#i'm just. one of my packages is so close yet so far 😔
lolacouldnotcareless · 11 months
waiting for my packages..... 🥺😔🥺😔
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jojotichakorn · 2 years
Dear Archer,
I’ve been a busy (entering a COVID related mental breakdown), so I haven’t had time to enter your inbox. (But I saw you’ve had plenty of visitors there so.. 🙃) We just entered a “strict lockdown” here, which means all shops except the crucial ones will be closed until 16 January. 😔 Number of visitors has been reduced to 2 (yeah, both me and my brother can visit my parents), so goodbye family Christmas. 💀 We’re basically one step away from be locked inside our houses again. I am just so sick of this mismanagement! 😭
Okay, nvm, I’ll try to come up with some more uplifting thoughts. Bad Buddy was so sweet this week if you don’t count the ending.. 😬 But I just gotta say: it’s not like I am a Wai stan. But I think just making him an evil genius would be a bit of a cheap move, especially from what I’ve learned is P’Aof’s standard. Even the parents (who actually are evil) have been portrayed as if there’s something more to their behaviour except for just petty rivalry. So, to make Wai the one who did that (and announce is so openly) just sounds a bit too on the nose to me. ⚠️ Note that I have a track record for manifesting backstories for villains who just turned out to…suck? 🤦‍♀️
I tried getting into F4 Thailand (since it was so much hyped up), but I’m afraid it just brought up my past with bullying in a major way. 🚩🚩🚩 So, I’m not sure about continuing that. 😥
Finally, because I am “sweet of heart, yet dumb of ass”, a couple of questions:
1.) Wait, you actually live in Russia? 😳 (My stoic ass kept thinking you lived in the UK. 😬)
2.) You’re autistic? Me too, I’m neurodivergent too (which means I got the complete package 🥲).
Enjoy your evening/ night!
— Thel. 💚
P.S. You may combine the “odi-et-amo85” and “thel” tag into 1 tag! 🏷 (“thel tag” is good enough for me 😊)
heyy!! i am so sorry that your family christmas was ruined :( i hope you can find some other way to enjoy the holidays tho <3 i am also sorry you can't enjoy your win content because of the nature of the series - i understand very well not being able to consume media because of past trauma and being super upset about it.
as for wai, p'aof did state very clearly that he is a bad person, and i don't think he would do that because of something small that he might have done, plus everything hints at the fact that wai is indeed the perpetrator, so i am so far on the "wai is guilty" train, but we shall see where it goes. i do want to also point out though (*waves to reliable anon*) that everything we see in the series is solely from pat and pran's biased perspective. there might be some deeper and more complex story to wai, but it is not something we would explore here, because we are seeing the world from pat and pran's povs only.
as for your questions, yes i do actually live in russia, and i'm also 3/8th ethnically russian. i am SUPER curious what made you think i live in the uk though, so do let me know fgdfjhgjkfdhgjk and yes, i am autistic and i seem to be a magnet for my fellow autistics which i absolutely love.
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