#i wish these stories were more accessible bc they're so good
dominicsorel · 1 year
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
I liveblog the Odyssey (The Liveblogyssey)
'I've been listening to and reading The Odyssey (Emily Wilson's translation) and I've been rambling a lot to my partner, so I thought I would also liveblog my first impressions! I read parts of The Odyssey in high school and college but never the whole thing start to finish.
Athena spoils half the plot right off, I mean obviously I knew it already, but still. We start near the end of the story with Odysseus trapped on Calypso's island, Telemachus really upset that the suitors are EATING ALL THEIR SHEEP, and the beginning follows Telemachus around as he travels around to try to learn about his dad and if he's alive. Which... we know he is so that takes a little of the tension out of it.
(Seriously, Telemachus is very fixated on the sheep thing. I get that it's a big source of food but maybe you should be a little more concerned about your mom fending off 108 suitors bud).
Athena in disguise goes to meet and accompany him, appearing as an older man, and this translation is very simple and accessible (though there are definitely moments of beautiful prose) but this sometimes leads to really awkward lines like Telemachus telling Athena in disguise "I will give you a precious, pretty treasure as a keepsake to mark our special friendship" which like. are you hitting on him Telemachus you just said you think he's fatherly.
Telemachus is going thru it though. so you can't help but feel bad for him. "My mother says I am his son, but I can't be sure [...} I wish I were the son of someone lucky, who can grow old at home, instead the most unlucky man alive is said to be my father." Like that one of the times you feel the connection going back thousand of years so fiercely, the idea of having no connection to your father because you've never met him and he doesn't even feel like your dad, just a story, and too bad you can't be the son of someone who's around.
Meanwhile, a super unintentionally funny lin from young Mac is "The poets are not to blame for how things are, Blame Zeus." which yeah, that sums up most of Greek myth doesn't it! (also very funny of Homer to be like "be nice to poets, they're cool".) He also tells his own Mom to go back to the kitchen so he can assert to the suitors he's in charge and there's a man in this house, but we are reading a story from 8th century BC so.
Anyway he goes around with Athena travelling and learning about his dad, and honestly, the Odyssey is so funny. Love the part where Nestor is like "oh if only Athena favored you as she did her father" and Telemachus is like “Yeah Athena’s not on my side” :/ and she's just. sitting there with him and says”hmm are you sure I think she maybe is probably"
(and then she's like "btw to gods don't control who lives and who dies TELEMACHUS we can't even protect our mortal loved ones (but please ignore all the times we've actively killed people) and also! also! I think your dad should be grateful to go on a cool quest and be alive when he could have just died the second he left Troy, think about THAT!!!)
then she just randomly turns into a bird and leaves after ensuring Telemachus has good sleeping arrangements. Telemachus never reacts to this, everyone else is just like "omg Athena!!" he says nothing I assume he was just standing there in slackjawed shock for the next couple of hours and going over all the embarrassing things he said.
Also we get to see Helen! And I knew from earlier Greek studies that people today acting like she was dumb just because men found her attractive was misogynist nonsense. But now I get to be extra mad because the woman isn't just not dumb, she's really intelligent and observant!
Not only does she immediately figure out who Telemachus is because she saw him when he was a newborn (how??) and relays that during the Trojan war she was the only one able to recognize odysseus when he came to her place in disguise and gave him intel, but most importantly she talks about "the day the Greeks marched off to troy, their minds fixated on war and violence. They made my face the cause that hounded them". Just subtly calling the whole army out. She knows they didn't actually go to war for her. She knows she was just an excuse, and a weak one at that. She knows they wanted this war, they wanted this violence.
So yeah, Helen is smart as hell! Screw that "Everyone wanted Helen of Sparta I wanted someone a little smarter" shit from Epic, sexist nonsense, I'm glad that song was cut.
She also mentions that "Aphrodite made her go crazy" when she agreed to run off, which could be literally true (Aphrodite did tend to do that) or a clever way to protect her reputation after leaving her husband.
Helen also has drugs, which I imagine is a big reason everyone liked her. The total package. But uh, she also does drugs everyone's drinks without apparently telling them. With what sounds like superpowered magic weed or something, to make them mellow and calm and erase anxiety and depression. It says "Whoever drinks this mixture for the bowl will shed no tears that day not even if her mother or father should die" which uh actually seems kind of dangerous! But Telemachus is goin' thru it, so maybe he could use it. but apparently it doesn't work (or takes a long time to kick in} because Telemachus gets upset anyway and says things like "This makes it worse! Courage could not save my father's life!" and wants to go to bed. (PS she got the weed from Egypt, and it's nice that the story is very complementary about Egyptians, calling them the "healer's people").
And then we've finished Telemachus's depression session and get back to Penelope. THE SAGA CONTINUES IN PART 2.
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singularuseblog · 6 months
in my dislyte posting era 🤪 ok anyway so I think this game is a guilty pleasure because it's just kind of mid all around but tbh that's not a bad thing. maybe my standards are low but some YA fiction level story is good for your soul every once in a while.
that being said I don't like the main story very much. I'm into this game for the event stories mostly. the characters are well designed and they have enough lore to write shit about em or have in mfrp spaces but otherwise a little undefined. on a side note I have a personal gripe with hall's blurb mentioning he and hodur have "resenting an older brother" in common cuz hodur didn't hate his brother and only killed him because loki took advantage of the fact his ass is BLIND and accidentally killed baldr
I wish that the event stories were more accessible too. it feels like a chore just to find who was in what. I know that the events are mostly on the fandom wiki but sometimes they're not fully intact and also the fandom wiki is like playing fnaf 3 when all the phantom animatronics jump you at once so is it really that easy to read
tldr; complaining about the story a little and how the fandom wiki is garbage (not because of the people running it just bc of the disrepair wikia has fallen into)
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clonehub · 1 year
Rewatching tbb wish me luck.
First thing I've noticed is that the way tbb fights is really inefficent. It looks cool until you realize they're taking out droids one by one and techs droid poppers are only good for one use each. A normal droid popper would take out maybe like 6 droids at once if they're close enough. Tech used three and got three but we saw the whole sequence of it ig bc it's mean to be cool?
And again like I'm confused bc how much of this is their own skill and how much is access to weapons that regular clones don't have.
Like why does tech insist on getting as close as possible to stick these grenades and droid poppers on droids when the more efficient thing is to throw it from a distance?
"if you're done hiding down there" shut UPPPP oh my god
You know how like. Ppl say the Travis books are mean spirited and the jkr books are mean spirited. This feels mean. Like these are clones who were about to be overrun, who needed help, who relied on you to save them and you're immediately berating them for what?? Needing reinforcements? Waiting for YOU to do YOUR job?
No bc like just how like in s7 tbb gets away with breaking chain of command they do it here too. The captains right to berate them for insubordination like huh.
Caleb's voice has me in tears 😭
Geez the way they converse is so annoying. Wrecker is so annoying. I don't like characters that yell a lot sorry.
Kinda crazy that it took tbb that long to run back.
"talk to the reg captain" he has a name
Again the way they say regs just sounds like a slur.
Also like I feel like episode one is just the beginning of everyone else being rewritten in order to prop up tbb like kanans fans were PISSED his entire story about O66 was rewritten to give something to them.
Ah yes the first instance of Wrecker and tech being the dumb/genius trope.
Now that I think about it it actually feels kinda disrespectful to have like. The goofier/funnier moments of like the food fight and all that in an episode where a genocides just been committed???
And like wrecker isn't funny they don't actually know how to write funny. When that one critic said their personalities had been turned up to an almost caricaturish degree they were right.
And tech here asking that one clone what division he's from and naturally being brushed aside and then using that as evidence that they're still the same. Like huh. You see kaminos lockdown you see the Jedi have all been executed you see ppl got shit to do and you step directly in front of someone to ask them a stupid question like that 😭 like what was even the point of that scene they just screen wiped immediately after 😭
Good lord they're so ugly.
"they manipulated preexisting aberrations in our DNA--" ok so like. An aberration implies something bad. Defect implies something bad. But it's clear these aberrations were good differences taken to their extremes. Because in what world is looking at someone's DNA and seeing there actually a genius (barring that this isn't how this works) like actually a defect. "Oh this guy's strong and this one seems to have stronger senses" that's. They started out good and then were taken further??? Like??? And it was done on purpose too, not like the the Batch were unplanned, the Kaminoans specifically made them this way which is a luxury and privilege like no other clones can have.
Which is what annoys me so much about tbb being bullied by regs for being ~different~ bc that's such a shallow read on what differences exatly would make the regs hate tbb so much. Like no kdy gets bullied for being smart or strong they get bullied for being annoying as hell and being arrogant and derisive to ppl they think are "beneath" them. So the bad batch were bullied for their appearance then and the privilege they have over other clones in clone society. So like. These white boys that were made to be better than everyone else and get rewarded for it all the time look down on the """regs""" why am I meant to side w tbb lbr. Like it looks like hyped up white kids getting bullied by jealous brown kids. Huh. Bffr.
This is so bad. IM ONLY 18 MINUTES IN WHAT--
"you're more machine than man percentage wise" die
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daz4i · 11 months
Hi hi my love!! ^^ So you asked for asks right? :3 I realize a lot of the times when I send you these I tend to ask you to rank stuff lol so I guess I'll lean into it? How about top 5 (or 10 if you have enough) anime series or top 5 (or 10) animated movies? :3 It's pretty general but I figure it should give you a lot of room to go over some of your favorites ^^ Sending love and good wishes!!! ❤️
ehehe thank you my love 🥺👉👈🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
i wanted to do both but then i did the top 5 anime and i got very carried away with my explanations so i kept it as just that. anyway:
1. haikyuu!! probably my favorite show ever tbh. i think hq has a perfect story, like it uses its genre to do everything right, and its impact on the outside world is amazing as well. as for the series itself, it's just beautiful (ignoring that one episode in season 4) and has a very unique style, stellar voice acting, awesome soundtrack, delicious symbolism, and it really gets you hyped for volleyball :P it's very easy to get attached even to the most minor character bc the story is written in a way that lets almost everyone in this HUGE cast (well over a 100 or even 150 named characters, i'm pretty sure) shine, and you're guaranteed to find someone you like. the only downside is you'll probably end up rooting for every team so eventually a team you like will lose a game (likely to another team you like) and that hurts every time fr. and still!!!!! it manages to be so feel-good and optimistic and really gets you pumped and inspired!!!! i think anyone who is even just open to try sports anime should check it out, it's def one of the most accessible I've seen in that genre (in a sense that it doesn't expect you to already be familiar with the sport to understand the story)
2. honestly?? osomatsu-san. probably bc it's very dear to me like emotionally, season 2 was still releasing when i was stuck in the hospital for a few months, and it was like a light i held onto every week (i was also following a few mangas back then but those were harder to follow. due to oso-san's skit nature it was always a good time) and i mean, ichi was my first f/o before i even knew that term existed hehe. it's one of these shows i wouldn't actually recommend to anyone unless i know they're ok with gross or edgy humor but i do think it's really good, i love how meta it is, and i think it uses its premise to deliver maximum entertainment!
(oh my god that was so much gushing abt a silly skit show i am so sorry <- guy who wrote most of the hq gushing after typing this part up. he was not aware)
3. ok so this one's really niche, idk if any of you have even heard of it heh. it's called bungou stray dogs-
ajdkflhlh while i have my gripes with how they adapt the manga, i do still think it's a very good anime as is. it was good enough to get me hooked on the story and characters and want to learn more and follow the story further, yknow? it's beautiful and i love its use of colors for symbolism, it has really great voice acting, and the energy is kept up throughout it enough to remain engaging. it's honestly a show I'd recommend everyone to at least try 🤔!
4. persona 4!!!! from one mediocre adaptation to a GREAT adaptation. i think p4's anime is really really well made - it manages to translate a game this long into a coherent and interesting story, gives its characters time to shine, and maintains a perfect balance between fun and emotions. also it has probably the best dub I've ever heard. naoto's anime voice dni. also i think episode 26 is a true masterpiece i think everyone should watch it
5. ngl. it's a three way tie for me. between shows i only watched once and don't have a lot of attachment to beyond that, but i think they're really good for very different reasons. gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun / great pretender / blue period. i won't go into details on why i love them all bc this post is already long enough. but if you're reading this you should check them out 🫡
also if this post convinces you to check out any show mentioned here you legally have to tell me ok? esp if you end up liking it 🧐🔥🔥
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ladysophiebeckett · 4 months
Your recent post about Aura María has me wondering something about lfmb. So we know that she is in her early twenties and that she was a teen mom. However, in lfmb, her counterpart Aura María is way older, so we go from someone being immature in their early 20s which is normal and understandable at some extent to someone being immature well into their thirties and it also removed the teen mom aspect of her character which I thought was important. Or were we supposed to think that she was in her 20s 😭? Niurka was almost 40 by that point and it was noticeable, but you never know with Televisa. I also remember you mentioned something about the Mexican adaptation choosing to age up el Cuartel (also why remove Mariana 🥲) and I can see how it impacted the story in some aspects especially with Aura Maria’s character. Why do you think they made this decision? Thank you and good day to you 💖
That post ruffled feathers. It's not being understood or being completely misinterpreted. So, yikes u know.
Anyway, let's continue.
Paula Maria (AM's counterpart) who was played by Niurka was about 39 going on 40. All the women in the cuartel (except for Irmita, whose actress was in her 60s) are in their early 40's. As opposed to the original, their ages range from 20s, 40's and the oldest inesita, in her 60's. I believe AM is the youngest in the cuartel, at about 22\23? Her son is 7, assuming she had him at 16.
The point, I think in the original, is that when you work in an office you're gonna work with people of all ages. Also, when Betty becomes president she has the cuartel run the walkway bc they represent the actual Everyday Woman. She's saying 'Look, all these demographic of women are important and need to be seen and represented'.
They never say Paula Maria's age, I think televisa just didn't care about how it would look or translate. But it does change her storyline if she's being played by 40 yr old and acting like a party girl. They never touch upon it. I truly think we're supposed to be pretend Niurka is 25.
Mind you, I'm not against 40 yr old actresses getting having jobs. I think televisa preferred the cuartel to be made of 'spinsters'. It didn't compute that some of the younger secretaries are single and not ugly but without a boyfriend. So you know, here's some spinsters.
Paula Maria visibly looks 40 and they dress her scantily clad bc, again, its televisa. There's no nuance and the women must be showin' skin for the male demo even tho this is family program. That being said, it changes her storyline significantly (in the visible sense) that she's older and still hasn't gotten her life together. I could understand being annoyed with her. I think a couple of times she also doesn't have access to childcare, so her son (and the other kids) are often hiding around conceptos (fucking up the plot of the adults).
But even if she's older, it still doesn't justify throwing her out on the street. There are women like Paula Maria who love their kids but jump fm relationship to relationship or they like to party a lot--they try to have a life separate fm motherhood--the attempt to have it all but also neglecting aspects of it. I still don't think they should be burned at the stake. But you do wish they would get it together and find a balance. Especially when a child is depending on you. (But again, where is the father to help? Did she procreate alone?? Hello??)
The thing about both versions is that they're probably both told they need to find a man to support them. So part of the whole 'going out' is also them looking for a rich man to marry them so that they'll have financial support. But because of their class, their looks--neither version is taken seriously by men. They're only seen as sexual objects.
And the one person that does see them as a person (and cares about them), Aura Maria\Paula Maria isn't ready to be with them. In AM's case she's not mature enough. In Paula Maria's case I think it was more because he was poor. (Simon later on takes night computer classes so he can get a higher paying job, Freddy doesn't do this, so I think this just builds irritation towards PM bc Simon is doing a lot for her and she still doesn't treat him as well).
Re Cuartel\Mariana's visible absence: Televisa is racist. When was the last time a black person was in a televisa production? Someone who's not the kindly humble black man in Marimar. Exactly.
Her equivalent is Juanita, who's part of Conceptos cleaning staff. For some reason, they dont have her read the cards, she reads caracoles. And then they dont even let her be the number 1 fortune teller bc they bring that annoying psychic. I have a fondness for lfmb but so many of their decisions are so ????
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artobotsrollout · 2 years
Also, I forgot to ask
Do you perhaps know where to get the physical copies of the comics?
I wish I could give an easy one stop online seller shop but tbh I'm still looking for one too.
As a warning, I'm basically a baby Transformers fan I'm so new 😂. I've only really been around for a year and a bit and I've only just started reading the comics so others will probably have better tips than me.
@optimistpax knows way more about comics and comic theory than me so give her a follow for more comic related discussions/content! They're basically the entire reason I could figure out how they were organized so I could read and yoink the stories I wanted. BLESS
All of my physical comics came from checking out local comic book stores so these suggestions largely rely on in person shopping. It might be a bit harder to do depending on where you live bc of COVID. So this will probably come across as a broken record at this point but before doing any of this remember to get vaccinated and follow safety procedures!
IDW 2 is P easy to find.
They can be found in comic books stores and they are still available (unlike much of IDW 1) for reasonable prices online. The IDW website allows you to order through them! Indigo/Chapters might carry them as well.
Here's The World in Your Eyes on the IDW site!
IDW 1 from my experience is harder to find.
If you don't mind spending a bit of time, look up local comic book stores in your city/area and go check em out and spend some time searching through their stock. A lot of them have some transformers comics. All of my collection was found in local comic book stores.
They might take a bit of searching and asking for help from employees since they are an older series but they might be found tucked away in a corner or amoung the shelves. Look for the IDW labels on the bottom.
A lot of places organize their comics by publisher first and then alphabetical after that!
Different series have different colours and styles but this is what MTMTE's (on the left) and Lost Light's (on the right) spines looks like:
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I've mostly shopped for volumes so IDK if individual issues might give you an easier time? Some stores sell EXCLUSIVELY comic books and some sell EXCLUSIVELY comic issues and some sell a mix. I'm likely gonna buy the Windblade comics and the new Shattered Glass comics as individual issues so I'll post how that goes! They can take some digging but they feature unique pretty art!!
Final Notes
Ideally go for comic store runs and go for as many stores as possible (potentially including indigo/Chapters and used book stores). You might luck out in an unexpected location.
If you can only hit a few, go for comic specific stores that keep older stock as well as new stock or that do trade ins. Places with new comics may not have many or even any of the old TF comics.
Check if you live in a place that holds expos or shows. If a comic expo like Comicon is ever held it essentially puts a bunch of your local and even out of city comic sellers all in one accessible place making your hunt potentially more efficient.
You can try searching on Ebay but that could add a shipping cost and/or require patience as you wait for someone to put the specific one you need up for sale.
It can very quickly get pricy so make sure to go hunting when you can afford to sink some money into it.
I hope this helps! Good luck comic book hunting!
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kinosternon · 2 years
same person who asked abt ur opinion on the movie! i think you made good points; i again didnt actually watch it mostly bc idk how to access it so i cant really gauge the flow of it, for lack of a better word, but from the plot of it i felt like it was too many things pushed together. notably i feel like kinjou’s involvement was unecessary, i dont understand why theyd add another character to the ensemble in the movie closing off the series when we have SO many characters at play already.
i know albert and specifically haru and albert’s rivalry/rship drives a lot of the swimming plot but similarly to kinjou i dont think it was necessary to get into a whole other backstory and angst about another character to achieve the same themes message conclusion etc.
you’re right that expectations probably play a big role in how you receive the movie - personally i think more could have been done to actually tie off the major conflicts amongst characters, but i guess free! has always dealt with conflict through swimming so i cant actually complain. i do wish that we could have seen hiyori and ikuya’s rship (ie their conflicts and development) a little bit more bc thats one of the most unresolved plot points from past seasons imo.
anyway thank you for responding to my question! your insight was rlly interesting :)
These are very good points, honestly, and they reflect a lot of the more...unconventional storytelling decisions KyoAni made with Free! So I hope you're ready for another short essay about them :D
But I'd argue that the "let's add new characters instead of solving old problems" thing has been showing up from the beginning. Like, I agree it's weird! But they did it in season 2, with the addition of Sousuke, and again in s3 with Hiyori and Ikuya. (And as they're officially my favorite, I feel like I've somewhat lost the right to complain about it lmao)
And speaking more broadly...it's kind of like life, isn't it? Especially for young adults. The biggest problems are not easily solved (or even easily recognized), and new people keep coming into our lives, recontextualizing those old problems in new ways. That and the decision to build the story backwards as intensely as they did forwards were some pretty innovative-feeling storytelling choices, at least from my perspective.
As for adding Kinjou and Albert, and HiyoIku development: (more spoilery stuff below)
Kinjou's arc really didn't make sense till this finale, even though it was really started off in the Road to the World movie (which was mostly a Dive to the Future rehash) where he randomly threatens Hiyori at the end. The setup seems to have started from (roughly) there, so this direction had to have been planned from at least that far back. (..."Road to the World" indeed. Huh.) And by the end, his role felt absolutely essential to me given the direction Haruka's arc went in.
Basically, Kaede acts as a really direct foil for Haruka's arc in the final film.
Most importantly, he has secondhand (but intense) familiarity with the risks Haruka seems to be taking for granted, and it's his choices more than anyone's that lead to Haruka making it to and winning the final race STRIKEalive and relatively unharmed.
Moreover, his relationship with swimming is so interesting to compare to Haruka's. It's not that Kaede was always a talented swimmer! He actually got started pretty late, and for reasons that didn't have to do with the water at all! Instead, it's implied that he started swimming seeking a place to belong, because he couldn't find one outside of it. And when he lost the person he was closest to and was rejected by Hiyori others, he became even more dedicated to swimming, seemingly at least a little out of spite.
This isn't Haruka's relationship with swimming at all! And yet, a lot of the underlying factors keeping them focused are similar—they're just more explicit in Kaede's case. (More than once in the film, via flashback, Kiyofumi tells him things like "swimming will become something that accepts you," which between that and his extremely ND vibes as a kid? Implies to me that he faced a lot of rejection growing up.) And yet he still is more aware than anyone else of the very real risks Haruka is taking, when the people around him are intentionally letting them slide.
Because—this is important—who else was going to tell Haruka to stop literally risking his life, just to win against Albert? Ryuuji tries, but ultimately, can only do so much. Almost everyone else looks up to Haruka too much to tell him to stop, and know him just well enough to believe that he wouldn't listen if they tried.
The only real options, to me, would've been Sousuke, Hiyori, Rin, or Makoto:
Sousuke does actually try in the movie, but he just isn't close enough to Haruka to be able to make much impact.
Hiyori already went through all this with Ikuya once, more or less, and deserves a break. Actually, I kind of wonder whether on a creative level Kaede was introduced as closest to him because he didn't really turn out to be dickish enough to get this job done.
Rin could've been quite interesting! And he seems relatively well-positioned to do this, especially with his very visible concern for Haruka throughout the movie. But even though he's finally making real steps to repair some of the interpersonal issues he's had with Haruka from the beginning...he's still really inspired by him and wants him to compete. Plus there's the problem that everyone who knows Haruka well comes up against—knowing how deep his passion goes, and not wanting to fight him on it.
Makoto...see, this would have been another place where the movie could've happened very differently, I feel. What if Ryuuji had pushed Makoto, not Rin, to try to reach Haruka? What if Haruka's well-being had ended up depending directly on Makoto finally managing to drill it into Haruka's head that he cares about him himself—not as an abnormal person and not as a prodigy? But instead, by this point Makoto's so worried about hurting Haruka's chances or their relationship (possibly remembering their s2 argument that was never fully resolved??) that he's actually more willing than Rin (or at least agrees first) to let Haruka keep hurting himself in the name of his dream.
(Actually, one weird dark-horse option would be Albert himself? But the timing doesn't really work on that.)
But with Ryuuji's tragic backstory (of Kiyofumi) already added in and everything, Kaede was really uniquely positioned to do the job he does regarding Haruka.
And speaking of Albert: I'd actually agree that a lot of his stuff felt shoehorned in, but I get why they did it—it adds an "international" level to the rivalries that's pretty necessary, given that the world championships are the final setting. Then as far as backstory goes, Free! has always been about coming to understand people's situations/perspectives better to overcome conflict with them. Haruka's journey with Albert (or vice-versa) is about him coming not to hate Albert's swimming, and showing Albert's issues to the audience helps make him relatable as that happens.
I enjoy that they tried to make a character like Albert work (even though his English lines made me cringe a little bit, especially this time around). I just...don't think they quite got there.
Then there's Hiyori and Ikuya. So. I say this with absolute love for them and their dynamic, but like—drama was never going to be the main fix for HiyoIku, because they're both predisposed to being dramatic in a way that is frankly part of the problem. Instead, Hiyori's development seems to come from both settling into a healthier role supporting Ikuya, and also learning to lighten up a bit and think about people other than him. Kaede plays a surprisingly important role here, as do Kisumi and Ikuya's friends. Even littler moments like his exposure to the disaster (at least on the surface) that Rin and Haruka's interactions often are probably had an impact. Ikuya's development, OTOH, mostly comes in the form of getting to know Rin and realizing that he isn't the only person in Haruka's orbit, while also making friends in general after years of acting like a loner. (Sousuke is a particularly good influence on both Hiyori and Ikuya, I think.)
So overall, getting away from the drama of everything after basically being the center of the drama for Dive to the Future is probably a welcome reprieve where they're concerned. And we did get to see them have a very pleasant convo pre-Ikuya's final race that hints that they're much better adjusted than they were, so for me it was an exercise in faith that they've worked on their shit more behind the scenes.
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bibiana112 · 3 years
u said i could jump in ur inbox with all my semi coherent thoughts so heres what i have at the moment bc my mind has literally been racing for the past.. idek anymore ive been just staring at the menu screen for a while and time feels fake
was Seven actually lying about what he saw way back when or is that no more than an implication,, bc him Not lying would make for an interesting explanation for June' random fevers and allow for one hell of a good angsty scene to be real, would explain why no one else contradicts him (Snake/Light doesnt say anything about Akane not actually dying when the story is told, Aoi says she died, Clover says a girl died, and i swear there was a seperate instance where they say only 8 kids are saved) plus Akane's body disappears somehow during the safe ending, which would make sense since in that end he wouldve failed to save her past self. but that in and of itself could just be another timeline hopping kinda thing
But. Seven and the others couldve just been lying to get Junpei to do what he did and end up saving her, if that makes sense, making sure the timeline Doesnt change (keeping Akane alive). but theyd all have to be in on it for that to work and i have no idea how likely that is - especially for Clover bc i cant see her lying abt that sort of thing so easily, given how Light purposefully kept info from her to keep her from spreading it. n that brings me to smth else,
Akane in the past could obviously transmit to Junpei in the future, which is trippy as hell but cool. and theres the implication that she could do it to Aoi in the future as well (plus he knew abt the whole thing anyway), so was she able to transmit to everyone else or just those two?? Aoi is her sibling and Junpei was close to her and gave her a literal voodoo doll, so those make sense, but idk abt the others. and like. what the hell was going on w future Akane during all this. she doesnt say anything nor react in an identifiable way when Aoi says she dead, or does Junpei just not notice?? or is that from past Akane's influence?? are the two sibs just really fucking good actors?? and how did Akane pull off most of the Zero stuff anyway when shes physically there already. was it a transmitting/possession kinda thing??
im gonna stop here before this gets way too long but i have So Many Questions (and also wish we could see the kurashiki sibs in the ending. why didnt they show them i miss them)
OK OK Okay, the thing with Seven is that it's left kind of ambiguous even when looking up stuff like the creator Q and A and shit. The dude kind of had it between him being in on it to an extent and Akane messing with which version of his memories he's got access to through the field because she's just built different and can do that apparently, either way I'm pretty sure the amnesia itself was totally real and the fevers definetly were as well. Tbh Seven is the character here they gave less thought to in general unfortunately? Years and years later and we never even got a name for the poor guy (Lotus's first name is Hazuki tho!) It is also implied that Light might have been a little in on it as well or that he at the very least recognized their voices from the get go, but again, ambiguous, open to interpretation, Clover was a hundred percent clueless though, thus her going apeshit that one time and the importance of getting Junpei the bookmark so he could win her trust.
Idk about there being implication that she could transmit to Aoi honestly? Like I always figured she just tells him everything the good old fashioned way after she's successfully rescued, but there's still memory of her dying there anyway because it's a paradox. Aj, dear friend, buddie, pal have you ever heard of Schrodinger's cat? Aksjs it's kind of what she has going on, the incinerator's the box and it can only be opened nine years from when she's first trapped in it, until then she's as much dead as she is alive. ALSO LIKE YES BTW THAT'S IT, THEY'RE REALLY FUCKING GOOD ACTORS WITH NINE YEARS OR SO FOR REHEARSALS BEFOREHAND I LOVE THAT MOTIF FOR THEM VERY MUCH Which part of the Zero stuff are we talking about here that she couldn't have pulled off if she's physically there? Like I know a lot of the stuff are implied to be recordings, I think the only exception would be the Safe ending bit which was Aoi behind the mic.
Oh I can imagine you still have a ton of questions lol omg this is so cool though it is quite the experience and Idk what your take away from it is gonna be but I'm glad it seems to be Something (yeah I get that miss them too :') I did find a post somewhere saying how important it is for the themes of the game though for June to just exit stage left and not re-enter tho, no goodbye or reunion because at that point is where Junpei realizes the little girl he knew wasn't going to be anywhere anymore but he still had to help her however he could)
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youraveragegoat · 3 years
i rly spent all day doing this tall tale for the first time, only for another crew to steal it from me in the end i hate this game
(I love this game) Like genuinely I wish I was playing with more people
guuuhhhhh this is the first time ive been genuinely disappointed in this game. I know who it was, too smh
like Boys will snark that "THIEVE IS IN THE TITLE!! YOURE A WHINY PISS BABY!!" bruh first and foremost its a fucking /game/
Whats the point of doing something for enjoyment if you don't. U kno. Enjoy it.
This is one of the reasons people r calling for pve servers. I cant say im completely a proponent of one or the other but the loudest sides of the fanbase don't think "easy mode" is an accessibility feature. When thats what a private pve server would be basically. Bro wtf do you think alliance servers are, honestly. Fuck you. Im only bringing this up bc im mad abt my experience. Im glad they're making private servers a thing tho, even if u can't make some progresses, i think it'll be nice.
Anyway. Fuck gamer culture and all that shit. Im tired of being called slurs.
I wanna play a game im not going to be disappointed in just because some other assholes decided to put their game over mine.
Im not even a sore looser generally. Im not a competitive person. It makes me extremely anxious and skeeved out. I dont like pvp most of the time /because/ its competitive. I literally /dont play Arena Mode. I like playing with people, though.
God fuck, it wasn't even a fight. Like I've been killed and sunk before and its fine, part of the game. You win some, you lose some. Its one thing if I we fight and I lose. I came out of the waterfall and was immediately shot. Like at least if we were both on a ship there'd be slightly more of a fight and I'd bow graciously to the pirates that sunk me, u kno? Its happened before and it'll happen again. I'm not very good at aiming and thats on me. I also think camping is particularly gross. Like what's the point? Aren't you bored? Sorry, tangent.
Idk man. I'm just really fucking disappointed.
When I say all day, I mean ALL DAY. It was my first time doing this story line and I want to see and hear everything! This game is big it takes a long time! So ofc it took me /all day/ it takes like 30 minutes+ by itself to cross the map against the wind.
I only get like one or two days off a week, u kno? And i dont have that much energy to begin with.. This just sucks major ass.
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khaotungsfirst · 3 years
Oh yeah! DW's one of those great series where there's so much out there, you can just dip in an out whenever you want a new adventure 😊I really like how, even when your favourite doctor or companion leaves the show, there's usually still stories out there for them so they're not really gone. I got really happy when I found out they made more Doctor and Donna adventures! Do you have a favourite doctor and / or companion? - CC 🦊
Hmm we might need to do a bit of searching for the TGCF donghua. I had a quick look and it seems it's on funimation if you have a subscription (I don't, sadly), and I checked youtube but nothing for subs on my side so far 😔 Might end up being a case that we'll need to download episodes or something, but I shall keep looking! - CC 🦊
The New Legends of Monkey are about a monk named Tripitaka who has to bring back the legendary monkey king whose been imprisoned in a mountain for over five hundred years. Once they wake him, they (and a few other friends they meet along the way) have to go on a quest to find heavenly scrolls that the monkey king had stolen and hidden away in secret. It's your regular 'gang goes on an adventure show', and it's light hearted and fun 😊- CC 🦊
Being friends with JC is literally the '((pats)) there there' deal since he'd be so difficult to figure out how to comfort when he's upset, omg. And you're right about LWJ and WWX, although I think if it were me meeting LWJ it would just be awkward silence while trying to find common ground for discussion. It would be so awkward 🤣I think I'd be besties with Xichen, he's much more approachable and just has that inviting kindness about him? I think he'd be a good, caring friend - CC 🦊
Since it's the holiday season, I'd like to ask if you celebrate Christmas or any other kind of holiday this time of year? 😊 If you do, what's your favourite part of the festive season? And incase I don't get a chance to message you before Christmas, I wish you the very happiest of holidays! - CC 🦊
Whew, finally found the time and energy to reply, sorry about that!
I think my favourite Doctor/companion duo would have to be Ten and Rose cause I shipped them so much back then and their ending.... gosh I still get emo thinking abt it now!! “I’m burning up a sun just to say goodbye” BIIIIITCH!!!!! 😭😭 so yeah... I also really loved Eleven and Clara bc once again: shipped it! But Donna was also such a good companion!!! I love how with each doctor/companion combo there were new dynamics to explore! (I gotta say though, I never really liked River... oop 😂)
Ok, I just did some googling and I found the first ep of tgcf on bilibili’s youtube channel. As far as I have understood it, you have to pay for early access to the episodes but if you wait they become free at some point (if anyone knows better pls correct me on this) so I think we can actually watch it!! And New Legends of Monkey sounds awesome!! I love these types of stories!! Def gonna check it out and report back to you!
And yes, you’re right! lxc would be an amazing friend!! Also wn who I forgot last time (sorry wn I love you!!) like he would kill for you but also be the softest and most loyal of friends to you like he is to wwx 💕get you a man like that 😂
I do celebrate Christmas with my family though none of us are overly religious about it. My favourite part would have to be the music! Like Michael Bublé’s Christmas album and All I Want For Christmas Is You are absolute musts (as well as my grandma’s old german christmas songs CD which has songs from Heino on it 😂). I do however also really love the feeling of when you know you have found the perfect gift for a loved one and are so excited for them to unwrap it! Nothing beats that! And thank you so much! I hope you had some nice holidays ❤️ Do you celebrate as well?
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camelliagwerm · 4 years
so my thoughts on vtm: coteries of new york now that i've finally been able to play it fully thanks to the ps4 port (ventrue pc aka amanda)
strongest aspects of this game were the art direction and audio design. backgrounds were well done, appropriately moody. animated shadows, lights and figures made it feel more alive. audio design really emphasized the atmosphere and some of the music (e.g. during hope's cam show) i really really enjoyed.
however there's a few female npcs suffer a same face issue - val, sophie and prince panhard all have similar faces and hairstyles. at least make panhard and sophie look unique.
the companions were also some of the best parts - i didn't meet tamika in this run because i knew there was limited time, so i focused on agathon and d'angelo since tremere and nossie are my two favourite clans (aside from lasombra); and bc i had some time left i did the first hope mission. i love d'angelo a lot - the whole p.i. routine, his reason for it and his soft spot for the pc. hope surprised me -- generally speaking i'm not a fan of malks and how they're represented -- and i really liked the way her dementation manifested, and i wish i had picked her up fully. i did like agathon - he was a bit typical in the broody vampire department though - but i liked seeing the side of a kindred who still had mortal relatives.
a lot of the sidequests i did felt like they could have been more in-depth.
my main criticism of the game is...it's shallow. particularly in the writing department. for a game that is meant to be accessible to newcomers and appealing to fans, it doesn't do a very good job of the two. it explains all of the basics, sure, but you never really learn about your chosen pc's clan, the disciplines etc. it throws a lot of terminology at you in the form of exposition and that's it.
as a fan of vtm - but relatively new since i'm not familiar with the new york by night chronicle, i had no fucking clue about half of the major canon npcs - boss callihan is particularly guilty of this. did you guys know he was a ventrue antitribu who was embraced by a sabbat member and was a wannabe lasombra? i certainly didn't until i had to look him up. i feel like the game was trying too hard to appeal to both of their audiences and ended up with a confusing mess.
for a game called coteries, it...doesn't actually go into depth with your coteries after their storylines at all.
the main story is rushed and the ending came out of nowhere. considering you might never meet the secret bad guy, you might end up super confused. he never gives an mo, he just gives a shallow Classic Villain Speech.
for a game that emphasizes high replayability, I don't get that vibe. you can't ever join the anarchs, for example. you're railroaded into serving the camarilla unless you want a game over and a save file deleted.
i'm really hoping shadows of new york (which i'll be playing bc lasombra) will expand upon this bc i have more questions than answers
4/10 right now.
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breeeliss · 7 years
Cn & lb's weapons have Internet access & untraceable IPs so when they're bored on patrol they livesteam & do random shit on youtube & bc of that everyone sees them as people not just heroes & sometimes alya gets in on it & they stream to the ladyblog
have you guys ever seen that shipping video that thomas sanders and jon cozart did? this is p much based off that xD
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
Summary: “We’ve noticed something interesting going on. An alarming number of people seem to ship Ladybug and I.”“
Yeah, it’s tricky stuff shipping real life people. People expect us to be romantically compatible. But are we?”
An exclusive Ladyblog Livestream Event with Ladybug and Chat Noir where they decide once and for all whether Ladynoir is a compatible (and acceptable) ship. Remember to like comment and subscribe!
“Okay, guys. Act natural, and remember this is just for fun. You guys cool with doing your own intro and everything?”
Ladybug scoffed. “Are you kidding? You’re giving him control of an entire video, he’s totally fine.”
“You can literally make fun of me until the end of time, I don’t care. Do you know how much I’ve fantasized about doing a YouTube tag?” Chat Noir bounced in his seat a little bit and cracked his knuckles. “I am beyond ready.”
Ladybug jutted a thumb at him and smirked at Alya. “See? I think we’ll be good.”
Alya snorted and finished setting up her phone on the little tripod mount she bought specifically for the occasion. Her hands were shaking a little bit because she was still finding it hard to believe that Ladybug and Chat Noir were actually sitting in her living room, not even a few feet away from her. 
It had always been her dream to do a Livestream to the Ladyblog that wasn’t just focusing on the superheroics. Yes it was always exciting to get details on fights, on their powers, on what goes through their heads in the middle of battles, but at the end of the day they were still the same age as Alya. She wanted to have the chance to just do something silly with them. News reporters very rarely treated them like the teenagers they were, and Alya was sure that her followers would get a kick out of them doing something humorous on camera. She’d made a whole blog post about it one night when she was sleep deprived and not thinking before she typed. 
But two days later, when she caught them right after another akuma fight, Ladybug pointed her out of the crowd and mentioned that they both saw the post she’d made. “Feel free to ring us up when you have an idea for a video,” she grinned.
It was almost too good to be true, but Alya wasn’t going to let go of an opportunity like this. The amount of views and followers she’d get after this would be astronomical. She was practically vibrating. “Alright, you crazy kids, I’m gonna read off the questions for you once you start. Whenever you’re ready.”
Not even a moment after she clicked record, Chat Noir froze, opened his mouth wide, and let out a huge sneeze. Ladybug jumped and buried her face in her hands, wheezing with laughter. “You freaking dork, we just started.”
Chat Noir chuckled. “I thought about Mr. Pigeon and I couldn’t help myself.” Ladybug leaned back in her chair and cackled while Chat Noir rubbed his nose.
“Hello, Ladyblog viewers!” Chat Noir said through his laughing. “Peace, love, and ladybugs to you all — oh my god, I improv-ed that! Can you use that from now on? Peace, love, and ladybugs? Wait, wait, Ladybug write that down, I wanna trademark that.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes, but pulled out her compact and typed it into the chat function. “I’ll text it to you right now, hold on.”
“Excellent,” he grinned. “Peace, love, and ladybugs! My name’s Chat Noir, and I am here with the lovely, wonderful, beautiful, and incredible Ladybug!”
Ladybug shut her eyes and hummed. “Oooh, I loved that. Thank you.” Chat Noir did a little bow while Ladybug picked up after him. “So, believe it or not, the two of us actually read the Ladyblog a lot, mainly because you all are so active on it, and we just wanted to thank you all for the kind words and support you give us everyday. We may not always be able to respond to it, but we see and we really appreciate it.”
“However, we’ve also noticed something interesting going on in the comments which is that an alarming number of people seem to ship us.” Chat Noir looked at Ladybug. “I dig it.”
“Yeah of course you would,” Ladybug teased back. “What is it called again? Ladynoir I think?”
“Yeah, Ladynoir! I mean, all kidding aside, I totally get it.”
Ladybug snorted. “Do you remember when Alya got all of those pictures of us when we were playing tag along the river? We were hanging off of each other the entire time, so yeah, super not surprised.”
“Just to clear up anything, we’re not dating,” Chat Noir told the camera. He darted his eyes side to side, leaned in close to the camera, and whispered, “ yet.”
“ He wishes ,” Ladybug whispered, winking at the camera. “But yeah, it’s tricky stuff shipping real life people, you know? It’s like…all these people sort of expect us to be romantically compatible and then the two of us are just left here thinking, are we?”
“So to rectify this dilemma for you all, we’re going to figure out today whether the two of us are compatible! So we’ve got these….mini whiteboard things…” Ladybug held hers up to the camera. “….and we have a bunch of these compatibility questions that you guys all sent us for us to answer.”
“Basically we’re going to keep track of how many times we agree and disagree, and if we’re on the same page more than we’re not, we can officially call ourselves compatible and you are all free to ship to your heart’s content.”
Chat Noir snorted. “Do you realize the amount of fanfiction fodder this is going to give people? Like seriously, just imagine it. Watch it pour in the night she posts this.”
“But see, you would know that, because you’re the only person I know who would read fanfiction about himself.”
“Um, you liked that Ladynoir story I sent you a week ago.”
Ladybug shrugged. “Well, yeah it was really well written, I’m not going to deny that.”
He reached over and flicked her on the nose. “So don’t be a hypocrite.” She pouted at him while he drummed his hands against his whiteboard. “Alright. I’m ready. Alya! First one.”
Alya chuckled. “Alright guys, first one: toilet paper over or toilet paper under.”
He blinked. “Wait, what?”
Ladybug nudged him in the side. “Like….when you put the thing in the dispenser, does the paper flip over or under, Chat.”
Chat Noir made a disgusted face and started frantically scribbling on his whiteboard. “Is that not obvious?” Ladybug shrugged as she wrote down her own answer.
“Alright, flip one…two…and.” They both flipped their white boards to the camera and cheered when they both put ‘over.’ “Oh my God, I was terrified you were going to say under,” Ladybug said in relief.
“That is so creepy,” Chat Noir explained, erasing his answer. “Like who even does that?”
“Alright so that’s a point!” They both celebrated once more and high fived as Alya got the next question ready.
“Okay question number two,” Alya read out. “White, milk, or dark chocolate.”
They both scribbled on their boards for a couple of seconds before flipping their boards at the same time. Ladybug stared at the answer on Chat Noir’s board and her jaw dropped. “What in the actual hell, are you serious?”
Chat Noir hugged his board to his chest defensively. “White chocolate is delicious! Are you insane?”
“It’s not even freaking chocolate, you monster!” she argued back. “It’s like….if I mixed together white crap, milk, and sugar, I’d get white chocolate.”
“Dude, who the hell puts dark chocolate? That’s not chocolate, there’s no sugar in it!”
“Chocolate is supposed to be bitter! Everything else is way too sweet, it ruins the taste.”
Chat Noir grumbled as he erased his answer. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Ditto. I want all of your things out the house by this afternoon.”
“I’m keeping the car.”
Alya was covering her mouth, trying not to let her laughter show up in the shot. “Okay, okay, this is the third one. Do you take your tea with or without sugar.”
“There’s no point to this, I already know what she’s going to say.” Chat Noir laughed and rubbed a hand down his face when they flipped their signs and he saw ‘without’ scribbled on her board. “You’re an abomination.”
“I….okay,” Ladybug said, facing the camera directly. “I dare all of you to fight me on this. Sugar does not belong in tea. Like I can maybe get behind you putting it in coffee but that’s literally it.”
“You are asking the Internet to fight you, my Lady.”
“I don’t care! I’ll fight all of you!”
Alya piped in. “I mean….I put sugar in my tea, so.”
Chat Noir reached over off camera to give Alya a high five. “Yes! Team Sugar Tea.”
“You’re all gross.”
“Alright, alright! Number four! Early bird or night owl?”
Ladybug hissed and stared up at the ceiling for an answer while Chat Noir poked his tongue out and started scribbling with intense concentration. It took them a while to both finish drawing, but Ladybug had ‘night owl!’ on her board, and Chat Noir had drawn a cartoonish owl in response. “Yes!” Ladybug exclaimed “Oh man, I was getting bummed for a second.”
“Yeah, but I’m not surprised the two of us are, we’re always out late.”
Ladybug nodded. “We schedule patrols for like an hour, and then once we’re done the two of us kinda just hang around for hours because we don’t wanna go home. There was one time we were out until like two in the morning.”
“We were definitely out until three at least once too.”
Alya pulled out the next question. “iPhone or Android?”
“Yikes, this might cause a fight,” Ladybug winced.
“Nah, don’t jinx it, I believe in us,” Chat Noir waved away, writing his answer. “These are good questions, by the way. Like….every married couple should do this.”
“You’re gonna make fights break out,” Ladybug snickered.
“Ah, fighting’s healthy. Alright, flip!” They stared at each other’s boards and cheered loudly when they both wrote ‘android.’ 
They fist bumped with both hands, and Ladybug bounced excitedly in her chair. “Oh thank god. Aren’t they better phones though?”
“People with iPhones are over here ranting about Siri, meanwhile they just lost their headphone jack, so who’s the real loser?”
Ladybug laughed to herself. “Have you seen the, uh….what are they called? The dongle things? Like that attachment you have to get to use regular headphones.”
Chat Noir snickered into his hand. “It doesn’t even sound sexy, like who wants to be in the street and be like ‘ah, sorry guys, gotta pull out my dongle for a minute’?”
“It sounds dirty, don’t you think?” Ladybug sniggered. Chat Noir cackled and almost fell out of his chair. “No seriously like ‘I have to pull out my dongle’ sounds like I have to pull out my….” She gestured to her lap and was grinning as she watched Chat Noir take one of the couch cushions and press it to his face while he muffled his hysterics. “What?!”
He shook his head and sat back up. “Oh man, I love you. Wait how many more do we have?”
“Three more. The next one’s uhhh….” Alya snorted in laughter. “Oh man, god help you two. Dogs or cats?”
Chat Noir covered his mouth with both hands and slowly turned towards Ladybug. Ladybug let her shoulders drop and stared in disbelief at the camera. “Why would you do that to us?”
“Ladybug — ”
“Chat don’t do this — ”
“Ladybug I’m like dead serious — ”
“You’re so dramatic, oh my god, it’s going to be fine!”
“Just please,” he begged. “Please. Answer carefully and honestly. This is like….do or die.”
“What would you do if I said dog?”
“Don’t make jokes like that!”
Ladybug turned away from him and looked back at him over her shoulder. “I’m writing my answer.”
“I’ve literally never been this stressed out in my life.”
“Do you want me to count you guys down so you show your answers at the same time?” Alya asked.
Chat Noir made a show of sniffing, making his voice sound like he was on the verge of crying. “Yes, please.”
“It’s like you have no faith in me,” Ladybug teased.
“Don’t lie on your answer!”
“I’m not going to lie, Chat, don’t worry.”
They both wrote down their answers and gave Alya the thumbs up when they were done. “Alright guys. You’re gonna flip on my count. One….two….three!”
Chat Noir kept his eyes closed when he flipped his board, holding it a full arm’s length away from him. “Agh, I’m scared.”
Ladybug tapped his leg with hers. “Flip, trust me.”
“Are you sure?”
Chat Noir opened his eyes, stared at her board, and threw it behind the couch as he threw his arms up in glee. “Thank all the adorable kittens in heaven, you’re a cat person!!!!!! ”
Ladybug held her arms out. “You want a hug, I know you do, bring it in.” Chat Noir wrapped his arms around her waist and started to fake sob into her stomach. She patted him on the head and snorted. “You threw your board clear across the room.”
“I don’t care,” Chat said, his voice muffled. “You love cats and that’s all that matters in the world.”
“ Is that all that matters?”
“You’re willing to accept my kind into your home.”
Ladybug turned to the camera again. “See, he thinks he’s actually a cat, so he takes all this very seriously. Excuse him, he’s almost done.”
Chat Noir stayed huddled up to her for a minute more before he sat up properly and smacked his cheeks a little. “Oh man, that was an ordeal. Oh dammit, my whiteboard.”
“You threw it into the plant! Like by the television!”
Chat Noir quickly came running back to sit on the couch. “I got it, I got it.”
“You two are too much. Alright, this one is Fall Wedding or Spring Wedding?”
Ladybug snorted when she wrote down her answer and sighed in relief when they both ended up putting ‘Fall Wedding’ on their boards. “I feel like the two of us would rock a fall color scheme, don’t you?”
“Plus, like, have you ever seen those wedding photos where they like throw fall leaves into the air? Like when they do outdoor weddings? Wouldn’t that be the cutest thing?”
“Oh my God, my parents did that! It’s super cute, oh man, I wish I could show you. If we get married though, we’re screwed on the cake.”
“You like white chocolate. ”
“Oh my God, are we going to start this again.”
“I’m going to remember this for at least the next month, you think I’m joking.”
“So can we get milk chocolate and call it even?”
Ladybug hummed and bit her lip. “I’ll bring it up with the wedding planner, we’ll talk about it.”
Chat Noir shook his head, rubbing his hand across the board to wipe it clean again. “Remember what I said about all that fanfiction fodder?”
“Bet you ten euros there are gonna be like twenty wedding fics by the end of the week.”
“Nah man, more than that. We’ll see.”
Ladybug sighed and smiled at him. “Last question, right?”
“Mmhm,” Chat Noir grinned. “Alright, what’ve you got for us, Alya?”
“This is a fun one,” Alya prefaced. “Ladybug or Chat Noir.”
They both laughed uproariously and were quick with their answers. Alya already figured what they were each going to write before they even flipped over their answers, but she had to admit it was really adorable to see them smile at each other when Ladybug wrote ‘Chat Noir’ and Chat Noir wrote ‘Ladybug.’
“I’m very cool with that disagreement,” Chat Noir beamed at the camera. “If that’s the only thing we fight about, I’m blessed to be honest.”
Ladybug tapped him on the shoulder. “Wait, I think we won.”
“We won?”
“Yeah like we got the most compatibility points.”
“Oh crap, did we?”
Alya looked down at her notebook and nodded. “Yeah, you got more of them matched up.”
They both threw their hands up and cheered. “We’re compatible!” they chanted at the same time, Ladybug falling against his shoulder in a fit of giggles.
“Damn, so I guess….?”
“Yeah,” Ladybug finished. “We….essentially did the work for you. So you are free to ship to your heart’s content. Go forth!”
“You have our permission,” Chat Noir assured. “And if you guys could low-key tag me on Instagram with links to your stories, that would be awesome.”
“You know damn well you have a physics test next week, you are not going to ask for fanfiction.”
“I’m fine , don’t worry about it. I wanna see what they come up with.”
“Listen. Tag me in them. So then I won’t give them to him until he finishes studying.”
Chat Noir shook his head at her in disbelief. “You’re just going to read them before I do!”
“ Offended that you would think that.”
“We will discuss this later.” Chat Noir turned back to the camera and clapped his hands together. “So….that’s it I guess? Um….Ladybug and I have Instagrams!”
“Yeah, apparently, when you do things from our weapons, the IP addresses get totally scrambled? So you can’t trace them and you can’t tell who we are. Which is great because that means this loser can post all the videos he wants to his.”
“Oh did you see what I tagged you in this morning?”
“Yeah the seven cat videos? Of course I did. I always do.”
Chat Noir pumped his fist. “Excellent. Anyway, uh, we fool around on those things a lot, so if you’re in the mood for a laugh, feel free to check us out. Alya’s gonna leave our links below this video.”
“And if you have any suggestions for other videos we can do, let us know. Alya will keep us updated, because these are actually really fun,” Ladybug said. “Oh! And always stay safe! If you ever see an akuma, always stay indoors and put as much distance between it and you as you can!”
“Yeah, really important guys, we wanna keep you safe, but you have to remember to stay alert at all times okay?”
Ladybug pouted her lips. “I guess we have to say goodbye.”
“Wait wait! Our tagline!”
“Right, right.” Ladybug counted them in so that they spoke at the same time. “Peace, love, and ladybugs!” They both fell into more laughter and Ladybug waved at the camera. “Until next time, everyone.”
Alya fiddled with her phone and stopped the recording. “Aaaaaaand, that’s a wrap.”
“Sweet,” Chat Noir replied. “Was that okay? You think they’ll like it?”
Alya shook her head and dismounted her phone from the tripod. “That could not have possibly gone more perfectly.”
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