#i'm iffy about the concept of living forever but
cranberrylane ยท 1 year
i love trigun but i'm really having a hard time finishing the 98 anime because i know about the inevitable and i'm not emotionally prepared for that
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doeblossom ยท 2 years
How do you feel about how the show ended?
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the whole reason i started the blog was mostly because i didn't like the direction the show was going in. i felt like a lot of things were glossed over, and twilight becoming the ruler of equestria REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. it just needed some more setup aside from a couple episodes alluding to celestia and luna stepping down. even though they say that "twilight has always been prepared for this" ruling a country and living forever are not covered under use-magic-artifacts-to-stop-baddies
the whole alicorn thing, im still not happy with. twilight essentially had no choice?? yes being an alicorn is cool, but it wouldve been nice for her to at least say "do you want this?" a little consent is better than none. i totally understand the limitations of a show, but if they had like a 5 minute discussion i wouldve been happy with it
(note: this is the reason why i wrote magiras the way i did! it has to be consensual to work properly; the recipient's body has to be prepared to accept such an influx of magic. i still need to write more about the process, but i'm working on it)
i feel like pinkie ending up with kids is a pretty natural one, since they often show her around (and enjoying being around) kids, plus her having a bigger family leads into that. cheese sandwich, i was happy with, but i find it HILARIOUS to say "weird al got pinkie pregnant"
rarity being single and rocking that grey streak is excellent for her. girlboss.
and fluttershy having an inter-dimensional animal sanctuary... eh..? i still find it a little strange, and the implication of her and discord being romantically involved makes me feel a little bit iffy, but im not mad at it
and appledash being confirmed..... not happy about that one, chief. their relationship throughout the show is very competitive and combative; literally every episode with them interacting alone in it has led to arguments, competitions, etc, and i can't see them ending up happy together. i can sort of see the appeal of enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, but they clash too much for me to be happy with it.
i much prefer rarijack anyways, but that's because 1) i find their dynamic interesting and compatible and 2) we've seen them spend quality time alone together without it leading to them yelling at each other! sure, they disagree on quite a few things, but its not to the point of them, idk, putting a whole classroom of creatures in danger. the only thing about it is that i dont know how a fashion designer and farm owner can really live together without some issues (mainly, the dirt)
i felt like the last 2 seasons had too many episodes at the school of friendship, and while i really like the concept and love twilight being headmare, i found the episodes a lot less fun than the main cast exploring equestria. i do, however, appreciate the "passing of the torch" between the mane six and the school six.
im not even going to go too deep into the symbolism of equality in the mane 6 being ruined by twilight turning into an alicorn. i'm still rethinking my choice of making her a magira in lumerde! i think i'll change up her design just a bit, and update it in the textbook, but i do love the idea of her still being close to hestia. i'll keep you all posted.
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