#i would mayyybe buy the 'people are bad' theme if it wasn't for the final scene where they all just start sobbing
heartrender6 · 7 months
lord of the flies gotta be my favorite classic literature and also one of the most widely misinterpreted pieces of literature in history. no that book is not about how man's savage desire for blood lies just beneath the surface and it is not about how all humans are inherently evil. it's about how the education system (specifically british) fails our children and how boys in our society are bred and raised to be violent and romanticize warfare. it's about how society takes happy innocent children and turns them into monsters. it's also an allegory for growing up--- being suddenly thrown into a world with no grown-ups to look out for you, where you're allowed to be a kid anymore. it's about losing your innocence. get your nihilism out of my face
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