#i'm currently in the process of legally changing my name which is also relatively easy
donghyuckkies · 5 months
i've lived in canada for 20 years now but i have yet to gain citizenship. at first it was a matter of personal finance: the total cost is about $800. and the only benefits of becoming is citizen are being able to vote and not having to worry about travelling to the states/having a pr card. however these days the main reason i'm holding off is that i'm not exactly motivated to swear allegiance to a country that cares so little about human rights. not only does this government continue to not call for a ceasefire and has recently withdrawn funding to unrwa. but it also allows premiers like danielle smith to violate the human rights of trans people, especially youth. and don't get me started on the dogshit treatment of indigenous peoples. i do however realize that gaining the ability to vote would enable me to make a bit more of a difference, so needless to say i am extremely conflicted and will continue to put it off (also because i have other procedures i need to complete first).
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