#i wish you could add read mores on mobile but i cannot be arsed to open my laptop rn so you all have to deal with this
gems-of-lirema · 6 years
RULES (Please read thoroughly)
1) All RPers welcome! OCs, AUs, Duplicates, Multiverses, Multifandoms, crossovers (it’s literally in the blog description), you name it. Also, you don’t have to RP if you don’t want to, you can just send asks to my muses if you want.
1.25) Do bear in mind that if I’m not familiar with your fandom, it may take longer for me to respond. Please be patient with me. For your convenience, here’s the list of fandoms I’m in.
1.5) The only people I don’t RP with are anons. I don’t even know if that’s possible. If you’re a personal blog, please choose a muse or make one up. I won’t RP with you if you cannot choose or think of a muse.
1.75) If you absolutely cannot decide on a muse, don’t hesitate to choose from one of mine (except Gen). I’ll help you out if you have any questions about my muse’s personality and/or abilities ^_^
2) Keep it SFW. Please. Especially for AZ. I will block you if you try to make things explicitly/graphically sexual or if you continue to make explicitly/graphically sexual remarks.
3) NO GODMODDING. I don’t control your characters, you don’t control mine.
4) Mild gore is ok. As long as you’re not chopping off a limb or mutilating skin you’re good 👍
4.25) You’re free to try to kill of my characters too. Bear in mind that if you succeed, it could potentially end the thread because I can’t RP a dead character ._.
4.5) AZ’s an exception to rule 4 because immortality. It won’t work. Well, unless you’re Arceus. Or Yveltal. Or your muse is AZ, if those exist.
4.75) Feel free to try to beat up my characters too, whether it’s a Pokemon battle or regular combat. They have their powers for a reason c:
5) Absolutely NO DRAMA, GOSSIP, OR POLITICAL BANTER of any kind. I don’t care if so-and-so said such-and-such about whats-their-face. Even if someone’s trash talking you or me or someone I've interacted with, even if we’re mutuals, I really don’t want to talk about it. I will block you if you attempt to bring any drama and/or gossip here. This is an ask/RP blog, not a drama blog.
5.25) That said, if you’re the type of person who makes call-out posts/petty gossip posts every 30 seconds, or gossip to anyone in general, you will be blocked. No questions asked.
5.5) However, if you’re feeling depressed/stressed out and you need someone to vent to, I’m always willing to listen. My only rule is that you message me on my main blog (genlirema), just to keep things organized.
6) Please be patient with me. I know I said that before but I’m a college student please don’t spam me if I don’t respond in a day or two c,:
6.25) That said, if I haven’t responded in at least a week or two, assume I lost interest & try sending a new ask/starter/prompt again ^_^
6.5) If you’re not sure if your ask/starter/response got sent, either a) send it again or b) ask me. Three times a day is my limit, though. Bear in mind, though, that the more you notify me for a response, the less likely I’ll respond immediately. I may block you if you sent the same ask, starter, or response more than three times.
7) Muse doesn’t equal mun. If my muse is being an arse to you, it’s because either a) they’re supposed to be (Guzma) or b) they dislike and/or distrust your muse (Ex: if your muse is Ghetsis). It’s not because I personally hate you. 
8) You don’t have to comply with my ships if you don’t want to. Which is...only one technically, haha (Steven Stone x N Harmonia). I’m more than willing to accept your ships into any prompt, so long as you ask/tell me first and give me some sort of background/history about the ship. In layman terms, just tell me any plot-related details. If you don’t have any logical reason to ship, I have no reason to accept it.
8.25) That said, pedophilia is off limits. All my muses and I are of age. Please keep that in mind.
8.5) I multiship! Every ship is their own verse, and if you want to ship with more than one muse, go for it! ^_^
GUIDELINES (feel free to skim through if you wish)
1) Since I RP without icons half of the time, here’s the symbol key thingy for all my muses:
💜 = Eusine
💛 = Morty
💎 = Steven Stone
💙 = Wolf Grunt (My Persona/OC)
💚 = N Harmonia
❤️ = AZ
🤍 = ya boi Guzma
🐦 = Winona
💔 = Lysandre
🖤 = ???
2) In addition, here’s the link to all my AUs/Multiverses:
3) Occasionally, I may RP with two or more muses at once. This is a mumu RP blog after all. However, if your ask/starter/prompt is directed towards a specific muse, I will never kick them out of the thread unless you want me to.
3.25) That said, I will never add a muse w/o reason, and I’ll always ask if I can do this first. If you want to add or subtract one of the muses, please let me know. Additionally, if there’s a muse you never want me to use for you, let me know.
3.5) That said, if you don’t direct your ask/starter/prompt to a specific character and I don’t know you, Gen will answer by default. Usually. I may or may not switch between characters too. Again, I’ll ask first.
4) You don’t necessarily have to read the “The story thus far...” link (which directs you to my fanfic), but if you did read it & you want to RP with that headcanon, send the phrase “By the Terrastones” to my ask box & add your ask/starter/prompt after the phrase. Also please let me know how much/how far you read.
5) This is a side blog. Just fyi. I can’t send you asks (at least, not w/o anon or my main blog), and I can only follow you through my main blog ._. (That’s not really a rule but oh well)
6) You may have noticed there’s no “About the mun” page. That’s because I’ve never RP on tumblr before ._. Mun’s name is Sean btw (That’s also not really a rule but oh well) Also, random side note, my faceclaim is Akai Tsubasa from Kaitou Joker.
7) Also, I RP on mobile most of the time. This shouldn’t pose too much of a problem, as I can use icons just fine, but if you can’t stand that feel free to ignore this blog ._. (That’s also also not really a rule but oh well.)
8) Canonically, unless we decided otherwise, the events of all my interactions occurs post-game. I’ll try to keep things as spoiler free as possible, but no guarantees ._.
8.5) Additionally, most of this is headcanon based/canon divergent, especially all the special powers for my muses. I can RP just fine without them using their powers at all, but if you don’t want any of them to use their magic, please don’t yell at me for it. Don’t use this as an excuse to nerf my characters either. If your characters have magical abilities, I will not get rid of their powers just so you can beat them up.
9) If you follow me and you’re a RP Blog, I will always follow back ^_^
All rules are subject to change. If you’ve read the rules (or reread them, they change constantly ._.), send “Let’s go, Wolf!” to my ask box, if you may. I understand sending the first message can be a bit daunting, so if you can’t do so, feel free to like this post and I’ll assume you read the rules. Welcome to Lirema 💙
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