#i'm glad at least ramin did so many stuffs with hadley imagine if they're not close friends then we're doomed
ivalice-tifalucis · 1 month
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I am so obsessed with this rendition of Again from From the Rehearsal Room: Tokyo that I decided to extract its audio, master it with my limited knowledge in audacity and little help from AI, put it on my music playlist, and even consider trying to extract everything from this particular stream, from what I found on bilibili. I think of all 3 livestream they did, this one is the best because of the song choices, the studio acoustic (I'm always obsessed with good sound acoustic in music recording), and the simple arrangement consists of grand piano (wonderfully played by the way, kudos to the pianist) and two guitars by Ramin and Hadley themselves. I notice this is the first one they did, isn't it? Because they were trapped in long quarantine and Sierra eventually couldn't come. I'm late to this so I only read how it went and I feel sad.
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Also presenting some other songs that I have extracted:
Hadley sings Maria(??!!) and it's so good wtf. That high note, gosh.
Ramin's special, of course. I need this because I want Till I Hear You Sing without "ten long yeaars" part but there is no other more good recording on apple music/spotify except that one from Ramin's album which I really hate (the whole album basically). So thank god this exists.
I actually know this song for long because it was on some ad but I think that was Sinatra's version. I didn't know this song is from a musical until I fall down to this hole. Actually found out a lot of songs that actually are from musicals thanks to this hole. Gosh, I used to be so deep into musicals during Les Mis movie era but not THIS deep.
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