#i'd make the whole line of the series 4 that. eventually. but also **the tabbykat's cartoon chars are needed still**
laplacesdevil · 1 year
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Next of all, delivery boy, Darrell Nixon! Sopping wet thang trying to live vir bad boy life. Big fan of this guy: the barrel
Darrell is a Filipino-American, bi trans man who uses he/him and vi/vir pronouns. He was born on June 7, 1998, making him 26 years old. Vi's 5'5"/165 cm.
Sweetest guy ever, but acts cocky to make up for his insecurities. Ends up coming off like a dick
Redoing his boy band era AND bad boy era. No one wants this.
Actually really good at his job! He's usually very speedy and diligent, as well as an overachiever
Looks up highly to Chazz as a sibling figure and Percy as a dad figure. Accidentally called Percy "dad" a few times
Opportunist, especially when it comes with a few quick bucks or free stuff!
Sometimes substitutes for Chazz as night guard. Regrets it.
Vir comfort items are vir shades and watch. Vi's never seen without them
Darrell looks to the side with a kind expression, with his left arm to his side and his right arm held up. Vir shades are off to the side, as well as an alternate head base with his head with the shades on. Vi has a cockier expression.
Darrell always wears his shades and watch, only taking his shades off when necessary.
... AKA, vi's not taking them off at night-time. god.
Ponytail ALWAYS goes on (our) right
Darrell only wears those stud earrings btw
ALWAYS tries to put on a cocky persona when out in public. sopping wet hamter
Darrell wears a black, half-body binder and heart boxers.
Darrell's only on T, so vi still wears a binder.
Usually it's a plain one, but vi DOES have some special ones
...Chazz got him a Miku binder.
He's so silly sweets. Vir heart boxers, guys...
[Casual 1]
Darrell wears a black, leather jacket with a white shirt underneath. He also wears a black belt with a steel buckle, jeans, and black boots.
Usually wears bad boy fashion to give off his bad boy air.
Because of this, vi wears plain clothes like this. This includes belts.
Switches between boots and sneakers.
[Casual 2]
Darrell wears his shades on top of his head. He has a light blue, short-sleeved, collared shirt with flower patterns, as well as jeans and vir red sneakers.
Darrell has a few colorful button-ups in his closet... Hawaiian shirts. Really likes them! comfy
Vi also likes wearing jeans a lot
Darrell drew Haylie on his nametag because she's his fave :3
Darrell sometimes wears [the hat] backwards, but only when delivering. Vi's kinda scared vir bosses will get on him about it (they will not)
Only tucks shirt in at work
Darrell has vir hair down. Vi wears a big, blue shirt with a dubious, light blue animal with blue hair and a cocky expression. The white text reads "Kazumaru" with sparkles around him. Vi is wearing vir heart boxers
Darrell long locks moment!!!
Usually wears big, baggy shirts. Usually nerdy stuffs.
Usually goes bare, but sometimes wears socks (that vi takes off later in bed)
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