#i'd like to sign up for the poor little girl package
idyllcy · 1 month
from one admirer to another : easter?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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THE MAGAZINE??? YOU DIDN'T NEED TO. Ugh, that's so sweet of you. There's no way I know who you are since there are so many signatures, and the fact that they all signed? Crying. You ever ugly cried? because I just did. When I saw that package, I cried. You cried. We crode. How the HELL did you get Ada Wong to sign it too? You literally said she didn't sign it? YOU LIAR???? I'm going to kiss you.
Wow?? Face card so good that you get hit on in France? Where all of those super attractive people are too? Crazy. What I'd do to have someone fall in love with me at first sight like that. I think my face card is only good in the context of... editing? Who knows. My friend insists my face card is lethal like hers but I mean... hard to beat her face card at all.
Welcome back to Raccoon! Hope you got to enjoy France to its top potential. Take me with you next time? I miss only parts of it. Maybe a Europe trip would be better? Hm. Well, not my problem I don't think.
I took up dogsitting with another model from my agency the other day! Cute little guy ran up to me when I was touching grass laying under the sun and I decided to help the poor girl out haha. He was so cute! Full of energy just like his name suggested. Ugh, I miss the little guy already. I'd ask Claire who the owner is but I don't want to accidentally be set up with some random guy from our agency. Terrifying thought.
I shaped Sesame Bun's food into eggs today (she was not impressed) but my roommate got a photo of her little pouty face so I think everything's okay haha.
Best, steamed eggs SCRAMBLED EGGS (oh god)
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"Sweetheart." Ada smiles, Leon's envelope in her hand. "I met your penpal in Paris."
"You did?"
"Yeah." She mumbles. "Familiar guy. I know who he is."
"I don't really... not your place." You offer her a smile.
"I know. I wasn't going to tell you. I just met him in Paris while he was writing to you."
"Is he a bad person?"
"By all means, no." She hums. "You want noodles?"
"Give me two soy sauce eggs and I'll call it a deal."
"That's bad for your cholesterol." She sighs.
"Please?" You huff. "For prying into my life. I know you do it for safety and because you're scared, but I don't appreciate it."
"I understand, but how does that have to do with your diet?"
"Because... I'm hungry?" You tilt your head.
"You really don't want to know?"
"Not really." You hum. "They'll tell me eventually."
"Alright..." She shrugs. "You might know them better than you think, though."
"Yes, love. Can I have my eggs now?"
"Yeah." She pauses. "It's the guy you kissed on New Year's"
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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meenasmoon · 7 years
If you ever feel like writing this, I'd love to see something before Johnny and Meena started dating and Johnny having to deal with jealous feelings. I'd love to see how you'd write Johnny trying to cope with feeling jealous over Meena. But only if you have the time/ want to
Beware the ending is super mushy guys. Mushy mush mush.
“They’re smotherin’ ‘er.” Johnny growled to Ash and she just rolled her eyes in annoyance before turning back to sign a fan’s notebook. 
“She’s fine Johnny.“ Ash said in a low voice as she glanced over where Meena was standing by the stage shyly receiving some of her more zealous male fans. Her arms were leaden with various store bought bouquets and cheesy packages of chocolate. Suddenly the small daisy that he stuck in the corner of her dressing room mirror after every show seemed trivial. 
Meena deserved the finest bouquet of flowers and the most decadent chocolates. How could anyone, even himself, give her anything close to what she deserved? They couldn’t. But that didn’t stop his heart from aching every time a fan handed her a romantic gift and received one of her dazzling smiles and a sincere thank you in response. 
Part of the pain was his own fault considering that Meena didn’t know that the modest little daisy was from him, and despite Ash’s urging he had yet to tell her. He couldn’t bring himself to hope that she might just love him back. 
Johnny plastered on a charming grin as another squealing schoolgirl hurried up to gush over him. He was polite, but his smile was obviously fake and he was stiff as a board when she hugged him. The poor girl didn’t even notice that he would rather be anywhere else in that moment. When she left, armed with a picture of them and a freshly signed t-shirt he sighed in relief and went back to watching Meena interact with her admirers. 
Ash sighed heavily and grabbed Johnny by the elbow so that she could pull him away from center stage and off to the side. She pointed to Meena and then pointed to him, stabbing him in the chest with her tiny finger. He winced slightly from the force of the blow and looked down at her tentatively. 
“You know exactly what you have to do Pretty Boy.” Johnny’s eyes widened and he shook his head frantically. 
“Nah na nah na nah Ash. I can’t do that.” He turned his gaze back to Meena and his eyes softened into a dreamy look, “I daan’t deserve-“ 
“I swear if I have to listen to you babble on and on about how you don’t deserve her and she’s so amazing, and she’s an angel blah blah blah…” Ash cut him off and then yanked him down to her level by the collar of his shirt, “I. Will. Kill. You.” She glared at him so hard that he gulped loudly in fear. 
“Grow some balls and go ask her out.” She said in passing as she released him and walked back to where her fans were patiently waiting. 
He spent the next hour of fan meet and greet watching Meena like a hawk. Whenever one of her admirers got a little too close or too forward with her he would hurry over to her side to ‘check on her’. What he really did was chat casually with Meena while glaring intimidatingly at her admirers. 
When the hour was over and all of the fans had gone Johnny grabbed his leather jacket and slid it on as he made his way over to where Meena had been standing. He stopped short when he saw that one of Meena’s admirers had hung behind and was eagerly talking with Meena as she tried to pack up all of her gifts. 
Meena’s sweet smile never faltered, she didn’t have a mean bone in her body, but Johnny could tell that she was tired after a long day and was trying to politely tell him goodbye. Johnny straightened his jacket and stomped over to her, intent on saving her from this love-struck fool. 
When he arrived the pompous black bear was describing his sports car and giving her what was supposed to be a charming grin. Johnny sidled up next to Meena and gently took the piles of flowers from her arms. 
“Let me take those Meena.” He gave her his crooked grin and Meena smiled up at him in relief as she gathered the last couple boxes of chocolate from the stage. 
“Oh Johnny!” She looked down shyly for a moment as she adjusted the boxes in her arms, and then looked back up at him with a look that made him melt, “Thank you so much.” 
“If you want help sexy I could give you a hand.” The bear grinned, baring his teeth and flexing his arm muscles. Johnny’s faces darkened with pure anger and there was fire in his brown eyes. He didn’t know who this muscle-bound idiot thought he was but there was no way that he was going to let him talk to Meena that way. 
Before Meena could say anything he stepped forwards, half-shielding her with his body, “Nah thanks mate. We got it.” He put a strong hand on the startled bear’s shoulder and gave him the steeliest smile that he could muster. 
“Didja enjoy the sha?” His eyes were as cold as ice, and if looks could kill the bear would be beyond dead in that moment. As far as Meena could tell he was being polite to her fan but the bear knew just what he was dealing with. 
“Yeah I did. Especially you sweet cheeks.” He made a kissy face at Meena who just shifted uncomfortably and pulled her ears in close to her head. 
“Um… th-thank you.” She stuttered out, visibly uncomfortable to anyone that wasn’t the tenacious black bear. 
“You got it baby.” He winked and tried to push past Johnny to corner Meena again but Johnny’s strong grip held him in place and his smile started to fade, his eyes ablaze with anger. 
“Glad ya enjoyed the sha mate.” He pushed the bear back slightly and turned away from him to lead Meena back to her dressing room, “We’ll clock ya at the next wahn then.” He sent him one last warning glance as he led Meena away. 
The bear sputtered loudly behind them but Johnny just put a hand on Meena’s back and led her away, the angry look from before morphing into a victorious smirk. 
When they reached Meena’s dressing room she directed Johnny to place the various bouquets on her table. As soon as he set them down the table disappeared under a blanket of colorful flowers of every kind. 
“Ya sure got a lot of flowers ‘ere.” He ran his long fingers over the delicate petal of a crimson rose, “Which wahn is your favorite?” 
Meena walked over to the buffet of flower and ran her hand across each type, considering them for a second. “Well the roses are really pretty and their every girl’s favorite type of flower…” Johnny’s heart sank and he cursed himself for picking such a simple little flower for her, “But that doesn’t make them the best.” 
She took his heart of a roller coaster ride as she mused over every flower, smelling them and stroking their soft petals. She marveled over the lilies, the tulips, all of them but she refused to pick one as her favorite. She had moved to the edge of her dressing room table and seemed to consider the marvelous spread before her before reaching up to the corner of her mirror where his little daisy had been so delicately placed. His heart jumped up into his throat at the sight of it in her hands. She took a small sniff and a sweet grin spread across her face as she clasped it close to her chest. 
“This one is always my favorite.” She whispered, stroking the flower’s petals as if it would disappear under her touch. 
Meanwhile Johnny’s heart was spontaneously combusting in his chest at the revelation that his flower, that modest little daisy he picked from the park, was her favorite. 
“Why?” His mind ran away with his mouth before he could stop it and he cursed himself. But Meena wasn’t offended by the question rather she was thoughtful for a second.  
“I guess because this little guy is here for me after every show. It feels like a friend while all these flashy flowers are just a temporary show. This little daisy is sincere and I know it will always be there waiting for me after the show. 
Always. Just like me. Johnny thought to himself, fighting not to blurt it out. Meena tucked the little daisy behind her ear and admired it in the mirror. 
Johnny smiled dreamily, admiring how she looked in that moment, her pure, friendly heart reflected in that mirror as clear as her sweet face. 
They spent the next hour sharing her chocolates and talking about any topic that came to mind. And as Johnny dropped her off at her house he thought to himself as she walked away. Maybe he wasn’t ready to ask her out right now, but he definitely wasn’t going to let anyone else have her. 
Because his flower…. it was her favorite. 
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imagineyourstars · 8 years
For a break from matchups, could you do a short scenario for the UNDEAD boys meeting their shy, smol s/o for the first time at a train station or airport, that they met on the internet a year or two ago? If you could, I'd be very grateful!! Keep up the great work!!! // also 10/10 job for tiering in LLSIF, I am so proud of you tbh, just saying in case no one did. Damn. I am proud of you. Bless your soul.
i loved this request, it was so cute ! also, message transmitted to mod maiko~ ! - mod mademoiselle
read more’d for length !
Rei :
You were happy to finally get out ofthis damn airplane. The flight to Japan had been long, and you werestuck between a snoring old man and a huge bodybuilder. Needless tosay, finally being able to walk and breathe some fresh air waswelcome.
And you were nervous, too. Today (well,tonight, since the sun was setting already) was your first timemeeting your long-distance boyfriend, Rei. You were a bit worriedabout being able to recognize him, to be honest. There were so manypeople here that you couldn’t see three feet ahead of you.
You were considering sitting in asecluded corner to call Rei when your eyes spotted a very obnoxiousand brightly colored sign, which read “Welcome to Japan, (y/n)!”. Oh no.
“Ah, you’re finally here. Do you know how rude it is of a fresh young lady like you to make an old man wait for hours ?”
Yep. That was your boyfriend alright. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Sorry, the plane was unexpectedly delayed… I hope you didn’t wait too lo– what are those, Rei ?”
You’d only noticed he was holding some horrendous balloons in his left hand. They were probably supposed to evoke small and cute animals, but they were half-deflated already and looked like they were begging to be put out of their misery.
“Balloons, obviously. It’s for you.”
“Did you… make them yourself ?”
Now that you looked at them closely, they even had eyes and mouths drawn on them with markers. Badly drawn, that is.
“Yes, I thought it would please you. Aren’t you happy ?”
He was smiling wide. You couldn’t tell whether he was making fun of you or if it was a genuine attempt, so you opted for an awkward laugh.
“Yeah, they’re… original ?”
Rei chuckled and took the handle of your suitcase, motioning for you to start walking with him.
“I am glad you like my attempt at being a “hip and cool boyfriend”, as you youngins say. Now, if you’re not too tired, I’d very much like us to hurry. We have some place to be.”
Rei was definitely attracting some weird looks from the other passerbys. Maybe it was because of his outfit. He certainly had a strange definition of “casual clothes”, even though he told you he’d try to tone his usual style down. But right now, you didn’t really care about that. Because your boyfriend gently took your hand in his and entertwined your fingers together, giving you a mysterious smile.
“Don’t tell me… I told you not to do anything over the top, Rei”, you laughed.
“I promise it’s not over the top. I wanted our first real date to be a proper one, that’s all.”
You sighed, a wide smile forcing its way on your lips.
“You’re impossible, Rei.”
“And I sure hope you’re hungry, young lady. Once you’ve eaten to your heart’s content, I’ll have all night to show you all the things I longed to do with you.”
He gently pecked your forehead, adjusting a piece of your hair in the process.
“I’ll show you how us vampires have fun.”
You spot him as soon as you get out of the train. He’s that pissed-looking guy wearing way too much black leather and chains. That certainly fits the selfie he sent you months earlier and you can’t help but smile. You run towards him, dragging your heavy suitcase behind you the best you can.
“Kogaaa !”
His face barely even lightens up when he meets your eyes.
“Hey, you’re late. ’ve been waiting for fucking hours !”
“Sorry, Koga, I got into the wrong train at some point…”
You laugh awkwardly. He eventually sighs and shakes his head.
“Ya really can’t do anything by yourself, huh ? Next time i’ll come with you. You need a man showing you the way.”
“Oops, you’re right, Koga-sama. I apologize for wasting so much of your precious time.”
He glares at you before yanking your suitcase out of your hand to carry it himself, only to groan at the sudden weight.
“What did ya put in it, a dead body… ?”
“Girls have their secrets, you know.”
You give him your prettiest smile and he grumbles as you both start walking to his place. You suspect even he’s having trouble carrying your (really heavy, you have to admit it) suitcase, judging by his angry groans about “girls and their fuckin’ clothes”. He catches you looking at him and almost barks :
“I hope ya not makin’ fun of me. I’ll drop that suitcase on your feet.”
“I’m not, promise. Thanks for doing it for me.”
You softly smile and he groans, looking away with a slight blush. You jump on the opportunity to shyly take his arm, and lean your head against his shoulder. He tenses up for a moment.
“What… What are you doin’ ?”
“Sorry, i was just a little tired.”
You hastily move away from him, worried he might be uncomfortable about the sudden physical contact, but he wraps his free arm around your waist and pulls you close again.
“Nah, it’s fine. I mean, since it’s you.”
You glance up at your boyfriend’s face, amused. He’s looking away, and his ears are tinted pink. You can’t help but giggle. Koga really does have a cute side. You’re distracted from your reverie by his grumbling.
“… yakiniku.”
“Sorry ?”
“I just said i’m taking you to eat yakiniku ! It’s not that i can’t cook, it’s that a real man needs meat, y'know !”
He catches you stifling your laughter and his eyes narrow.
“It’s good enough for ya, right ?”
“Yes, yes. I don’t mind, you know. As long as it’s with you.”
His expression softens, even breaking into a slight smile. The pressure of his arm against your waist gets stronger.
“… Same”, he mutters, looking you in the eye this time.
You find his smile is contagious, and hide your face in his jacket. He might be a rude, loud and grumpy guy, but he’s your rude loud and grumpy guy.
As heavy as your suitcase is, you practically find yourself running down the airport’s hallways. Excitement tends to do that. Especially since tonight, you’re meeting your long-distance boyfriend. You’re a bit nervous too, since he almost seems to be too good for you… Judging from his social media activity, he’s a really popular guy. And he’s an idol too. Even though you’re incredibly happy he chose you, you can’t help but wonder what a guy like him would find in someone like you.
You were too caught up in your thoughts to notice someone was following you, until they catch you by the wrist and you gasp. A soft, warm laugh melts all of the sudden tension away.
“K-Kaoru… ?”
“The one and only. Did you miss me ?”
He winks, and you shyly look away. His face is hovering just inches above yours now. Hard to make eye contact like this. He just laughs and presses a small kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
He gently takes your suitcase, wincing a bit at the weight but keeps smiling to you nonetheless. You don’t really notice, too busy thinking of a comeback.
“Don’t get too full of yourself, I can still take the plane back home.”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure you won’t.”
He winks and you fumble with your words. Selfies were one thing, but he’s even more handsome in real life. Besides, he dressed really sharply. Noticing you eyeing him over, Kaoru laughs.
“See ? I bought new clothes, just for you.”
You can’t help but giggle.
“Are you sure it’s just for me ?”
“Yeah, for our first date.”
He slyly smirks when you turn your face away. You’re blushing all the way to your ears. He’s even worse in real life than on the messenger.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Kaoru, i can’t go on a date like that… I mean, I’m not wearing makeup and–”
“So what ? You’re pretty all the same.”
He stops to take your hand and gently kisses it, and you can’t help but remove it from his grasp. He doesn’t take offense and instead just laughs, seemingly amused by your shyness. You’re still thinking of a comeback (you wouldn’t want the poor boy to get bored of you) when he suddenly stops walking, fumbling in his pocket.
“Speaking of pretty–”
“If it’s one more cheesy pickup line, Kaoru, i’m out.”
“Nah, it’s even better, i promise.”
You roll your eyes, but your heart is thumping in anticipation. That boy, seriously…
“I wanted to buy flowers as pretty as you are, but none of them would do you justice.”
You audibly sigh, shaking your head. Your cheeks are slightly pinker though.
“That starts off really bad, Kaoru.”
“Wait, let me finish”, he laughs.
He’s still fumbling in his pocket, and eventually takes a small package out of it.
“So i settled for something else, something that could prove others you’re mine, you know ?”
“Oh, Kaoru…”
Inside the package is a necklace with a small rose on it. He lets your suitcase down to help you put it on, and gives you a bright smile once it’s on.
“Perfect. I knew it’d look good on you.”
“You’re impossible”, you groan, hiding your face in your hands.
He only laughs in response and takes your suitcase back in his right hand, and your hand in his left.
“Let’s go. I made a reservation in my favorite restaurant, just for you~”
Before you can even answer, he intertwines his fingers with yours and slightly leans over to whisper in your ear.
“It’s been so long I’ve dreamed of this moment. Let me show you my serious side…”
It was raining when your train arrivedin the city where Adonis lived. As much as the weather was gloomy,you felt so excited you swore everyone near you could hear how loudyour heartbeat was. You were scrolling through all the screenshotsyou saved of the cutest moments in your and Adonis’ messenger chat,stopping to smile at awkward selfies of him. That boy is awful withhis phone.
You thought your heart was going toleap out of your chest when the train finally stopped. You were amongstthe first people to get out and ran out of it, searching for Adonisin the crowd. As you couldn’t find him, you got out of the stationand considered calling him. Maybe he got busy ?
You were dialing his number whensomething warm draped your shoulders, and you looked up. There hewas, dripping with rain. His hair was soaked too.
“Here. You’re going to catch a cold.”
He was busy adjusting his jacket on your shoulders. It was miraculously dry, and also very warm. You smiled shyly at him, a bit embarrassed by the offer.
“But then you’re going to be cold…”
“I’m fine. Besides, I have an umbrella.”
His face was straight as ever as he made a show of pulling a very cute umbrella with cat paws print out of his bag. Which made it incredibly difficult not to laugh.
“I guess this is your sister’s…. ?”
“Yes. She told me it was going to rain.”
He opened the umbrella and invited you to join him. You shivered when your arm touched his ; it was still wet and cold. You were about to ask him if he really didn’t want his jacket back when you noticed he was looking away, his face slightly pink. That’s right. Adonis has a shy and cute side too. You smiled fondly at the thought, which made it even harder for him to find the courage to look you in the eye again.
“I can carry your suitcase. It’s probably heavy.”
“Thank you, Adonis.”
He was carrying the umbrella with one hand and your suitcase in the other, fumbling nervously. You hesitated a moment, and then gently took his arm, which startled him. He looked even more tensed up than usual.
“I’m sorry if you’re nervous, I didn’t mean…”
“No… that’s fine. I… like it.”
The embarrassed look he gave you prompted you to blush in turn, and you laughed, squeezing his arm harder.
“I’m going to have to make sure to warm you up when we come home.”
His ears turned red, but he tried to look composed as he answered.
“I can make some soup. You have to eat a lot, so that your body will be strong and fight the cold away.”
“Are you sure this is how it works ?”
He looked perplexed and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Of course. I can’t protect you from the cold, but i can make sure you grow stronger to fight it off on your own.”
You leaned into him, feeling all the fatigue from your travel washing away already. Adonis’ presence was so refreshing… He was leading the way and you just followed him, lost in your thoughts. You were almost dozing off when he suddenly stopped.
“Do you like that ?”
He was looking insistently at a bakery’s window and brought you closer. All the pastries looked delicious, but the one he was pointing at was what looked like a cat-shaped bun.
“It’s very cute. What is it ?”
“It’s anpan. It’s a sweet roll with red bean paste in it. It’s very delicious.”
“It does look good…”, you admitted, feeling your stomach starting to protest in hunger. The cute cat-bun was smiling at you two, from behind the window. Adonis’ eyes were so intense and focused on the bun, you thought he could break the window just by looking.
“Do you want to buy it, Adonis ?”
He seemed a bit startled and shyly shook his head.
“I don’t… I mean, you should choose what you like.”
There were also some very cute strawberry pies, but as much as you wanted to try them, Adonis was still staring at the anpan. When his stomach growled loudly, you were decided.
“Alright, let’s go for the anpan. I want to taste it.”
You took his hand and led him into the bakery, while he still looked surprised.
“Are you really sure-”
“Yes ! It looks really good. I want to try what you like, Adonis.”
You couldn’t help but marvel at how vulnerable he looked when he was blushing. He gently squeezed your fingers in his, a small smile forming on his lips.
“I’ll show you all my favorite things, then.”
You nodded, his hand big and warm around yours. You felt so warm around him. Safe and protected.
“Just the two of us.”
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