#i'm also going to see if we can do an episode on the muppet gulag
rgr-pop · 4 years
i’m hosting in place of ben to record tomorrow because i’m getting to do something i’ve wanted to do for ages... have bri on! we’re going to, as i’m sure you can guess, respond to the events of last week in light of a history of modern american mlitias and their (mostly modern) relationship to the state, tinhat about ruby ridge or whatever, and (of course) relate it to jonestown. this is my first time “hosting” without ben and i don’t want to fuck it up! but i also will possibly have an opening since neither ben nor matias can make it. i’m really disappointed that i’m missing an extra voice from the “nobody remembers being an anarchist/witnessing white insanity in the 90s” or whatever demographic (eg: another me). if that’s you, you have opinions on how this shit comes together, and if  we’re mutuals on here or twitter or we share a lot of mutuals, you’ve got some baseline mic and access to zoom, and you might be free around 7pm est tomorrow and want to come on a regional bernard brother pod.. lmk. punks never wanna talk :(
for context, this pod was inherited as kind of a regional progressive/demsoc politics podcast and in the past covered a lot of stuff like dsas, insurgent dem candidates, and they used to interview a lot of people in those areas (abdul el sayed former friend of the pod friendship ended, linda sarsour, that guy who tried to primary pelosi or whoever, bernie campaign people). since the pandemic there’s been more coverage of like protest politics, policing, worker struggles, mutual aid projects, tenants unions and stuff, but in general ben wants to branch out a little (which you’d see if you watch our streams). i’m trying to use my social capital to help him with this and bring him my interesting friends doing weird shit! last week we had a dc friend (not my friend actually, we got him from joe) as a guest “correspondent” and i really liked it, i might be interested in asking ben to bring on more “correspondents” from various places i have friends in, so... consider! some other episodes i’m helping ben put together right now: a few hot girls you probably know explaining david lynch to him and alex, and an earnestypoisoned ep on being a left gamer (i will not be participating i just put them together). stuff our listeners will enjoy but also grow from ^-^
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