#i wont disclose what pairing because its on anon
rosaline-kei · 5 years
Request: EreMika; Mad Scientist!Eren shocks Frankenstein Monster!Mikasa with electricity to test the endurance of Mikasa's heart
Title: Franken-Kasa: Endurance of a heart.
Disclaimer:I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan nor its characters.
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan
Synopsis: (request from Anon tumblr user)  EreMika; Mad Scientist!Eren shocks Frankenstein Monster!Mikasa with electricity to test the endurance of Mikasa’s heart
Rated: T
Pairings: Eren Jaeger / Mikasa Ackerman
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Ao3 or FF net (To be uploaded there soon)
Author’s Note (PLEASE READ BEFORE READING; IMPORTANT): Okay so I’ll admit, I never really read the original Frankenstein book and I never really read a lot of Frankenstein AUs (I didn’t know they were quite popular), so this was entirely new to me. So I apologise if the writing is terrible, I tried. I don’t mind writing new things, it’s great to explore but idk. This was just hard for me.
Moreover I apologise if Eren seems very out of character, it was difficult for me to write him as a Mad Scientist because I never really saw him that way. If it had been Hanji instead, that’d be a different story.
I also apologise if this wasn’t what you wanted, anon :/ ;I’m open to re-writing it, but please PM me and tell me anything specific you want (Don’t worry, I wont disclose who you are; you can make a throwaway account if you want haha)
I know you wanted the focus to be on the electricity heart endurance test thing, but its very hard to write a lot about it since I really don’t know ;-; ahh I’m terrible, please forgive me! I hope I did place enough focus on it… Please tell me your thoughts/feedback/criticism anon ;-; (Send me a message or hmu :))
“Don’t worry, don’t worry…” Eren muttered quietly to one of his creations—Mikasa. That was the seven or eight foot tall girl’s name. He tightened the strap around her a little more while the raven laid on what was more or less like a hospital bed, with wires all over her body. “I know you’ll do fine for this endurance test. You have a strong heart.”
‘You have a strong heart’—that was what Mikasa wanted to believe too.
But it was because she supposedly had a weak heart that had led her to being in this situation.
She didn’t know the exact date of when it had all started. However, she remembered the day when Eren had shocked her to life, how her heart was like. How her heart had been functioning well during that time. Her heart wasn’t aching, her heart didn’t feel… weird. And as time went by, that changed. And Hanji—Eren’s mentor, another mad scientist—had noticed.
It was a week ago, on the day when Eren had given her his crimson coloured scarf when she found herself shivering. “Does that feel better?” He asked after he wrapped the red piece of fabric around her, albeit messily.
Mikasa nodded in response, and suddenly felt her heart racing, her yellow-ish pale cheeks reddening. Despite what all those articles that said about him being an insane, reckless scientist and maniac, Mikasa found it to be opposite. Admittedly, there were times when Mikasa had witnessed his mad scientist side spring out (something she believed that he inherited from Hanji, even though she wasn’t his biological mother), but she couldn’t bring herself to feel frightened. Not when they shared moments like these. Not when he gave her life, and taught her how to live. Taught her how to enjoy, and many other things that made her heart feel warm. (She didn’t understand why it felt like that, though.)
His company was just… nice.
She still remembered the day when he shocked her to this world, literally. Everything was white and bright, before she heard a laugh and saw a big grin plastered on his face, to which had greeted her. “Welcome to the world… Mikasa.” He had given her a name, too.
“I ought to buy a bigger one for you, though.” Eren commented, as he scratched the back of his head, noting how a ‘small’ scarf like that probably wouldn’t be enough to keep the tall and wide-framed Mikasa warm.
“No… its fine.” She smiled a little, and found herself clutching at her heart when she became aware of it racing.
“You have been clutching your heart a lot lately, Mikasa.” Another woman’s voice emerged into the conversation. “Is there a problem?” It was Hanji, who then proceeded to enter the room.
Hanji had doubted her student’s abilities to actually bring her to life. She recalled she had a previous colleague who struggled to do the same thing, to say the least it was a failed attempt that produced a monster. But once Eren succeeded, and once she saw that she wasn’t going to be another failure, she became just as enthusiastic and crazy over this project and experiment.
Before Mikasa could’ve answered, there was a sudden spark in Hanji’s eyes just as she thought of something. Something ‘fun’. “Eren. I want you to test the endurance of her heart next week.” She instructed, and the smile that slowly crept to her face had startled Mikasa a little. Sure, she had been relatively kind to Mikasa too… but she wasn’t Eren, and unlike Eren, she never so much made an attempt to form a bond with her.
An experiment. That was all Hanji saw her as, as of now at least.
“Think about it…” Her smile broadened, and her eyes widened. “What if her heart is able to withstand the shocks more than an average human heart? After all when you gave her life, you did do a few alterations am I correct…? But, anyway! Imagine…! Imagine if her heart is stronger than a human then…”
Mikasa couldn’t remember the rest of their conversation. The last thing she vividly recalled was the eagerness in both their tones as they continued to talk about the heart-endurance test, and all the possibilities.
Anyway, that was what that landed her in this situation. Her eyes traced towards the heart monitor. From what little science knowledge she gained after being here for some time, it was beating normally. It was still functioning normally.
So why… did it feel so… weird sometimes? Especially when Eren…
Her mind suddenly reflected to the time when he first brought her outside, and as a result of that decision, the townsfolk saw her. They saw his creation for the first time. And things went downhill from there.
Monster. Ugly. Disgusting. Insults and remarks like that came hurling at her or whispered among some crowds. She didn’t understand why, though. She hadn’t done anything wrong. Was there something wrong with her? Was it because of her pale yellow-ish skin? How tall she was? How there were stitches all over her body?
“You’re Mikasa.” Eren had answered her worries when he brought her back to his underground lab. “Ignore those bloody bastards, they don’t know what shit they’re talking about. They’re the real monsters…”
“Oh…” Mikasa muttered, and found her eyes looking at all the stitches around her body. “…is it because of these stitches, is that why they call me ugly? “She continued to ask, even after his reassurance.
“Huh? Ugly?!” He scoffed, as he approached her. For a moment, Mikasa thought he was going to slap her when he saw his hand moving towards her cheek. But he didn’t. Instead, he cupped one side of her cheek and she found herself nuzzling a little into it sub-consciously. His hand is warm, she had thought back then. “You’re beautiful, Mikasa.” From his angered and offended tone, he sounded gentle now. She liked this side of his.
And once again, her heart began to beat fast. Even in the present, just the memory of that moment, her heart couldn’t help but race…
What… was this feeling?
“Alright. Everything’s set up.” Eren said, “Are you ready, Mikasa?” He asked, his emerald orbs focusing on her. “Yes…” She nodded, as her own eyes looked towards the wires connected all over her. She wasn’t sure how long this test would last, all she could hope was pass and not fail Hanji’s and Eren’s expectations. She didn’t want to kill their enthusiasm, his enthusiasm. She didn’t dare ask what would happen if her heart was weak, if she failed and—
“You won’t fail.” He assured, as if he had read her mind. “You’re Mikasa.” He added on, as if her name and she, herself, was the synonym of strong and strength. “On a count of three… we’ll start with level one, and end at level seven…” He spoke.
“One… two… three…” And the next thing Mikasa felt was electricity running in her veins, and everywhere else. It didn’t hurt as much as she had anticipated… then again, they were only at level one.
“Good… good…” Eren muttered as he studied the heart monitor, “Next, level two…”
By the time they reached level four, Mikasa thought she would be fine. Perhaps, she was just imagining all the weird sensations that her heart had felt. All the heart racing, the uneasiness, the palpitations… the odd butterfly feeling that’d spread from her heart to her stomach.
Maybe she was over-thinking.
That was, until she reached level five.
It wasn’t like she was doubting Eren or anything, but the jump in the intensity from level four to five was way too high it made her consider if there was an error.
The second Eren shocked her, a scream involuntarily escaped her lips, and she found herself to be sub-consciously struggling as she felt another bolt of what seemed like lightning just terrorizing her heart. She resisted the urge to voice out any form of complain, she didn’t want to disappoint Eren. Not when earlier he had worn a proud sort of look as well as something of exhilaration when she passed level four.
“This is interesting…” Eren mumbled, without a hint of any form of disappointment, “Not much reactions from level four… and yet level five seemed excruciating for you.”  He took a glance at the heart monitor and only scoffed, “What an oddity… an average human heart would’ve given up at level three…” said Eren as he bit his lip before a smirk showcased itself. “And yet you’re here at level five, still alive… with no indication of any big increase in the rate of your heartbeat at all upon shocking you…”
Because Mikasa now felt the after-effects of the shock, her eyesight wasn’t as its best state and she couldn’t tell if that was drool coming down from his lips or sweat. All she could see or rather, decipher was the look of pure thrill shining in his eyes. She knew that look. He was thinking of all sorts of possibilities that Mikasa herself would never be able to imagine.
“Let’s move on to level six!” He said as he scribbled something down on his clipboard. But stopped half-way as he looked over to Mikasa, who hadn’t said anything yet. Who he noticed looked rather… uncomfortable after that nasty shock. “Or…are you too tired—”
“Continue.” Mikasa managed to speak, cutting him off. “I… can continue.” She assured.
Eren’s smirk broadened. “Haha… Hahaha!! You’re amazing, Mikasa! On a count to three, we will enter level six!” Mikasa nodded, smiling herself when she saw that shine in his emerald orbs sparkle even more.
“One… Two… Three!”
Level six came, and the hellish shock came at her heart. She struggled to hold back her series of shrieks and any form of fidgeting or troublesome movements, but no avail. A minute passed, and she was already sweating. The pain lingered longer than it should, and she chose to focus on the sound of the sound of Eren’s pen vigorously jotting down his observations instead of the pain. She found herself gasping for air as the next level six shock came coursing through her veins to her heart.
“Ahhh!” Eren exclaimed, “You survived level six… Hanji wouldn’t believe this! I—” he stopped rambling when her panting became louder and noticeable, with her normal pale yellow-ish skin tone turning into slight red. Exhaustion.
Mad man. Heartless. Crazy. Psycho. These were the labels Hanji and Eren would often get from outsiders who couldn’t understand the mind of scientists like them, scientists like him.
What was there to gain from creating Mikasa? What was there to gain from giving her a chance to live? What was there to gain to create her? People often thought these things when word came out about Mikasa, or rather ‘monster’ as what they’d call her. The only reason why the police and council weren’t on his case was thanks to the fact that Hanji had done favours to aid them in the past. Thus, they decided not to interfere in whatever they were doing. After all, Mikasa hadn’t hurt anyone yet.
Unfortunately, people still judged. And Mikasa couldn’t hide, not when she stood seven or eight foot tall with a skin tone so yellow and pale that it wasn’t considered human-ly. Not when there were stitches all over her from Eren’s attempt on sewing—on creating her.
But Eren didn’t care. He had his reasons for creating her, reasons that Hanji didn’t full know of. As long as Eren provided her with something to quench her thirst from any form of knowledge, she was fine with it.
And because she was his creation—no, he looked at her more than just something he created. Albeit, he couldn’t identify what it was as of now. And he was just thrilled to find out what it was.
Even if he was truly mad, he had limits. “We won’t go to level seven.” He sighed, placing his clipboard down as he approached her. Before she could voice any form of protest, he placed a finger on her lips while his other hand busied itself with unbuckling the straps on her. “Shh… we won’t tell Hanji… besides, thanks to your strong heart, it just further proves that you’re a success!” He exclaimed while Mikasa sat up once the straps came off.
If that blonde had been here, he’d have been shocked. No mad scientist would halt in any of their experiments, not Eren especially. They would always see things to the end. They would always find a way to get their answers. But ever since creating Mikasa, ever since spending time with his new favourite project—no, person, he had been quite… soft. Different. A more humanly side of him had emerged.
Even Eren couldn’t identify the reason why—which all the more had made him even more excited with this journey of him and Mikasa, with future experiments and other future things.
“…Are you sure, Eren?” Mikasa finally spoke after he had removed his finger from her lips. “Hanji might scold you and… I… don’t want to ruin your—”
“Ruin?!” He gasped, and he found himself moving his face rather close to hers, with his hands now on her shoulders. “Ohhhh Mikasa! This means big things! Your heart survived past the average human expectation! You didn’t ruin anythi—”
He was cut off by the sudden increased beeping sound of the heart monitor. “That’s odd.” Eren murmured as his eyes glimpsed towards the heart monitor, to see that her heart rate had abruptly increased, before looking back at her to see her cheeks slightly redden. “Are you sick?” He queried, as he placed his hand over her forehead. Can she even get sick? Eren pondered.
“N-No… I…” He was close. Too close to her face, and Mikasa didn’t understand why this closeness made her heart beat rapidly. If it wasn’t because of a weak heart, then what was the reason?
“You… H-Have you been getting enough sleep, E-Eren?” It was an attempt to change the topic. She didn’t wish to tell him about the strange things her heart felt, albeit she didn’t know why she didn’t want to tell him. Was this what shyness felt like? Whatever it was, she wanted to know his answer to her question anyway. Upon getting a closer view of Eren’s face and his emerald orbs that never failed to captivate her, she noticed his eye-bags worsening.
“Worry about yourself once.” He responded, “Besides science waits for no man. Ahh… I can’t wait to get these results to Hanji once she returns.” He spoke as he pushed himself up onto the bed that Mikasa sat in, sitting next to her.
There was a brief silence between them, until Mikasa broke it after her eyes stared at the stitches around her body for far too long.
“…Eren, why did you create me?”
Eren flinched. It was such an out of the blue sort of question. A question he didn’t like to answer.
His expression twisted into something that was a mixture of franticness, madness and distraught. And suddenly, Mikasa wished she could take back her words.
“Why… you ask…” He mumbled, his hand reaching out, pulling onto his hair a little before he started to laugh. “It’s quite… a story—”
“Eren!” A yell from his mentor that had just returned from her trip was all it took to snap him back to reality. “I’m back! And you have a guest upstairs, waiting for you at the doooor!”
“Huh? A guest?” Eren’s expression finally relaxed, and it relieved Mikasa… but it left her with a lot of questions. “That Arlert boy! He’s at the door!” Hanji shouted.
“Ah… Armin.” He muttered before hopping off the bed. “Wait here, Mikasa. I’ll be back.” Mikasa gave a quiet nod. And without looking back, he left the room to greet his guest.
Mikasa looked towards her right, where a mirror was placed. She stood up and walked towards it, staring up and down at her entire seven or eight foot tall frame. She found her hand moving upwards to clutch her heart.
She recalled what looked like hurt and distress written on Eren’s face when she asked the reason for her existence.
“It hurts…” She sighed quietly, before glancing down to her body, to see that the wires were still plastered all over her, and remembered that there were wires all over her too when he first shocked her to life. And she found herself wondering, how had he been living before she came along?
Despite all the time she spent together with him, he never told her about it. And all this time, she assumed he was just doing experiments. But something in her gut told her otherwise.
Every mad scientist has a reason for being mad, right?
The thirst and hunger for knowledge—that was one reason, but something in her gut also told her that that wasn’t just Eren’s reason.
“I wonder what he was like…” She murmured to herself, before her mind drifted off back to when their faces were just centimetres away. She found herself clutching her heart tighter. “And I wonder…what is this…feeling…?”
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