#i'm gonna have to draw Charmeine in this outfit again too her lil hat is so preciou
derelictdumbass · 2 years
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Family Outing 💕
[close ups & short excerpt of the scene that inspired this under the cut]
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"Is that so?" The man mutters, tapping in the price of his items more aggressively than necessary into the register. He looks like he's about to say something else but the sound of heavy booted footsteps cuts him off and Caleb is relieved to see Dean step into the doorway.
"You good bubs?" He asks, one arm resting against the doorframe as the other was tucked away in his pocket.
"Yeah i'm good dad, i'll be out in a sec," He smiles and Dean nods, lingering for a second as he glances at the man behind the register.
"Kay, we'll be by the fence—Charmeine's about to eat your brother so don't take too long," He hums, tapping his closed fist against the doorframe as he pushes himself back and points to the right. Caleb giggles and Dean smiles warmly, but is quick to shoot the elderly man a warning look before he walks back out of sight.
"Seventeen bucks," The man grumbles, holding his hand out expectantly. Caleb places the money in his hand and swipes his small haul.
"Keep the change," he says, a hint of smugness in his words as he hurries out. He really just didn't want to be in there for any longer than he needed to be and he's glad as the scoff that follows him out the door is less than pleasant.
Charmeine spots him first and starts rushing up to him as he makes his way over, Dean holding Ace on his hip and leaning against the less than sturdy looking wooden fence.
"Did you get my juice?" Charmeine asks, pushing her sunhat up as she stops in front of him, blue eyes zoned in on the snacks in his arms. Caleb holds out the apple juice, yanking it higher in the air as she goes to grab it.
"What do we say?" He hums, mocking the words his dad had said to him many times and making said man roll his eyes as he grins cheekily.
"Thank you Caleb," Charmeine draws out the words similar to how kids greet their least favourite teacher in the morning and Caleb relents, tossing her the bottle. She squeals as she fumbles to catch it but a smile blooms on her face as she does and she happily skips with him back to their brother and dad.
"You want me to put that in my bag?" Dean asks, nodding his head to the snacks and his drink but Caleb shakes his head, falling into step with his dad as they head back onto the trail.
"Nah I got it," Caleb brushes off the offer and Dean nods.
"Okie dokie—So! My lovely little terrors, where to next?" He asks, raising his hand to fix Ace's wispy hairs and adjust his bucket hat so it was out of his eyes.
"Cheesburger!" Charmeine exclaims, swinging her stick around as she all but hopped ahead of them. Caleb giggled at his little sister, watching her jump over small twigs and rocks on the ground like an excited bunny.
"We already had lunch honey," Dean says gently, watching her with a smile of his own.
"No dad, she means the bear," Caleb corrects him, holding in his laughter as Dean looks down at him with confusion written all over his face.
"I'm sorry the what now?"
"Cheeseburger, look!" Charmeine digs a crumpled piece of paper from her dress's pocket, holding it up to Dean who takes it gingerly and struggles to straighten it out against his jeans. He looks over the paper and Caleb grins at the very unsure look on his face, he looks at Caleb who simply shrugs and unscrews the lid of his coca cola.
"I have some concerns," Dean says flatly, mouth closing in to a straight line as he tucks the paper away into his own pocket.
"Please daddy, i've never seen a bear before! They said you can pet him and everything!" Charmeine cries out, small arms wrapping around his waist, small sandaled feet standing on his boot as he manages to keep walking with her now attached to him like a baby koala. Caleb tries to hold back his snickering as his fathers face seems to pale at the thought of his five year old daughter patting a fully grown brown bear.
"The flier said it's safe dad, he's like domesticated or something," Caleb says in an attempt to reassure him, he kind of wanted to see the bear too if he was being honest. It would be cool.
"Ple—ease dad," Charmeine begs, leaning back and giving their dad her best puppy dog eyes and pout combo she could muster. Caleb was impressed, especially when he noticed the tears welled up in the corner of her eyes. He'd taught her well, he thought with a proud smile as Dean let out a sigh that Caleb knew was one of utter defeat. No one could deny Charmeine’s puppy dog eyes.
Dean looked down at Ace who was about as interested in what was going on as a toddler could be, big blue eyes looking back at him with not a single thought in them.
"What do you think Ace, you want to see the bear too?" He asks and Caleb grins, reaching up to grab his brother's small cheeks.
"Yes I do and if you don't take us I'm gonna throw up on your shirt," Caleb puts on a higher pitched voice, Ace giggling as he squishes his cheeks to make it look like he was talking. Dean bursts into laughter and Charmeine giggles. Caleb's hand falls back to his side as he watches his dad shake his head, looking down at him with an endearing gaze.
"Well it looks like I'm outnumbered," he sighs. Charmeine cheers in delight, jumping off of Dean and running ahead in excitement. Ace babbles happily and baps at Dean's face, wiggling in his grip and making him shift him to his other arm. Caleb happily falls into his dads side as he wraps an arm around his shoulders, watching Charmeine as she races up the trail.
"What am I gonna do with you," Dean mutters mostly to himself, looking down at Caleb who takes a contemplative sip of his drink.
"Feed us, love us, make sure we don't get eaten by a bear—you know, the usual dad stuff," Caleb replies, Dean chuckling and ruffling his hair.
"You know what I think I can do that,"
"You're checking all the boxes so far,"
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