#i'd trade all my tomorrows for just one fucking yesterday. yeah. fuck off.
punkscowardschampions ยท 5 years
Rio & Buster
Rio: I've gone home Rio: Can you go back to your 'rents tonight please Rio: Need some 1 on 1 with Indie, will explain when everything's less hectic Buster: Alright Buster: Are you both okay though? Rio: Will be Buster: Anything I can do other than fuck off? Rio: Not right now Buster: Okay Buster: I'll see you tomorrow then? Rio: Yea Rio: Probably, I'll let you know Buster: Probably Buster: Come on Rio: What? Rio: I'm not sure yet Buster: Am I at least gonna get to see you before I go or are you not sure about the day after either Rio: Yes of course Rio: I'll come see you Buster: Well, I'll see you then Buster: Do what you've gotta do Rio: Yeah Rio: talk later Rio: love you Buster: I love you too Rio: [Next day, late lbr] Rio: How's the hangover? Buster: You know I don't get hangovers, babe Buster: Not a fucking amateur Rio: Hmm Rio: Okay, babe Rio: well my head hurts Buster: I've been to the gym, hung out with a half dead Nance and got my school work done so yeah Buster: Like I said Buster: Poor baby Buster: How's Indie? Rio: Such a twat Rio: She's still asleep, it took a while Rio: but Rio: I don't know Rio: really Buster: You love how hardworking I am, don't lie Buster: Do you want me to come get the dog it's gonna need walking, yeah? Rio: No need to rub it in Rio: Yeah, please Rio: I should be here when she wakes up Buster: Anything else you need like coffee or food? Rio: That's okay, baby Rio: How much do you know then, how much did I say Rio: it's all a bit of a blur Buster: Literally nothing Buster: I wasn't even sure if you were gonna say you loved me, like Buster: It was all business Rio: I did though, didn't I Rio: I'm surprised it hasn't got 'round yet Rio: your ma'll be celebrating again today, like Rio: Drew's back inside, he got arrested yesterday Buster: Yeah you did. Thank fuck otherwise I'd have been even more worried Buster: I'm sure my mum knows but I ain't seen her Buster: He must've been carrying so much shit, damn Buster: I can't say I'm not glad Buster: It couldn't happen to a more deserving bloke Rio: Well, I know Meena was going to tell Ro last night so yeah Rio: that'll be fun right now Rio: was last night Rio: sorry you were worried, it got intense there wasn't really time to explain all this then, like Buster: Shit, maybe I should head around there at some point too then Buster: Or offer to drive Nance if she wants to Buster: Don't worry about me, babe, I was well drunk there wasn't a lot of time of me being awake worried after we spoke Buster: Still time to miss you though, obviously Rio: Rather you than me Rio: it's such a mess Buster: What's new, like Rio: Hopefully he was smart enough to keep his stash under the 13 thou mark Rio: it depends if they then got a warrant for his car or house though 'cos they keep so much shit at his 'cos he's fucking replaceable Rio: I've been looking and he could get like 14 years if he's unlucky Rio: a year is his best at this point so Rio: any chance he had of seeing Astrid now is put back 'til then, if ever Buster: He's been in the game long enough that luck shouldn't come into it Buster: Regardless, the cunt's now got an excuse for why he can't see her, he'll love that Rio: I guess so Buster: He's a lot of things but he ain't that stupid, not about that at any rate Buster: There's a reason he always gets out so he can go back Buster: Jammy prick Rio: You could've got along in another life, like Buster: Fuck that Rio: I feel sick Buster: Baby Buster: I'm on my way Rio: It's going to be bad Rio: I've got to tell Edie, no one else will think to Buster: If you want me to do it I will Rio: Yeah Rio: What are you even going to say Buster: I'll figure it out Buster: The truth basically Buster: It's more about what she wants to say anyway Rio: If anything Buster: Yeah Buster: Exactly Buster: That's why I'm offering, you already don't feel well Rio: It should come from one of us though Rio: no, I'll do it Buster: What if Indie wakes up? Buster: How are you gonna juggle both of them? Rio: I'll do it Rio: I can Buster: Let me help you Buster: I can Buster: Whatever it is you need Rio: You can't fix this Rio: none of us can, like Buster: I know Buster: But that don't mean I can't make it easier for you if only in little bullshit ways Buster: Like sitting with you while you message Edie and making you tea or whatever Buster: We're a team Buster: So tell me what you want me to do Rio: I don't know Rio: okay Buster: Rio Buster: It is okay Rio: No it's not Rio: it's so far from being fucking okay, jesus Buster: I mean, it's okay not to have all the fucking answers Rio: Well again Rio: no it ain't so Buster: You can't fix this either, you know Buster: So yeah, it is Rio: I know but that doesn't make it okay Buster: It makes it shit but shit that you'll handle anyway Buster: You always do Rio: Yeah Rio: tell me something I don't know Buster: I can't Buster: You're a know-it-all, remember Rio: Shut up Rio: this is serious Buster: I'm serious Buster: You can do this Rio: Stop being nice Rio: Go away Buster: No Buster: I don't want to and you don't want me to Rio: I know I don't want to do this right now Buster: What do you want then? Buster: Tell me Rio: Oh my God Rio: I don't know Rio: to be unconcious again Buster: So go back to bed Buster: I have a key I can get the dog without waking you up Rio: No, I have things to do Rio: it's irrelevant what I want right now Buster: No it isn't Buster: A few more hours aren't gonna make a difference to Edie, who else is she gonna hear it from, she ain't here Rio: Yes it is Rio: No more being selfish Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: What good is you playing the martyr gonna do anyone? Buster: All its gonna do is run you into the ground Rio: What good has come from me ignorning my responsibilities and doing whatever I want? Rio: None Buster: You ain't on both counts Buster: And taking care of yourself is a responsibility too Rio: Well it's low down on the fucking list Rio: and I'm fine Buster: Bullshit Buster: Lie to yourself if you want, don't lie to me Rio: Get off my back Buster: It's one thing not to give a shit about yourself but you can't tell me not to care Buster: It's not happening Rio: I have no energy for this right now Rio: do what you want Buster: Then stop fighting me Buster: I'm on your side Buster: Jesus Rio: Whatever Buster: Don't Buster: Just actually fucking don't Rio: What now Buster: You're so infuriating Buster: Fucking hell Rio: I ain't sorry Rio: so leave Buster: Fuck you Buster: Why do you always have to do this? Rio: That's just how it is Buster: No it isn't Buster: It's not me or them, trading one responsibility for the fucking other Buster: Selfish or selfless Rio: What do you want right now, seriously Buster: I want you, you idiot Buster: Stop shutting me out Rio: Don't call me an idiot, fuck off Buster: Stop being one Buster: Do you know how many times you've said whatever or told me to leave Buster: I love you Buster: You know that Rio: Why won't you listen Rio: I need to be alone Buster: Then go Buster: I'm not doing it for you Buster: So you can say I turned my fucking back when everything was this fucked Rio: Fine Buster: Christ Rio: This isn't about you, as much as it isn't about me Buster: Yeah it is Buster: 'Cause you think it's a choice Buster: No more, being selfish, yeah? So fuck me Rio: I have to prioritise right now Buster: Fine, go back to being what they need you to be Buster: Put your life on hold, again Buster: Nice to know that your priority ain't me, babe Buster: Cheers Rio: What else can I do? They need it, end of Rio: how do you expect to be right now, there's so many bigger problems Buster: Fuck you Buster: I would literally die for you Buster: And I'm not important Buster: And that's not even the worst thing, it's that you still think it's me or them like I'm not part of this Rio: I can't do this right now Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Yeah Buster: You will be Buster: You and me both Rio: You're not getting the point Buster: Then make it Buster: What are you trying to say? Rio: I'm just trying to keep them alive Rio: okay Rio: that's all I'm trying to do Buster: And all I'm trying to do is make sure you know you don't have to do that without me Buster: I'll always help you Rio: Not now Rio: I've ruined it Buster: Stop trying to give up Buster: I'm right here Rio: I'm not I'm Rio: I don't know, I'm just trying to do the right thing Buster: Me and you Buster: That's the right thing for me Buster: If its not that for you there's nothing else I can say Rio: Don't Rio: that's not what I'm saying Buster: Then what? Buster: If you love me that's all I need from you right now Buster: I'm not asking for anything else Rio: Of course I do Rio: what's the right thing for them Rio: everyone else Rio: that's what I want to know Buster: You can't answer that, they have to Buster: And if they don't know, then what you're gonna wait around until they do? Buster: Why doesn't it matter what you want? Rio: Why is no one here Rio: she's a kid, Edie's a kid Rio: I'm a fucking kid Rio: there should be an adult here doing the right thing for them but there ain't so who else if not me Buster: Call your mum, your dad, Meena Buster: It's not your job Buster: Jesus call my mum even Rio: She won't talk to them Rio: she said it herself, not like she does to me Buster: Then tell them yourself what she told you Buster: She won't like it but I don't fucking like what this is doing to you, okay? Rio: I'm sorry Rio: I really am Rio: you have no idea how much Buster: Rio, come on Buster: Please Buster: You wanna do the right thing, there it is Buster: Tell someone Rio: Are you sure? Buster: I'm sure that you can't do this on your own Buster: That you shouldn't have to Rio: I know Rio: I'm a failure Buster: Fuck that Buster: That's not what I'm saying or what I meant Rio: It's the truth though Rio: everyone's counting on me from both sides Rio: they're all gonna be let down 'cos I can't handle this one thing Buster: It's bullshit Buster: That's why you can't handle it, there's too much pressure Buster: It shouldn't all be on your shoulders Buster: It doesn't fucking have to be Rio: Don't make me right now Rio: I want to talk to her first Rio: but I don't want to wake her Rio: can you come here Buster: I won't make you ever Buster: Not that cunt, babe Buster: 'Course, I meant when I said I was on my way, I just had to drop Nance off at Ro's first Rio: I'm sorry Rio: i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry Buster: Baby Buster: Just breathe Buster: That's all I want Rio: Don't leave me Buster: Never Rio: I love you don't ever think I don't Buster: I know Buster: It's okay Rio: It isn't Rio: I keep getting this all wrong Rio: I was so mean to Indie Buster: You're allowed to make mistakes Buster: It's a headfuck Rio: but I don't want to Rio: there's enough already without me adding Buster: Nobody wants to, babe Buster: We're all just trying Rio: I know Rio: it just doesn't feel good enough Rio: does it Buster: No Buster: But you're good enough, you know that, yeah? Rio: Ha Buster: I'm serious Buster: You're so good, Rio Rio: I don't feel it Rio: but I'm trying, like you said Buster: I love you so much Rio: I love you Rio: you know how important you are to me don't you Buster: Yeah Buster: I was just wound up Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Don't be Rio: You didn't do anything wrong, seriously Rio: You were literally trying to be so helpful Rio: I'm just Rio: I don't know, it's always bad when he goes away and it just got longer every time Buster: I still want to help you Buster: I will Buster: Indie too if she lets me, us in the flat ain't been the worst time of my life, like Rio: She will Rio: she ain't as stubborn Buster: For real what are we doing about Edie? Buster: She can't be that far away if your brothers saw her Rio: I don't think she is Rio: I'm sure I saw Kai out the other night but then he was gone Rio: she wouldn't be without him Rio: I don't know what would bring her back Rio: like, this might or it could to the opposite Rio: you can't predict her, never have been able to Buster: Should we go looking? Buster: Not now but Rio: She might talk to you Rio: or be riled enough she wanna fight me, I don't care Buster: I'll take either Buster: Not like I'm gonna let her hurt you Rio: I just wish there was a reason Rio: why she's got to be gone Rio: 'cos then it could be fixed or Buster: I'm sure there is but she ain't gonna tell either of us Rio: I don't think she knows herself Rio: not really Rio: because I've thought of it every which way Buster: She probably don't Buster: I never used to know why I was so angry when I was a kid Rio: Yeah, exactly Rio: like looking back on it you can think well it was x, y and z but sometimes at the time you just know you gotta, there ain't no other way to be Buster: Yeah Buster: Jesus, sometimes still I get so angry so quick Rio: Yeah Rio: Some shit is DNA, no matter how we try and fight it Rio: but I don't wanna do her like that Buster: I know Buster: Like how Indie thinks being a stoner is in hers Buster: It's fucked Rio: Yeah Rio: Maybe it is, I don't know Rio: there's some fucked shit that keeps repeating itself in this family Rio: and you have to hope we're not choosing it, yeah Buster: Seriously Buster: On the bright side I can take my lack of hangover from how much my mum and dad can both put away themselves, like Rio: It's definitely something Buster: Fucking traffic Buster: Damn tourists Rio: Yeah, you're brave trying to do literally anything Buster: You know I'd do anything for you Rio: Baby Buster: I've missed you Rio: I've missed you too Rio: when she was finally asleep and I wasn't I just kept wishing you were here Buster: You should've called me, baby Rio: I know Rio: I didn't want to risk waking her, and I would've been even worse than I was Buster: I'd take the risk on both counts Buster: I always want to talk to you Rio: Why are you so nice to me Buster: 'Cause you've earned it so many times over Buster: You know you have Rio: Not today Buster: Right now Rio: I'm glad you love me even if I don't deserve it Buster: You haven't done anything to make you undeserving Buster: Ever Rio: I'll make it up to you Buster: You don't have to, but that doesn't mean I don't want you to Rio: I will Rio: you won't be worried on this ever again Buster: I believe you Rio: Good Rio: I mean it Rio: I can't lose you, I can't do it again Buster: You won't Buster: Look at your hand, babe Buster: For fucking ever, yeah? Rio: For fucking ever Buster: Remember that Rio: I will Rio: I do, I promise Rio: I was just scared, but not of you and this Rio: but everything else and the possibility of it threatening us and how happy we've been Buster: And I promise I get that, I do Buster: I get scared too Buster: Not of this, but the Chlo thing Rio: Yeah, she must be getting big Buster: Thank fuck I don't have to see her in school now Buster: Just him Rio: Seriously, that'd be such a distraction Rio: not a good one Rio: he's unbearable enough Buster: Exactly Buster: Last time I did see her there, Christ Rio: That bad? Rio: I can imagine Rio: such a headfuck Buster: I didn't know if I was gonna be sick, cry or hit something Buster: Most likely him again, so good thing I didn't opt for that one Rio: Only so many times 'fore he starts to take it personal, like Rio: it's shit Rio: really shit Rio: the fact there's no retribution for doing something like that to someone Rio: no one's calling her out Buster: Let's not talk about her anymore Buster: I'm nearly there now Buster: Keep the headfuck to the most current one, like Rio: Okay baby Rio: Easy enough Rio: much as I'd like to pretend none of 'em exist Rio: nothing but you Buster: I feel that Buster: This wasn't how I imagined this weekend playing out Buster: St Paddy's was so good before the Drew news Rio: I know, me either Rio: Sod's law Rio: We all knew it was coming but couldn't wait 'til you were gone again, like Rio: no, fine Buster: I'm glad I'm here for you though Buster: Like not only on the end of a phone Buster: And you still have your iconic outfit if I start to forget how fucking good you looked in it Rio: Sadly I had to take it off Rio: even in my state, there was no sleeping in that like it's that comfy Buster: I'll take a moment to think about that Buster: Don't mind me Rio: Weren't looking bad yourself Rio: too good, like, not just Indie looking at you like ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: Unfortunately I can't promise the same for right now Buster: [Sends a selfie to show he's got joggers on and is casual af] Buster: Dog walking attire Rio: No you're good Rio: like, put a leash on me too good ๐Ÿคค Buster: Fuck Rio: My sentiments exactly Rio: well, more or less Rio: might add a 'me' at the end there Buster: Jesus, babe Buster: You turned me on so much like 0-100 Rio: You should never be at 0 Rio: just wrong Buster: Okay not 0 Buster: like 25-100 Rio: You're just that hot Buster: You're just gonna have to fuck me before I walk this dog Rio: Oh dear Rio: well, we all got our chores, yeah ๐Ÿ˜‹ Buster: If that's how you feel, I'll handle it myself Buster: Been at a standstill long enough, like Rio: No ๐Ÿ˜ง Buster: Give the tourists something to see Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Rio: Now I'm conflicted Rio: maybe I do want that Buster: I'm not. I want you Rio: How do you want me, tell me Buster: On the stairs Rio: Shit Buster: Gotta be considerate and not wake Indie up, after all Rio: Of course Rio: The neighbours should really be awake at this time right Buster: If they ain't they will be soon Rio: I'm already trying not to make noise for you so Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yes daddy Rio: it's hard though Buster: It really is Rio: Fuck Rio: can I see Rio: please Buster: [sends pics thank god the traffic is murder so he don't die] Rio: mmm Buster: Anything you wanna show me or are you a surprise? Rio: You can see whatever you want, whenever you want, you know that Rio: it's all yours Buster: You are Rio: [Pics] Rio: I really am Buster: God Buster: You're making me moan already Rio: You make the prettjest noises baby boy Buster: They're all for you Buster: I don't wanna make them until you can hear them Rio: Try to be good Rio: you can be bad when you get here Buster: Okay baby Rio: I'm being very good Rio: even though I could be bad, 'cos you're not here yet Buster: 'Course you are Buster: You're an angel Rio: Your angel Buster: All mine Rio: It hurts being good Rio: will you make it all better Buster: You know it Buster: I'll make you feel so good Buster: So soon Rio: I need kisses, daddy Buster: You can have as many as you want Buster: Anywhere you want Rio: my special place too? Rio: that's where i need you most Buster: I know Rio: but I need your big dick inside me more, I can't stop looking at the picture Rio: gonna ride your lap so fucking hard Buster: Yeah you will Buster: 'Cause you always know exactly what I need Rio: 'cos I'm your little girl, daddy takes care of me but I take care of him too Rio: and I know you wanna make me keep eye contact with you on your lap to see how every thrust has me closer to tears Buster: I want you so bad right now just the thought of that is making it impossible to drive Rio: I'm sorry Rio: be careful Buster: Don't be sorry Buster: You're perfect Rio: I just didn't get enough of you yesterday, I wasn't done letting everyone know you're mine Buster: Me either Buster: But I'll leave enough marks for them to still see when I'm gone Rio: I feel so pretty and loved covered in your bruises Buster: Good 'cause you are Rio: Almost as pretty and loved as I feel covered in your cum Rio: but that's just for you to see Buster: You're so fucking beautiful that if I let myself think about for too long I'd cum now here in this car Rio: I'll make you cum there if you want daddy Rio: I promise I don't mind making you hard all over again when you get here Buster: You can't you've got things to do Buster: So have I Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ž Rio: I know Buster: I can wait, you're so worth that Buster: And I really am only a few streets away Buster: If I kill some pedestrians I'll be there, like Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ Rio: Bad Buster: I just need you Rio: I know, you're throbbing too huh Buster: Yeah Buster: I ache so much for you Rio: Imagine how much relief you're gonna feel when you cum deep inside my tight little cunt Buster: Oh fuck Buster: I better not imagine it Rio: I'll imagine for the both of us Rio: then we're going to go out, and I'm gonna be walking 'round so innocent like I've not got your load leaking out of me with my own Rio: running down my thighs Buster: Baby Buster: You're killing me Rio: it's my favourite though, people think they know Rio: but no one knows how dirty i get for you, all the things i let you do Buster: You're my favourite Buster: Everything about you Rio: I know Rio: that's why you own me Buster: I know I said I'd try to be good but you've got me making noise again Rio: I don't really want you to Rio: be bad and noisy for me Buster: You're a naughty girl today Rio: This is what happens when daddy doesn't put me to bed Buster: Oh really? Rio: Mhmm Buster: I better fix that then Rio: You know I need punishing, sir, stayed up so past my bedtime Buster: Good thing I've arrived right on time then Rio: Finally, daddy's home, come put this dog collar 'round my throat and pull tight Buster: Jesus Buster: Who could refuse an offer like that? Rio: Please don't, it'll feel so good being choked out whilst you stretch me out too Buster: I won't Buster: or can't Buster: It's impossible to refuse you when you're making demands like that Rio: I've got lots more Rio: Princess priorities Buster: I'm here Buster: Come and tell me Rio: Really? I have to walk now? Buster: I thought you'd wanna while you still can Buster: But alright, hang on Rio: Fuck, I got you like that, yeah? You gonna break my back? Buster: You'll see Rio: I wanna see. I wanna see every stroke, how big you look inside me, too big to fit but somehow you do and it hurts so good, and how I feel has you biting your lip and screwing your eyes up so tight Rio: Jesus, this is why I can't walk, I'm too ready Buster: You're gonna make me trip up these stairs Buster: Distracted ain't the word for me right now Rio: Sit and wait for me, daddy Rio: if I wanna be a dog so bad, I can crawl to you on my hands and knees, yeah? Buster: Fuck Buster: Now you have to Rio: I am, I'm coming to you lead in my mouth Rio: Puppy dog eyes has never been more accurate Buster: Oh my god Buster: I need you to hurry up Rio: I'm trying but I keep getting distracted Buster: Please Rio: No, no, I need a firm hand and strong commands Rio: Try calling my name and telling me to come Buster: Fine Buster: Can you hear me yet or are you being too slow? Rio: Not quite Rio: I'm not well trained yet Rio: little louder Buster: I'm gonna have to be stricter with you Buster: Too nice always Rio: Yeah, I think so Buster: I know you heard that Buster: And felt it Rio: You've got my attention Buster: Good Buster: Now keep mine Rio: I'll do anything Rio: anything to please my master Buster: Come here and prove how willing you are Rio: Yes sir Rio: you've never seen anyone so eager Buster: I'll be the judge of that Rio: Oh my God, please use me, use every single hole, they only exist to make you feel good Buster: Stop talking and keep moving Rio: Imagine if we got caught Rio: how are you going to explain what a whore I am for you to the nice respectable neighbours? Buster: Focus Buster: There's nobody here but me Rio: Film this, film me begging for you to fuck me 'til I cry, I want you to remember exactly what's waiting for you at home when you have to leave again Buster: I've already got my phone out Buster: Great minds, babe Buster: The nice respectable neighbours are gonna hear firsthand how well you get me Rio: Good, you're about to see exactly how pathetic I am for you, drooling from my waiting mouth and pussy Rio: they can see too, if they wanna, see exactly how a real man deals with dirty little girls who play too much Buster: Enough waiting Buster: Come here Rio: Yes daddy Rio: I love you so much Buster: Now Buster: I'll show you how much I love you Rio: Fuck yes
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