#i'm allowed it's almost jib time
blanketforcas · 1 year
if you weren't already in love with misha, you can just fall in love by watching jensen's eyes when he looks at him
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eirinstiva · 21 days
Two for the price of one
Second part of "Jeeves in the Springtime" and what was the plan? Bingo Little should read some romantic novels to his uncle to prepare for a relationship between different classes.
Old Little had jibbed somewhat at first at the proposed change of literary diet, he not being much of a lad for fiction and having stuck hitherto exclusively to the heavier monthly reviews; but Bingo had got chapter one of “All for Love” past his guard before he knew what was happening, and after that there was nothing to it.
Mmm... this is good!!! Keep going, Bingo.
“And, by the way,” said Bingo, “he wants you to lunch with him tomorrow.” “Me? Why me? He doesn’t know I exist.” “Oh, yes, he does. I’ve told him about you.” “What have you told him?” “Oh, various things. Anyhow, he wants to meet you. And take my tip, laddie⁠—you go! I should think lunch tomorrow would be something special.”
This is suspicious... or as we say in Chilean:
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“Oh, that’s all right. I just rang up to explain. The fact is, old man, I know you won’t mind, but I told him that you were the author of those books I’ve been reading to him.” “What!” “Yes, I said that ‘Rosie M. Banks’ was your pen-name, and you didn’t want it generally known, because you were a modest, retiring sort of chap. He’ll listen to you now. Absolutely hang on your words. A brightish idea, what? I doubt if Jeeves in person could have thought up a better one than that. 
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Look at this man! Bingo looks so calm, so happy. Poor Bertie has to deal with something rummy, I guess. I think it's a good idea, but I don't know if it's a good idea to change Jeeves' plan without telling him, until know he's the one planning everything for Bertie and his friends.
“Not yet. But I propose to enter upon that holy state almost immediately. The lady who for years has cooked so well for me honoured me by accepting my hand this very morning.” A cold gleam of triumph came into his eye. “Now let ’em try to get her away from me!” he muttered, defiantly.
I told you!!! I'm so happy for Old Little and Miss Watson, but now Bingo lost his allowance and Jeeves lost his fiancée... so sad...
“To tell you the truth, sir, I was not wholly averse from a severance of my relations with Miss Watson. In fact, I greatly desired it. I respect Miss Watson exceedingly, but I have seen for a long time that we were not suited. Now, the other young person with whom I have an understanding⁠—”
Sospechosa la wea...
“For some weeks, sir. I was greatly attracted by her when I first met her at a subscription dance at Camberwell.” “My sainted aunt! Not⁠—” Jeeves inclined his head gravely. “Yes, sir. By an odd coincidence it is the same young person that young Mr. Little⁠—I have placed the cigarettes on the small table. Good night, sir.”
The woman with the weird fashion test? Considering that Jeeves left his previous work for the bad taste of his master, I don't see a bright future in this relationship.
Recap: Jeeves got two couples and one heartbroken Bingo with just one scheme. Amazing job, Jeeves!
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