#i'm just sorry for the terrible influence i'm unleashing on the seal boy
byanyan · 9 months
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@miidnighters sent:ㅤNow that he knows what to listen for, Flynn can always hear Byan coming - the jingle of earrings, the clink of rings. It's why he looks up with a smile before the other even gets to say anything. "That new meal special is starting at McDonalds today. You wanna go?"
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ㅤlips parted, words poised on the tip of their tongue to catch flynn's attention as they approach, byan is drawn to an almost startled pause when he turns to face them before they can make a sound. oh, he's getting good if he can tell it's them without needing to hear their voice or catch a glimpse of vibrant pinks. it's impressive, really. ...if also a little disappointing to know that it'll be a lot harder to catch him off guard or give him a good scare. then again, they do love a challenge.
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ㅤㅤ" fuck yeah, i'd kill a man for some fries right now. i mean, i'd kill a man for a lotta things, but y'know. point is, i'm cravin' some saltyass fries. "ㅤcrooked grin in place, they step past flynn to start meandering their way in the direction of the nearby mcdonald's, assuming that he'll follow. fingers slipping into their pants pocket, they pull free a twenty dollar bill and brandish it with a glance over their shoulder.ㅤ" even got some cash this time. you got no idea how worth it is to hang around the bus station while it's busy, you can literally just reach into peoples' pockets an' bags without 'em even reactin' because they're expecting to get shoved around. s'awesome, made a great haul this mornin'. "
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