#i'm going to be so insufferable btw. you guys don't even realize
fromjannah · 1 year
batman unburied riddler is literally coming home to me in less than two weeks. mere days until i hear that little freak again. did you guys hear about this
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frederickkatz · 2 months
Texts: Sparky (Cameron) & Freddie
Cam:  you know, I never thought I'd be jealous of an orange
Freddie: why would you be jealous of an orange?
Freddie: who is this btw?
Cam:  you're not gonna "new phone who dis" me, are you?
Cam:  I'm your favorite suicidal fae 😉
Cam:  and I'm jealous of an orange bc I also wanna be peeled by you of course 😉
Freddie: technically it is a new phone because I've just had it for a few months but still.
Freddie: Sparky! How's the training going?
Freddie: 😲 you want me to peel off your skin? Wow you're sick my friend
Cam:  ...sparky?
Cam:  that's a dog's name
Cam:  ... what
Cam:  I'm saying I want you to peel off MY CLOTHES
Cam:  damn you really didn't get the hang of the thirst trap thing, did ya? 🤣
Freddie: I couldn't remember your name so I named you Sparky 😉
Freddie: oh! Ok ok ok you're flirting!
Freddie: I think I did it right cause you and others reached out really fast
Cam:  it's three letters, come on
Cam:  is that so? and what did the others say?
Freddie: is it Ben?
Freddie: some didn't say much but they send a picture. Some asked me out, some encouraged me to wear less clothes next time 🤷🏻‍♂️
Cam:  you're insufferable
Cam:  and are you?
Freddie: oh no! Wait! You're Leo
Freddie: going out tonight? Absolutely!
Cam:  I'm A leo, that's not my name!
Cam:  Ooh that sounds fun. No work tonight then?
Cam:  Are you going out with one of them?
Freddie: really? When's your birthday?
Freddie: it's my night off.
Freddie: not exactly with any of them. I'll just go out to drink and dance a little bit
Cam:  aug 12th
Cam:  didn't peg you for the astrology type 🤔
Cam:  welp if you're feeling lonely and you happen to pass by the east side, I'm at the Way Down
Cam:  they have THE BEST spn booze in town
Freddie: interesting
Freddie: I'm not. Just wanted to see if you gave information out so easily 😆
Freddie: you obviously haven't been at Dark Night. It's run by supernaturals so everything there accommodate us really well
Freddie: you're partying already?
Cam:  dark night? where is that?
Cam:  partying is a strong word
Cam:  I'm just having a drink 👼
Cam:  but I'd be down to party
Freddie: 😊
Freddie: right downtown
Freddie: what's the fun on only drinking? I've never got it
Freddie: do you even dance or just drink to oblivion?
Cam:  to feel the buzz
Cam:  that's why it's called booze
Cam:  do I even dance
Cam:  how dare you
Cam:  of course I dance
Freddie: ok but we already need a lot to feel the buzz. Even with spiked drinks
Freddie: like footloose kind of dance or just swaying from one side to the other while holding your drink in one hand?
Cam:  then you just haven't drunk enough
Cam:  drank
Cam:  drunk?
Cam:  so you know what fucking FOOTLOOSE is but you don't get thirst trap?
Freddie: you do realize I was alive when alcohol was discovered/invented right?
Freddie: I've been all kinds of drunk but sometimes that kills the fun
Freddie: wow! You're already smashed
Freddie: who doesn't know footloose! It's a classic!
Cam:  shut up
Cam:  now I can't not picture you as this black smoke hovering over a couch with footloose on the tv
Cam:  it's ridiculous
Cam:  it has no right to be that fun
Freddie: you really are drunk
Freddie: just so you know I've never been black smoke
Freddie: can you even walk to go back to your place?
Cam:  I'm not drunk
Cam:  you're just untankable
Cam:  did you pick another color for the smoke? Is it purple?
Cam:  you seem like a purple kinda guy
Cam:  I said I'm not drunk!
Cam:  and I'm not going home now
Cam:  I'm going out dancing
Freddie: you're not even making sense Sparky
Freddie: I've never been smoke. Why do you think I can be smoke?
Freddie: I bet you can't even walk straight
Cam:  I'm not sparky
Cam:  and I'm making perfect sense, you just don't get it
Cam:  well weren't you incorporeal?
Cam:  uncorporeal?
Cam:  I'm not straight so that's right 😉
Cam:  and I can walk just fine
Cam:  but it's cute that you worry ❤️
Freddie: well you're right about that. I don't get it. I don't get you.
Freddie: non-corporeal. But I've had this body for a little over a hundred years
Freddie: of course you're not. I could tell
Freddie: I really don't. I just made a bet that you can't walk without stumbling
Cam:  it's fine, I don't get me sometimes either
Cam:  but alcohol is older than a hundred years
Cam:  which means you didn't have a body when it was invented
Cam:  oh could you now? I wonder what gave it away
Cam:  OUCH
Cam:  that's mean
Cam:  and you'll lose bc I can walk just fine
Cam:  :p
Freddie: you're weirder than I thought
Freddie: this hasn't been my only vessel
Freddie: I had another body. I've had many bodies. This is the first male one though
Freddie: you made a sexual innuendo when we first met. Maybe it was that
Freddie: if you say so
Cam:  thanks?
Cam:  wait you were girls before?
Cam:  I'm in shock
Cam:  and full of questions
Cam:  and you'll never know if I can walk straight or not so sorry you lost that bet
Freddie: It wasn't a compliment but you're welcome?
Freddie: they're prettier and less feared. It worked for me to deceive humans
Freddie: why is it so shocking?
Freddie: ask away. I still have some time before leaving
Freddie: I could always just appear there and make sure just to win
Cam:  insufferable, I tell ya
Cam:  I forget you're an evil mastermind
Cam:  you sound like a purple person not a "I want boobs" person, that's all
Cam:  did you get to have sex when you were in a girl's body?
Cam:  what were you called then?
Cam:  nope you couldn't bc you're going dancing and you don't know where I am
Freddie: thank you 😘
Freddie: most people forget. It's the beauty of the vessels
Freddie: well the vessel included those so it wasn't a what I wanted kind of things
Freddie: yes
Freddie: I had many names
Freddie: you told me where you were at dummy
Cam:  it wasn't a compliment but welcome?
Cam:  :p
Cam:  oh so the boobs were just perks? lol
Cam:  oooh and which one was better?
Cam:  that's not an answer >.<
Cam:  if you don't tell me I'm just gonna call you Betsy
Cam:  and why do you think I'm still there? 😈
Freddie: 🙄
Freddie: definitely. They aren't so fun when you're the one wearing them though
Freddie: both are good. I liked sleeping with men when I was a woman and in enjoying sleeping with women now
Freddie: It is. I can tell you some names if that's what you want
Freddie: I was named Bethel once so it's ok
Freddie: because you said so
Cam:  😗
Cam:  bc they bounce?
Cam:  what about sleeping with a man while you're in the skin of one?
Cam:  Bethel
Cam:  oh god
Cam:  who named you???
Cam:  I'd love to hear some names, yes
Cam:  well I'm no longer there anymore so :p
Freddie: because they're heavy and now I'm a male I realized they made my back hurt
Freddie: I haven't tried it yet
Freddie: It was the name of the vessel
Freddie: Ida, Gladys, Marjorie and a few more but why are you even interested on those names?
Freddie: I could always track your phone
Cam:  wait
Cam:  you haven't tried it?
Cam:  but
Cam:  but aren't you like old as shit????
Cam:  and you never felt like it?
Cam:  just to see what it's like?
Cam:  as if you could track my phone lol good luck grandpa
Freddie: did you miss the part where I said this is my first male vessel?
Freddie: I just haven't found a male who I feel attracted enough to have sex with him. Well I've had sex but not penetrative sex. Oral sex counts right?
Freddie: it's funny how you think that just because I don't understand some modern concepts I'm unfit to quickly learn about the technology 😊
Cam:  fair point but still
Cam:  how long did you have this vessel for?
Cam:  ...oh Freddie someone's gonna rock your world if you think oral sex counts when you're talking about MLM sex
Cam:  there's a difference between learning about technology and fucking hacking into my phone
Cam:  you could just ask where I am, you know
Freddie: almost two hundred years, give or take. I lost count
Freddie: it's called oral sex for a reason 🙄 I suppose but for that I would have to find someone I want to have sex with
Freddie: you know there are apps to track people's phones right? I don't need to hack yours. And you call me grandpa?
Freddie: didn't you said earlier you wouldn't tell me?
Cam:  yeah but that's nothing compared to the wonders of the prostate, man
Cam:  you're really missing out
Cam:  and there's apps to find hook ups too
Cam:  yeah, but you could always ask 🌝
Freddie: you do know women can have multiple orgasm and men can't, right? You're missing out
Freddie: I know. I've been using a few
Freddie: fine. Where are you Sparky?
Cam:  yeah but I can't have sex like a woman and you totally can have sex with a man rn
Cam:  so you're the one missing out
Cam:  wait and you didn't get a decent hookup?
Cam:  I'm at Dark Night (:
Freddie: I can also jump from a building but I don't want to
Freddie: why are you so interested on my sex experience with men?
Freddie: oh wait! The flirting was serious! You want to have sex with me 😏
Freddie: I had a lot. But they were all women. Men can be assholes sometimes
Freddie: of course you are. I'm wondering who's the one with persuasive power now 😆
Cam:  yeah but you could
Cam:  bc I have the feeling that being a bottom as a man is better than as a woman and not many people can actually test that
Cam:  lmao you only figured that out NOW?? of course I do, have you LOOKED in the mirror???
Cam:  shut up, I wanted to try the booze, that's all
Cam:  their mojito is shit btw
Freddie: isn't sex supposed to be awesome for both men and women?
Freddie: well I thought you were joking! Or you just like to flirt. Yes, and I know I'm very attractive in this vessel. Everyone seems to like it.
Freddie: sure, if you say so
Freddie: lol that's on you for ordering such a bland drink
Cam:  yeah but you're not following
Cam:  it's different
Cam:  it's so much easier to show than to explain
Cam:  I do like to flirt
Cam:  but I also like to fuck
Cam:  so you know, if you're ever interested, you APPARENTLY know where to find me
Cam:  it's usually a good thermometer for bars, it's bland but hard to fuck up
Cam:  which they apparently tried really hard to
Freddie: what's the point I'm missing then?
Freddie: now you want to show me?
Freddie: so you want to fuck me to prove your point? What if I decided I rather fuck you?
Freddie: you already knew I was gonna be there
Freddie: try the fireball. No pun intended 😆
Cam:  I mean that's cool
Cam:  but you're gonna be missing out THE WHOLE POINT
Cam:  yeah but you think you can hack my phone so
Cam:  which btw is a federal crime
Cam:  ...you think you're so funny
Freddie: so you're up for topping and bottoming with me?
Freddie: you're making it sound like topping isn't that great
Freddie: I never said I was gonna hack your phone 😆
Freddie: I wasn't trying to be. It comes out naturally. But really, try that drink
Cam:  is that so shocking?
Cam:  lol it is, but it's something that women can't really do so it doesn't work for research purposes
Cam:  you're insufferable
[5min later]
Cam:  that's not so bad
Cam:  but I'll be breathing out cinnamon for the rest of the week
Freddie: it's new. Most men who want to have sex with me are not willing to bottom
Freddie: if I was on a research mission of course
Freddie: do you complain about everything?
Freddie: cause if you, I'll make sure to stay away from the bar all night
Cam:  times have changed, buddy
Cam:  of course
Cam:  I don't complain, I just have arguments about things
Cam:  you're coming?
Freddie: Those men are from this century actually
Freddie: All things or just things that don't go your way?
Freddie: I'm already here. Look across the dancing floor
Cam:  then you're hanging out around the wrong kind of men
Cam:  well
Freddie: I'm not even looking for them so it's not really my fault
Freddie: now I wanna see you walk all the way here to win that bet 😘
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