#i’d vent but he’s too big of a package lmao
jcbbby · 1 year
just venting below the cut. read if you feel like it lmao. I’m just whining about the way that I am.
all my friends are going up to a cottage of one of theirs this weekend in Maine and invited me and my husband and my husband wants to go but the idea of going is overwhelming to me right now.
like I don’t really want to just drink all weekend (and if I don’t drink then I’ll be in a horrible mood because being around drunk people is so mentally draining on me when I’m sober), I don’t want to eat garbage food all weekend, or do a bunch of driving/car riding to get there and back (I did all of that during my festival weekend two weekends ago lol). I also don’t want to have to get someone to watch the cats AGAIN for the 3rd weekend in a month.
I haven’t had a weekend to just like, exist with nowhere to be/nothing to do in a month and I’m just not someone who can go and go and go like my friends and husband can. he’s gonna go with them this weekend, and that honestly makes me feel even MORE bad and weird about not going. he’s obviously their friend too and he works with one of them, but idk I always feel weird when I don’t accompany him to friend events. we’re not a package deal if we’re all friends but idk it just makes me feel weird when he attends something and I don’t.
just to put out there though he is vehemently assuring me that this is totally fine and everyone still loves me and there’s nothing wrong with me staying home if I’d rather. (plus he agrees me staying to care for the cats is a better option than asking another person again lol)
idk I just wanted to vent. I shouldn’t feel bad, like this is literally not a big deal, but I do feel bad. I hate being the wet blanket friend who wants to go home by 10pm. also wish I wasn’t a helicopter cat mom but man do I feel bad leaving my babies…
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