, I’m just admiring your beautiful work, love.”
Suddenly he pulled her shoulders towards his body and propped her up in his arm and brought a hand to her cheek and caressed it with his thumb, “You look beautiful, babe.”
“Thanks to you, my personal stylist”
Thanks you so much for reading this!
I know I haven't replied the kind comments some of you have left in the lastest works I've posted. I'M SORRY.  I'm currently not at home, so I don't have the time nor the space to write the proper replies, and I like to take the time to respond just as you've taken the time to comment ❤️❤️❤️ I hope I can do it in a couple of days. Thank you for your patience 💕
I had this pre-written/ edited with a few weeks in advance.
A big hug to each and every one of you❤️❤️❤️
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