#i won't be bothered if they go straight there because the sudden but all consumingness of their love is part of what makes them interesting
one thing i will be interested to see is how they handle the initial stages of louis and armand's attraction. they expanded a lot upon louis and lestat's courtship, but they kind of had to if they were going to present it straight away as a romance because that element doesn't come out until much later in the novel. whereas louis and armand's meeting in the book is, if not quite love at first sight then certainly 'i've got to have him' at first sight. it wouldn't need retooling to be romantic.
however they do have a whole season to explore the second half of a not very long book, so obviously they're going to have to expand quite a lot on elements and i think devoting more time to how they fall in love would be an obvious element to build up.
i'm kind of torn because i really like how instantly they are dying to be together but i do also think there's some interesting ways they could slow things down like louis perhaps feeling uncertain about having romantic feelings for someone again after his toxic marriage or armand initially being intrigued because of the connection to lestat but then becoming obsessed for real. there are definitely elements they could explore before diving straight into the 'how do we ditch all our existing commitments to run away together' stage.
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