#i would fall in love with rengoku on sight still if he was the McDonald's cashier
creepypastalover97 · 5 months
I seen a lot of AU's where rengoku is pretty well off. From the canon universe, where he clearly comes from old money to a CEO AU where he is a CEO. Hell even a fantasy AU where he is the leader of a dragon tribe!
But for the love of God can we get us a AU where he only makes minimum wage?
I seriously want someone to write a one shot on Tumblr where rengoku is a McDonald's employee and only makes minimum wage!
Where he he lives in a shitty apartment too and can only eat instant ramen and whatever his work let's him have at end of shift!
Sure it doesn't sound like he is financially stable and he doesn't make the 10 figures we all would like a man to have!
But what matters is he loves us and would bring us McDonald's every day!
Come on Tumblr!
McDonald's employee rengoku for the win!
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
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Yakuza!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Sugar and Spice (Mafia!AU, Modern AU, NSFW Series)[Chapter 8]
Summary: Kyōjurō and (Y/n) meet at a party, only to find out that their lives would change forever— since they had been arranged to be married.
Note: I have nothing against McDonald’s; I love some of their things (Nuggets!!!). It’s just that the contrast between what (Y/n)’s mother had always had, compared to something so normal makes me laugh.
Warnings: Smut, Making Out, Candy Swapping, Semi-Public Sex (Private Beach), Teasing, Champagne Blowjob, Cum Swallowing
||Sugar and Spice Masterlist||
It had been a couple of days since the pleasurable incident at the Rengoku clan’s mountain home and, for the life of her, (Y/n) couldn’t get it out of her head. Especially at night, when she begun fantasizing about having Kyōjurō’s hands all over her again, with his chest pressed flush against her back.
She would never admit it, but she was addicted— after only the barest taste of him.
And she would have devised a plan to wring the same pleasure from him again, had he not called her the following morning to say that something had come up in Osaka. That would have been find, if it only took a day to fix it. But, apparently, it was going to take a few days.
(Y/n) had tried not to let her disappointment show in her tone, but Kyōjurō must have picked up on it, since she had gotten the most beautiful bouquet of pink and white hydrangeas— as well as one of Kyōjurō’s button down shirts— a mere hour after they had said goodbye to each other.
The card had even held the sweetest inscription she had ever received, which she quickly used to cover her face— as she raced back up the stairs to get back to the privacy of her room.
At that present moment, with her already done getting herself ready for the day, she took a brief moment for herself and sat down on the edge of her bed; taking the card where she had left it on top of her nightstand, and biting back a smile as she read her fiancé’s writing.
‘You are much like hydrangeas; Beautiful, but selfish with your love. I hope that I can take a piece of your heart while I’m gone, And I hope that someday I’ll have your love, (Y/n).
P.S. I’m giving you my shirt, so that it will keep a little bit of me with you.
Forever Yours, Kyōjurō’
(Y/n) couldn’t help but bite down on her lower lip, if only to bite back the giggle that threatened to spill from her lips. She had been reading the card frequently, yet it still managed to elicit the same reaction from her; as if she were a lovesick teenager.
It was very unbecoming for her; especially over someone whom she was still getting to know.
Kyōjurō was going to become her husband, that was a fact, but there was a tiny voice in her head that always warned her to not get too close. Thankfully, it had been small enough to bury beneath all of her foremost thoughts; yet when she was alone— like at that moment— it gained enough momentum to make itself known.
And the smile on her face, which brightened up her features, turned down into a barely perceptible frown. It was dangerous for her to fall so easily for a man; especially a man that she knew was still keeping his cards close to his chest.
She knew that; after all, she wasn’t that far gone in her blossoming feelings for him.
It would have been so easy to keep herself in check, to guard her heart and keep herself sane… if only he didn’t make her feel like throwing all caution to the wind so she could jump and fall right into his arms.
Just like he had told her that she made him happy, Kyōjurō made her feel the same; along with feeling protected and appreciated.
Before (Y/n) could delve in deeper into her own thoughts however, she quickly shook herself from her reverie and placed the card back down on her nightstand. Then, she got up from her bed and straightened herself out; after all, Rin hadn’t been coming to her room to pester her about attending events in her parents’ stead.
Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t been tasked to attend any political functions ever since Kyōjurō had warned her mother to lessen her tasks. It gave her enough time to actually relax during her break, and it felt amazing.
She had to remember to give Kyōjurō a kiss once he returned. And if she were to be honest, she would say that she missed him.
“You’re too invested, (Y/n),” The young woman muttered to herself with a playful scoff, before shaking her head and making her way down to the dining room. It was time for breakfast, after all; her most dreaded part of the day, since she had to sit there and take all of her mother’s ill-concealed jabs.
Her tasks may have lessened, but her family life sure hasn’t improved.
With all her apprehension about going to see her mother, (Y/n) even dawdled a little bit during the walk downstairs; purposely taking her time to admire some of the paintings that caught her interest, until she arrived at the doorway she was trying to avoid the most.
And with a deep breath, she stepped through and expected her mother’s mildly displeased expression to greet her. Only, the first face that she saw had her immediately brightening up; especially when those lips that she missed tilted up at the corners to give her a handsome grin.
“Kyōjurō!” (Y/n) breathed out, just as a wide smile colored her expression. And before she could help it, she already found herself practically skipping over to where he now stood— only to freeze when she saw her mother’s narrow-eyed gaze boring right into her.
Immediately, the arms that wanted to wrap themselves around her lover froze at her sides; while Kyōjurō engulfed her in a tight embrace, before pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “Did you miss me, princess?”
“I… I did.” She admitted, her smile almost faltering once, as she felt her mother’s glare boring right into her back. However, she was shielded by Kyōjurō’s face, so she allowed herself a little bit of rebellion and leaned in to peck his lips— all while her hands lifted themselves up and settled themselves at his sides in a pseudo hug.
As her mother had kept repeating to her while she was growing up: it was unbecoming of someone of her social status to show too much emotion to anyone, as it gave people a leverage over her. And it was obvious that it had stuck to her, since she could only act normally whenever she wasn’t around any people who gave a damn about who she was.
Thankfully, she was shaken from her reverie by Kyōjurō guiding her to sit down on the empty chair next to where he sat. “Go and eat, baby. You need your strength for today.”
Kyōjurō’s words were innocent enough, but they didn’t fail to make goosebumps raise across her skin. They were so laden with hidden meaning, at least in her mind, that she couldn’t shake the warmth that pooled at the pit of her stomach.
With those words hanging in the air, she turned her full attention to the food set out on the table— holding back a surprised expression when she saw that it was laden with carry-out boxes from McDonald’s. A laugh wanted to bubble free from the sight of the lavish table paired off with something so… common, yet (Y/n) could only purse her lips together as she grabbed the laid-out silverware to serve herself a pancake.
Breakfasts used to be such a droll agenda whenever she was at home, but Kyōjurō had managed to spin such a humorous twist on it that made her want to kiss him.
The best part? Rengoku Kyōjurō had practically forced her mother— the wife of the Prime Minister, and the prissiest woman to ever live— to eat an Egg McMuffin.
(Y/n) would never forget the undernoted look of disgust that she kept shooting the blond at her side; the very man whom, she was naught to admit, was starting to become such an essential part of her life.
“How’s your McMuffin… okaa-sama?” Kyōjurō asked quietly, looking so regal even with a paper cup of coffee in his right hand. And (Y/n) could only get swept into him even more, when he turned to her and gave her the most attractive wink; one that had her heart practically skipping in her chest.
When (Y/n) had heard that she should keep her strength up for the day, she had expected so much more than just going to the beach— which Kyōjurō’s family apparently bought a few years ago— and being told that her fiancé only wanted to relax.
If she were to be honest, she would say that she expected to get railed so hard on the blanket. After all, it was why she had worn the sundress that she was sure accented all of her curves; one that would entice Kyōjurō into doing just what she wanted him to.
There wasn’t anything wrong with hoping to get fucked by such a sexy man, but it had been a few days, and she was sure that he was trying to put on a show just to tease her. That was the problem: he wasn’t giving in to her.
He merely laid down next to her on their blanket— in all his shirtless glory— while he kept eating that goddamned hard candy that was in the glass bowl next to him. And to make things worse for her, he looked so attractive— especially with his abs out on display, and his sunglasses framing his face so perfectly.
She would have long straddled his hips and slipped his cock inside her, had she been that shameless of a woman.
It wasn’t much of a statement coming from her, based on how they had first met, but it was different because they were out in the open; where anyone could happen by and take pictures of them humping like rabbits on the beach.
That wasn’t a headline that she wanted the entirety of Japan to see, even if she knew that the property was as secluded and secure as it could be.
Still, Kyōjurō was making it so hard to resist him. And he knew just how badly he was affecting her.
“Do you want to eat something, baby? Maybe a drink?” Kyōjurō asked softly, raising his sunglasses to the top of his head while he turned to look at (Y/n)— whom was no longer scrolling through her phone, and was blatantly ogling his body.
He would be lying if he said that he didn’t like that, or if he said that that wasn’t turning him on.
In fact, he had wanted to push her down on the table at her house, had her mother not been there to keep giving him ill-concealed glares. But he had to keep it in his pants, since he wanted to see how she would react with a little bit of pushing from him.
After all, he could make her so needy for him that it would make for the hottest nights of their life; especially if he kept on teasing her bit by bit until their wedding night.
It was too little too late, after he had already had a taste of her tight pussy, but it only made things much more exciting for him. If only he wasn’t constantly close to asking her to fuck him.
“A glass of champagne would be nice…” (Y/n) answered softly, the flush on her face getting more evident in the shade, especially when her eyes flickered up to meet his own. They were so intense with need that Kyōjurō couldn’t help it…
He cupped her face with one hand and pulled her in to his face, as he sat upright to meet her halfway.
The first touch of his lips to hers had his entire body tingling with warmth, as if it was coming alive under her touch. And it was only made better when their slow and tentative kisses slowly escalated to open-mouthed ones; ones that had him feeling himself getting hard.
Especially when she reached down and cupped her hand over his hardening cock.
A smirk tugged at the corners of Kyōjurō’s lips then, as he got it in his mind to push the piece of candy in his mouth into hers.
(Y/n) was clearly surprised at first, tensing up the tiniest bit, before getting swept up in her fiancé’s pace. His tongue kept prodding at hers, trying to pull the candy back into his own mouth, which she complied to.
Gingerly, she allowed him to take the sweet from her mouth, instantly missing its sweetness, before it was gently pushed right back in— so warm and a little minty, with a hint of something that was uniquely Kyōjurō.
Or maybe that was her lust addled mind talking.
However, before things could escalate further, the blond pulled away with a grin— his candy back in his mouth. “I’ll be back with your champagne, princess.”
To say that she was shocked and feeling cross with him was a total understatement. She was feeling so irate that she wanted to get some sort of revenge on him— which had been fueled by her less-than-innocent searches while he was gone.
So, she stewed in her own impatience— even sitting up on her knees— just so she could take him by surprise when he came back.
Thankfully, Kyōjurō didn’t take too long with getting her drink; grinning right at her even if she could see the obvious bulge in his swim trunks. It provided the perfect opportunity for her to get back at him, at least even a little.
And when he got back on their blanket, giving her the glass of champagne before making a move to sit back down, (Y/n) got up on her knees and placed a hand on his right thigh— looking up at him and licking her lips, before sliding that hand up to cup his hard-on once more.
“You look uncomfortable,” The young woman whispered, as she slowly undid the tie to her fiancé’s shorts and gently pushed them down his hips; much like how she pushed her own trepidations aside, and threw all caution to the wind.
She was on private property. And she trusted, deep down, that Kyōjurō would protect her and her reputation if it came down to it.
So, she let go of her inhibitions— especially when she was greeted by her fiancé’s hard cock in front of her face. It was thick, and long, and a little bit curved— which had her pussy getting so wet already.
Remembering how amazing he felt inside her even had her squeezing her thighs together, if only to alleviate the lust that she felt bubbling within her.
Gingerly, she took his cock in her right hand, pumping it slowly, and using her thumb to spread the precum that beaded at his tip. A low groan was her reward for that, which only spurred her on even more— especially when she saw his eyes close in pleasure.
Just the faintest of touches and he was already like that. She couldn’t wait to see what his reaction was going to be when she set her plans into action.
And when she leaned forward to suck on the tip of his cock, she felt confidence flaring up within her when Kyōjurō moaned aloud— with his right hand making its way into her hair.
It was hot, but she was not going to get swept up in his pace again.
So, before he could try to give her a nudge to take more of him in her mouth, (Y/n) pulled the head of his cock out of her mouth and took a big sip from the champagne flute in her left hand. And with that, she set the drink down on the blanket— hoping that it wouldn’t topple over.
She kept the cool and bubbly drink in her mouth— looking up again at Kyōjurō, whom was watching her with such a lust-filled gaze— before taking his cock in her mouth once more.
That time, however, Kyōjurō actually cried out in pleasure; hips bucking involuntarily as he felt the champagne’s bubbles teasing his cock. Partnered with the coolness of the drink, and the warmth of (Y/n)’s mouth, the blond was on his slow descent to thinking that he was going crazy with pleasure.
His head was already spinning from the sensations, and she had barely even taking his cock.
But when she swallowed around his tip, before circling her cool tongue around the crown of his cock, he felt his fingers curling into her hair. Hell, he had barely even managed to look up at the security camera perched on a light pole, as a warning for whoever was watching to turn away at that moment.
Slowly, pleasurably, (Y/n) kept taking more and more of Kyōjurō’s cock in her mouth— until she was all the way down to the hilt, with her nose pressed against his trimmed pubes.
And he thought that it couldn’t get any better than that, until she took the hand that was on his thigh to cup his balls and start fondling them.
His eyes almost rolled back into his head at that moment, as he threw his head back and lost himself to the heady feeling of her sucking him off; trying to bring him to the most intense orgasm that he was ever going to get from a blowjob.
Instead of trying to prolong his pleasure though, Kyōjurō began to gently rock his hips into (Y/n)’s face; breathing heavily and moaning aloud as he felt his orgasm crawling up on him.
“I’m cumming,” The blond whispered breathlessly, close to outright fucking his fiancée’s face, when she pulled his cock out of her mouth— leaving just the tip inside— before jerking her off with one hand.
All while the other one kept fondling his balls.
It was so heady that Kyōjurō could only cry out “Fuck, baby! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” as he spurted thick ropes of cum right on her tongue. She was white hot pleasure personified, and he was sure of it at that very moment.
Maybe he really couldn’t wait until the wedding night to have her again.
Especially when she made a show of popping her cock out of her mouth, and sticking her tongue out to show him his cum— before closing her lips and swallowing his thick seed.
“How did I get so lucky, princess?”
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
Sanemi x F!S/O: Cravings (Modern AU, Fluff, SFW Scenario):
Summary: Wherein Sanemi’s wife gets hit by pregnancy cravings at 2 AM. Just wholesome, domestic Sanemi fluff. Note: As promised, here’s domestic Sanemi. It’s soft Sanemi hours, y’all. 😂 Also, I HC that he would be so soft with his wife— bc chapter 200 just gave me a better look at his character when he’s with his loved ones. He would be so doting and caring with his wife, I’m sure of it. 💜✨ Word Count: 1,843
“Sanemi, Sanemi!” The frantic whispering was already enough to rouse Sanemi from his sleep but, partnered with the agitated shaking that his wife was putting him under, it was more than enough to have his eyes snapping open as he immediately sat upright.
There wasn’t even any trace of sleep in his eyes, as he took in his wife’s pained expression as best as he could with the dim glow of the nightlight beside her. “What is it? Is it time? Is the baby coming?”
He had always prided himself with being a calm and collected man— especially when it came to stressful situations. Sure, he was quick to jump the gun on decisions, but he always managed to retain a clear head while making them. Unlike how he was feeling at that moment.
His thoughts were all jumbled up, as one hand moved to reach the phone— especially when (Y/n) curled in on herself while letting out a pained moan.
Her hands— which had never let go of his right arm— tightened around the poor appendage, to the point where her nails dug into his skin. “Cramp! My right foot’s cramping up.”
At that, the young man practically flew out of the bed; throwing the blanket off of him and crouching down at the foot of the bed, so that he could grab her right foot and squeeze her toes together— all in an effort to make her cramp go away.
“Oh, oh god. Just like that, baby!” (Y/n) cried out shamelessly, throwing her head back against the pillows and even slinging an arm across her eyes as she breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“Keep your voice down, it’s…” Sanemi checked the digital clock on his side table, then continued, “Two in the morning, woman.”
(Y/n) pulled her leg out of her husband’s hands at that, and pushed herself to sit up against the headboard— all while looking at him with narrowed eyes. “What if it’s two in the morning? This is my home; I can be as loud as I want.”
Normally, she wasn’t so moody, but her pregnancy hormones had been wreaking havoc on her emotions— especially as of late. So, Sanemi had learned to just smile things off instead of fighting her irritation with his own; not that he ever could get cross with her.
No matter how badly she tried to tease him, he simply didn’t feel mad at her. While, with everyone else, he had the shortest fuse; even with his own co-teachers and students.
“You know,” The young man began again, as he scooted closer to his wife’s feet and picked the right one up in his hands once more. Slowly, he began to knead the soles of her foot with his knuckles— slowly working his way down to the heel of it, before using his thumb to press down on her arch. “You’re really cute when you look like you want to kick me in the face.”
That move had her practically melting against the pillows propping her up, as her hands moved to cradle her baby bump. “Oh, god, that feels so good.”
“It’s still me… your husband; not god,” He uttered with a small grin, which he immediately hid by pursing his lips together in a tight line. Because the glare that (Y/n) instantly shot him, partnered with an irate click of her tongue, was scary enough to make his hairs rise on end.
He took that as her not being in a playful mood, so he set her foot back down on the bed and moved to crawl back under the covers, beside her.
“Do you feel fine now? Let’s go back to sleep.”
(Y/n) remained silent at that, merely staring back at her husband as he awkwardly stayed on all fours on top of the blanket— on his side of the bed— while he waited for her answer. “(Y/n)?”
“Ssh, I’m trying to think.” The young woman sputtered out indignantly, in an attempt to save face— because she had been thinking of eating again, even after she just had another snack two hours before.
Sanemi quirked an eyebrow at that, before moving to sit down on the edge of the bed, with his feet already on the floor. “If you want something to eat, just tell me.”
“But I just ate…”
“Just tell me.”
Sheepishly, (Y/n) smiled up at her husband— all trace of faux indignation gone from her voice— as she said, “A McFlurry… and fries from McDonald’s. Oh, and a cheeseburger, and nuggets too. And an apple pie.”
The silver-haired man remained quiet, merely sitting there and waiting for what else his wife wanted, as well as preparing his stomach for the food that was going to be pushed aside to him; because he knew her, and he knew her well… she would just take a bite out of all of those— except for the fries and ice cream, then make him eat everything else.
“And can you also get melon pan, and chocolates from the convenience store?”
Sanemi could only nod and smile at his wife, as she batted her eyelashes at him in an attempt to look contrite for sending him out so early in the morning.
“Put a movie on so that you don’t fall asleep. I don’t want to wake you up just to eat,” He uttered softly, as he leaned forward— cupping (Y/n)’s cheek in his right hand, before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
With that, he got up from the bed and quickly threw on a pair of sweats, as well as a plain black shirt— pocketing his wallet on his way out the door, and turning back to look at his wife whom was looking all cozy beneath their blanket. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Okay, I love you, Sanemi!” (Y/n) answered happily, before making hearts with her fingers, pressing a kiss to them, and holding them out to her husband.
“I love you, too. Crazy woman.”
It took almost half an hour to get everything that (Y/n) wanted, since the convenience store that was close to their apartment was closed for the night— so Sanemi had to walk to the second nearest store which was, admittedly, quite a few ways away from them.
But it was either walk there, or see his wife be sad over chocolates. He didn’t want a repeat of that whole fiasco— where she had cried because he couldn’t find dorayaki anywhere. If anything, he was weak against her tears, so he tried to make her as happy as possible; always.
Thankfully, when he got back to their home, he heard the sounds of a movie playing from their room. So, that indicated that his wife had heeded his words and did her best to stay awake.
So, he immediately made a beeline towards their room to drop off the food to keep the ice cream from melting any further, before he could take a quick shower to wash off the sweat he’d managed to work up while outside.
“You’re here!” (Y/n) piped up, clearly excited as she eyed the bags in Sanemi’s hands. She didn’t even try to hide the fact that she was happier at seeing the food, than she was at seeing him; but Sanemi didn’t really mind. In fact, he found it sort of… cute and endearing.
“The ice cream is in the small bag. I’m just going to take a quick shower,” He answered softly, as he set the bags on his side of the bed— which (Y/n) immediately dug through to get to her food.
“Okay. I’ll be here.” As he had thought, she immediately pulled out the ice cream as well as the fries, and started snacking happily on those— even going as far as to dip the fries in the cookie-laden ice cream. Before he could observe her further, she looked up at him and shot him the warmest grin that made his heart practically skip a beat. “Thank you, baby!”
“Of course. Anytime, kitten.” At that, Sanemi exited the room for his shower; coming back five minutes later to the sight of his wife with opened food containers surrounding her— with all of the food having just one or two bites on them.
Quietly, he heaved a sigh while he looked down at his defined abs. He had worked so hard to maintain those but, for (Y/n), he would willingly take the chance of losing them. Because it was the third time that week that she had sent him out to get her a ton of food, only to make him eat most of everything.
“Nemi,” (Y/n) called in a sing-song voice, right before she took another spoonful of her ice cream and popped it in her mouth. “Hurry, I want to cuddle.”
Sanemi could only smile at that; grabbing a pair of boxers from their dresser and slipping it on beneath the towel wrapped around his waist. And when he was sure that he was decently covered, he removed the towel and tossed it into the dirty clothes hamper next to him.
Then, he padded over to his side of the bed and carefully lifted the blanket— sliding in beside (Y/n) and instinctively wrapping an arm around her shoulders, as she used his shoulder as a makeshift pillow.
“So, while I was outside I was thinking…” He was cut off there, as his wife grabbed a half-eaten chicken nugget and put it up to his lips, which he gratefully accepted. And, after swallowing the greasy treat, he continued, “We should move in to a bigger house. One where our kids will have space to play.”
“What brought that on?” (Y/n) asked softly, all while tilting her head up so that she could look at her husband’s profile— right before offering him a spoonful of her ice cream, which he accepted once more.
Sanemi licked his lips before answering, “I just… I don’t think the city is the best place to raise kids. So maybe we can move to the suburbs and, if we don’t like it, we can move back here.”
“That’ll be expensive, though.”
“I’ll try asking Rengoku about a house near his, or if he knows a good one that we can afford… or maybe Uzui, but I doubt that those two would know anything about houses.” He chuckled at his own answer, then moved to press a kiss to the top of (Y/n)’s head. “But that’s just a thought for now.”
“It’s not a bad thought, but I’ll have to look into it...” (Y/n) laid her head back down on her husband’s shoulder, before adding, “Though, I may have to call Rengoku-san’s wife for some tips.”
“No rush on that, kitten.” Sanemi squeezed her shoulder, before letting his hand run up and down her right arm. “We do have the rest of our lives to plan things out.”
“That was extremely cheesy, you know.”
“I’m painfully aware of that fact.”
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