#i'm kissing you ALLLLLLL straight on the mouth. goodn ight
zucchiniegg · 2 years
adhd hacks that actually worked for me (i’m drunk)
wall calendar. one with multiple months at a time on it. mine has 4 months which is enough for a whole semester (i’m in school rn so that works great)
when i am no longer in school, i am dead serious on this, i am buying two more of these so i can lay out a year at a time on the back of my door.
cross off the days every night before you go to bed. u gotta make it TACTILE. u gotta make it BIG and CLEAR and PHYSICAL.
put things on the walls. stop keeping everything in drawers. not only will you forget where it is but you will never put it away if it takes more than 1 step.
i have my meds hanging on a hook next to my bedroom door & my masks on hooks. i keep my graphics tablet on a hook by my computer when im not using it. i know it sounds insane but it works. decorate your walls with Items.
buy command hooks. yes the brand name ones. the no name ones don’t work, i’ve tried. splurge on this. they will last forever and they will not damage your paint if used correctly.
if ‘organizing,’ feels overwhelming, think about ‘subdividing’-- e.g. i used to have a very messy shelf full of all my medicine cabinet stuff. now i have two moderately messy shelves, one full of toiletries and one full of first aid stuff.
someday perhaps i will further subdivide them. for now, this is twice as tidy as it was before!
there is a voice in your head telling you to ‘just leave it on the table and tidy it up later.’ this voice is the devil! if you hear this voice often, consider getting a bin to keep on your desk for all the things the devil tells you to leave out.
i call this ‘localizing the mess.’ then instead of having a messy desk, you have a messy bin. less overwhelming. much better.
this also works on computers. i have a ‘localized mess’ folder on my desktop. inside of it is an older ‘localized mess’ folder. i do not judge myself for this even when i want to.
repurpose stuff for organization. i love little bins. if you need a bin for anything (i.e. the devil bin mentioned in the previous point) you can just use a small cardboard shipping box, or cut up a bigger box to make one.
use what you have lying around. when you have something in your mess that can be used to hold OTHER mess, then do that and you have saved yourself a cleaning-up step!
if buying pretty little bins or boxes or hooks etc motivates you to tidy up then go for it! the whole ‘ohhhh you don’t need MORE stuff to deal with your EXISTING stuff’ is like. whatever.
i have a couple plastic trays i bought at walmart and they are the only reason my medicine cabinet is not actively on fire right now. so.
set alarms on your phone. i’m not gonna tell you to use your phone calendar bc i would simply forget to check my phone calendar. so whenever you book an appointment, IMMEDIATELY open your phone calendar and set TWO alarms. one for the day before the appointment, and one for about half an hour before you will have to leave for said appointment.
you will grow to despise your alarm tone. this is okay and preferable to missing doctors appointments. if you become filled with rage every time your phone vibrates you are doing it right.
dishwashing scrubbies that you can fill with soap.
my roommate disagrees w me on the merits of this one but if i did not have this thing i would not do the dishes. perhaps this is Just A Me Thing but the title is things that work for ME so.
oooooooh im done now! there’s more but i’ve been drinking a big sippie of ginger ale and vodka this whole time and ive reached the point where it is time to go watch chicago fire instead. good night
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