#i would like to subtitle this 'innovation that DOESN'T excite'
kgclasswork · 3 years
Week Two - Technology
The readings for this week focused on the technological revolution and that, while it may be hard to agree with the Unabomber and a scholar you don’t really remember (two separate people), technology is carving out much more of our futures than we’d like to claim it does. That many new technologies are made everyday, or that things like laptops and smartphones advance at such a promisingly high rate, and both of these are going to help us with our future day-to-day. But, while that may still be true, it’s been pointed out time and time again how dependent we’ve become to technology. How the high speeds of communication that you can receive is both a blessing and a curse, your reachability increasing while your anxiety to respond or keep up with any news or conversation you deem important rises tenfold. How so many apps are being invented to help with everyday life, while at the same time making you both hyper focused on it and not focused at all on the world around you as your life is now glued to a screen; nitpicking everything about ourselves and others when it comes to the socially-acceptable attachment to technology and anything technology deems as “needed”. With where technology advances next, there’s no telling more attached we’ll get to these devices. But what I’ve seen a lot from some accounts - especially directed at those now so attached to their technology that they believe themselves the king of their own universe, while also being so subservient and reactive towards text on a screen - is something that we should all try and do once in awhile: Please go outside. (But also stay safe while going outside)
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