#i'm an optimist so my personal headcanon is that even if peter and judy don't ever remembered jumanji
Still not over Jumanji (1995). Imagine being trapped in a game for 26 years where you have to face all manner of deadly animals (plus a deadly hunter who looks like your dad), and then you get back to the real world only to realize that nearly everyone you know is dead except for two people, one of whom is now a cop who keeps trying to arrest you and one of whom has so much trauma from the first time you played the game that she's convinced you don't exist. Also now there are two kids who started playing the game and you all have to finish it together or else the kids will get stuck too and the nightmare will never end
and then?? you finally complete the game and everything gets fixed but you're suddenly 12 years old again in 1969 like nothing happened?? and then??? 26 years later the kids you helped save don't remember you because technically you've never met??? but you don't even care because they're alive and they have their family again, and you’re happy for them, even if they’ll never know just how much you care about them
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