#i'll be limiting the chat shenanigans in more action-heavy scenes since everyone will be too busy to check ash's phone
duckapus · 10 months
Some ideas for the first chapter of the livestream au:
consists of both the Viridian forest episodes because there's not enough going on there for more than one chapter
chat agrees that Caterpie is a precious bean and Misty should apologize
chat freaks out when Team Rocket shows up both because WANTED CRIMINALS and WHAT DO YOU MEAN "NOT YOU GUYS AGAIN!?"
Ash gets some training tips from the viewers because some of them have realized that a flying type, a bug type that will soon become flying, and an electric type don't exactly have good odds against Brock's no-badge team
chat gets weirdly invested in the Metapod vs Metapod battle, mostly because of Misty and Pikachu slowly going insane from boredom in the foreground
Misty accidentally catches a Beedrill during the swarm. It is just as confused and freaked out by this as she is
Butterfree takes over his own rescue when he fully evolves and it turns out that his Confusion is about as overpowered compared to a normal Butterfree's as Pikachu's Thundershock to a normal Pikachu's
Somehow Misty is convinced to keep the Beedrill
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