#i'm just. fascinated by eddie's anger issues and i loved his fight club arc
diazfightclub · 5 months
wip wednesday
no one asked for this but here it is anyway, my wip featuring anger-issues, catholic-guilt-induced-internalized-homophobia, i-rejected-my-best-friend's-advances-and-now-i'm-so-goddamn-grief-striken-it's-making-me-stupid eddie <3
“You don’t get to do that.” Bucks’ eyes were bright despite his head injury; the blood drying on his temple and the dark bruising on the surrounding skin made his eyes seem impossibly bluer. Having the intensity of his gaze on Eddie made him feel electric. With the adrenaline thrumming through him, he felt himself lift his chin. Goading. 
“Do what?”
“You know what.” And, oh, Buck’s angry. Eddie hadn’t seen angry Buck in a long time, almost didn’t recognize the flush on his cheeks and the clench in his jaw. 
“Buck—” But Buck’s hands were curled into fists. He looked like he wanted to hit him. The sight made Eddie’s pulse jump. 
“You don’t get to—to reject me and then act like that. Like you—” Love me, he didn’t say, but Eddie heard it anyway. 
Eddie imagined, not for the first time, what it would be like to ask Buck to hit him. It would certainly hurt less. He imagined being in the ring with him, sparring. Feeling the skin-on-skin contact. Would Buck pull his punches? Would he fight dirty? They benched about the same, but Buck had 20 pounds on him, easily, maybe more — if Eddie tackled him, would he go down, or would he take it and stand his ground?
Eddie wanted to reach out and fit his thumb to the bruise around his eye, to drag his thumb through the blood in his eyebrow. Eddie wanted Buck to gasp under his touch.
The thought of it made him take a step back, putting him out of Buck's reach.
idk who to tag but if you've been wanting to post consider this ur motivation xoxo
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