#i'm 90% sure half this sounds like gibberish i haven't even really looked at them close enough to analyze
ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
thoughts on broppy?
Something something the one person who never gives up on you no matter how hard you try to make yourself untouchable, unlovable. A person who defends you even when you don't deserve it for no other reason than the fact they care.
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They care like its a contagious thing, they care so much you think there must be something wrong with them and no matter how many times you reject that care it's relentless. You think they must be stupid to care so much until you realize they're not. You end up seeing deeper than what is at the surface, the sarcasm that matches yours, the bite along with the everlasting positivity. You see it andyou can't help but love it from a distance and be overwhelmed by it up close. Something about falling in love with the qualities you thought needed a reality check. Something about being vulnerable and showing a part of yourself because that's how you love someone. Something about supporting and caring back and being hurt and being different but wanting it to work anyway. Something about staying by them no matter what, no matter how much closeness hurts sometimes because they're worth it and quickly they become the most important person in the world to you. You know them inside and out and somewhere along the way you realize they know you like that too, even when you don't understand what you're feeling, they seem to know. Something about learning to listen and learning to care and supporting each others happiness no matter how different you are. Being with the person you're most comfortable with in the world, feeling most calm in a storm when you're holding their hand. Loving each other for your differences and complimenting those qualities with your own
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yeah i think they're alright
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