#i wish i could make gifs or something but i am untalented i CRY
michelleleewise · 2 years
In My Shoes....
Pairing: Avenger Loki x Avenger f! Reader
Warnings: fighting, yelling, crying, body swapping, mind reading, swearing, self esteem issues, self deprecating thoughts, established relationship, angst to fluff.
Summary: you and Loki get into an argument, but neither if you are prepared for the fallout....
A/n- based on this amazing ASK.... by @psychospore loved it! Had to do it! This will most likely be a two maybe three parter....we shall see lol graphics by @harlequin-hangout. And a super special shout out to @vbecker10 for brainstorming with me and helping me come up with how all the shenanigans began lol your absolutely amazing and I love you!! 💚
Part One-
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You walked into the common room, flopping face first onto the couch with a sigh. "That bad darling?" You heard making you groan into the cushion "do you wish to tell me about it?" You heard again, lifting your head to see Loki smiling at you from his chair by the window "it's fine, the mission just wore me out." You said sitting up "Well tell me, what happened?" He asked leaning his elbows on his knees "its just....they make me do everything." You sighed looking at him "its always y/n do this....y/n move that wall....its like, don't they understand that using my powers drains me." You said laying your head back.
"Well darling, if you spent time using your powers that wouldn't happen." He said making you look at him "what do you mean?" You asked "Well, Let's be honest you do not use your full potential, if you practiced more it wouldn't be so difficult to do simple tasks." He shrugged sitting back. "Simple tasks....moving an entire wall is a simple task to you?" You asked crossing your arms. "Well...yes, but you couldn't handle my powers love." He said standing up walking to the kitchen "I beg your pardon?" You asked following behind him "your little mind powers...while mostly effective are no match for what I can do." He said, a smug smile spread across his face "well excuse me your highness, I haven't had the benefit of private tutors and a thousand years to learn my powers!" You said raising your voice.
"It is not simply about time, it is talent as well." He said crossing his arms "oh, so I'm an untalented hack am i?" You asked glaring at him "no...that is not what I meant, you are.." he started when you cut him off "no, that's what you meant or you wouldn't have said it!" You yelled again making him shake his head "darling, you are tired and frustrated I think you should go rest." He said taking a step towards you. "Why? Because I'm a woman or because I'm a weak mortal?" You snapped stepping back "I did not say that, do not put words in my mouth." He snapped glaring at you "well I'm sorry you got saddled with an untalented loser for a year, maybe you need to upgrade!" You yelled.
"I was simply stating a fact, why are you taking it so personally?" He asked raising his voice "oh I don't know, being told I suck at using my powers and your so much better kinda tells me what you think of me." You said walking towards the door "i told you, it is not your fault your abilities are subpar." He snapped making you turn back to him, anger pulsing through you when Loki's eyes widened "darling..." He said putting his hands up seeing your hands beginning to glow "I wish...for just once Loki, that you could understand!" You yelled stepping closer "y/n...calm down." He said sternly "i wish anyone could understand, but I thought you of all people..." you growled clenching your fists closing your eyes "this is ridiculous y/n, stop this at once you are being dramatic." He said taking another step back.
Your eyes shot open at his words "dramatic?...I'm being dramatic!?" You yelled "why don't you try being me for once!" You yelled when your anger boiled over, your powers coursing through your vains shooting out of you knocking you back against something hard as you hit the floor. "Fuck.." you muttered rubbing the back of your head "whats wrong with my voice?" You said trying to clear your throat. You slowly learned up on your elbow, looking down your eyes widened at the size of your hand "l..loki, I think i..." you trailed off sitting up looking around seeing you were blasted into the kitchen "y/n..." you heard, looking over seeing...you. "aaaaaahhhhh!!!" You screamed, quickly crawling backwards across the kitchen "norns! Stop screaming!" The other you yelled rubbing their temples "who are you!? What is going on!?" You yelled watching yourself stand up.
"Well, it would appear we have been switched." The other you said brushing themselves off. "What are you talking about? LOKI!" You yelled stumbling as you stood up "I am Loki!" The other you yelled making you freeze "this is some trick, it has to be!" You yelled grabbing the counter "trust me it is not, now stop this nonsense at once and switch us back." The other you said sternly. You looked down, seeing you were wearing Loki's green button up when reality hit you. You looked up grabbing the toaster from the counter holding it up, yours eyes widening seeing Loki's reflection looking back at you "aaahhh!" You yelled throwing it across the room "h..how did this happen?" You asked stumbling back, your hands rubbing your chest feeling your heart pounding "it seems in your emotional state you cast your powers outward placing you in my body and I in yours." Loki explained.
You stumbled back feeling your chest tighten "y/n?" You faintly heard when the back of your knees hit something hard making you sit "love, are you alright?" You heard your own voice echo in your mind when two hands grabbed your biceps "look at me love, you need to breath." You heard again, looking up meeting your own eyes "that's it, calm down....deep breaths." Loki said rubbing your arms "w...what are we going to d..do?" You muttered trying to calm your racing heart "well first you are to rest for a minute, then we will figure this out." He said smiling. "I'll make tea, just stay right here." He said walking back into the kitchen. You rubbed your hands on your thighs, looking down seeing Loki's long fingers, the veins running across his hands up his forearms, reaching up gingerly running your fingers through his hair making you sigh.
Loki came back a few minutes later, two cups in hand as he sat across from you "ok, try to remember what you did." He said sipping his tea "i..I don't know. I was so angry and hurt I just..." you trailed off waving your arms. "Alright, close your eyes I want you to concentrate and think hard." He said. Doing as he asked you closed your eyes straightening your back "very good, now I want you to picture us in your mind, think about being in your body..." he trailed off. You nodded feeling a tingling in your hands "Good girl, your pulling my seidr forward, now...send it out like you did before." He explained. lifting your hands up you focused everything you had sending his magic out into the room when everything went silent.
"Did it work?" You asked but your voice was still Loki's, opening your eyes seeing you were in your room "Loki!" You yelled standing from the bed when he burst into the room "oh thank the norns! I wasn't sure where you sent yourself." He panted leaning over "w..what did I do?" You asked looking around "you teleported love, you must be careful you could have materialized into a wall." He said standing up. "What!?" You yelled putting your hands in your pockets "it has never happened to me but it has happened, it was not pretty." He said walking to the bed sitting down.
"Loki, what are we going to do?" You asked sitting down feeling tears well in your eyes. "I do not know, but we'll figure it out." He said grabbing your hand "wait! If I'm the one that cast it, and you have my powers you could do it." You said wiping your cheek "love, I do not know your powers, it would take me days to figure it out, I had thought my powers would have solved it." He said sighing "why, because yours are better then mine?" You asked looking at him "y/n, do not start this again...that is not what I said." He said looking up at you "no, you made it crystal clear before." You sighed pulling your hand from his standing up "where are you going?" He asked watching you "to your room, which I guess is my room now." You said opening the door.
"please love don't be like this." He said standing up "I just...I don't want to be around you right now." You said quickly leaving before he could say anything else. You walked to Loki's room keeping your hands in your pockets trying not to think too hard so you wouldn't appear somewhere else. You opened his door, inhaling the smell of him that you loved so much instantly calming you. "Ok, what now?" You asked yourself closing the door looking around. You had never been In his room alone but you could tell why he stayed here so much, the soft lighting and dark black out curtains immediately soothed your frazzled nerves. "Maybe a bath will help." You said unbuttoning your shirt as you walked towards the en suite. Turning on the water you bent down under the sink smelling the different bottle he kept, finding one that smelled of jasmine and sandlewood you stood pouring some into the hot water.
After getting undressed you slid gently into the water letting the heat sooth your muscles. "Aahhh god..." you sighed closing your eyes, feeling your body tingle when a sneeze interrupted your calm "ugh, I thought Gods don't get sick." You muttered laying back against the tub when you heard someone clear their throat, your eyes shooting open seeing Loki sitting on the edge of the tub making you jolt up "aaahhh who are you now!?" You yelled trying to cover yourself up when you heard Loki's door fly open hitting the wall "Darling, what.." you looked over seeing yourself, well Loki standing in the door way "what are you doing love?" He asked, a smile spreading across his face "nothing! I sneezed and he just a...appeared!" You yelled covering your chest.
Loki walked in, grabbing the other Loki's chin tilting his head up "you summoned a duplicate love, he's harmless." He said releasing him "a...duplicate?" You asked. "Yes, remember that night you wanted to try something new?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows "oh.." you said looking at the duplicate "He is an extension of you, he will obey whatever you ask of him." Loki finished leaning on the counter. "I want him to go away." You said looking at him "Well you only need to will him away then." Loki said waving his hand towards the duplicate "yes...cause that's easy." You sighed looking between them "it is if you try." He snarked crossing his arms. You felt the anger rising in you again seeing your hands begin to glow green "ah ah darling, no need to be rash." He said pushing off the counter "all you must do is concentrate and he will disappear." He said stepping closer.
You looked at the duplicate sighing "if I teleport again I swear..." you said closing your eyes you held your hand out willing him to disappear, cracking one eye open seeing it was just the two of you again. "As I said, simple." Loki said sitting where the duplicate was. "Why are you even here?" You asked covering yourself again "well, I came to retrieve a few of my spell books when I heard your screaming like a banshee." He said laughing. "Well get your books and go." You said bringing your knees to your chest. "Listen love, about what I said earlier, I didn't mean..." you cut him off looking up at him "its fine Loki, I just want to be alone." You said feeling your eyes burn he'll probably leave me after this you thought sighing. "I would not." Loki said sternly making you look at him "a..are you reading my mind?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows "well I can't help it, it is part of your powers." He said watching you
"Yes, but I don't do it without permission." You said standing up grabbing a towel "love, I do not know how to control it yet." He said as you stormed out of the bathroom wrapping the towel around you "Darling, you do not need to cover..." he said waving at your chest "shut up Loki." You snapped going to his closet "and where are your clothes?" You asked looking around "in my pocket dimension." He said laying across the bed "your what?" You asked stepping back out "you know how I make things disappear and reappear?" He asked as you nodded "well, that is where my clothes are." He said smiling "can't you do anything the normal way?" You snarked sitting on the bed "I do hope you plan on brushing my hair, you've made quite a mess of it." He said reaching up when you slapped his hand away "keep it up and I'll color it pink." You growled.
"You wouldn't dare." He hissed glaring "try me...now get your books and go." You snapped standing up "you are quite tense y/n, maybe I could..." he said winking. "You can't be serious." You said crossing your arms "I am only trying to help." He purred sitting up on his knees smiling. You stared at him in shock "come on...it's only a bit of fun." He continued crawling towards you "only you would come up with that idea." You said shaking your head. "So, is that a.." he started "its a no Loki, absolutely not." You said sternly "spoiled sport." He huffed sitting back "can i atleast stay with you?" He asked giving you puppy dog eyes "ugh fine, but leave me alone." You said walking to the side of the bed as he got up grabbing a book "you rest love, I am going to try to find a way to put us back." He said sitting back against the headboard. "Yeah...ok." You sighed pulling the towel off getting under the covers "mm...no pajamas...naughty y/n." He purred "Goodnight Loki." You huffed rolling over hearing him say goodnight you closed your eyes hoping you would wake up and this was all a nightmare.
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@mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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