#i'm feeling a lil bitter today im sure you can understand
lizardsarecute ยท 5 months
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anaklnky ยท 5 years
๐™ž๐™ข๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™—๐™ช๐™จ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š๐™จ๐™จ [arthur shelby x reader]
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๐Ÿ”— ๐ฉ๐š๐ข๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ : arthur shelby x fem!reader
๐Ÿ“– ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ฒ: y/n is a massive tomboy and often gets picked on by members of the public. she wears mens clothes. but that doesn't put arthur off at all. one day when she enters the garrison and a group of men make comments. arthur steps in,,, but not before someone else does.
๐Ÿ“ฃ ๐š/๐ง: ooo i hope you like dis one ;) link to what y/n is wearing is below.
โš ๏ธ ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ญ๐œ: violence, alcoholism, smoking, swearing, making out??, homophobic comments, vulgar language... you have been warned.
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it was a saturday morning. still looked as dull and deathly as ever in small heath. but i couldn't give a shit. small heath was my home.
i woke up and put on my usual atire; which included a white shirt, a black jumper, black trousers and black leather shoes. to finish off my unique outfit, i included a silver chain around my neck and rolled up both trouser legs at least twice. as so they didn't drag upon the dirty floor.
as i jumped up from off of the floor, i heard the bedroom door creak open.
"mornin' love." it was arthur. my husband of 6 years. "ow' are ya this mornin'?" he asked. in his hand he held a cup of tea. he then placed it on top of my dresser. which had pictures of my late family neatly arranged on it. with the odd bit of jewellery that had been passed down to me. far too blingy for my liking. so i had left them there simply for display. ornamental use.
"i'm good thanks, my love." i replied. arthur swooped down and placed a long, deep kiss in my hair. i smiled at the pressure laid on the crown of my skull.
me and arthur had married a year before war broke out. i was horrified when news struck the family that all three shelby men had signed up. to participate in the unneeded killing spree. i begged and pleaded arthur to stay at small heath, but as i knew, it was too late at the time. he had already signed his life away to the war. and i couldn't do a thing. but the time he spent away in france, didn't change a thing between us. infact, it drew us closer than ever to one another. when he returned home, i knew he would never be the same. i had seen it. with my own eyes. part of me was scared to fucking death. hoping arthur would let me help with the hellish nightmares that would proceed to come knocking on the walls of his memory during the night. but part of me was happy, happy that i would see him again and hold his figure in my embrace. sink into his chest and feel safe. but that was in the past, and the past is behind us.
"any plans for today?" i asked arthur. i walked towards him and placed my hands upon his chest.
"yeah, we gotta head over to the garrison," he replied, placing his hands on my cheeks, making me look up at him. "important bis'ness to look after." he leant down and kissed me. his thick moustache on his top lip felt harsh on my skin. but after 6 years of marriage, i grew used to it and began to love it.
the kiss grew heated. his calloused hands had since left my cheeks and were wrapped around my waist. pulling me even closer into him; my arms had risen to his head and rumaged into his thick hair. although he had an undercut, the hair he had was extremely thick. his kisses had abandoned my lips and trailed down my neck.
"arthur, we got-" he cut me off with a rough kiss to my lips, cutting me off. my hands went down to his cheeks and cupped his face. arthur then pulled me closer into him, if that was even possible. with my hands on his cheeks, i pushed arthur away slightly. earning a groan to fall from his chapped lips. "we got important bis'ness you said."
"yeah, we fucking do." he sighed.
"come on then, less' get going." i strapped my watch on firmly to my right wrist and put my guns in my chest holster. checking both of them beforehand.
"who you planning to kill today love?" arthur chuckled, a cigerette in his mouth. i walked towards him and took it from his mouth, putting it in mine and taking a long drag from it.
"fuckin' no one." i breathed out, blowing the smoke in his face. then putting the cigerette back his hand. i then marched out of our bedroom and down the stairs.
"you lil' minx!" arthur called out. i laughed at his response. i grabbed my black trench coat from the coat hanger and swung it over my shoulders.
"hurry ya' fuckin' arse up mr shelby, or i'll leave with out cha'!" i yell.
"coming mrs shelby!"
with that we both walked out the house and down to the garrison. where an unexpected event would occur...
3rd person
"come on harry, pass me a bottle of whisky." y/n told the bartender. "lemme show you what mrs arthur shelby can really do."
with that she placed the bottle of whisky to her lips and downed the spirit like it was water.
"go on y/n!" john called.
tommy, john and arthur stood around her as she gulped down the last drip of the single malt whiskey. when she finished, she placed the empty bottle on the bar surface.
"fuck me, i feel fuckin' marvelous!" y/n swung towards her husband. wrapping her arms around his waist.
"cause you are fuckin' marvelous." he lowered his voice dangerously deep. arthur then kissed her passionately on the lips.
"alright brother, calm down." tommy laughed, placing a smack to his elders' shoulder.
arthur's lips left y/n's. he looked at tommy under his eyelashes, frowning.
"fuck off tommy." he placed the tumbler of whiskey to his lips and took a swig.
"alright, arthur, he was just playin'!" she placed a soft kiss to his chin. he then slowly relaxed.
but he wouldn't be relaxed for long. that's when trouble grew.
"is that a bloke or a woman? it's hard to tell!" belted a man from the other side of the garrison. a group of men, that surround the individual, laughed alongside him.
the obviously hadn't noticed that y/n was accompanied by the peaky fucking blinders.
"what did he just fuckin' say?" growled arthur quietly. close to y/n's ear. john was about to swagger up to the them and give them a beating they'd never forget... or live through, but y/n grabbed his arm in time.
"you two leave it, cunts like them aren't worth the beating." y/n sighed, pulling john back into the circle and pulling arthur close. making sure he didn't kill the man.
"did you 'ear that? 'ave you gotta a cock or what?" the man didn't stop his horrible profanities. he kept pushing his buttons.
but when you pulled arthur into a deep kiss. he spoke.
"oi! gay boy, wanna come over 'ere and," he grabbed his crotch.
"that's fuckin' it." arthur growled, pushing you behind me.
but y/n pushed him behind her instead.
she shrugged off her coat and passed it to john.
"sorry love." she reached into arthur's front pocket and pulled out a silver knuckle duster. she pushed it onto her strong hand.
the men started laughing again.
y/n walked up to them, face emotionless.
"what's ya' name ya' git." she asked, pulling a cigerette from her cigerette case. she brought out a lighter and lit it. then placing it back in her pocket.
"the names sands, georgie sands." he replied.
"right georgie, you can either leave this pub." she took a drag from the cigerette. "and never come back." the men all laughed.
"you 'ear that lads, this one gives out orders and threats." he slapped one of his mates shoulders. at this point everyone had cleared a circle in the middle of the garrison and gone quiet. waiting for mrs arthur shelby to give the man what he deserved.
"or, mr sands, get your arse fuckin' kicked." she hissed. taking another drag from her cigerette.
"i like me beer mate, so erm, i think i'll stay 'ere." he laughed.
"that wasn't a fuckin' option." with that y/n flicked the cigerette towards mr sands and launched at him.
y/n swung an punched him square in the face. with the knuckle dusters leaving permanent damage.
"you're fuckin' mad." mr sands whined. y/n reached out onto his collar and dragged him to stand up. as she did so, she pushed him up against the bar. the bloodied knuckle dusters were chucked towards the shelbys, with tommy catching them.
y/n wrapped her fingers around the man's throat and with the free hand, pulled a gun from her chest holster.
she stared madly at the gun, putting on a show. she stared at it, laughing. before putting the gun under mr sands' chin. a few men gasped.
"y/n, careful, you're drunk." tommy had his hand out.
"fuck off tommy, i know what i'm doin'." she sighed. she replaced the gun away from mr sands chin and put it on the bar. tommy backed away.
"harry, whiskey." y/n ordered.
harry rushed to pour the whiskey in a glass, before sliding it towards her.
y/n kept her hand wrapped securely around mr sands throat. she picked up the glass and shot the bitter liquid down her neck.
"ya see mr sands, you've seen the real me. now," she asked. "do you know who i fuckin' am?" she said through gritted teeth.
"no." he wheezed, shaking his head violently.
"i'm y/n fuckin' shelby," she growled. "this ones' wife." she pointed at arthur.
mr sands gulped.
"and if you fuck with me," she glared. "you fuck with 'im." she shook her finger at arthur. "you understand mr sands?"
he nodded again.
"good." she let his throat go. he keeled over and sprouted a coughing fit. mr sands' face had gone bright red due to lack of blood flow. "harry, another."
harry prepared another glass of whiskey and, again, slid it towards y/n. she then slid it towards mr sands.
"there ya go mr sands. we're equal now." she smirked.
"thank you mrs shelby, thank you." he shook.
y/n grinned evily, she walked over to the empty whiskey bottle from earlier. she grabbed it by the neck and wavered it around.
arthur gave her his raised eyebrows. "what ya doin' missus?" he whispered.
"'ang on love."
mr sands had finished with his drink and was now staring at y/n, scared.
"oh and mr sands, by the way, i don't want to suck ya cock."
with that y/n raised the empty bottle and bashed it against his head. mr sands fell to the floor limp. blood pouring from his head. y/n leant down and moved his head to the side, placing her hand below his nose. he was still breathing. alive. she stood back up and retrieved a cigerette from the silver case and lit it again. her bloody hands raised to her lips and brought the cigerette away from them. smearing blood on her face. she then turned to the rest of his group.
"and you, get fuckin' lost!" she pointed at the door. with that the men scuttled out of the garrison.
"fuckin' hell love." arthur laughed, taking the cigerette from y/n's lips and throwing it on the floor. "ya even sexier to me now more than ever. but ya shoulda let me 'andle that." he used his thumb to push the blood away from her lips, before kissing her fully.
he pulled y/n in closer and pushed her against the bar, making sure not to stand on mr sands. not that he cared. his lips locked with hers, kissing her harshly.
"alrigh' you two, thas' enough." tommy said. "arthur, take her home and clean her up, me and the boys will sort this out."
the two pulled away from each other and stood up straight. y/n brushed the blood from her hands onto her trousers. she then took her coay from john and put it on. "thanks john." he smiled and gave her a small nod.
"thanks tommy boy." y/n said, dragging arthur out of the garrison.
with that they left for their home.
"love, next time, lemme and the boys sort it out. as much as it thrills me to see ya like that, lemme sort the fucker out." arthur sighed, holding y/n close to his side.
"arthur, i was fine. but thanks for the worry." she looked up at him.
"i love ya y/n shelby."
"fuck me you've gone soft arthur shelby." y/n giggled. he just gave her a playful look. "i love you too you fuckin' horses arse."
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