#i'm going to become an enemy. not an ally. so please allow me to remain neutral by not bringing it up
gamebunny-advance · 3 months
It's time for my bi-annual post asking where these new TPS fans are coming from.
There's a lot more of them than usual popping up from this year and late last year. Has that show hit the "nostalgia zone" or are younger people actually getting into it? If it's the latter, how and why are people learning about it now?
Tbh, the answers to those questions don't matter to me. I just wanna give my personal stance on it for the time being:
I’m not interested in the show at all right now. I'm probably not gonna draw it, or talk about it again except in reference to stuff like this happening. If you're following me with the hope that I'll somehow get into it again, then you're gonna be disappointed. (But, thank you if you decide to stay for my other nonsense. I don't mind if that was how you found me, and you're staying for other things, but don't feel obligated to stay for content I'm not making anymore).
I'm never gonna update the wiki no matter how many of you like that post now, and I'm gonna delete it now so I stop seeing the notes on it. Y'all seem to be strong enough to do that on your own anyway. Even if I wanted to, I can't remember the trivia that I used to know except in broad strokes, and I certainly can't source them anymore, which is a bad look for any wiki.
Look, I will never be able to fully separate myself from that fandom because I was in it for so long. Being a part of it was an essential part of my growth as an artist, so it's always gonna be a part of me. I'll probably still reference it from time to time, but it's not something I have an interest in going back to. My tastes have changed significantly, and it just doesn't have anything to offer the "me" of today. As such, I don't have anything to offer it either.
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Chaos Therapy
Session #2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: You were assigned to a field mission, with particulars co-agents, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. One mission turned into multiples. After each missions you are debriefed by a therapist, Dr Noach just as Sam and Bucky. Thing is, they don’t know that you are much more than an agent.
Warnings: pining, bit of angst, Buck/Sam bickering, violence (fights against enemies), mild swearing (still real bad at warnings)
Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
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Mumbling your floor to the AI, you tried to relax but the door not closing triggered you. Hearing voices coming your way you understood.
“I don’t get it tincan, you got the new arm, the new haircut loosen up,” Sam Wilson came into view followed by Barnes, you would have never thought yet you got star-struck by his intense gaze when it locked on yours – Wilson got oddly silent for a second his look bouncing between the two of you until Barnes looked away and faced the door.
Wilson snorted “Guess we won’t talk about what just happened,” a smirk growing on his face.
Rolling your eyes you resumed your attention on the elevator transparent walls. Until you caught yourself glancing at Bucky’s back, inevitably your look followed his left shoulder to his metal well, vibranium arm, unfortunately, you could only see his wrist and hand. It’s not like you had studied all of the late Mr Stark’s researches on his previous metal arm and Wakanda’s report on the new appendage... The few golden lines you could see were mesmerizing, fingers itching to trace them you quickly shook your head remembering where you were. The elevator finally stopped at your level.
"Meeting at 6, briefing in the jet." You declared trying to focus on the mission at hand, accidentally brushing Barnes' left arm as you exit.
You were about to apologize but Sam intervened "Okay boss"
Smiling you lifted an eyebrow "I'm not your boss, but keep that in mind just in case."
You kept your eyes on Wilson who was nodding at your answer appreciating your repartee until the door was inches too close your eyes shifted to Barnes'. His eyes already on you.
“Fuck! You’re a professional for Stark’s sake, get a grip!” getting angry at yourself you head for the cave.
"Can you tell me more about the actual mission you had?'"
"It’s classified."
"Alright," she smirks "I see here that you had to use your field agent training? "
“Affirmative ma’am!”
"Weren't you supposed to assist and use your shadow IT skills,"
"Also, affirmative,"
“So, what happened?”
Tactical gears, the best part of field missions, hands skimming the gears sprawled out on the metal table, you couldn't wait.
‘You won’t be wearing that actually," the technician kicked you off your reverie, you frowned "Casual clothes, Kevlar under it, one gun, that’s it.”
The deceive expression didn’t escape the attention of the techs around the table. “It’s not always big guns and expensive gear”
“Yeah, I get that. Great…” you grabbed the gun and the Kevlar. Ready to meet your co-agents at the hangar. They were by the jet reviewing things with the techs.
“Agent Wilson, Agent Barnes.” You rearranged your top over your kevlar,
“Ok, hold on, please call me Sam,’
“Alright, then call me Y/N or boss.” he chuckled at your saying.
“This is tincan,” his thumb pointed to Barnes
"Uh" squinting at Sam, surprised by the verbal jab, you were unable to form any words.
Bucky sighed, throwing his bag in a corner of the jet “Your record is scratched, Wilson”
“Newsflash. We don’t use records anymore Buck!”
You stayed silent watching them bicker on the jet's ramp, taking mental notes. Bucky's jaw clenching every now and then, the never-ending smirk of Sam. How and why did anyone think it was a good idea to team them up?
“I already miss my cave.” You mumbled and passed by them, they both looked at you as you made your way in the tactic jet.
The briefing went smoothly, oddly, although seeing Barnes in tactical gear didn't leave you indifferent. Your mind yelling to get a grip while your eyes roam his geared up body. Now you had a full view of his vibranium arm, he caught you once or twice looking intently at it, each time you felt bad you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or anything.
Few hours later, spent meditating and reviewing the mission in your head, avoiding the guys, avoiding Bucky, you ended up on one of the New Singapore islands. The tactic jet retreats back as soon as you three touched the ground.
“I go first, you come in after I made sure the target’s in, Buck in standby”
“Yeah, we know,” Bucky spoke, you could hear the exasperation in his voice.
Sam smirked at Bucky before rounding the corner leading to the underground club. There you were alone with Bucky Barnes.
"Are you two always like that?" you leaned on the concrete wall behind you.
He was standing straight, hands on his tactical belt "What'd you mean by that?" you tried not to stare as his look remained forward.
"Tough love and all.." your teasing voice made him glance your way. He hid a smirk and fully turned to you taking a step forward. “We’re working on that,” it was your turn to hide a smirk, and you thanked the dark alley for hiding the dusted red that had reached your neck at his closeness.
Minutes later Sam had called in the comm. Getting through the crowd you reached the bar where Sam was, clubs, forsaken places. He nodded at the back of the club where he had seen the target get out.
Making your way to the hidden office in the back, the dark and the loud music were your allies, scanning the room with one of the few gadgets you were allowed to have you were relieved to find it empty of human forms.
“Ok, 15 minutes” you called out in the comm’. Forcing the door, you look behind you before sliding it shut. Rummaging the all room you finally find the old metal case.
“I got the codes,” you were supposed to analyse them on site and then destroyed them but when you didn’t hear any of them answered you stopped “Sam?” silence “Barnes?” a distant crash followed by howls caught your attention.
“Y/N GET OUT!” Bucky's voice rang into your comm' not missing a beat you grabbed the case, slide the door open ready to run to the backdoor. “Oh!” you stopped dead in your tracks, a large man about 6 feet tall blocked the door. He eyed the case in your hand, you shrugged.
Pouncing on you, you easily dodged him as he was so slow, you ran to the main room instead, only to find Sam and Bucky fighting against a bunch of dudes.
“Subtle mission my ass,” you muttered to yourself, Watching them, you were genuinely interested in the two Avengers' fighting skills, missing the big guy coming behind you.
Grabbing your middle, trapping your arms against your body he lifted you as if you were a feather. Quickly refocusing you hooked your feet to his calve, balancing your weight against him he started to wobble backwards, his arms slipping up past your chest allowing you to elbow his floating ribs multiple times. He finally let go groaning, you took this time to kick his knee, he whaled staying down. Seeing the boys were still fighting and enemies still coming in you joined them. Back to back with both of them holding your ground.
“Buck you wanna clear the path” Sam snickered.
"Sure if you've got a great idea in mind involving your chicken wings go ahead," Buck retorted earning a death stare from Sam.
"I'm really deliberating leaving you here with them right now," you checked your gun’s mag.
"And how do you plan on getting out?"
“Close your eyes” the boys followed your request without any doubt.
You activated your anti-flash lenses with a press on your temple. Launching the tiny flashbang on the ground it exploded blinding everyone around you. Since the guys couldn’t open their eyes yet and you could clearly see the path you grabbed them both by the wrists and pulled them out, they ran behind you blindly for less than a minute until you reached the outside, stopping in the nearest alley.
The place was loud with cries, smokes evading the place brushing the neon lights creating a halo of blurred colours. Lost in the moment, the adrenaline rushing out you felt your right hand becoming colder in an instant, a low whirring and vibration coming from the vibranium wrist you were holding soothed your racing heart.
Sam had already escaped your grasp to check on the escape route. Quickly removing your hold you glanced at Bucky to make sure he wasn't uncomfortable but his face showed a different emotion. His gaze remained on his wrist where a second ago your warm hand was, brow knitted yet his look was soft, he clenched his fist and released it, he snapped out of it when an explosion occurred in the club. Time to run.
“If I knew we were about to run so much I wouldn’t have worn my best suit!” Sam argued, your lips curved into a smile at his annoyed voice.
In the jet safe and sound you tried to work on the codes but the two supposed-to-be grown-ups you work with were arguing about how the mission went wrong. Eventually, you tuned them out and send the files to the intelligence.
After giving back your gear to the assistant waiting for you in the hangar you turned to your co-agents.
“That was fun!” Sam tossed his suit jacket upon his shoulder “we should team up more often”
You scoffed “I don’t know about that”. Bucky came down the ramp his gear in hands, your jaw clenched at the way he looked so effortlessly good, it ignited something in you and you thought why the hell am I fighting this.
“Sam, Barnes,” you bowed your head slightly heading to the quarters' area, already writing the reports in your head, before needy thoughts cloud your mind.
“Bucky, it’s Bucky,” he called out, you spun fully, walking backwards “Bucky,” you spoke softly, the corner of your mouth quirked up, eyes entirely focused on him, his didn’t waver either. Rounded a crate disappearing from their view you bit your lower lips.
Sam nudged Bucky’s shoulder "When I said to loosen up, I didn't imply crushing on our new teammate,"
"Shut up,"
“And it was the first official mission with them?”
“Yes ma’am, … the intelligence thought the mission was a success, somehow. Against what I thought, they decided to team us up again,”
She nods, your answer exactly what she wanted to hear, she cuts the recorder.
“All is going well then” she closes her tablet, undoing the first button of her shirt feeling stuffy.
“I’ll be able to give you something more tangible in a few missions,”
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Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
I will be tagging Chaos Therapy now, since some of you might filter the TFATWS tags to avoid spoilers.
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
Jaylah stared the witch in the eye as the distance between them closed in. Elidi’s first question, she did have an answer to, but stayed silent almost knowing more was to come. Tamryn hadn’t developed a partnership with anyone so this situation was most definitely unique, but of course she wasn’t going to give Elidi that satisfaction in knowing that she was Tamryns first most serious fling. “I did the same with Dallas, yes. A werewolf that she once dated. They were a really good pair and he liked me, but I’m sure she’s told you about him.” Her thoughts spoke back to Elidi with a unphased stare. By staying silent, more answers came out from the dark haired female which was what Jaylah wanted. Instead of doing the predictable, the redhead lifted her eyebrows like a surprised brat to display interest and to show she was listening.
The younger sibling stayed stone cold towards the witch as Elidi seemed to fire back questions. Her eye contact not leaving for a second to waste, they only moved as her lids narrowed when Elidi spoke about how Jaylah wasn’t Tamryn keeper but not understanding the weight of what it meant to be blood to back up her accusation. Still, her words pursed in between her sculpted lips that sealed shut to the womans surprise, and her emerald orbs stayed locked on the target, observing every word and every action behind it. Shifting for a slit second once Lupe’s name was mentioned, she snarled at the remark about her understanding anything about the incident, but realizing it was a test to see how Jaylah would predator-idly react. However, when Elidi said that she didn’t agree with Tamryns ways on how it was handled caused Jaylah to stand up a bit from her hunched posture. She looked down to fix her clothes as Elidi followed up the false empathy only to insult her in the following sentence while she debated the conversation in her head. The impulses of her nature were screaming at her to leave the pointless conversation, but Jaylah stayed before the witch while she continued.
In that moment the redhead brat was glad she stayed for she was pleased to know she had successfully gotten inside Elidi’s mind and twisted all reality and things questionable. Raising her folded arms from across her chest to over her head to lean back like a headrest, she continued to listen to the rant. Head games were common within the pack to test each other and others, but perhaps there were reasons to her madness that she had been trying to convey that was blinded by Elidis infatuation with Tamryn. The debate on whether to be helpful and form allies or to sworn enemies to keep the rotation going was beginning to stir in the same melting pot. Though the wisdom witch claimed to see right through Jaylah, she allowed those to see what they wanted to.
After stretching out in all her confident glory, the two stood in silence until the other broke the silence, that being Elidi declaring her love for Tamryn. The tension was clear though there was an ounce of communication in the air, Jaylah allowed her arms to fall to her sides.
Scratching at her hairline, she gathered to find the words to say back. The one thing she could sense from the other was honesty, and she debated whether it was wise to do the same. Her eyes shifted from the blue sets of hues back on the green grass a couple of times until it was time for something to be said.
“I know you care about Tamryn...” Jaylah deflated as she dropped her fidgeting hand down to her side where she then connected her fidgeting digits through her belt loop.
“And I know she cares about you....” Her eyes distanced themselves from the others stare to concentrate on what needed to be said.
“Maybe it’s the familiar long black hair, or the way you two look at each other and protect one another, but you remind me a lot of Lupe.” She swallowed the large lump in her throat before making eye contact and continuing, “She was half human too... and Tamryn got rid of her like... an old book.” Her eyes wandered to the romance book in hand before looking back up. “I don’t agree what she did either, but I will more than likely forgive her in unnatural ways only to leave myself broken once again like before. Listen, if you choose her, you let go a piece of yourself because it’s the most sacrificing thing you can do for the person you set as the most important thing on earth... and that’s based on both love and fear. I’m not saying I care about you because I don’t know enough to know you, but like I said, there’s a part a Lupe I see in you, so take it as a compliment because she the best thing that’s ever happened to me, she’s my saving grace and I’m lucky to have her, she’s..mi rosa especial enviada del cielo para guiarme en la tierra.”
A smile faded to taking a deep breath, Jaylah continued, “Lupe didn’t have a choice to become part of the pack, you do. If this is what you want, then you have to see not only Tamryn but fit yourself into the pack as well. Lupe is still strugging with that, but she’s trying. You have to put yourself behind which means, you have to protect me too, which means... I have to trust you.”
“I may be young and have done stupid things in my lifetime, but I know what it’s like to feel and be in true love. I know all the signs. I bet you two have had late night talks, sharing each others biggest secrets. Bet you two have made promises to one another that you’ve never promised another. Maybe done some things out of your comfort zone to prove your love, bend the rules for loyalty?... You are the closest thing to Lupe and I when it comes to you and Tamryn. I mean...how do you honestly expect me to react? The only difference between you two is that I am imprinted with Lupe, and Tamryn doesn’t even know what a soulmate is if it slapped her in the face. I barely knew what love was until I turned an innocent person, that happened to be my soulmate... and I nearly lost myself because I lost them... all because my sister didn’t approve of them. But... but I’m suppose to be okay with whatever happens b-because I’m just a beta... right? Well, you’re not in any rank so what say do you have? Oh oh, wait a minute, you’re the girlfriend... I’ve known Tamryn since the 18th century a-and you’ve known her since Tabula Rasa opened so... fuck me right?”
Jaylah began to pace as she thought out loud with all of her concerns.
“Three years ago you would have been dust based on how Tamryns mind works, Elidi. You’re only lucky enough to roam around and see the light of day because Tamryn chooses to.” Her words were beginning to build the more she correlated Lupe and Elidi together.
“You are a powerful witch, so it makes sense as to why you would be an addition to our pack. But what if it doesn’t work, huh? What if in a year or two one of you decide running with the wolves is not for you, hmm? What if.... what if I let you in and it doesn’t work out?” Contemplating emerald hues swept the ground like a mop before making their way back to Elidi, Eyes flickered with emotion as they fought the urge to show it. She took a deep breath and sucked in her tears that formed. She dismissed the thoughts of losing her mother, father, and lover all because of being naive and trusting the unseen unfortunate outcomes. “Then you’re just another person I get close to, and lose.”
Her eyes searched the other for a chance to read the thoughts that were going through the womans mind. She feared of rejection and humiliation and almost preferred to be enemies than a temporary high, something she had been chasing over the last couple of decades since her father passed. A thumb massaged the inside of her palm, almost to distract herself momentarily while she debated what to say next or listen to what was to be said.
“If you want to call me a liar, or say that I’m playing games with you,or or... or say that I’m weak.... that I’m nothing like my sister then fine! So be it! I don’t care! At least you’ve heard my side of things.” Taking a few steps closer to insure that Elidi would take in her next words, she allowed the space between them to get uncomfortably close, “...But if you love her, you better be damn sure you’re right about it, because there’s no taking it back. Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions, and that’s coming from me, Elidi.”
Arms resumed back to their original fold as she awaited the response, almost anticipating a defensive response and the woman to walk away.
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Jaylah talked so much. There was so much to unpack and process what the beta was telling her. Not that her opinion was regarded highly but to give her the same attention she had given Elidi, even if it was clearly forced. The witches expression remained stoic, her brow quirking every now and again as the wolf spoke her piece. Her hand rubbed at her temple, her eyes shutting as it seemed Jaylah was finally done speaking. Overhead grey clouds rolled in, a heavy scent of rain lingered about the air, the wind gently tossling their locks.
"I suppose I'll start at the beginning. I am nothing like your Lupe, however if that makes this entire process easier for you than so be it." She exhaled a sigh, lucent hues examining her nails, her brow quirking as she spoke plainly, "I'm not... dust as you put it, because I am a worthy opponent. However your earlier statement is correct, I am a good witch." She paused to let her eyes meet Jaylah's own, hues similar to Tamryn's yet foreign one in the same. "Then you brought the conversation back to you. This is about Tamryn. You don't care about me, I don't care about you." A heavy sigh is pushed past her lips, her irritation getting the better of her. She's silent for a moment, wondering if that was too harsh to say while Jaylah was being passive. Even if it were true.
Elidi averts her gaze, confused even more so by Jaylah's emotions, the words she spoke now conflicting with the personality she had grown to know, the image she's seen of the beta. "We haven't discussed the pack much, so I wouldn't stress over that litltle detail. However, something you said earlier, has drawn my attention completely." The witch paused, optics intently set on Jaylah as she tucked a dark strand of hair back behind her ear.
"You said, you're young, yet you've been around since the 18th century. You're not young Jaylah, you're ignorant." Dark brows furrowed together as the words left her, her tone even, not malignant in nature but firm, "You've been around for hundreds of years and have yet to grasp the concept of change? With the things you've seen, the way the world and the people evolved. 18th century..." Her words trail off as do her thoughts, digits moving to press to the back of her nape, while her gaze lifts to the sun, a quiet huff leaving her. "People change everyday whether you have your eyes open to see it or not."
"I'll admit you're puzzling, which I don't really enjoy. I'm beginning to wonder if you're bipolar. In the nicest way possible." The book in her hands feels heavy, her grip tiring the longer she held onto the novel. This entire exchange left her feeling exhausted. "I believe you are all of those things, it's true. I don't believe you really intend on being close to me either, unfortunately I don't see myself trusting you all that much. The car crash may not be important to you, something you can easily forget about. No one died, right? Not seriously injured sure..." Bright eyes narrowed, her lips settling into a frown, "but I know you did something. You can not fool me and I don't let go of those types of things so easily. You have to right your wrongs."
"You're important to your sister and she loves you dearly, that much I know for certain, and for her I would.. do anything." Elidi let her gaze fall to the ground, her lips quirking upwards slightly, "Ella es mi única excepción, that being said, I'm willing to try to form a better relationship between the two of us, because I don't plan on going anywhere princesa."
"If that's not something you're interested in, then I'm happy to play pretend. I've grown tired of our game, Peter Pan."
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missnmikaelson-main · 4 years
The Forgotten - Chapter 20
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19
Elena paced the narrow space between the bed and the dresser. The cave house screamed luxury, but in terms of size it was a hovel in comparison the New Orleans home they had first shared.
She preferred it; he was only a handful of steps away.
She hooked her finger under her locket chain, pulling it from left to right.
She dropped it and slipped into the bathroom.
Through the steam she spotted the gleaming vanity and his watch.
The shower door slid open just enough for him to poke his head out.
"Did you change your mind, darling?” His eyes flickered down her pyjamas. "Decide to join me?"
"No," she shook her head, hopping up on the counter, “but I did change my mind. I want to know; I know I said I didn't want to know, but now I want to know."
"You came in here to discuss my ex?"
"I don't want the sordid details,” she rested her shoulders against the mirror and crossed her arms. "I do want information on her though, and aside from the witches you are the only one alive who can tell me anything."
He closed the shower door to rinse the shampoo out. The sordid details were part of what made Ariadne who she was.
"Are you truly considering doing this?" He turned his face toward the spray. "Killing someone?"
"You don't think I'm capable?" She frowned at the glass.
"I think you were hesitant to use the Devil's Star," he shut off the water.
"I still haven't, but,” she met his eyes when he stepped out, "I have traded one life to save another, and to preserve an innocent life I will do so again. Towel?" She held out her hand and he took the towel from where it dangled from her finger. "How old is she?"
"I turned her in the fourteenth century," he wrapped the towel around his hips, "and before you can ask, no, you can't take her. She is too old and too strong; you got a shot in because you surprised her."
"My bone breaking spell helped,” she smirked.
"I thought I heard her ribs crack." He snickered, placing his hands on her knees and curling his fingers around the sensitive skin behind. "That spell is the reason you won't get near her; she knows you're different."
"Then what is she? How am I going to get close?"
"I suppose I should tell you everything,” he rubbed the back of his neck. "She wasn't always like that. She was a witch, and I happened to enjoy her company."
"I bet you did,” her lip curled.
"Aw, don't be jealous, my love,” he tugged the lace edge of her shorts, "it was just a fling."
She glared and fought back a smile. "Neither you or Rebekah are funny."
"Agree to disagree,” he chuckled. "Her feelings ran deeper than mine; it’s how we learned to never turn someone who cares for us. I still don't know how Finn got around it; perhaps if he had been awake I'd have handled the situation better."
"Why is it a bad idea? You mentioned sire bonds. What are they?”
"Because the sired vampire becomes just that,” he sighed, closing his eyes. "After I turned her she took me to her coven, and this coven happened to worship an immortal condemned to eternal slumber. They said if he awoke he would unleash hell on earth, and they wanted to wake him because he would grant them power beyond imagining. I happened to like the earth the way it was."
"Is this the 'we slaughtered a coven and revelled in the blood story'?" She leaned forward, hooking her ankles behind his back.
"You know I hold witches in high regard,” he ran his knuckles down her cheek. "They make for the greatest allies and the worst enemies, and unless they pose a real threat I never harm them. These ones, though...” he sighed. "They had to die."
"I vented that night to Ariadne: 'Silas could never be allowed to rise' and 'every last witch in the coven needed to die’. I didn't mean it literally, but it didn't matter because she was sired to me."
His eyes glazed over as he gazed into the past. Her voice dragged him back.
"What happened?" She lifted her hands, cradling either side of his face. "Please tell me, or show me. Just don't shut me out, okay?"
He frowned and rubbed the dimple in her left knee. Centuries, countless languages later, and he still had no words to describe the carnage.
"Another Original,” he mused, "I'm not sure I could show you."
"All you have to do is let me in,” she searched his eyes; only closing her eyes when he nodded.
He took a deep breath and lowered his forehead to hers; a second later he felt her presence in his mind and summoned the memory.
Elena gasped, but didn't pull away as she saw the world through his eyes.
She stepped over an older man, barely noticing the dainty bite on his neck. The second body was the one that gave her pause. A wet rock rolled against his/her foot, and it took an embarrassingly long moment before she registered that it was a small heart; the compact body was that of a child younger than five. There were more bodies the further they went, some old, some young and a few barely out of the cradle.
Finally, after Elena lost count of the bodies, they found Ariadne soaked in blood and draining the life from a boy who could have been her brother; she grinned at them.
Elena pulled out of his head, blinking fast to adjust to the bathroom light. She felt his thumbs swipe away her tear tracks.
"I finished off what remained of the coven, but she wasn't the same after. I had unwittingly ordered her to kill the coven she had grown up in: brothers, sisters, cousins... children she helped raise and because she was sired to me she had no choice but to do it. Between the trauma and the euphoria of witches' blood she went a little crazy, and apparently developed a taste for it."
“You left her, didn't you?” Elena cleared her throat.
"I tried. She followed me here to Santorini,” he rubbed her shoulder absentmindedly; “eventually our indiscretions drew my father's attention. I knew my patterns, I knew she could never be reigned in, and I do know that I should have put her down."
"Why didn't you?” Elena chewed her bottom lip.
"Pity,” he met her eyes, "maybe a little guilt. I was young, darling. I didn't know what to do so I told her not to follow me because it was dangerous. It was my misguided attempt to spare her feelings. I thought eventually she would move on."
"And yet," she murmured, lowering her eyes to his chest. She drummed her fingers over his heart for a moment before speaking again. "According to the coven she's been plaguing them for centuries. Something tells me she's too smart to fall for a trap."
"You know," he thought of Ariadne, “a good trap is made or broken by the choice of bait."
Locating Ariadne proved remarkably easy. The amulet she had worn since long before he ended her life dangled on the chain he had wound around his palm
The perfect personal effect led him to a patio on the side of the hill.
He looked to the left where the sunset stained sea and sky. He looked to the right where the walls glowed orange. Finally he looked forward.
She sat alone at a narrow table for two next to the railing; blood red nails traced the stem of her wine glass.
He couldn't have set the scene better if he'd tried.
Two months ago the whole thing would have been done in moments.
Now he needed to be smarter. He waited until she checked her phone before he stood behind her back and bent, whispering against her ear.
"So sorry to keep you waiting, darling."
She inhaled slowly, lowering her phone to the table.
"What are you doing here?” She watched from the corner of her eye as he circled around, dragging his finger along her shoulder as he went.
"I thought that was obvious,” he counted three couples in earshot and four more in his line of sight. He dropped into the opposite chair. "I'm here for you."
"Are you kidding me?" She scoffed. "You left me five hundred and eighty-two years ago."
"Actually it was five hundred and eighty-two years, six months and twenty-three agonizing days," he held her gaze as the table vibrated.
"Do you really expect me to believe you were pining," hope flashed in her eyes, "after your little freak show of a girlfriend broke my bones, and you did nothing to stop her? I saw the way you were looking at that holier-than-thou bitch.” She crossed her arms and glanced around the room. "Where is she anyway? Waiting in the wings to magically break my bones?"
"Are you jealous of her magic, or of her?" He reached across the table for her hands, pulling them from her chest. "You don't need to worry about her."
"You looked at her like you'd been wandering in the dark all your life until she brought light into it."
He blinked, but quickly recovered from being stunned by the accuracy of the statement.
"She was nothing more than a replacement for you."
He rubbed the back of her knuckles with his thumb and hoped she didn't hear the way his heart jumped. "Why don't we go somewhere more private and discuss it? We could find the girl she saved and share a drink."
He stood and drew her to her feet, cooking an eyebrow and adopting sincerity. Vulnerability flashed in her eyes and he knew he was close.
They made it to the street before she spoke up.
"You left me,” she slowed her steps.
He could see the deserted alley beyond several dozen bodies. Too far away, not even the dropping darkness would help him get there without being noticed.
"You know I had no choice,” he lifted her hand to kiss. “Mikael was coming. I didn't want you caught up in my family drama; away from me you were safe."
"You never came back," she walked in step with him.
"I'm back now."
She spun, planting her hands on her hips. "Why now?"
He placed his hands on her waist and walked her into the alley, pushing her back against the cooling stone.
No sign of Elena.
"Mikael is dead," he stared down into her eyes. "It's safe for us now."
She chewed her lip. "What about her?"
"What about who?" He lowered his face until he felt her breath. Standing that close he couldn't make out her features beyond dark lashes. "I missed you," he dragged his mouth to her ear and whispered in a husky voice, "let me show you how much."
He felt the shudder race down her spine.
"Out on your own...” Elena tipped her head back and sighed. "He's tired of you already."
"Go away Stavros," she ignored him.
"I'd never leave you," he followed.
Elena made a mental note to find the bastard who said ignoring your tormentors worked and rip him or her a few new holes.
The liar deserved it.
"You can't take a hint, can you?" She scoffed.
"You said you were with someone, but now you’re free."
He grasped her wrist, and yanked her into the nearest alley, pressing her into the wall.
"Do you have that short of a memory?” She glared up at him.
"No,” he smirked, "but I have excellent hearing. I don't have to worry about Kol Mikaelson any more since by his own admission you are nothing to him."
The words stung regardless of the situation.
"You're nothing to me,” she glared, shoving him. "Let go of me."
"I don't think so," he smirked.
"I'm warning you –”
He slapped his hand over her mouth.
"I'm warning you," he tapped her cheeks. “Let's call it a lesson in respecting your elders."
She shoved him, earning little more than a dark chuckle and a hand dangerously close to her breast.
She closed her eyes.
"Giving up so soo-"
A flick of her wrist, a snap of bone, and he dropped at her feet.
Opening her eyes, she glared at the man responsible for her tardiness. How many other women had he taught his 'lesson' to?
She dropped to her knees.
There would never be another.
"What about that drink?” Ariadne's breath hitched. She tilted her head in the hopes that he would take the invitation.
"Later," he dipped, kissing the hollow of her throat. The wind shifted and he spun her around before she could catch the scent.
Ariadne giggled, and reached one hand behind to hold his neck.
"So how much did you miss me?"
"Such a skilled liar,” a feminine voice drifted on the wind. "I'll have to check later for a silver tongue."
Her eyes snapped open. Panic gripped her chest.
"What is this?” Her eyes narrowed, but before she could turn Kol sank his teeth into her neck. The scream bubbled in her throat.
Elena shoved her hand into the older vampire's chest, meeting her wide eyes as she squeezed the heart.
"Shame you believed him,” she tore her hand back, dropping the heart as he dropped the body.
"Darling," he nodded to her left hand, covered in blood, "who was that?"
"Stavros," she snapped. "Thanks to him I now know part of what you said to get her out here."
She grabbed his shirt, yanking him down and kissing him hard, licking the blood from his mouth. She broke away, breathing heavily.
"If you ever come up with a plan like this one again, I will scratch your eyes out."
"But then how would I see your beautiful face?"
"Kol,” she growled.
"You're adorable when you're jealous,” he grinned. "Come on, my love, lets get our information and then we can engage in purely possessive activities."
She dropped the body in an unceremonious heap, taking no pleasure in the thump of dead weight on stone, but there may have been a tiny surge of pride, especially when the second body dropped alongside the first, but she was not about to let them see it.
She had no desire to give them a second vampire problem.
"Ariadne Sagona," she met Agatha's dark eyes, "as agreed; and a little something extra." Elena just held in the urge to kick the dead man in the ribs, but no amount of self-control could have stopped her lip from curling.
"And what was Stavros' crime?"
Elena's eyes flickered to a middle aged woman who she thought was named Sybil, but she couldn't be sure; there had been too many names that she didn't care to remember.
"He got a little handsy,” she lifted her blood covered left hand, “so I returned the favour." She felt Kol stiffen.
"He put his hands on you? He put his hands on you after I warned him?” Rage flashed in his eyes.
“I had it handled," she twisted just enough to see his face. “He really should have specified which organ he wanted me to squeeze."
She returned her attention to Agatha. "I've upheld my end of the bargain, now it's your turn. What do you know about the Harvest?"
Agatha inspected the body between them, kneeling to scrutinize the gaping hole in her chest.
"It's a sacred ritual where we give back to the ancestors an offering of blood."
"I know that part,” she rolled her eyes. "You sacrifice four witches and their magic flows into the earth. I want to know if they come back. I want to know if there is a way to stop the abundance of magic from killing the last girl."
"There is no stopping that which is begun,” Agatha's brows drew together. "Once it has started it must –"
"Be finished,” Elena waved her hand, dismissing the words she already knew, “or else the ancestors will shun the living and the magic will destroy the coven. Does it at least work?"
She didn't want to sacrifice a girl to save the city, but if it came down to one life for millions she knew the choice she would make; no matter how painful.
"You must have faith,” Agatha murmured.
"I'd rather have knowledge,” she growled.
Agatha slowly rose to her feet.
"The only person who could tell you is someone who lived through a Harvest, and the only person who saw one is laid out for viewing,” she motioned to the floor.
Elena froze. Her vision tunneled until all she saw was Ariadne surrounded in a haze of red. Her voice twisted, morphing into sounds she barely recognized as her own.
Kol placed his hand on the small of her back.
'You knew what I wanted," she seethed. Electricity crackled over her skin. "You lied to me!"
A lightbulb surged, exploding in a shower of paper thin glass, but only Kol knew the source.
Agatha pulled a piece of glass from her palm, frowning up at the empty socket.
"I promised you information for Ariadne's death, and I have delivered on my end. Now you must leave,” she pointed to the exit, "we have rituals to prepare."
Elena's eyes narrowed to slits and flooded with blood. She knocked away Kol's hand with all of the strength she would have used to swat at a fly and lunged.
Kol might have stopped her if the act hadn't stunned him.
As it happened he could only watch Elena bite and rip, and listen to the horrified screams. Constantine tried a spell, but the beginning of the incantation broke Kol from his reverie.
He yanked Constantine's head to the left, and sank his teeth into his neck. It took seconds to drain him, but in that short time Elena had slaughtered every witch in attendance and torn Agatha apart.
She had taken out the final three elders, and that brought a smile to his face, but he worried she would regret the actions later. Then he saw her face and second guessed himself.
A near euphoric light shone from her eyes, made even brighter by her giddy smile.
Drenched in the blood of those who had wronged her she was magnificent, so when she kissed him he didn't fight it.
When she pawed at his clothes he sped them to the house.
When they cracked the walls he pushed her down on the dining table.
When various pieces of furniture laid in blood stained ruins he took her to bed.
And when the full moon was gone and sun woke them, when she saw the blood, when their high had passed he held her trembling body.
"What did I do?” She sobbed, clinging to his chest. She saw them behind her eyes, all three of them. Would she have killed more?
"What did I do?" Would she have stopped if the teenager had been there? Could she have? "I k-k-killed them."
He rubbed one hand down her spine, used the other to lift her chin and kissed the tears from her face.
"They played you – played us – for fools, Elena," he rubbed his thumb under her eye. "They used us, and in my opinion deserved worse than they got."
Tears shimmered in her eyes, threatening to fall.
Kol sighed and sat up, pulling her with him and idly wondering when and how the blood had smeared on her stomach.
"Ask yourself this," he used his fingertip to turn her face from where they had smeared a K and E on the once pristine wall. “If I had killed them all, would you be upset?"
"Of course not," she sniffled. "You wouldn't have without a reason."
"Exactly,” he smiled softly, and kissed her brow.
@elejah-wonderland @elejahforever @eternityunicorn @morsmornte @fandomrulesall @xanderling @cry-btch @kol-and-elena-fanfiction @geekofmanyfandoms
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Fall of Cordonia
Chapter Four
Trigger Warnings: Profanity, Gun Violence, Death, Sexual Content.
A/N: This came to my attention a few days ago. This series is not a spoiler for what happens in the real TRH book. I would demand every diamond I ever spent back if that happened 😬
I will also be in hiding from a certain fic writer who shall remain nameless, after this. I can explain 🤷
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"Leeeooooo!!", Riley screamed as a struggle between life and death ensued over her shattered and torn body. Like a thief in the night, death entered that room with a sickening crack of the neck, taking its prisoner with him back to the fiery pits of hell.
Bradshaw slumped his lifeless body across the queen, momentum dropping him to the floor below, his miserable soul quickly extinquished. At the same time, Leo's bright blue eyes lost their color as he instinctly glanced over to look at his younger brother one last time. There were no words, just the unspoken, I love you's,  between them. This was the one final bonding moment between Leo and Liam, before he fell back onto the bed.
Riley watched with horror as he stared blankly at her, jerking momentarily as his breath was literally sucked from his lungs.
Bastien was holding Liam up, literally and emotionally as he watched his older brother slip from his life.
He lowered a stunned Liam into his plush, leather desk chair; still reeling from the events that just occured in front of him.
Liam stood in disbelief from the watch tower, overlooking the empty square below, a heavy feeling pooled in his stomach. He didn't dare look at his brother for fear he would do or say something he'd regret.
"Come on little brother, say something"
"What do you want me to say Leo? Thank you for running away from your duties? Thank you for leaving me to pick up after the mess you are inevitably creating? No, wait...how about this...thank you for being so fucking selfish to ask me to give up my future so you can escape from your responsibilties and place the burden on me.....yes, Leo...how can I truly ever thank you? Is that what you want me to say?
"It's not like that and you know it....Liam, man...I'm not cut out for this shit, never have been".
"You"ve never even tried....the only two things you've ever cared about besides yourself is booze and pussy".
"Thats bullshit"
"You're right.....this whole thing is nothing but a big pile of bullshit and you're too coward to admit you have fucked me over."
"Liam...whatever you think of me, it doesn't change the fact that I"m not cut out for this life....but you.....you are.....you"ve always been"
Liam shakes his head furiously, his mood becoming more somber, "Then why do I feel like you just sucker punched me in the gut?"
Leo places a hand on Liam's shoulder, contemplating his words and actions carefully, "Because its a huge burden I've unloaded on you and I know that.....but shit, I've never doubted for a second, you're the man this country needs. Just say you'll do this".
With the weight of the world on his broad shoulders and trepidation in his voice, "I don't have a choice do I? If not me, then who?"
Leo hesitantly pulled his brother to him, wrapping his arms around him, clapping his back, "I hope one day... I can make you as proud of me, as you have always made me".
"I doubt that Leo".
Liam sank deep into his chair, loudly exhaling what little air he had been holding inside. He allowed the trickle of tears to flow as he thought about his brothers' sacrifice.....Riley is Liam's everything, Leo ultimately died to protect him.
He wiped away the moisture from his face and cleared the lump in his throat. There was no time to mourn; his wife was still trapped in that room of Bradshaw's palace and it was anyone's guess how she would get out.
"Sweetheart, I'm sending help. We have a rescue team in place with our allies and Bastien just informed me they will be there soon. Can you make sure the door is locked?"
The sound of his calming voice was the first time in 24 hours she felt something other than fear. With her attempt to sit up, she groaned loudly at the stabbing pain in her chest, she was positive her ribs were broken. "I can't", was all she could utter.
Riley nodded at Liam as he continued to reassure her everything was going to be okay, vowing to get her home to him. Everything that had happened played like a whirlwind in her mind. As silence took over the room, she heard the distinct sound of her baby crying and it caught her ear.
Riley sat rocking a sleepy Nikolas in the nursery at Valtoria, fighting his sleep with excessive determination. Even through his very vocal, little tantrum, she couldn't help but chuckle as she noticed he looked exactly like  Liam when he's angry. That furrowed brow with the crease between his eyes, the way his face reddened and his nose scrunched up.
"My little prince, I love you sweet boy, but, that kind of cry only works on your father".
As Nikolas' lips started to quiver and with his voice turning hoarse, she, too, gave into him.
Riley lifted her 3 month old son to her shoulder, rubbing circles over his tiny back, basking in his sweet baby smell. She hummed a lullaby her late mother sang,  amazed it still clung to her memories since she was so young when she passed.
Nikolas lifted his tired head briefly and she soothed him back to her. His cries softened and he became heavier in her arms.
She could never thank Liam enough for this life he made just for her. The titles, the estate, the fancy balls, the lavish lifestyle was nothing, but, this little boy and Liam's love was all she needed or wanted.
The blast of distant gunshots ripped her back to reality. She didn't flinch;  feelings, fear, emotions, shock, there was nothing, as numbness took over.
The noise became louder and closer, yet, Riley remained in her position. She waited patiently, expecting the door to burst open any moment.
"Riley? What's going on?", Liam questioned frantically.
Riley didn't hear him, she sunk deep into a world of her own; one without pain, tears or bloodshed. A smile swept across her face as Liam begged her to speak back to him.
"Baby, look at me.....what's happening....please Riley, say something!".
She remained still, closing her eyes, humming Nikolas' lullaby to herself. She could see Liam in her mind, waiting on his table when she turned around and laid eyes on him for the first time. When she told him he was going to be a father and he cried in her arms. The first time he held his son and nothing else mattered in the world.
"Riley, my love.....I need you to speak to me".
The door knob began to twist erratically as sounds of chaos and struggle carried on outside;  shouts and blasts ringing in unisom.
"Riley?", Liam cocked his head watching his wife struggle with her mind; she was so calm and placid. He watched as the lights flickered and then shut off into complete darkness. The video feed lost its connection.
Riley didn't hear the door break down, she didn't see the flashlights shine on her face, nor, hear the heavy boots approach her, she was gone.
Strong hands gently shook her, then cautiously lifted her up from the bed, stepping over Bradshaw to carry her out of the room.
She steadily passed through the halls and corridors of the palace, surrounded by dozens of uniformed men and women.
"Maxwell? Is this heaven?"
"Rise and shine little blossom, you have a big day ahead".
"Max, I just want to lay here a little longer"
"I know that, but, when have I ever left you alone?"
Riley snickers, "true.....so you came to get me?"
"Not exactly....let's just say I'm here to watch over you. The good thing about where I am now is you can never get rid of me".
"Maxwell, will I ever see you again?
"Of course, but, not for a very long time....Riley, you have so many people counting on you right now. You have to go back and kick some ass. What's coming is so much bigger than Liam".
"There's more coming? ...Maxwell I can't do this".
"Sure you can".
"I love you Maxwell"
"I love you too Blossom"
Four days later....
Liam gathered the last of his documents and strolled from his office with fire in his eyes. Taking long strides, his black leather oxfords the only sound made as he walked alone down the long corridor.
He hung his head as he paused momentarily at the door of his quarters, his queen still recovering inside. Liam touched the door, in some way hoping to gather the strength the woman behind it may pass on to him.  Her screams of terror still waking her every so often. I promise love, I'm going to make this better for you, for Nikolas...for Cordonia.
Bastien met him at the top of the staircase; the head guard taking in Liam's appearance. He was dressed in the finest suit he owned, wearing the emerald cufflinks with the Cordonian seal, Riley gave him in Shanghai and his hair perfectly smoothed back.
He was nervous, as much as his father prepared him for the threat of enemies, Constantine had never faced anything like this. There was no one to turn to, he shouldered this responsibilty himself, not only as a King, but, as a father. He would be damned if he gave up now, remembering Leo's words to him, you're the man this country needs.
He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "I'm ready", he said confidently.
The palace was quiet, the destruction was apparent all around, the lights burning dimly and the eery presence of lives lost all around him.
He stepped into the throne room, attendees and press immediatly standing to their feet, no one uttering a word. He looked every bit the leader Cordonia needed right now, while inside feeling every bit a failure as a father and husband.
He took his place at the podium, there was no usual applause, no chatter, only sniffles and eager ears longing for reassurance from their monarch. Liam stood silent for the longest time, his people understanding of it, as he looked around the room, taking in each face.
What was left of the council gathered in the front row, his eyes following in a line of each member and those who left nothing but chairs behind. Bertrand who couldn't contain his tears as a rose sat in the seat next to him where Maxwell typically sat. Drake, his arm in a cast, head bandaged, with the most defeated look Liam had ever seen him wear. The empty seat of Olivia next to him, with a scarlett ribbon, a shell shocked Kiara, Emmaline sitting in place of Landon, a distraught Adelaide, a subdued Neville, Hakim, and the rest of the row void of its normal holders.
He brought a fist to his mouth, attempting to catch himself from allowing the emotions to overtake him.
He lowered his fist and rested it on the podium, clearing his throat, in preparation to address the council and nation.
"My fellow Cordonians and esteemed members of the council....Four days ago, tragedy struck our country and has affected each of us in ways no one could ever have envisioned. My heart and mind is with each one of you, even as I, too have suffered great personal loss. While I don't have all of the answers, I do know this....your monarch will not sit idly by and give in to the demands of those behind these attacks. King Bradshaw was just one element of this, it was discovered the recently deceased Princess of Monaco was also involved in harboring the Prince....my son, who has yet to be discovered. In the grand scheme of thing, those two were just pawns for another leader.
That is why, today, I am declaring war against Monterisso. Queen Amalas.....I know you are watching right now, so hear me when I say this.....I'm coming for you. There will be no place safe for you to hide.... and I daresay, I will win. This goes for anyone else involved in assisting her.
Our allies have remained in contact and have worked tirelessly to help save our kingdom. We are down right now, but, we have faced enemies before and have come through victorius...I have no reason to believe this time will be any different.
Now if you will join me in a moment of silence for those who we have lost".
Liam thanked the crowd, declining questions and eased his way into the front row, standing before Bertrand. He embraced him, knowing his attempts at comfort were in vain and there was really nothing he could say. He knelt down before Maxwell's empty chair, biting his lip, all the training in the world unable to hold back his emotions. Drake sidled beside him, kneeling down with his uninjured arm around Liam's back. The Three Musketeers, down to two.
He stood, and held Drake for what seemed like an eternity. Liam moved forward, picking up the scarlett ribbon from the next chair, clasping it in his hands, his jaw tensing as he dropped the ribbon back to it's place.
When he was finished, he left the room and headed back to his quarters alone. He loosed his tie as he made his way up the steps and to his bedroom. He stopped at the door as Riley turned to him, dismissing her nurse before shutting the door behind him.
"Is it done?", Riley questioned, holding Nikolas' stuffed bear in her arms.
Liam nodded, "It is".
He threw his tie on the bed and poured a finger of scotch, downing it all at once. He faced his wife once more, "We'll either win this my love.....or lose everything trying".
Amalas allowed the thin, dainty fingers of her companion to slip under her skirt, groaning with pleasure as two fingers swept between her wet folds.
The two women were enticed by the words coming out of Cordonia, laughing with one another over the supposed threat. Liam has never been alone, Amalas has known his every move and gesture for well over a year. Even now, she is still one step ahead of him.
She lays back on the sofa with her legs wrapped around the neck of the woman who has caught her affections. She swallows hard then moans loudly as the skilled tongue laps up her juices and slides into her dripping entrance . Pleasure begins to ripple through her body and she arches her back as a thumb rubs circles over her clit. She cries out, feeling her lower abdomen tighten, her core pulsing until she is met with her release.
Both woman fall back onto the sofa, breathing heavily, clutching one another.
"I do believe this day continues to get better", Amalas said while clutching the red hair of her companion.
"Shall we celebrate our victory further?"
"Olivia, I think I have something else in mind", Amalas replies as she reaches under the sofa, eager to unleash her next plan. "You should know, I do enjoy doing things on my own".
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