#i'm just saying conflict is not the driving force between the main horror of venom
kaijudyke · 1 year
truly i think what we need and DESERVE is a modern venom comic that matches the energy of the hunger in terms of going all in on both romance and horror. there's no need for there to be a conflict between "venom is a love story" and "venom is dark and fucked up and scary" when at its best venom is both at the same time. and furthermore venom isn't scary because of some boring "agh evil alien in my brain" bullshit possession conflict, venom is scariest when there ISN'T any conflict. venom is scary BECAUSE eddie and the symbiote love each other and encourage each other's worst impulses. the romance and the horror come from the same place. if you don't understand this you will not write good venom comics
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